Invincible Smart-Guy System

C404 I'll Do It Myself!

C404 I'll Do It Myself!

Even in the dreams of the Zhang family, they had never imagined that Zhang Yunfeng would use such a method to buy things. Furthermore, Zhang Yunfeng's purchase restriction was too ridiculous! This was ridiculous to the extreme! This made him feel as if he had been slapped in the face.    


"Two!" The Zhang family gestured with two fingers and said in disbelief, "What kind of problem is this enough to solve? If we encounter a 4D model like the 747, we won't even be able to fly! "    


Zhang Yunfeng shrugged and smiled, "How can we not fly? You don't know how to use it? Two Dongchen Engine, and two other brands of engines, wouldn't that make 747 fly?"    


Zhang family forcefully suppressed the anger in their hearts, but they still gritted their teeth and said," This kind of purchase restriction method is simply unable to solve our actual problem! This is simply a drop in the bucket! "    


Zhang Yunfeng laughed and said, "This is the same as buying two cans of milk powder. Newborns can drink a can of milk powder every Monday. Two cans of milk powder can only be eaten for half a month, but the Dongchen Engine is hung up. It can let you fly for at least a dozen or twenty years without any worries. Dong Chen is already very interesting."    


The Zhang family immediately understood. It turned out that Zhang Yunfeng had some prejudice against the harbor area. Now that he had done this, it could be said that he was trying to give Zhang Yunfeng a taste of his own medicine, giving him a taste of his own medicine.    


The Zhang family knew that they couldn't reason with Zhang Yunfeng, whether it was reason or not. They couldn't reason with ___, but in the end, they ended up in a miserable state. They had no choice but to bring out the special chief and said, "The special chief himself is very concerned about this problem. I think... He will definitely be very disappointed with such an outcome "    


"Disappointed?" Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "I think he will not be disappointed. If this result really disappoints him, you can let him contact me."    


Zhang family forced themselves to say that you played such a trick and used milk powder as a metaphor. It was obvious that he had blocked the exit of the special chief. He had issued the purchase order first. After you issued the purchase restriction order, you imitated him. How could he criticize you? Isn't criticizing you the same as criticizing himself?    


The Zhang family couldn't help but ask, "When will Dong Chen be able to remove the restriction on us?"    


Zhang Yunfeng thought for a moment and said, "I think the policy I have given to Guotai can't be considered as a purchase restriction. After all, according to the order, the port area is already beyond 100. Now, I'll make an exception and provide you with limited engines, which can be considered as giving you a lot of care. Therefore, according to this, there is no longer any purchase restriction. If you want to get an unlimited supply of engines, then when Dong Chen opens the Hong Kong market according to the order, you can order from Dong Chen as you wish. One thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand. As long as you can afford the order and the money, Dong Chen will guarantee the full supply. "    


The Zhang family warrior said with hatred in his heart, "I'm afraid that by that time, the food will be cold!"    


Thinking of this, the Zhang family forced himself to ask, "Can I ask, are there any countries and regions in the Third World that are ranked in front of the Hong Kong District? Or even the least developed countries in the world? "    


"Yes." Zhang Yunfeng casually said,: "The Democracy Republic of Congo is just ahead of you. Oh, right, Zimbabwe too."    


Zhang family was really going to collapse. It was an aviation company that had developed international routes. Most of them came from developed countries with a large population. There were only such countries. The Geely Country had a total of over 60 million people. However, the number of people entering and leaving the country every year had reached hundreds of millions. Just the number of tourists entering and leaving the country alone had reached 50 million. The Congo had 70 million people, and the number of tourists leaving the country every year was barely a million. The economic disparity brought about a huge difference in the number of people entering and leaving the country. And the port had less than 10 million people, and the annual number of people entering and leaving the country was more than 100 million. Therefore, whether it was based on the degree of development or the number of people entering and leaving the country, Dong Chen was ranked in the overseas market. It was impossible for the port area to be more than 100. Dong Chen clearly wanted to place the port area at the back.    


