Invincible Smart-Guy System

C415 Launch Resources

C415 Launch Resources

After a series of tests, the single phase-controlled antenna began mass production, and the waiter, according to the different needs of different planes and ground radars, he developed his own phase-controlled radars into three different models. The new phase-controlled radars were codenamed "Hawkeye," the fighter aircraft model was Hawkeye 1, the large aircraft and the pre-warning aircraft model was Hawkeye 2. The ground model was Hawkeye 3.    


The biggest difference between the three different types of Hawkeye radar was the size. For a single combat unit like a fighter jet, three to five hundred kilometers of radar range was enough for combat. After all, his attack power couldn't even exceed this distance. The larger the distance, the more space the radar needed to scan. In this way, the radar first needed more phase-controlled antennas and more power to meet the detection range. This way, the greater the range, the weight, and volume of the radar. The greater the power needed, the higher the power needed for a fighter. Every kilogram of lifting weight was extremely precious. So... High-powered radar wasn't suitable for fighter jets.    


Hawkeye 2's effective detection range was 7001,000 kilometers. It increased the weight of the entire radars by several times. However, for a large plane like an alarm, which mainly focused on radar-related services, this bit of weight was nothing to it. As for Hawkeye 2, due to its larger coverage area, it also increased the demand for processing ability, so the waiter specially built a processing platform for it. It used Dong Chen's own CPU.    


Hawkeye 3's effective detection range was several times bigger than Hawkeye 2. Its core mission was only one point. That was to scan as wide as possible and track as many targets. This kind of radar... It was a base station type alarm radar and had a very strong control over the entire sky. Furthermore, as a source of warning information, it could serve a lot of people. Not only could it point out targets that were further away for the aircraft, but it could also be combined with the fire control system. It could directly provide radar services for the missiles.    


The main purpose of the new Phase Controlling Radar was to exchange for admission tickets to the satellite launch. After he handed the three radars to the military for testing, Zhang Yunfeng and the waiter discussed the research and development of the 3D positioning satellite. Zhang Yunfeng hoped to launch more than 30 satellites within a year. Even a year was a little too long.    


The waiter knew that Zhang Yunfeng was impatient with the three-dimensional satellite positioning system. Therefore, as he was developing it, he said to Zhang Yunfeng, "Boss, I think you can negotiate with those countries with satellite launch abilities now. Let them provide us with commercial launch services. If we can use all the rocket launchers and launch centers in the world, then I think in two months at most, our 3D navigation system will be completed. "    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "I have asked the higher-ups about the commission of the overseas launch. The higher-ups did not object, but they still hope to complete the launch as soon as possible."    


"This is too long." The waiter could not help saying, "If we rely on domestic launch, we will need at least two to three years to launch all the satellites we need. Even if Dong Chen is investing in a new launch base with the country, we don't have rocket technology. We still have to follow the domestic launch ability. It's already very impressive to have ten satellites in a year. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "This can be communicated with the United States, E countries, and those countries in Europe. With our current situation, I believe that these countries will not refuse."    


The waiter reminded, "Don't forget about the Dongwo. Their satellite launch technology is also world-class. We can communicate with the Government of Dongwo and let the Dongwo take on a certain launch mission."    


Zhang Yunfeng thought for a moment and said, "Look at the current density of satellites from various countries and their largest launch ability. Estimate and roughly estimate the remaining launch ability. How much do they have every month?"    


The waiter immediately searched for relevant information on the Internet, including information that could be seen on the Internet. It also included confidential information from various countries. The final conclusion was, "Boss, currently, the satellite launch market in the world is very flat. There are no large-scale launch missions and plans this year. I think... If we can get all these countries here, 30 satellites... The launch will be completed in a month and a half. "    


Saying that, the waiter continued: "There is also a certain risk in launching satellites, so I estimate that the most conservative launch will be 35 times. Only then can we ensure that our entire GPS system can cover the entire world. Of course, there are also risks that will arise if we make a mistake "    


Zhang Yunfeng thought for a moment and said, "35 satellites, roughly how long will it take to build them?"    


The waiter replied, "Very soon, we will be producing the main body of the satellites ourselves. We can also use our own technology to store batteries. As for solar batteries, we don't need to develop them ourselves. We can directly purchase them from the supplier "    


Zhang Yunfeng asked again, "How long is the lifespan of each satellite?"    


"More than 50 years." Little Two answered, "Our technology is definitely the top in the world. As long as the rocket can send the satellite into the scheduled orbit, at least for 50 years, there will be no problems with the satellite. If you're really worried, you can also send a few more satellites as backup "    


" Including backup and possible launch mistakes, we need to prepare at least 40 satellites. I'll leave this to you to complete. As for the carrier, I'll meet Director Liu again and ask him to pass on the message to the higher ups. Dong Chen couldn't wait too long. Once the satellite was completed, ... We will find the most rocket resources in the shortest amount of time to launch it for us. "    


The waiter blurted out: "Don't worry boss, it's just 40 satellites, it's not a problem at all It won't be more than 2 months. You'd better do it within 2 months. Confirm the launch resources for 40 satellites. At that time, the satellites will be able to directly enter the launch process."    


Zhang Yunfeng shook his head and said, "After I met Director Liu, I started to do this. Also, I can't wait for you to build all 40 satellites before launching them. Instead, make the best use of your time to set up the launch resource. Then, whenever you have satellites that go offline, we will send them to the orbit as soon as possible! "    


Director Liu had been very busy recently. After the military obtained the Falcon engine from Zhang Yunfeng, the frequent test flight made the entire upper echelons pay great attention to it. He became a special agent in front of them and spent most of his time at the test flight site. He passed more information about the test flight to the high ranking officials and played a role in coordinating the test flight.    


