Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1666 Battle

C1666 Battle

The蚮狜 cautiously observed its surroundings.    


In the current situation,蚮狜 could clearly see their opponent's figure just like how Hu Shikai faced his opponent. However, they were unable to keep up with his movements, and could only passively resist Ye Qinghan's attacks.    


"Burning eyebrows!"    


"Burning Star Prairie!"    


Ye Qinghan succeeded in one move, but the蚮狜 managed to coincidentally dodge the next two moves, "Dark Light Blaze" and "Blazing Mountain". He used one move, "Star Flame Prairie", and continuously consumed the蚮狜's body, causing its injuries to expand.    


The first Great Competition was held at the beginning, but because some disciples of foreign races had too strong a body to recover, not only did it disrupt the balance between the disciples, it also delayed them for too long, causing the crowd of almighty beings to be unable to watch. Because of this, some restrictions were placed on the second Great Competition, preventing the participating disciples' bodies from recovering from their injuries. Once the injuries had increased to a certain degree, the participants would naturally collapse and lose the competition.    


This also caused no Star Flame Sect disciples to walk the path of recovery in the two star realm in Ancient Age. If even the almighty elders were not taken seriously, the disciples who were eager to gain their approval naturally wouldn't waste any time on the path of fleshly body recovery.    


In fact, all of the Stellar Sect disciples present knew that the path of body recovery was an extremely strong path.    


"Ambushing the Saintly Hands and exhausting the opponent's body are the most despicable of methods. Do you have the guts to fight me head on?"    


The蚮狜 let out an angry roar. The skin and flesh on its body surface was burned up by the Heaven Fire, the pieces of black meat were like burnt barbecue.    


A few threads of Heaven Flame that were like cold stars floated onto the body of the蚮狜, and then started to burn. This was precisely the characteristic of the technique, 'Searing Star Flame'. It could fuse the flames into a prairie fire.    


"This …"    


Hu Youde turned his head and looked at Tu Teng in shock. How could the蚮狜 that was fighting against Lu Qingya and Qi Mingshan be beaten to such a state by Ye Qinghan, the disciple of the Flame Sect? Hu Youde found it hard to understand.    


"Ye Qinghan is using the speed of his body arts to consume the蚮狜. If he is fighting outside of the Ascension Arena to the death, the蚮狜 can kill him in one move!" Tu Teng gnashed his teeth, "And the Heaven Flame Ye Qinghan used on the蚮狜, if it was outside of Ascension Arena, the蚮狜 would immediately recover …"    


The Tu Family Faction disciples chimed in one after another, but the Stellar Sect disciples not far away did not mind. The蚮狜 s were still not able to catch up to Ye Qinghan even with the terrain restrictions of the Ascension Arena. If he had to fight, he would fight; if he had to leave, he would leave; if he had to leave, he would stay. The蚮狜 might have the strength to kill Ye Qinghan in one move, but it was all for nothing if it could not catch up with Ye Qinghan.    


Of course, this Stellar Sect disciple agreed with Tu Teng's last sentence. Outside of the Ascension Arena, the蚮狜 would completely recover in the blink of an eye just based on the little bit of physical injury Ye Qinghan's heavenly fire had caused to the蚮狜.    


However, in terms of Ascension Arena, the蚮狜 was extremely difficult to endure, and its body was close to collapsing.    


"Sneak attack Saint Hand, sneak attack me if you have the guts!" Don't you like to sneak attack people the most? Now, I'll stand there and launch a sneak attack for you, why don't you come! "    


With a head full of fiery red hair, his expression darkened. Using the loophole rules of the body under the Ascension Arena, the蚮狜 specially created a method to win with speed. Ye Qinghan never expected that he would learn from them and use them to deal with the body arts's heavy and cumbersome蚮狜.    


This was something that the蚮狜 did not expect!    


