Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1504 Slaughter the taoist

C1504 Slaughter the taoist

"Senior brother Dan Chenzi was killed by a Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian called Ye Qinghan …"    


Xuan Qingzi was afraid that the Slaughter Taoist would use their powers of karma to investigate Dan Chenzi's true cause of death, hence they immediately started to pour dirty water on him.    


"Tell me the details." Slaughter Taoist still had a calm tone, but listening to his tone, Xuan Qingzi shivered. As expected of the once most talented disciple of the Precious Mirror Sect, he had actually comprehended the existence of Power Of Law s.    


If it weren't for the elders of the sect wanting to suppress Slaughter Taoist to comprehend the Law of Killing, this Slaughter Taoist would probably have never betrayed them. Xuan Qingzi thought.    


"I wonder which almighty's inheritance that Ye Qinghan obtained, and how he was able to bring the power of the Heavenly Flame to perfection, even Senior Brother Dan Chenzi is not his opponent. Facing that Ye Qinghan's killing move, under such a dangerous situation, Senior Brother Dan Chenzi even sent me away first. " Xuan Qingzi said with sorrow: "I, Xuan Qingzi, will never forget Senior Brother Dan Chenzi's great kindness for the rest of my life, and will never be able to repay it in this life!"    


Xuan Qingzi thought about how he and Dan Chenzi had the best relationship in the sect. Dan Chenzi had originally planned to travel far to get the Green Edge Sword for him. In the end, in order to survive, he had actually killed Dan Chenzi, who was so good to him, and could not help but feel regret in his heart.    


"Alright, Xuan Qingzi. My big brother treats you well, you are also my big brother's good brother." Although this matter was started because of Xuan Qingzi, when Xuan Qingzi saw how he was revealing his true emotions while crying, Xuan Qingzi could not hold back the sadness in his heart. Tears silently dripped from his eyes, and he could not bring himself to blame Xuan Qingzi.    


"It's a pity that I, Xuan Qingzi, am too kind, so when the elders of the sect heard that Ye Qinghan had two Pathfinder s protecting him, they did not want to take revenge for Senior Brother Xuan Qingzi. Furthermore, I am not even that Ye Qinghan's opponent, so I can only come to inform fellow cultivator Jue Dao to kill … " Xuan Qingzi painfully recited.    


"Who is it!?"    


Hearing that, Slaughter Taoist suddenly turned around and grabbed a disciple from the Ten Thousand Devil Sect from outside the hall.    


"It's you." Slaughter Taoist saw the disciple in his hands. It was the disciple who had come to his room to teach and he normally doted on one of his disciples. He asked: "You saw ancestor crying just now."    


"I, I, I did not! No, no, ancestor, please spare my life … "    


The disciple originally wanted to deny it, but when he saw Slaughter Taoist's distrustful eyes, he knew that he could not hide it anymore and immediately started begging for mercy.    


"ancestor's crying can't be seen by others, and even more so, can't be known. ancestor promised you that he would let you join the Ten Thousand Devil Sect in his next life. "    


"Thank you, ancestor, this disciple is willing to accept your punishment."    


Although Slaughter Taoist's punishment was severe, it was already the best result for this disciple. He heaved a sigh of relief and couldn't help but thank Slaughter Taoist. After all, he was still able to cultivate in this life of reincarnation, and that was only making things difficult for his cultivation base in this life!    


"Ugh …"    


With a stuffy groan, the disciple was killed by Slaughter Taoist, then the disciple's Soul Truesoul s were crushed as well. What Slaughter Taoist had promised this disciple before, was only a fart, not worth mentioning!    


"I have long heard of the contradictions between the Devil Dao. Now, I have finally experienced it myself." 'This Devil Dao person talks about rules. They talk about the rules under the heavens. They don't care what methods they use to do other things, and they don't have any contradictions! ' Xuan Qingzi secretly thought.    




Three thousand dimensions of spacetime. Outside the New Moon City, there were ordinary tribes.    


Today was the birthday of a merchant who operated a mountain of land, everyone called him Jin Lao San. Normally, when Jin Lao San saw that Ye Qinghan was being courteous, he invited Ye Qinghan several times, and Ye Qinghan agreed to his invitation to attend his birthday banquet.    


"Today is my Jin Lao San's birthday celebration, I am very grateful for all of you to be here …"    


Jin Lao San led Ye Qinghan to the main seat and sat at the same table as his wife, his brothers of the same generation, as well as his son's future wife, Xiao Lian's parents.    


Other than Lady Jin, the other Jin Lao San s had not told Ye Qinghan their identities. Therefore, the others, including Xiao Lian's parents, did not pay too much attention to Ye Qinghan.    


While Jin Xiaopang would occasionally come from the table next door to greet and greet Xiao Lian's parents, Xiao Lian's parents were indifferent to Jin Xiaopang.    


"At the same time, today is also the arrival of both happiness. The other happiness is my son Jin Xiaopang and Little Lian's marriage … My Jin Lao San did the wrong thing and let this marriage drag on for a long time. However, I have already decided that I will ask Xiao Lian's parents to marry me in the near future so that my two children can get married as soon as possible. "    


"Good!" Jin Lao San congratulates, congratulations … "    


Jin Lao San's words caused the entire Jin Manor to be filled with cheers. Before this, Jin Lao San felt that Xiao Lian's parents wanted too many betrothal gifts and had never agreed to it. It was only until recently, when they connected to Ye Qinghan and started doing business, when their family's wealth suddenly rose, that they were willing to give half of their wealth to and settle the marriage with him.    


When Jin Xiaopang heard this, he also became excited, he really wanted to kneel in front of Xiao Lian's parents and call them his parents.    


