Invincible Smart-Guy System

C387 They Would Wear Tall Hats to Each Other

C387 They Would Wear Tall Hats to Each Other

After disrupting the Dongwo economy, Dong Chen became the most influential company in the world in the eyes of the people. His "non-contact war" strategy, which targeted the local economy but did not fight, also allowed the world to see his shocking destructive power. In the past, people used to see Soros as the destroyer of the financial market. Now, compared to Dong Chen, Soros was like a small fry. Even Soros himself, who had been in the limelight for many years, publicly expressed in front of the media that Dong Chen was a deterrent in the financial field. He had already surpassed most of the countries in the world, and advised other countries and companies to use Dongwo as an example. Don't become the next target of Dong Chen's "siege."    


A large number of financial experts and capital-operated Canadians were hired by Dong Chen. They opened up the market value evaluation of the Dongwo, iron ore, and various large Japanese Enterprise. To Zhang Yunfeng, the only thing left was a matter of time. These Dongwo Enterprise had already firmly fallen into his pocket.    


If he bought these Dongwo Enterprise, Zhang Yunfeng would be able to take up more than 50% of the productivity in the world. As for the remaining, at least 30% of the companies would not be able to continue. He would choose to collaborate with Dong Chen on behalf of the company, the mobile phone market. Dong Chen had already formed the momentum of a whale devouring, and the production of household appliances could at least take up more than 30% of the total global production. After swallowing the Dongwo Enterprise, he would then merge with domestic enterprises or collaborate with domestic enterprises. Dong Chen's household appliances could also become the mainstream product in the world's household appliances market in a very short period of time.    


Before the acquisition was completed, Zhang Yunfeng handed the matter of the Dongchen Electronic Engineering to James and Zhang Yunran, who was just involved in this industry. He went to Zhonghai and continued to work on the industrial manufacturing that he deeply loved. As the general-purpose and Puhui engines were all transferred to Zhonghai, it was also time for the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering to launch the large thrust engine.    


The large thrust engine was suitable for large and medium-sized Civil aviation aircraft and cargo transporters. For example, large planes like A380 and Boeing 747 were heavy and loaded. Generally, they were equipped with four large thrust engines, while large and medium-sized passenger planes such as 777, 787, and A330... They also needed at least two large thrust engines to ensure the load capacity. And... To meet the need to fly across the ocean for a long distance.    


Currently, the vast majority of Civil aviation aircraft used double engine configurations, while double engine configurations used large passenger planes. The requirement for a single engine to push forward was slightly higher than the four engines configuration. For example, in the Boeing 777 series. The single engine with the highest thrust even reached close to 50 tons, and the lowest was at least 30 tons. As for the four planes, the single engine's thrust was between 3040 tons.    


The large thrust engine was very important to the civil aviation system. The small push engine was mostly suitable for short-range domestic routes. Furthermore, it did not involve cross-sea flight. However, once the plane needed to cross sea flight, then it had to meet the requirements of ETOS. Furthermore... The relationship between long-distance flight distance and fuel consumption and the cost was very awkward. For example, a 10,000-kilometer flight. A plane must be loaded with at least 10 tons or even more of fuel. Although the full fuel could guarantee the flight distance of the plane, however, due to the increase in the weight of fuel, the fuel consumption also increased significantly. If Dong Chen's technology was used, it would be the same double-headed wide passenger plane. Filling the same flight would only cost 60% of the fuel. This was not only to save 40% of the fuel, but also to reduce the weight of the fuel by 40%. Thus, the overall fuel consumption rate would be much higher than 40%. Moreover, if the fuel weight that was saved was used for commercial transportation... In terms of profits, it could also create more income for the aviation company.    


As Zhang Yunfeng's position was to reduce the operating cost of domestic shipping routes and provide more preferential civil service for most of the domestic passengers, Zhang Yunfeng's initial development plan for the initial stage of Dongchen Aerospace Engineering had always been dedicated to the production and manufacture of small propulsion engines. The planes covered were mostly Boeing 737, Airbus 320 series, or broad passenger planes that were suitable for medium and short flight routes. But now, the hot sailing routes in the country had basically been covered by the engine of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. In addition to the huge increase in production capacity, it also prompted Zhang Yunfeng to decide to open up the production line of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. He would develop at least two more series of engines to cover the needs of many large passenger planes.    


