Invincible Smart-Guy System

C407 I Got What I Wanted

C407 I Got What I Wanted

In order to promote the sales of milk powder as soon as possible, Zhang Yunfeng decided to use Long Xiaoyue's suggestion. With the newborns as the benchmark, it was necessary to restrict and control the consumers. Of course, to Zhang Yunfeng, what he needed to do was... It was not to limit the consumers' purchasing power permanently, but to use enough time and time. To let the consumers get used to and believe in the price and the stability of the market, as long as they believed that the market was stable. There wouldn't be any problems in the entire sales segment in the future.    


Zhang Yunfeng had made sufficient preparations. The various 4S sales companies also began to add specialized dairy counters in their 4S stores. However, Dong Chen considered that the huge number of dairy products customers might have a certain effect on the normal sales of the 4S stores. Therefore, Zhang Yunfeng specifically asked every 4S shop to choose a separate corner to add a counter. Furthermore, the counter was completely sealed in the 4S store so that the milk powder customers wouldn't affect the car consumer.    


Just like the convenience store at the gas station, it basically did not affect the normal order of the gas. Zhang Yunfeng could only use this method to spread the sales channel of the milk powder as soon as possible. If Zhang Yunfeng bypassed the 4S store, which had already formed the national sales network, then he would need to open a new sales channel. That way... Increasing the cost was not a big problem. The most important thing was... It would take a long time.    


Many of Dong Chen's executives hoped that Dong Chen could enter the large-scale retail industry, especially fast consumers. The best way was to set up their own large-scale supermarket chain. Large supermarket chains like Wal-Mart and Carrefour had shockingly high profits. The most important thing was that they always had a large amount of cash flow in their hands without any interest.    


Zhang Yunfeng was not interested in the retail industry. Dong Chen opened a sales channel for milk powder. It was also for the safety of domestic baby products. If Zhang Yunfeng wanted to expand Dong Chen's business. Then the retail industry is definitely not his choice, even if it makes a lot of profit. Zhang Yunfeng was not moved at all, because the retail industry did not have any technological content. Without the technological level, it would lose the ability to control the overall situation.    


Before the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering was established, if Wal-Mart, Carrefour, and other foreign supermarket chains chose to withdraw from the porcelain market, then they would not be able to affect China at all. China had many retail companies that could make up for this gap. However, if Boeing and Airlines decided to withdraw from the China market, then China's civil aviation system would be completely paralyzed. This was the overall ability of the high-tech industry.    


It was also because of the current Dongchen Aerospace Engineering that the special cooperation between Dong Chen and Holland was formed. If the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering's engine did not support Dong Chen from behind, then the Dutch government would not have considered promoting this cooperation at all.    


Just as Dong Chen hired a professional chain of sales talents to develop Dong Chen's milk powder sales business, Dong Chen received letters of intent to cooperate from many countries one after another. Among them were countries like New Zealand, Germany, Swedish, and Switzerland which had the production ability of high-quality dairy products. These countries also used dairy products as bargaining chips, hoping to imitate the cooperation between Dong Chen and Holland. They handed the distribution rights of domestic dairy products to Dong Chen and exchanged for the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering engine from him.    


Dong Chen's current annual production of aircraft engine had already reached more than twenty thousand units. This also allowed Dong Chen to have enough remaining productivity to expand the market. Since these countries had come looking for him, Zhang Yunfeng did not reject them at all. The distribution rights of the well-known dairy companies in these countries were all taken by Dong Chen.    


At this time, Australia could no longer sit still. The Australian ambassador, Walter. They found Zhang Yunfeng once again, and this time, he had already obtained the approval of the Australian Government and was willing to use the entire production of Western Australia's iron ore. In exchange for the opening of Dong Chen's market.    


When Zhang Yunfeng heard that Walter had requested to meet him again, he had more or less guessed what was going on. Australian Government If they didn't agree to his conditions, then they definitely wouldn't have any contact with him anymore. But now that they had come, it proved that they had already made a decision that satisfied him.    


When Walter arrived at the headquarters of Dong Chen, Zhang Yunfeng was in his office meeting him. Once they met, Walter said to Zhang Yunfeng, "Director Zhang, I think it's time for the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering to carry out an overall change for Australia Airlines."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "That depends on how the Australian Government hopes to cooperate with Dong Chen." After saying that, Zhang Yunfeng asked again, "Mr. Walter, did you bring the good news that I wanted this time?"    