The Falcon engine hadn't completed the test of multiple models yet, and Zhang Yunfeng's Hawkeye radar had been sent to the military for the test. This time, the military was even busier. A large number of radar and electronic equipment experts rushed into the test flight field. They dismantled the radar of the jet and replaced it with Dong Chen's Hawkeye radar. The significance of this test was no less than the engine. If this radar really met the standards that Zhang Yunfeng had mentioned, then this radar would be installed on the J10. It could also bring a significant boost to the combat ability of the plane.    


When Director Liu heard that Zhang Yunfeng was going to meet him, he hurriedly rushed to City J. Before he came, the higher-ups had told him that he would meet Zhang Yunfeng this time. He tried to control the time as early as possible for 48 hours. Director Liu still had to rush back to the test flight airport and track down the new engine and the new radar.    


When they arrived at City J, the people in the train brought Director Liu to the office of Dong Chen in City J. When Director Liu and Zhang Yunfeng met, the two of them exchanged a few words. Director Liu said, "Yunfeng, this is a very important period. The higher ups are very concerned about the two military tests. Usually, I don't even have time to pee. This time, you called me over. The higher-ups only gave me 48 hours. Within 48 hours. I still have to return to the scene, so there's no need for formalities between the two of us. If you have anything to say, just say it. After you're done with your work, I'll catch up with you later. "    


Zhang Yunfeng said with a smile," Alright, since you've said so, brother. Alright." After saying that, Zhang Yunfeng said, "The main reason I called my elder brother over is because I hope that you can help me convey the situation to the higher ups."    


"What's the situation?" Director Liu asked.    


Zhang Yunfeng said, "We have started to manufacture the 3D navigation satellite. But... The launch ability in the country is indeed limited. Dong Chen could not wait in line for the launch in two to three years. Therefore, I want to make use of the partnership between Dong Chen and the international countries. If the higher ups do not object to entrusting a country with the ability to provide commercial launch services to Dong Chen... I will do it immediately. "    


Director Liu thought for a while and said, "The higher ups are not against this, but they have some concerns. They are worried that your technology will be exposed to foreign countries, but judging from the current strength of Dong Chen... No one has the ability to copy, so I think the higher ups will not have any objections. "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "You'd better confirm it with the higher ups. If they do, then... I will immediately start pushing this matter forward, and try to get it done before our first satellite goes offline. We'll first settle all the launch requirements. This way... As long as a satellite is created, it can be sent to all parts of the world for launch at any time. "    


Director Liu thought for a moment and said, "How about this, I will contact Yanjing now and convey your thoughts to them."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "The sooner the better."    


Director Liu smiled and said, "You still don't trust me? When did I ever drag you back?"    


Although the message had already been sent to Yanjing, it had been reported layer by layer. Wait! After the higher ups learned about it, they still needed to discuss it through an internal meeting. Therefore, Zhang Yunfeng waited for 24 hours. 24 hours later... Director Liu's special phone received an email. The content of the email was very simple: "Regarding the satellite launch, everything will be decided by Dong Chen."    


This time, Zhang Yunfeng was completely relieved. The higher ups had given him full authority, which meant that he would not care about you anymore. He could do whatever he wanted.    


After getting this permission, Zhang Yunfeng immediately used Dong Chen's name. He contacted the United States, E Country, Ukraine, Europe Space Agency and other countries, Dongwo, India and Australia, and requested Dong Chen to help with the commercial launch. The commercial launch process was not complicated, as long as these countries recognized that the satellites were for commercial purposes and not for military purposes. Normally, they would not refuse.    


When he requested to launch the satellite to these countries, Zhang Yunfeng had clearly indicated the location of the satellite used by Dong Chen this time.    


This made those countries who had the ability to launch artificial satellites very confused. More than half of the Big Dipper Navigation System in China had been built. In a few years, perhaps the global Navigation System would be completed. And Big Dipper Navigation's technical level was among the top in the world. After all, America's GPS was a few years earlier than Big Dipper. And the upgrade of satellites was very difficult. Once the structure of the Big Dipper global navigation system was dug up, its overall strength had been in GPS before. Therefore, under such circumstances, Dong Chen actually wanted to build his own GPS system. This seemed somewhat unnecessary.    


After all, no country had set up their own two satellite navigation systems. Not only were the resources wasted, but the satellite launch and navigation system itself was also a very costly project. In their eyes, there was no need for Dong Chen to do so. However, Dong Chen insisted on building his own satellite navigation system. He changed the wording from before and no longer asked for assistance in the launch. Instead, he requested assistance in the launch. This showed how strongly Dong Chen insisted on this matter. And these countries were not prepared to go against Dong Chen. After all, the commercial launch itself was not something that went against the principles. Since Dong Chen wanted to launch the launch and had sufficient funds to support it. There was no need for these countries to reject him.    


Dong Chen had a very strong influence in the world. When he announced that he wanted to establish his own satellite navigation system, other than being surprised, there was not much discussion in the world. After all, Dong Chen was too strong. They had enough money to build their own satellite navigation system. Furthermore, they did not know that Zhang Yunfeng was going to launch the satellite this time. What was the difference between this and the previous one?    


The United States reply could arrange eight satellites for Dong Chen in a short period of time. The European Space Administration was also very awesome. They also took out eight satellites for Dong Chen, five from E Country, two from Ukraine, five from Dongwo, and five from India.    


Counting this, the overseas launch quota had reached 35. This was enough to meet Zhang Yunfeng's requirements, even if there was a certain probability of failure. But normally, the biggest failure rate of 35 satellites could not reach five. Furthermore, the country could at least provide five to eight satellites to launch. With that, the launch requirements were all solved.    


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