DC21, 3540 tons of thrust. It could be customized and adjusted according to user requirements. The thrust was about 5 tons.    


DC22, the thrust is 4045 tons.    


DC31, thrust is 4853 tons.    


These two series of engines, plus the previous DC11, furthermore, once these three engines went offline... Then the International Airlines Transportation Company would also face a huge drop in price. However, it meant a greater profit ratio.    


Dong Chen's large thrust engine had always been what Boeing had been looking forward to. The international shipping routes in the western countries were far more important than China Airlines. There were dozens of countries in Europe and America, and the people were very close to each other in and out of the country. There was a very loose non-signature agreement between the countries, and the residents basically only needed to get a passport. They could travel between the countries in Europe and America as they pleased. If the cost of crossing the ocean was lowered... It would be a great boost for the middle and lower class citizens to travel abroad.    


After the waiter finished setting the specifications for the three engines, Zhang Yunfeng started to produce the prototype for the three engines in Zhonghai. Raymond, who was far away in the Seattle, was the first to receive the news that Dong Chen had started to manufacture high-power engines. The excited Raymond decided to rent three of Dong Chen's planes to test the new engines. 777, 787, 7478, three brand new large-sized passenger planes.    


The production line for both general and Puhui was equipped with a very high level of hardware. Its overall strength was comparable to the engine production line that Zhang Yunfeng had taken over from Shang Fei. It was many times higher, and Xiao Er's modification of these two production lines was also very fast. In just a few days, these production lines that had just been purchased from America had already started to take up production tasks.    


The three engines went offline in less than half a month's time. For Zhang Yunfeng, with the waiter and Super Learning System around, he could produce anything he wanted. All he needed to do was complete the production process and save the design, verification, and various experiments. Although the subsequent experiments were unavoidable, the success rate was definitely 100%. There would not be any deviation.    


Just as the three engines went offline and began the ground test, the French President, Hollande, arrived in China for a friendly visit. Zhang Yunfeng originally didn't care about Hollande coming to China, and thought that this matter wasn't related to him at all. However, on the second day after Hollande arrived in Yanjing, he requested to visit Dong Chen. According to common international practice, if the leaders of other countries wanted to visit their own companies, as long as this business did not involve national defense technology or secrets, the country would not reject it out of courtesy. Other than secretly building diesel engines and submarine propellers for the country, Dong Chen seemed to have done so on the surface. Although it was a high-tech and high-end industrial company, the business involved had nothing to do with national defense technology. It was not good for the porcelain side to reject this request, so they instructed Zhang Yunfeng to prepare for reception.    


Director Liu personally called Zhang Yunfeng's phone and explained what he wanted to say. Zhang Yunfeng could not refuse, so he said, "In that case, you can ask him.    


He wanted to see which company or production base Dong Chen was from, and after he confirmed it, he told me. I'll arrange the reception, but it's best not to exceed one. Dong Chen currently has all the companies, branches, as well as all the production lines and production bases. It would be best if he only chooses one."    


Director Liu smiled and said, "They are here for the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. I heard that the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering has already completed the integration of the Universal and Puhui production lines. Also, the new engine has been tested in the laboratory, so they want to go to Zhonghai to inspect the production base of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. "    


" Oh!" Zhang Yunfeng smacked his lips and said, "Alright then. I happen to be in Zhonghai. You guys can arrange the specific time and procedure. I will definitely cooperate with you guys."    


Director Liu smiled and said, "Receiving is just a matter of face. It doesn't matter. The most important thing is, why do you think Hollande took the initiative to go to the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering this time?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "It must be for the engine of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. He is here to open up a path for the passengers this time."    