Walter nodded, but his heart was in pain, not to mention him. The entire Australian Government was aching, and all the iron ore production in the Western Australia mining area was handed over to Dong Chen to purchase. This pushed Dong Chen to the company that could control the highest iron ore production in the world, even surpassing the industry giants like Bi He and the Brazilian Vale. If Australia wanted to go against Dong Chen's wishes to control the price of the iron ore, it was probably a pipe dream.    


After that, Walter said formally, "Mr. Zhang, this time I am under the orders of the government. " Come! " I will convey to you the decision of the local government. The Australian Government has decided to hand over all the annual production of the Western Australia iron ore to Dong Chen. Dong Chen's purchase price is also based on the international market price of the iron ore. The Australian Government itself does not interfere with how Dong Chen is going to control the share of the iron ore. Everything will be run by Dong Chen himself."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said with a smile, "Very good. This is the news that I want to hear the most!"    


Walter knew that Zhang Yunfeng's biggest target was the iron ore. Previously, Australia had suffered a huge loss when it came to buying the island. It had also made a huge mistake. In the future, the Australian Government would no longer be as foolish as before to deal with Zhang Yunfeng. This time, Walter had also brought along a lot of prizes as a foil.    


"The Australian Government has decided to give the right to use the three islands of Kun Shi Lan to Dong Chen for free. This is equivalent to a proof of our cooperation. Other than that, australia's dairy companies are also willing to hand their products over to Dong Chen as the head agent of the mainland. I believe that this is enough to show our sincerity in cooperating with Dong Chen. "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled, thinking that the Australian had learned from their mistakes. Although this was not something they were willing to do, it also showed to a certain extent that the Australian Government urgently needed Dong Chen. And since they had offered so many concessions as a condition, there was no need for him to continue persisting in his previous decision.    


After that, Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "As long as the cooperation between these few matters is settled, I will immediately arrange for all the changes to the Dongchen Engine for the Australian airlines. In addition, Dong Chen's other products will also be listed on the market in Australia. Moreover, they will be sold limitlessly, including all the products from the unevenal series. "    


Walter finally let out a sigh of relief. As long as Zhang Yunfeng did not ban Australia's market, his mission would be completed.    


After that, Walter hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhang, you agree. Everything will be easy. I will immediately contact the country and ask them to send a representative to sign the various cooperation agreements with Dong Chen. I believe that everything will be settled within a week. "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "Mr. Walter, since you want to sign the contracts, I still like to sign with people I know. In my opinion, " Other than dairy products, the cooperation between the Australian Government and Dong Chen... You will be the representative for the signing of the contract. "    


Walter was stunned for a moment. He was wondering why Zhang Yunfeng wanted him to sign the contract with him. He was wondering if there was some kind of trap in the contract.    


However, after thinking about it, he realized that Zhang Yunfeng did not need to trick him. After all, he only played the role of a speaker in the middle. Besides, even if he, as the representative of the Australian Government, signed a contract with Zhang Yunfeng, there was nothing wrong with it. After all, these decisions were all decided by the Australian Government. If there was a day in the future... In a sense, the future generations would think that this cooperation would be a disgrace to the country. They should also hold the Australian Government accountable, not themselves.    


Thinking of this, Walter did not reject Zhang Yunfeng's request. He nodded and smiled, "Since Mr. Zhang has already spoken, I would like to apply for this matter in the country. If the government does not have any objections, then it is as you wish. "    


"That is great." Zhang Yunfeng, who had gotten what he wanted, laughed and said, "This way, you and I can be considered closer. Mr. Walter, once the contract is signed, you will be an old friend of Dong Chen."    


Walter smiled awkwardly. An old friend of Dong Chen? Was there any real meaning to this?    


What Walter did not expect was that not long after, it was precisely Zhang Yunfeng, this old friend of Dong Chen's, that made Walter become the most sought after diplomat in Australia.    


After meeting Walter, Zhang Yunfeng began to think about how he should deal with the yearly share of iron ore that was enough to meet the needs of the entire country. Once the iron ore was involved, Zhang Yunfeng would have to meet with Nie Minhui and discuss it. She was one of the experts and also the largest private steel company in the country. She definitely knew more than him.    


Zhang Yunfeng then called Nie Minhui and asked, "Auntie Nie, do you have time tonight? I am now in Yanjing. I have some matters that I would like to discuss with you."    


Nie Minhui smiled and said, "That's good. I was preparing to go home early to cook. Nuoyan's father is back today. If you have nothing else to do, come to the house to have a meal."    


