Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1969 Painting

C1969 Painting

These Profound Meaning Stage life forms, including Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation that created the entire Cold Realm Universe, would have to mature their own Magic Realm Universe after creating their own.    


Every single Profound Meaning Stage life form must, according to their own understanding of the laws, imitate the laws which the Super Expert of Law s had created from the needs of the universe in the body arts.    


And these Profound Meaning Stage life forms, including the Dvine Emperor of Creation that created the entire Cold Realm Universe, when they perfected the universe within the body arts, the laws they created were merely the most basic. It was as if a child who had learned painting had drawn a horizontal line on a complete painting.    


This horizontal line was only the most basic. It could also be said to be an insignificant and insignificant existence in this complete painting.    


As for the three thousand dimensional, by creating their own Magic Realm Universe and creating some of the laws within their own Magic Realm Universe, it was as though they had drawn the simplest horizontal line in a complete painting.    


The remaining laws that needed to be perfected were like that complete painting. One had to complete the entire painting after drawing a horizontal line, but the remaining actions would not be done by the child who learned the art. One would have to rely on the child's help to complete the entire painting.    


The latter knew just how difficult it was to complete a complete painting, and as for the Profound Meaning Stage, only when one was able to introduce the laws into the world of the body arts and sense the power of the Super Expert of Law from the laws, would one know just how terrifying the existence of the Super Expert of Law was. In the end, only then did one understand just how terrifying the existence of the Super Expert of Law was.    


Therefore, when the Moro's Patriarch opened his mouth to say that he had denied it, it was from the meaning of the Moro's only Super Expert of Law, so no one dared to question the Moro's Patriarch's words, whether it was from the outside or the inside.    


It was so much so that after that, there were still many Profound Meaning Stage in the three thousand dimensions that changed their previous attitudes and overturned their previous guesses. Instead, they supported the words of the Super Expert of Law of the Moro instead, and gave him many examples to prove that the words of the Super Expert of Law of the Moro were absolutely correct and without a doubt.    


The main thrust of the discussion was that although Moro could not be considered to be a large race of civilization in terms of three thousand dimensions of space and time, there was still one Super Expert of Law that had appeared in the Moro. This was already giving Moro the status and qualifications to stand tall above the three thousand Magic Realm and the three thousand dimensions of space and time and time, and the billions of races.    


And the Moro was relying on the protection of a Super Expert of Law within the clan, and was able to forcibly occupy several Magic Realm Universe within the three thousand Magic Realm. Although the rankings of these Magic Realm Universe were not considered to be top, the luck and luck of these Magic Realm, as well as the luck and luck of the Moro itself, added together, did not allow anyone to underestimate them.    


Furthermore, though Moro was not worth mentioning above the Ninth Heaven, and although there was only one Super Expert of Law standing on the top of the Ninth Heaven, within the three thousand dimension space and time, with the protection of that Super Expert of Law, the power the Moro had within the three thousand dimension space and time could not be considered small.    


And it was precisely because of this that the Moro collected the fate and fortune of many Magic Realm Universe s from the three thousand Magic Realm s. As a result, most of the intelligent clansmen of the Moro had already cultivated to become Profound Meaning Stage life forms, and there were even some intelligent clansmen of the Moro who cultivated to become Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert from their lives, and even some of the top-notch master of the meaning.    


Although there was no evidence that luck and luck were enough to support a master of the profound arts to cultivate and become a Super Expert of Law, there was still quite a bit of master of the profound arts in the Moro.    


Therefore, the Moro's situation wasn't like that of a normal race or civilization, where one would need a large amount of luck and luck to be able to support a clan member's cultivation and become a Super Expert of Law. It was just that there were already many Arcana Masters within the Moro.    


Thus, the Profound Meaning Stage of those who went back on their words and supported the Moro, one after another, treated this argument as a truth to support the words of the Super Expert of Law who supported the Moro.    


In reality, for a Profound Meaning Stage life form to break through and become a Super Expert of Law, no one knew what exactly was required to break through. As for how trustworthy these words were in the hearts of the Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms, only those Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms would know.    


As for the supreme cultivation technique created by the Super Expert of Law s, why they were willing to make it public and allow all of the profound energy life forms to cultivate, the reason was unknown.    


On the surface, the supreme cultivation technique created by the Super Expert of Law s could actually be bought and cultivated by mortals.    