"Yes." Director Liu said with joy, "We also think so. Although he did not say it now, but once he sees you, he will definitely make a request to collaborate with the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering and the passengers. Moreover, when the time comes, all the media will have to film and interview him. If the President of a country makes a request to you in front of the entire world, and you reject it... I know you want to wait until the airbus can't hold on any longer before you take it. But if you directly reject the President of a country, all sorts of problems and arguments will arise within. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "I will think of a way to deal with it."    


"That's good." Director Liu said, "You have to know your limits. If you really cannot avoid it, you can sign a contract with him symbolically and give a small quota to the passengers."    


"I see," ___ said.    


After hanging up Director Liu's phone, Zhang Yunfeng felt unhappy. Seeing that the passengers were getting more and more difficult, the French had come to find a way to break out of the encirclement for the passengers. Although the aircrafts were not as good as Boeing in the civil aviation field, they were constantly closing the distance between them and Boeing over the years. The aircrafts of the aircrafts were often more modern than Boeing's updates. Coupled with better maneuverability, the aircrafts had accumulated a certain degree of competition. But now that the airbus could not get Dong Chen's engine, it would be very difficult for his new plane to be sold. If he could not sell his new plane, it would be useless no matter how good the plane was built. The passengers tried to negotiate with Dong Chen many times but were rejected by Zhang Yunfeng. But now, the French president was in front of him. In the name of friendly visits, if he were to come to the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering to inspect and meet with ___, if he rejected the president of a country in front of the whole world, this was obviously a little unreasonable. At that time, the whole of Europe would have some opinions and opinions about Dong Chen. Europe was also the third largest market for Dong Chen, and its potential value and space was far greater than that of the two countries, Japan and South Korea. If it was not handled properly, it would inevitably have a certain impact on Dong Chen's interests.    


However, Zhang Yunfeng could not really release the restriction on the passengers just because of the President's face. Otherwise... The passengers would return to their fight with the Boeing tigers. When the time came, he wouldn't have the chance to take the passengers in. If he missed this opportunity, Zhang Yunfeng's wish to build the plane would be delayed for at least a few years. The only two companies in the world that had the ability to mass produce Civil aviation aircraft were the Boeing and Aircraft companies. The lousy production line of Shang Fei. It was not even comparable to the A320 production line of the Airbus 20 years ago. If he relied on that production line to slowly develop... He was afraid that he would not be able to do it in less than five or eight years.    


This made Zhang Yunfeng unable to advance or retreat. He could not directly reject a country's president's reasonable request for cooperation. Furthermore, the other party had already lowered his status and come personally. He would not let go of this matter. This would obviously have an impact on the relationship between Central Europe and Europe. After all, when the leaders of China went to Europe to sign the high-speed train contract, the European people were very straightforward and gave him face.    


They could not refuse and naturally could not agree. The only thing Zhang Yunfeng could use was a delaying tactic. But a delaying tactic could be used for a short period of time, but it could be used for a long time. It wouldn't be called a stalling tactic, but a trick, to trick the president of a country. This crime is more serious than rejecting the president of a country, so, this matter also made Zhang Yunfeng's brain hurt.    


However, Zhang Yunfeng didn't have much time to think about how to deal with Hollande. Because Yanjing had given them a detailed plan very quickly. The day after tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning. Hollande and his wife would take a special plane from Yanjing to Zhonghai. The higher ups had also sent the Prime Minister and the head of the Ministry of Commerce to accompany them. At nine o'clock in the morning. Before this... The plane would land in Zhonghai. After that, the group would be arranged by the government of Zhonghai. They directly took a car from the airport to the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering production base.    


Zhang Yunfeng could only go against his will and order his subordinates to prepare the welcoming banners and other items. He also sent people to organize a series of welcoming ceremonies for the face projects. The Zhonghai also attached great importance to Hollande's inspection this time. The day before his arrival, a large number of security personnel entered Dong Chen to conduct safety assessments for the various sections of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. They also deployed security measures in advance.    


Zhang Yunfeng also took out the detailed inspection process a day earlier, and started the welcoming ceremony at ten o'clock. At 10: 30, he brought the Middle School leaders to the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering production line to take a walk and take a look. He wanted them to take a look at the production line that Dong Chen had just received from the General and Puhui. After that, he had to give a "report" to the leaders about the current situation of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering, as well as the test results of the three new engines of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. If necessary, he would bring everyone to the testing lab to take a look.    