If they continued to talk like this with Zhang Yunfeng, the Zhang family knew that they would not be able to make any progress, so they could only say, "If that's the case, let's go back and meet with the special chief before giving Dong Chen a definite answer."    


Zhang Yunfeng was very unhappy with the Zhang family's expert bringing up the special chief. He frowned and said, "Guotai is an enterprise, and Dong Chen is also an enterprise. Why must the special chief be involved in the cooperation and dialogue between the two companies? What kind of mentality does your Guotai have? I have made an exception to give you a certain quota, but you still want to discuss with the Special Chief before giving me an answer?"    


Zhang family was rendered speechless by Zhang Yunfeng's aggressive attitude. At this moment, Zhang Yunfeng slammed the table. He stood up and said, "I will give you five minutes to consider. If you accept the quota I give you... Then let the law draft the contract. After you sign it, go back and wait for the news. If you're unwilling to accept it, then I'll have the public relations staff send you to the gate. In five minutes, no matter what decision you make, just tell my assistant. I have a lot of things to do, so I don't have time to continue talking nonsense with you."    


After saying that, Zhang Yunfeng turned around and left. He said to the assistant beside him, "The more I think about the milk powder, the angrier I get. Help me contact the Dutch side. If the Dutch can give China sufficient, high-quality milk powder export shares, I will give priority to all the airplanes under the Dutch airlines to change into Dongchen Engine! "    


The young assistant was stunned when he heard this. He quickly reacted and said, "Okay, I'll contact the Dutch side immediately."    


Zhang Yunfeng added at this time, "Tell the Dutch side that if they agree to Dong Chen's request, then the Dutch dairy company will directly export the milk powder to Dong Chen to act as the agent. And give enough supplies. If some brands already have agents in the mainland, then let the dairy company break the contract. Dong Chen will bear it all! "    


The assistant could not help but ask, "Director Zhang, we have never had the experience of selling fast products. We also do not have the relevant sales channels. If we were to sell milk powder ourselves, how would we sell it? Could it be that we'll transfer it to the domestic distributors?"    


" The domestic agency? " Zhang Yunfeng sneered and said," They are all goods that sell dog meat! If they imported 100 tons of milk powder from overseas a year, they could sell 800 tons of milk powder in the country. It's all f * cking nonsense! If they sold it to them, it would be equivalent to destroying everything! If they are unreliable, I will do it myself! We, Dong Chen, will be in charge of the sales, and let the Dongchen Automobile 4S store in the entire continent be in charge of selling Dong Chen's milk powder."    


" The 4S store sells milk powder? " The assistant almost fainted and blurted out, "I'm afraid there is no such precedent in the world. Moreover, these two products are almost completely unrelated. Is our Dongchen Automobile's sales company willing?"    


Zhang Yunfeng said lightly, "Tell them that Dong Chen subsidizes 100,000 yuan in cash for each 4S store. In return, they will be exempted from their purchases. They will be responsible for building a sales counter for milk powder in the 4S store, and all the profits from the sales of milk powder. Dong Chen did not want a single cent. Whatever price Dong Chen got, he would give it to them at the same price. Leave all the profits to the distributor."    


After saying that, Zhang Yunfeng said, "Our 4S shop is very formal, and we have also brought them a steady and huge profit. Although they don't care about the money and the profit margin, they still make a certain amount of profit. Moreover, their core profit comes from Dong Chen. I think they won't dare to reject Dong Chen's request. Not to mention, they wouldn't dare to play any tricks in the milk powder. This way... This way, we can guarantee that the milk powder imported from Holland, from Holland to us, then to the dealers, and finally to the consumers... There won't be any problems. Everything is under Dong Chen's control. "    


The assistant nodded and said, "In this way, although it's a bit inappropriate, it can still provide an absolutely safe source of milk for the parents of the babies in the country."    


"That's right." Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "I want to let some people see clearly. Don't be so arrogant all day long!"    