Zhang Yunfeng did not hesitate and agreed. He said, "Then I will go over tonight."    


That night, Zhang Yunfeng drove to Su Nuoyan's house. Su Nuoyan had also returned from school early. When she heard that Zhang Yunfeng was coming to eat at home, she was so excited that it was difficult to speak. She hid in the room and tried on her clothes for a long time before finally choosing a white Chanel shoulder dress.    


Seeing Zhang Yunfeng drive into her house's yard, Su Nuoyan jogged all the way out. She jumped into Zhang Yunfeng's arms all of a sudden, her face full of excitement. She said with a taste in her mouth, "You have come to Yanjing, but you did not come to see me."    


Zhang Yunfeng kissed Su Nuoyan's forehead lightly and apologized, "I have been busy recently and did not have time, but why are you in such a hurry? In a few years, I am afraid you will get sick of looking at me every day. "    


"Of course not." Su Nuoyan lightly snorted and said, "Right now, I am looking forward to graduating early, and also look forward to your early retirement."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "If nothing unexpected happens, I will retire when you graduate. By that time, our island will have already been built. At that time, we will be able to stay together every day."    


Su Nuoyan smiled and said excitedly, "It will only be a few years. In another two years, I will graduate and you will retire. Then we will do nothing other than enjoying life."    


"No." Zhang Yunfeng said with a straight face, "Do you want to be the owner of the handshake? When you graduate and I retire, give me a bunch of children first, then enjoy life. "    


Su Nuoyan's pretty face turned red from Zhang Yunfeng's teasing. She patted Zhang Yunfeng on the shoulder and said, "Don't be a bad person. Mom and Dad are waiting for you. Go in."    


Su Yunfeng had just returned from work overseas these two days. His job basically had 300 days a year to fly around overseas. During this period of time, the biggest impression he had was... No matter which country he went to, or which country's politicians he met, the other party would definitely mention Dong Chen. The person he had to bring up was Zhang Yunfeng, who had recently appeared in front of the public. The current Zhang Yunfeng had become the most famous businessman in China. And no one else. This made Su Yunfeng, who had always been calm, full of pride and pride. No matter where he went, people would always talk about his future son-in-law. How could this not make him proud of his new life?    


Furthermore, Su Yunfeng had recently heard another shocking secret news. It was the 3D satellite positioning system that Zhang Yunfeng was planning. It was a detailed plan and introduction of this system. Su Yufeng had seen it many times, but it was still difficult to relieve the deep shock in his heart. This system, although it was not a weapon that could be used to fight against a hundred, however, it had a greater meaning and effect than a weapon, and no one could compare to it.    


Seeing Zhang Yunfeng come in, Su Yunfeng hurriedly stood up and said with a smile, "Yunfeng is here. Come, come, sit."    


Su Yunfeng pulled Zhang Yunfeng to his side and sat down. When Zhang Yunfeng sat down, Su Yunfeng couldn't help but ask, "Yunfeng, I have heard a lot about you recently. What I am most interested in is your 3D positioning system. This thing... Are you starting to operate now?"    


"Not yet" Zhang Yunfeng answered honestly, "Uncle Su, I have been really busy recently and have not had the time to do this. There will be a few more major cooperation meetings to discuss in the near future. After all of these discussions are done and are on the right track, I think I can take the time to do it. "    


Su Yunfeng smiled and asked, "What kind of major collaboration is there recently? I see that the matter of you operating the milk powder has caused quite a stir, but let me be honest. If you put a lot of energy into this, it would be a great loss for you because of a small matter. Your energy should be invested in those things that can bring about great influence. For example, the 3D satellite positioning system that you are currently thinking of, the meaning of this... In my opinion, it's far more important than milk powder. "    


Zhang Yunfeng said noncommittally, "The main issue of milk powder has caused too much damage to the citizens. In addition, I personally have some dissatisfaction with the port area's methods. So, I want to make this matter work perfectly. I want to solve the problem of the quality of domestic dairy products once and for all. "    


Su Yunfeng nodded and said, "This matter is important, but I think your subordinates can work very well. You don't need to do it yourself."    


After saying that, Su Yunfeng asked again, "The milk powder shouldn't be the big cooperation you mentioned just now, right?"    


At this time, Nie Minhui walked out of the kitchen with an apron on. She also smiled and echoed, "Yes, Yunfeng. Don't tell me you have put all your focus on the milk powder now? I agree with your Uncle Su on this issue. You don't have to do it yourself. Just let the rest of Dong Chen do it. "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "If it's about the milk powder, then I won't be in such a hurry to meet you."    