The entire process would be followed and filmed by the reporters of the medium and French media. He would also have to accompany Hollande throughout the process. Since Hollande's purpose for this trip was to find a way to break out of the encirclement for the passengers, then during the entire inspection period, Hollande could request for cooperation in front of the media at any time. At that time, how should he deal with this head of a country who came with ill intentions?    


At 8: 50 in the morning, Hollande's private plane landed at the commercial flight test airport. As Shang Fei's test flight airport was completely sealed off, it prevented many possible accidents from happening. Furthermore, those media outlets who were not invited were directly rejected. Zhang Yunfeng was waiting on the runway with the staff representative of Dong Chen, the leaders of Zhonghai, and the ambassador of the French embassy in Zhonghai. Seeing Hollande and his wife walk out of the open cabin door, the two of them waved at the media below them before going down the spiral staircase. Then, they slowly walked down the spiral staircase.    


In the welcoming group, Zhang Yunfeng stood behind the leader of Zhonghai. After Hollande shook hands with the leader of Zhonghai, he walked in front of Zhang Yunfeng. Although Hollande was not good at differentiating the appearance of Asian people, he still recognized Zhang Yunfeng at a glance.    


Hollande had a very deep impression of Zhang Yunfeng's face, although he had never seen him before. However, because Zhang Yunfeng had represented Dong Chen many times recently, he had also led a lot of important financial projects. It also made Hollande deeply remember the "Zhang Yidao" that the media in the world had mentioned.    


Hollande extended his hand to Zhang Yunfeng. Logically speaking, he should have greeted Zhang Yunfeng in French or English. When he shook hands with the leaders of the Zhonghai government, he greeted them in English, "Nice to meet you." But when it came to Zhang Yunfeng, when he opened his mouth, it was in Mandarin. "Hello, Mr. Zhang. I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time!"    


Zhang Yunfeng was stunned by his words. He did not know that Hollande had memorized this mantra before coming to China. This was a trick given to him by his special consultant for the problem of China. The Porcelain people loved face. Moreover, once the other party's etiquette was too high, the Porcelain people would not be able to get off the stage. Hollande also hoped to use such an unconventional method in front of the media to greet Zhang Yunfeng, the entrepreneur of the porcelain country. The French believed that this scene would definitely cause the global media to be shocked and report it on a large scale. Although it was a little too humble and polite for the French president, it was enough to drag Zhang Yunfeng into it. In this way, the problem that was thrown to Zhang Yunfeng was: Hollande, as the president of a country, values you so much. If you refuse when he talks to you about proper business later, you will be the sinner who takes advantage of the situation in the eyes of the whole world.    


Zhang Yunfeng couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart, thinking, What a good plan! This idea was most likely given to you by the Porcelain people. What you said... I really don't feel flattered, but it's inevitable that I won't be able to get off the stage. Is there a need to give me face like this for the sake of the guests?    


Helpless, Zhang Yunfeng could only use French to greet him back and forth. "Sir President, I am also very happy and honored to be able to meet you here. Thank you for taking the time to inspect the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering while you are busy. Your arrival is not only the honor of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering, but also the honor of the entire Dongchen Group. On behalf of all the employees of Dong Chen, I thank you for your kindness to Dong Chen. I also wish that the friendship between the two countries will last forever."    


This time, Hollande was dumbfounded. He did not expect Zhang Yunfeng to speak such fluent and almost inaudible French. He did not know that in order to get the waiter to complete the A2 interaction system, Zhang Yunfeng had specially exchanged for a skill bag with several major languages in the world. Hollande was annoyed that he did not learn a few sentences of Mandarin. He thought that he had given Zhang Yunfeng a high hat. However, he did not expect that his mouth would be like a machine gun, responding to countless high hats. Although Zhang Yunfeng's high hat was not as heavy as his, at least it was more than enough.    


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