The assistant left happily. Five minutes later, Zhang Yunfeng received a notification from the public relations staff. Zhang family strongly agreed to Zhang Yunfeng's proposal and was willing to sign the purchase agreement.    


To a businessman like Zhang family, money was the father. What was face? Even if he only had one plane that could change into Dongchen Engine, to him... It could at least save 40% of the operating cost of this plane. This was a good thing. Why would he reject it because of his emotions?    


Zhang Yunfeng did not pay attention to the Zhang family's business. It had only been less than 12 hours. The Dutch side replied excitedly. There were more than 10 dairy companies in the country. Among them, eight of them had their own exclusive agent in the mainland of China. However, since Dong Chen was willing to pay for the breach of contract with the agent, the dairy company was also happy to give up the previous agent and work with Dong Chen.    


Holland was originally a developed country, and it was also a tourist country. The aviation industry was very developed. Dong Chen used milk powder as a condition and offered to give priority to all planes under the Dutch airlines to change into Dongchen Engine. This was a huge surprise to Holland. The government came forward to coordinate. The dairy company quickly gave a clear answer.    


Zhang Yunfeng immediately sent someone to Holland to sign a contract with the Dutch Airlines and the dairy companies whose quality requirements reached the world's first-class standards. At the same time, Zhang Yunfeng also gathered all the distributors in the country to gather in Yanjing. The main purpose of this meeting was to hold the first distribution meeting of Dongchen Automobile. The main purpose of this meeting was to unify all the distributors of the Dongchen Automobile in the country and help Dong Chen sell the dairy products that Dong Chen had gotten from Holland.    


Before the distributors rushed to the Yanjing, they did not know about Dong Chen's main purpose. Dong Chen was the reason why they became rich. During this period of time, the Dongchen Automobile continued to introduce new models, rich markets, and varieties. With outstanding performance, unparalleled appearance, quality, and safety. It had become the world's largest brand in the automotive industry, especially in China. The sales of the Dongchen Automobile had always occupied more than half of the country. Almost every prefectural city had a Dongchen Automobile dealer. Furthermore, every dealer had a lot of profit margin. Therefore... This time, Dong Chen held the distributor meeting, and all the dealers in the country were present.    


Thousands of people gathered at Dong Chen's headquarters, waiting for the legendary Zhang Yunfeng to appear. When Zhang Yunfeng appeared, Lei Ming's applause lasted for nearly ten minutes. His enthusiasm far exceeded those brainwashed pyramid scammers.    


After the applause stopped, Zhang Yunfeng said, "Everyone, today we have gathered everyone to Yanjing. On one hand, we want to thank you all for your help during this period of time. On the other hand, I have a matter. I need to ask for your opinions. "    


Zhang Yunfeng went straight to the point and said, "As everyone knows, the safety of the dairy products in the country has always been a major problem that has troubled the people. Our market is chaotic, the fish and the dragon are mixed, and our ability to fake our products is also hard to deal with. As for the healthy port area of the market... They have also been restricting our purchases, which further intensifies the desire of the people for high-quality dairy products. Thus, I have sent people to Holland to sign contracts with all the dairy companies in Holland. From now on, from now on, all the high-quality dairy products in Holland are in China. Dong Chen will be the sole seller. "    


The crowd was in an uproar and surprised. Everyone was surprised by Dong Chen's generosity. But they were also surprised by why Zhang Yunfeng would mention this in front of everyone. After all, they were the sellers of cars and had never been involved in the sales of dairy products.    


