Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1512 Rescue

C1512 Rescue

The Ten Thousand Devil Cave, Cloud Reaching Cave.    


"Disciple greets Master."    


Inside Taoist Yan Zhe's stone room, the eldest senior brother of the Slaughter Taoist came in to pay his respects.    


"Come here."    


He extended his right hand out, and after writing a few strokes on it, he said, "You killed Junior Brother Jue. I will fulfill your last wish of killing Junior Brother Jue. Carrying these words, you will take a trip to the Qiang Pu Tribe and bring back the monster that took over your junior brother's body to New Moon City. At that time, as long as you use the words in your hand to look at him, he will obediently follow you. "    


"Junior brother Jue is gone …"    


Slaughter Taoist's breathing became erratic for a few breaths, and he forcefully calmed himself down. Lowering his head, he responded to Sage Crooked Soul, then headed towards the Qiang Pu Tribe.    




The New Moon City was a completely different world.    


Pan Huang had been busy lately, and had not been able to see anyone. Ye Qinghan was meditating on the sixth profound mystery, and was enjoying it.    


Outside the cave entrance, someone was urgently knocking on the door. When Ye Qinghan saw that it was the Jin Lao San who had a good relationship with him, he opened the door and welcomed the Jin Lao San into the mansion.    


"Jin Lao San, you look to be in a hurry? What makes you so anxious, sit down and have a cup of tea! "    


Ye Qinghan brought Jin Lao San to sit in the garden in the front yard, there was a circular stone table, and two round stone stools. After the two of them sat down, Ye Qinghan called for the Dimensional Ring to store some good spirit spring water, causing the Heaven Fire to heat up the spirit spring water with a jet of hot air, and poured Jin Lao San a cup of tea.    


"Night Star Emissary, what are you drinking?! "I, Ole Gold, am so anxious that my mouth is bubbling. Look!"    


Jin Lao San pushed the teacup in front of him away and even lifted up his lips to let Ye Qinghan see if his mouth was really bubbling.    


"Alright, Jin Lao San, it's fine if you don't want to drink tea, but don't show me what you're thinking. If you have something to say, hurry up and say it …"    


Before Ye Qinghan could finish his words, Jin Lao San knelt in front of him with a 'plop' and Ye Qinghan quickly pulled him up.    


"Night Star Emissary, you must save my son! My disappointing son has been muddleheaded ever since his marriage to Xiao Lian became lacklustre, seeking after flowers and making a group of bad friends. Yesterday, he went out of his mind for a day, but this morning, he was carried home by the servants of his friends who had lost their lives. After the brat was carried back, his entire body was completely green, and he continuously swayed his body. I found the life priest and the rest of the doctors in the city and told them that they were unable to treat him, and that only the people with great Profound Meaning Stage were able to help me. "    


"My Jin Lao San is a small fry, and the only one I know of is you, Night Star Emissary. Night Star Emissary, you must help me. In this lifetime, my Jin Lao San only has this single child. You must help me … "    


Ye Qinghan pulled Jin Lao San a few times, but Jin Lao San refused to get up and speak. After being pulled up by Ye Qinghan, he kneeled down, and when Ye Qinghan saw that Jin Lao San was unwilling to get up, he could only kneel down and talk.    


"Get up, Jin Lao San, you are truly a pitiful person. You are also my friend, how can I just stand by and watch you die?!"    


Looking at Jin Lao San's snot and tears, Ye Qinghan could not bear it anymore and opened his mouth to speak. This time, he finally persuaded Jin Lao San.    


"Then I'll take it that you've agreed." Jin Lao San was so happy that he jumped up, crying and laughing, and said anxiously: "Then Night Star Emissary, quickly come with me. That lousy brat is still lying at home. I'll have to trouble you to move him. There are already meteors flying cars waiting outside the door. "    


The Meteor flying chariot was modified and modified by Machine Clan from the Wind Riding Phoenix. It was something that ordinary beings without any cultivation could ride on. Unlike the Wind Riding Phoenix on the Taoist Civilization, it required cultivator with a certain level of cultivation to be able to control. It was the favorite of merchants with shallow cultivation like the Jin Lao San.    


"Let's go!"    


Ye Qinghan kept his tea set and walked out.    


Although Ye Qinghan traveled even faster, he did not dare to bring the little Jin Lao San with him into the void. Otherwise, just the fact that there was no air in the sky made it impossible for the Jin Lao San to live on.    




Outside of the New Moon City, within the Jin Clan's Jin Mansion.    


Ye Qinghan rode his Meteor flying car to the Jin Clan Tribe and strolled around the Jin Mansion. Seeing that the Jin Lao San had truly appeared again after following him for the past few days, his life became much better.    


Now, the Jin Manor had expanded by more than twenty times compared to before. It had bought and rebuilt four neighboring courtyards on both sides of the street. It wanted to create a forest garden, garden, and fish pond.    


Firstly, the Jin Lao San was preparing to marry a little girl. Recently, he had earned a lot of money from the Night Star Emissary and was able to speak tough words in front of his wife. Secondly, he hoped that after the backyard was expanded, he could talk about marriage matters with Jin Xiaopang so that Jin Xiaopang could settle down and continue his line of descent in the Jin Lao San.    


Of course, if this was within the New Moon City, Jin Lao San would not dare to expand his own courtyard like this. Otherwise, just the money alone would be enough to bankrupt Jin Lao San.    


