Elegant CEO's Best Soldier King

C404 Two Little Liars!

C404 Two Little Liars!

Chu Yu busied himself around the room for the whole afternoon, only to find out that there was not a single piece of clothing he could take out. When she snuck into Chu Ning's room, realizing that she was dressed neatly and looked as noble and beautiful as a queen, the little girl felt bad.    


"Sis, my dear Sis, can you help me choose a dress?!" Chu Yu's big eyes blinked as he looked pitifully at Chu Ning.    


"Yo, when you need me, I'm your sister. What were you doing? Just now, who said that Chu Ning was Little Eight?"    


Chu Ning's pretty face was filled with contempt.    


"…" Chu Yu pursed his lips and stopped talking, but he still held on tightly to Chu Ning's evening gown, as if the latter would tear it apart if he didn't help her.    


"If you have something to say, we can talk about it then. Don't be rash, I'm afraid of you. I'll help you choose. Let go of me now!"    


Only then did the little girl break into a smile and let go of her dress, pulling Chu Ning to her room.    


"Sis, can you help me look at why I feel awkward when I'm wearing these dresses? They don't look sexy at all like models. What's going on?"    


Chu Yu tried to put on a low-cut evening gown, but it turned loose on her. It was like a buyer's show compared to a seller's show.    


The difference was like heaven and earth.    


Chu Ning forced a smile on his face. It wasn't that there was something wrong with her evening gown, but that her body hadn't fully developed yet and she couldn't support her low-cut dress at all …    


"Chu Yu, you are actually a youth, these revealing evening dresses are not very suitable for you, you know, you have to wear them at any age, you are still young, you can't use them."    




Chu Yu pouted and looked down at his chest. He asked sadly: "Sis, are you saying that this place is too small?"    




Half an hour later.    


Chu Yu reluctantly wore a long black dress. Although she didn't wear a sexy evening dress, it still perfectly revealed her slim waist.    


Plus, she was tall and slender. Other than some areas where her growth was not ideal, the rest of her body was pretty good. She could still comfort herself a little.    


The two sisters went down the stairs one after the other. Mrs Liu kept tugging at her apron as she looked at the two little ancestors in their well-dressed attire, feeling somewhat conflicted.    


She called the chairman. She had wanted to report to Jane that the two little ancestors were going to a banquet, but she hadn't thought to call for the entire day. The chairman was still in a meeting and didn't have time to answer the phone.    


This caused Mrs Liu to be extremely conflicted. Jane Yue had given her the order not to allow the two ladies to go out without permission.    


But the situation this time was different. The young master of the Heng Family had invited the two ladies to a banquet, so Mrs Liu didn't dare to stop them. If the marriage between the young master and the young miss were broken, then she would be guilty.    


However, she was unable to contact them. If the chairman didn't even allow the two ladies to go to the banquet, it would be a grave mistake for her to let them out.    


"Mrs Liu, you stay at home and watch the house!" Elder sister and I will be back soon. Don't worry, we will definitely be back on time. "    


Chu Yu smiled as he greeted Mrs Liu. Although she sometimes hated Mrs Liu, Mrs Liu worked hard every day cooking and cleaning up the house. She did not have any merits or hardships.    


As long as Mrs Liu did not cause trouble for them, Chu Yu was very respectful to her.    


Mrs Liu's wrinkled old face forced out a smile. When her eyes narrowed, they were like two chrysanthemums.    


Mrs Liu hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Ladies, should I inform the chairman? Without her permission, I …"    


Chu Yu's big eyes rolled around and he looked at his elder sister Chu Ning, indicating that she should take care of this troublesome mother of his.    


Chu Ning stood out, coldly glanced at Mrs Liu and said coldly, "Mrs Liu, didn't you already call?    


What? My mom didn't tell you she agreed to let us go to the party? Do you want us to contact my mom's personal phone in front of you and you can ask her? "    


"No, no, no!"    


Mrs Liu was startled and quickly waved her hand: "No need, since the chairman has already agreed, then please be careful on your way back early tonight."    


As she was speaking, Mrs Liu quickly stepped aside. She didn't have the guts to verify with the chairman that what Chu Ning said was true.    


Watching Chu Ning and Chu Yu leave, Mrs Liu's face was full of helplessness. Suddenly, the phone in the living room rang, and Mrs Liu quickly went to pick it up.    


"Hey, chairman, it's nothing. It's just that young miss mentioned to you that she's going to participate in the banquet held by the young master of the Heng Family …"    


What? She didn't tell you?    


They just left...    


Must we stop them?    


Good, good, good! "I'll go right now. Chairman, I'll hang up first!"    


Mrs Liu rushed to the garage next to the villa, only to find a red Ferrari racing out of the garage.    


That beast-like roar rumbled through the entire garage.    


"Goodbye, Mrs Liu!" Just wait for us at home! No need to send us off! " Chu Yu waved at Mrs Liu, his face full of pride.    


Mrs Liu was already old and ran for a short distance. She was panting heavily as she watched the two young ancestors walk away. Although she was in a hurry, she could only stare blankly at them.    


"Eldest Miss, Second Miss, come back!"    


Mrs Liu put her hands to her mouth and shouted, but the red Ferrari disappeared from her sight in an instant.    


Mrs Liu dejectedly muttered: "Two little liars, in the future I will no longer believe you two."    




Jiangbei Southern District.    


Heng Qiu Sheng's private manor was here, and its name was Qiu Sheng Manor.    


Autumn Life Manor was around the size of three or four football fields, and the main building in the central area was a villa that was more than four hundred square meters.    


There were big pools on both sides of the main building, and there were hot girls in bikinis, the ones Hengqiu had hired to warm the place.    


Some of them were university students, some of them were models, and some of the girls who were related to this circle were invited by Hengqiu.    


At a glance, he could see that the waves on the side of the pool were surging.    


Heng Qiu Sheng stood on the balcony on the second floor with a glass of red wine in his hand. Looking at the bustling scene below, he took a sip of the red wine in the glass and savored it.    


At this moment, Qin Huai appeared by his side, and respectfully called out Young Master Heng respectfully. The latter lightly pressed for a moment, then opened his eyes, and indifferently asked: "Is everything ready?"    


Qin Huai's eyes turned cold as a hint of viciousness flashed in his eyes, and he solemnly vowed: "Young Master Heng, don't worry. This time, I guarantee that nothing will go wrong!"    




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