At this time, Zhang Yunfeng opened his mouth and said, "Dong Chen is willing to give you 100,000 yuan in cash as a subsidy to support you in your own 4S shop. Add a specialized dairy counter, and Dong Chen will represent all dairy products. You will also be in charge of the sales of the terminals. Moreover, Dong Chen will not let you pay a single cent in advance. At that time, Dong Chen would first supply the products to you, and after the sales were done, then, he will pay Dong Chen the money. The most important thing is... Dong Chen would not earn a single cent of the difference in price between the goods. He would leave it all to everyone. Looking at the current sales price of imported milk powder in China... The price of the terminal retail was basically 100% or 200% of the cost. Most of it is maintained at about 150%, but such a huge profit... It was often divided into many levels. The top agents, the large regional agents, the small regional agents, and the retail terminals. Therefore, it seemed that everyone could set the profit space at around 30%. Since there won't be any middle fee, this 30% profit... All of it belongs to you. This way, you will be able to get enough profit... The consumers will also be able to enjoy sufficient comfort and preferential treatment. It's a win-win situation. "    


When the distributors heard what Zhang Yunfeng said, each and every one of them revealed a happy expression. One of the representatives from Yanjing said, "Mr. Zhang, this is a good thing for the interests of the country and the people. To us, this is a good thing. Although it was a bit inappropriate to add a milk powder counter in the store, it was for the sake of the babies in the country. This sacrifice is worth it. I am willing to do it! "    


The other distributors also responded. In a moment, almost all of the distributors raised their hands to express their support.    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded in satisfaction and said, "Since everyone has agreed, there are some things that we must say clearly. I have a few requirements. First, you must ensure that the price is the same. No matter how tight and popular the market is, there must not be any form of increment or sale. Once such a situation occurs, Dong Chen will immediately stop the sales of milk powder. He would also forcefully stop the sales of milk powder for a year. In other words, if anyone dared to increase the price and break the rules, then within a year... Don't even think about getting a car from Dong Chen!"    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "Secondly, and most importantly, you must ensure that all the products you sell come from Dong Chen. No one is allowed to fake sales or fake sales! Otherwise, once you find out, Dong Chen will immediately disqualify him from being an agent. He would be blacklisted forever! None of you have any objections to these two points, right?"    


A dealer could not help but say," Director Zhang, you are looking down on us too much. Although we are not rich and powerful, we are after all, Dong Chen's distributor. We sell them for hundreds of thousands or even millions of Dongchen Automobile. You asked us to sell milk powder, so we raised our hands and agreed. But you don't have to doubt that we will fake the sale, not to mention that we don't have that heart. Even if we do have that heart, there's no need to make a fuss about milk powder."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "You are indeed people of a higher level, compared to those profiteers at the bottom who rely on fake sales. There is no way to be stronger. I am only giving you a reminder. It is enough that everyone remembers. "    


At this moment, another dealer asked, "Director Zhang, since everyone has agreed. I think the company should quickly come up with a specific strategy, including how to set up the dairy counters, what kind of standard to use, and what kind of unified propaganda to promote. These are all things that need to be considered. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "We will let the designers design a specific and detailed plan, just like Dong Chen's 4S Store. Dong Chen's dairy counter will also be built with the same standard. At that time, all the hardware will be provided by Dong Chen for free in your 4S store. At most, it will not take up more than 30 square meters of space. I believe that if it works well... Dairy products are also a very large source of profit for you. "    


The distributors had no objections, and they were all very enthusiastic about this matter. On the one hand, this matter had an extraordinary significance. On the other hand, ... Everyone could imagine the future that Zhang Yunfeng had mentioned. 30% profit was already a considerable amount, but due to the fact that Dong Chen had saved the middle part of the profit division, therefore, the price of the terminal retail would be cheaper. In addition, Dong Chen had "wrapped" all the dairy products in Holland in one go. With Dong Chen's influence in the country, the consumers would definitely not have any doubts. In this way, the sales would definitely be guaranteed.    


Although the 4S store selling milk powder was indeed somewhat inappropriate, it was also Dong Chen's only choice to open up the sales channel of milk powder in the fastest time. The 4S store was under Dong Chen's control. As a result, Zhang Yunfeng could guarantee every bottle of milk powder purchased from Dong Chen's 4S store. They were all imported from the original, and there were no inferior products or counterfeits!    


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