Nie Minhui just remembered that Zhang Yunfeng did not come to eat at home today. He had something to talk to her about. Immediately, Nie Minhui asked, "Is there something important?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "Walter came to Dong Chen to see me again today."    


"Walter?" Nie Minhui frowned and asked, "Australian ambassador?"    


"That's right." Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "He is here to be the speaker this time. The Australian Government has agreed to Dong Chen's request. He will send people to Dong Chen to sign the contract in the next few days. The most important thing is to cooperate with him. Dong Chen will contract all the iron ore produced in the Western Australia mining area. "    


"All of them!" Nie Minhui was so shocked that she could not speak. After a while, she muttered, "Did the Australian Government really agree?"    


"That's right, it agreed." Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "In this way, the iron ore in Dong Chen's hands will be able to satisfy all the import requirements in the country. I think that in the future, there is no need for domestic steel companies to talk about the import of iron ore with foreign capital. We can get enough shares from Dong Chen. "    


Nie Minhui hurriedly wiped her hands on the apron and then took off the apron. She walked in front of Zhang Yunfeng and sat down. She said with an excited face, "This way, the problem of the China iron ore will be solved permanently!"    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "It's basically solved. Besides, Dong Chen had enough shares now. He already has enough influence in the market, even if the domestic steel companies do not take the iron ore from me. We can also use the most fair price to obtain the ___ from the international market."    


Nie Minhui hurriedly asked, "Then you are not going to operate the iron ore market, right?"    


Zhang Yunfeng shook his head and said, "I do not have so much energy to operate it. At present, I have two general ideas."    


Nie Minhui hurriedly said, "Tell me."    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "I am thinking that if I do not have the energy to make arrangements, I will hold a supply and distribution meeting in the country. Gather the managers of all the steel companies in the country and ask for their help. Dong Chen set the quota, and from now on, Dong Chen's iron ore would no longer be able to be sold outside. Digestion it internally. "    


"What else?"    


"There's still..." Zhang Yunfeng paused and said, "Another thing is, I can give the control of the iron ore quota to the Zhongyu Group."    


Nie Minhui shook her head and said, "Zhongyu has already developed to a bottleneck. The entire world's steel market is basically the same routine. Most of the production is domestic demand, and a small portion of high-end products are exported. Now, although Zhongyu's high-end steel exports are running pretty well, but the market was only so big after all, and there was not much room for further development. Even if there was, Zhongyu could not increase his production capacity to deal with it. There were more and more restrictions on the steel industry in the country, and the domestic demand was enough. If he continued to develop, there would be an overflow of production capacity, and the pollution to the environment was also very high, and the consumption of resources was also very high. This is definitely a huge problem, an awkward problem that we are currently unable to solve. It's too difficult to increase steel production in our country now."    


Zhang Yunfeng asked, "If the high quality high quality steel in Zhongyu can be mass produced, will the export market be better?"    


Nie Minhui said, "Now the high quality steel in Zhongyu is using the technology you provided. Overall, the increase in cost is not big, but the profit margin is bigger. Because the price of high-end steel in the international market has always been high, we have also been taking the high-priced route. The high price makes the application of high-end steel unable to be widespread. If we have enough production capacity... If we adjust the price slightly, there should still be a large market. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "The Dongwo has been tied down by Dong Chen. Dong Chen has provided them with one million jobs. The pressure of the government has been reduced, and the economic depression has started to show signs of rising. Moreover, the desire of the people in Dongwo for Dong Chen has also become stronger and stronger. Under such circumstances... If Dong Chen proposed to use jobs to exchange for companies, the Government of Dongwo would not object. "    


After saying that, Zhang Yunfeng continued, "The New Sun Iron has been greatly affected recently. On the one hand, it's because of the competition between them and Zhong Yu. On the other hand, it's also because of the economic decline in the country, and on the other. Now, the entire Dongwo has almost no special privileges in the iron ore domain. The New Sun Iron has also begun to enter a tough period. It seemed that almost 50% of the staff had been cut down, and their production and profit had also been greatly reduced. If I were to use 120,000 jobs as a condition to exchange for the New Sun Iron with the Government of Dongwo, I think they won't refuse."    


"Purchase the new Ri Iron?" Nie Minhui exclaimed, "Then how are you going to operate it?"    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "We can develop the new ironworks into a high-end steel production base in Zhongyu. After buying the new ironworks, we can continue to expand the scale of the new ironworks in Dongwo, so that he can have greater production capacity."    


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