Ye Qinghan was also happy with this result. This Jin Lao San had become a model, to allow more merchants like the Jin Lao San to stand close together with Ye Qinghan, to help him manage the mountain and soil better. However, as the Jin Lao San spoke, and looked like he was shedding snot and tears, Ye Qinghan began to have a headache.    


"Yi, this is …" "The power of the plague, the power of the pathogen, the power of the poisonous gas …"    


When they arrived at the room that Jin Xiaopang was resting in, Madam Jin was already crying inside. After a simple inspection, Ye Qinghan turned around and said seriously to the Jin Lao San, "All those who have come into contact with Jin Xiaopang in your house, come into this room. Those that have not come in contact with him, leave immediately."    


"Yes, yes, yes, Night Star Emissary, I will go right now."    


Hearing that Ye Qinghan's tone did not seem to be good, the Jin Lao San's fat body broke out in a cold sweat. Using his wide sleeves to wipe the sweat off his forehead, he immediately brought his butler out to gather all his servants, guards, kitchen maids and servants and questioned them one by one.    


"Night Star Emissary, after hearing how serious your words are, will my son still be saved? "My Jin family only has this single child, you must save my son …"    


Her voice was as clear as an oriole, even more so than the girl who served beside her at her age.    


"Don't worry." Ye Qinghan comforted Lady Jin and spoke to the terrified and trembling personal servant girl, "You and Lady Jin should have touched your young master before. But it doesn't matter, I will cure both of you."    


Not long after, the entire room was filled with people who had made contact with Jin Xiaopang that day. Including Lady Jin, there were only five people there, with the exception of Lady Jin and her personal servant, there were only two burly guards and Jin Xiaopang's personal servant.    


"Fortunately, it's not too serious."    


When Ye Qinghan saw the five of them, he heaved a sigh of relief. The infections of the five were light, and were almost undetectable. Ye Qinghan used the Power Of Life to treat the five of them and had them wait outside. Otherwise, the poison aura on Jin Xiaopang's body would have spread to the five of them through the air.    




"How is it, ma'am?"    


Jin Lao San once again returned to Jin Xiaopang's room. Madam Jin had already sent two guards, leaving only his personal servant and Jin Xiaopang's personal maid to wait upon them.    


"Wu wu, I don't know what's going on either. I was chased out of the Night Star Emissary and have never entered again. "    


From time to time, Lady Jin sobbed, while the two maidservants consoled her in hushed tones.    


"Alright, stop crying. With Night Star Emissary coming out, your son's illness will definitely be cured."    


Jin Lao San comforted his a bit. He was going to come back after checking with the servants. But unexpectedly, they received Ye Qinghan's sound transmission again, which told Jin Lao San to bring everyone from the Jin Manor to drink a mouthful of the Jin Manor's well water.    


Arriving at the well of the manor, Jin Lao San drank a few mouthfuls as well. He discovered that the water in the manor had become much sweeter and he drank a few mouthfuls.    


"Alright, Jin Lao San, Madam Jin, come in!"    




When the Jin Lao San and Lady Jin heard Ye Qinghan's voice coming out from the house, they shouted in pleasant surprise and went into the house to check on Jin Xiaopang's situation.    


When he saw that Jin Xiaopang no longer had that terrifying green color on his body, and that Ye Qinghan no longer had any signs of exhaustion on his face, Jin Lao San was even more impressed.    


One must know that the life priests and doctors that the Jin Lao San had paid a huge price to invite were all helpless towards Jin Xiaopang's sickness, they had even seen a doctor, and without any treatment at all, they became extremely exhausted, and had to be sent away by the Jin Lao San in a meteor carriage.    


"Night Star Emissary, why hasn't my family's Little Fatty woken up yet?" asked Lady Jin.    


"Jin Xiaopang is currently asleep, his body is... Sick, I've helped expel them. He'll wake up early tomorrow morning. "    


Ye Qinghan thought about it but still didn't tell Lady Jin and the Jin Lao San. In truth, Jin Xiaopang hadn't gotten sick at all. The three powers of the plague virus in Jin Xiaopang's body all belonged to the power of laws. If all three combined, it would definitely be an extremely terrifying power.    


From Ye Qinghan's point of view, it was because Jin Xiaopang had offended a almighty being of Profound Meaning Stage outside that he suffered a punishment. However, the other party was kind, and only gave Jin Xiaopang a small punishment. If he did not hold back, Jin Xiaopang would have died a long time ago.    


"Thank the heavens, Little Fatty is finally well. If anything were to happen to him, I, as his mother, wouldn't want to continue living …" Lady Jin clasped her hands together as she bowed towards Ye Qinghan, then pointed to her own servant girl: "I am unable to repay Night Star Emissary for her great kindness, this little lass Lan Xin usually serves people well, I think I might as well send her to Night Star Emissary's home."    


"No need, it's just a small matter."    


Ye Qinghan waved his hand to reject it. Although Lan Xin was not exceptionally beautiful, her small face was still very pink and tender. Her pouting little mouth was also very pink.    


However, seeing the anxious expression on the Jin Lao San at the side, Ye Qinghan understood that Madame Jin wanted to give him Lan Xin, so he refused. He looked at the relieved Jin Lao San with a smile that was not a smile.    


As for common objects like Space-time Coin, the Jin Lao San was naturally even less willing to give them up. After all, he, Jin Lao San, would still follow Ye Qinghan and earn his living. Using the Space-time Coin to thank Ye Qinghan, wasn't that slapping himself on the face?    


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