However, because Moro was a blessings race in three thousand dimensions of space and time, it was absolutely impossible for ordinary life forms of Magic Realm Universe to have access to the supreme technique created by the Super Expert of Law.    


As for those lifeforms from the three thousand dimensions of space and time, although they might be able to hear that the profound art that was created by the Super Expert of Law was publicly sold, any living being could use the Space-time Coin to purchase the profound art that was created by the Super Expert of Law to cultivate.    


However, although these common life forms were well-informed, there were not enough Space-time Coin to purchase the supreme cultivation method created by the Super Expert of Law.    


Those common life forms who were able to take out so many Space-time Coin s to purchase the supreme cultivation skills created by the Super Expert of Law must also have some sort of background in these three thousand dimension space and time.    


To put it more bluntly, these common lives that had enough Space-time Coin s to buy the supreme cultivation technique created by the Super Expert of Law were probably just like the others. The cultivation techniques in their own families or Sect were much better than the supreme cultivation techniques created by the Super Expert of Law, so they naturally did not need to spend the Space-time Coin s to buy the supreme cultivation technique created by the Super Expert of Law.    


After all, when the reached the level of life in the Profound Meaning Stage, the supreme technique that he had created had changed from its previous style. As long as the was willing to join the Moro voluntarily and undergo its transformation through the bloodline, then the life of the Profound Meaning Stage could cultivate the supreme technique that the Super Expert of Law had created for free.    


But before that, cultivating from the mortal life period to the Profound Meaning Stage life period required one to spend a large amount of Space-time Coin in order to survive.    


Even Ye Qinghan, who was within the three thousand dimensions of space and time, could be considered to be a relatively wealthy life form of Profound Meaning Stage. When he purchased the supreme cultivation method created by that Super Expert of Law, he had to think for a long time before deciding to purchase the supreme cultivation method created by that Super Expert of Law.    


Therefore, the number of Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s and Upanishads in the Moro were far more than the number of other civilizations. It could basically be compared to the number of Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s and Upanishads in some of the greater cultivation civilizations.    


This was all because the Moro had sucked in quite a few cultivation innate talents, but it was only because of the lack of opportunities and background that the number of Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s and those in control of the profound meaning were so great.    


Of course, the number of Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s and Profound Truths controllers in the Moro, could not be compared to the top cultivation civilizations such as the cultivation civilization or Devilish Way Of Cultivation And Civilization.    


After all, the Profound Meaning Stage life forms they attracted were voluntarily joining the Moro, and had even changed their own bloodline to that of the Moro. It was precisely because these Profound Meaning Stage life forms did not have any good cultivation methods to begin with.    


The other important reason was that these Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms were highly valued by the Super Expert of Law standing behind them.    


To put it bluntly, the reason why these Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms joined the Star Flame Sect was the same as the purpose of Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation who had created the Cold Realm Universe to join the Star Flame Sect.    


One of the important intentions of Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation who created the Cold Realm Universe, was to have Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation who created the Cold Realm Universe, join the Star Flame Sect. It was to find a Profound Meaning Stage life form, which could be said to have no foundation in the three thousand dimensions of space and time.    


And the purpose of these Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms who had voluntarily changed their own bloodline into Moro and joined it was obviously the same as the intention of Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation who had created the Cold Realm Universe, to join them.    


These Profound Meaning Stage beings that voluntarily joined the Moro obviously did so in the direction of the only Super Expert of Law in the Moro, which meant that these Profound Meaning Stage beings had entered the Moro in order to seek the protection of the only Super Expert of Law in the Moro.    


Within the three thousand dimensions of space and time, having the protection of a Super Expert of Law and not having the protection of a Super Expert of Law were two entirely different things.    


It was like when one reached the Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert period, they would basically have to cultivate all kinds of suppressing arts. Very few Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert would practice such killing arts, as it was simply too difficult to kill Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert who were at the same realm as them.    


It would be better to directly seal the opponent's Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert until his lifespan was exhausted and then die. As long as a strand of profound insight was placed on it during the process of sealing and suppression, he would be able to peacefully wait for the enemy's Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert's death to disappear.    


Moreover, sealing and suppressing the enemy's Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert was much easier than killing a Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert.    


Before becoming a Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert, the lower the cultivation of the Profound Meaning Stage, the weaker the ability to protect themselves and the possibility of being killed by the enemy at any time and place.    


If these low level Profound Meaning Stage beings wanted to eliminate the possibility of their lives at any time, then the only way would be to seek the protection of the Super Expert of Law!    


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