Ye Qinghan congratulated Lady Jin, who was treating him warmly. She was so happy that Lady Jin could not hide her smile. Even Ye Qinghan was infected by the happy atmosphere in the Jin Manor, so he didn't notice that Xiao Lian's parents' expressions had become ugly all of a sudden.    


Xiao Lian's parents looked at each other and gave a meaningful glance. In the end, Xiao Lian's father stood up and said, "I'm sorry, Jin Lao San. Xiao Lian can't marry your son. I can't agree to this marriage."    


"Family, why is that?"    


Jin Lao San had originally thought that with the temper of Xiao Lian's parents, they would definitely agree to the marriage of his two children after hearing that he was willing to take out so many gifts. Could it be that these two powerhouses had heard of his birth somewhere and wanted to strike another blow at him?    


Seated on Ye Qinghan's seat, Madam Jin stopped smiling and her face turned ugly.    


Silence descended upon the entire Jin Manor. When Xiao Lian's mother saw that Xiao Lian's father had spoken, she stood up and said without holding back, "Jin Lao San, I'll tell you the truth. Didn't you think that our family's wedding ceremony was much more expensive? "Now that my family's Xiao Lian is already engaged to someone else, it's best for you to just tell your son to give up."    


"You … "You … How can you go back on your word and treat the marriage between two children as child's play?" The Jin Lao San was furious. He pointed at the mother of Xiao Lian's group and wanted to curse, but he had to hold it in when he saw that the guests were present.    


"Why did I break my promise?" Xiao Lian's mother scolded, "At that time, it was your Jin Lao San that had been dragging this marriage over. It wasn't because we didn't want our daughter to marry over. But now, it's my fault. Which family's daughter can endure this kind of delay? What's wrong with finding a good home for my daughter? "    


"All of you judge, who wants to marry their daughter and even want half of the man's wealth?"    


Seeing the guests in the Jin Mansion buzzing and chatting, Jin Lao San was afraid that the guests would misunderstand that he was someone who did not care for his wealth, and would not even support his son's happiness, so he immediately said.    


Hearing Jin Lao San's words, the guests changed their attitudes and started to criticize Xiao Lian's parents.    


"It doesn't matter what your Jin Lao San says, since the rice has already been cooked, I can tell you that this marriage has gone to waste." After Xiao Lian's mother viciously said that, she pulled Xiao Lian's father and said, "Let's go, old partner!"    


"Little Lian, Little Lian …"    


Upon hearing the resolute words of Xiao Lian's parents, Jin Xiaopang actually fell limply to the ground as he soullessly recited.    


"Looking at your useless appearance, you are at least ten thousand times weaker than your son-in-law. My son-in-law's family will soon be given the right to manage the land under the mountain. At that time, the Hidden Dragon rises to the heavens. In another ten or twenty years, your Jin family will only be a drop in the bucket compared to your son-in-law's family. "At that time, my daughter, Xiao Lian, will naturally enjoy endless wealth and glory in the family, unlike your Jin family that couldn't bear to part with even a little of the betrothal gifts, delaying it again and again …"    


Xiao Lian's mother said in disdain when she saw Jin Xiaopang's soulless appearance.    


"Your son-in-law's family will no longer be able to obtain the rights to manage the mountain and soil, nor will they be able to rise to the heavens. Moreover, comparing your son-in-law to a Hidden Dragon, is a bit too much. "    


Ye Qinghan's indifferent voice reached Xiao Lian's mother's ears, causing Xiao Lian's mother to feel that it was incomparably ear-piercing. She couldn't help but laugh contemptuously, "Who do you think you are, pretending? You said that if you can't get the right to manage the mountain soil, you can't get it? Who do you think you are, Domain Pan, Lord Licha Peiqi, or Night Star Emissary? "    


"Such a snob. I've blinded your dog eyes. To tell you the truth, Xiao Lian's marriage has gone sour …" Seeing that Ye Qinghan had opened his mouth, Jin Lao San immediately came over to his side and said happily: "The person who is talking to you, is indeed Night Star Emissary!"    


"Is this person really Night Star Emissary?"    


In the Jin Manor, the sound of whispering voices could be heard once again. This time, however, the whispers of the guests could be heard. After all, in their eyes, Ye Qinghan was an extraordinary figure, and even more so, was a cultivator of the Profound Meaning Stage.    


Xiao Lian's parents paled. If this person was really Night Star Emissary, then the authority of his son-in-law's house would definitely go to waste. However, Xiao Lian's mother rolled her eyes and ridiculed, "Jin Lao San, you really took a lot of effort to find this actor. How could that Night Star Emissary come into contact with a mortal life form like you? How laughable! If Night Star Emissary finds out that you found someone to impersonate him, I'm afraid that this business will be full of shit. "    


"Idiot, the reason why I am able to interact with Night Star Emissary is because I, Jin Lao San, have long received the right to manage the business here. Otherwise, why would I be so generous and let you extort half of my wealth?" Jin Lao San looked at Xiao Lian's parents again and felt that the two of them were as stupid as wooden chickens.    


"Impossible, impossible …"    


At this time, Xiao Lian's parents also bought an expensive Robotic Transmitter because they were staying with their rich and wealthy son-in-law. Just then, the Transmitter 'di di' sounds rang out, and when Xiao Lian's mother saw the contents on it, she immediately screamed.    


It turned out that the person who had sent the message was his son-in-law who had just become his own family, and also Xiao Lian's grandma and grandma. At this moment, they were loudly cursing. Not only did they have to annul the marriage between the two families, but they also had to ask Xiao Lian's parents to return the betrothal gift.    


"You truly are a Night Star Emissary …" Xiao Lian's parents looked at the silent Ye Qinghan, their eyes filled with disbelief.    


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