In all honesty, he was the weakest out of the thirteen Alien Life Form Of The Obscure Realm. Other than the body arts which had reached a speed that was several times faster than normal and was worthy of praise, the wriggling wounds were low and the body was weak. That was why it required a defensive leather armour magic treasure to protect it.    


So, what the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder evaluated was strength that was outside of Ascension Arena, he never thought that the蚮狜 would catch a loophole in Ascension Arena and create such a clever way to win, which made the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder, who assessed his strength, feel rather speechless.    


"Substitute Sky Patrol!"    


Just as the蚮狜's body was on the verge of collapsing, Ye Qinghan appeared and attacked the蚮狜 consecutively. After the蚮狜 took Ye Qinghan's attack, it suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a burst of soul force at Ye Qinghan's spiritual altar, causing him to be stunned in place.    




Ye Qinghan shouted, but the Aesthete only reduced the effect of this wave of Soul Shock down, it was not able to immediately let Ye Qinghan recover. By the time Ye Qinghan regained control of his soul, the蚮狜's entire body had expanded multiple times. From its original height of nearly ten meters, it had grown into a fifteen meters tall monster.    


What surprised Ye Qinghan the most was that after the change in the蚮狜's image, the injuries on its body that were caused by the Heaven Flames of Ye Qinghan had completely disappeared.    


"This is a Gifted Inheritance!"    


That was why Ye Qinghan was unable to use the Aesthete to completely expel the蚮狜's soul control effect.    


After its body expanded several times, the蚮狜's speed of running was actually close to the speed of flow. The蚮狜 from before could only passively receive Ye Qinghan's attacks, but now, other than being able to passively receive Ye Qinghan's attacks, it would occasionally attack once or twice.    


"How long can your Gifted Inheritance last?"    


Ye Qinghan retreated back to the edge of the Ascension Arena, pulling apart the distance between him and the蚮狜.    


"Who cares how long I can use it for, as long as it can use it when you get knocked out of Ascension Arena!"    


Ye Qinghan shook his head and did not say anything else. He avoided the蚮狜 that was rushing towards him, but he was not prepared to reveal his Space Break's true meaning so early on in the battle. They only planned to wait for the蚮狜 s to be used up before they fight the蚮狜 s to determine victory or defeat.    


"Ambushing Sacred Hand, you coward. If you have the guts, then fight me fair and square."    


After a round of chasing, and taking up a lot of time, the use of蚮狜 s had almost reached its limit.    


The蚮狜 was using the sky patrol's Gifted Inheritance, and its speed was already close to the speed of flow. With the help of the Ascension Arena's terrain restrictions, it originally had a chance of defeating Ye Qinghan. But when Ye Qinghan's body arts sped up again, it actually exceeded the speed of two times the speed of the wind, and hung the蚮狜 far behind him.    


"Two times the speed of flow!"    


Tu Teng's eyes were as cold as snow and as cold as a wind. Beside him, Hu Youde muttered: "That's right, I never thought that this disciple from the Flame Sect would actually hide himself so deeply. Looks like big uncle has miscalculated this time …"    


Time passed minute after second, but this time no Stellar Sect disciples felt that this battle had been going on for a long time. One was Yan Zong's sneak attack, and the other was a蚮狜 that could compete with people like Lu Qingya and Qi Mingshan. In the eyes of the Stellar Sect disciples, this was a match where the weak beat the strong, so it was naturally extremely exciting.    


It was just that the Stellar Sect disciples did not seem to understand who was strong and who was weak.    


"I can't accept this …"    


The蚮狜 used the Gifted Inheritance as a substitute for the Heavenly Patrol of the Heavens to strengthen his body, causing Ye Qinghan's time of use to come to an end. The instant his body collapsed, the蚮狜 would spew out the entire strength of the body arts Realm out of his mouth, turning into a pillar of light the size of a millstone.    


Unfortunately, it was easily dodged by Ye Qinghan!    


Without the Magic Realm Power's support, the moment the蚮狜's body disappeared from its enhanced state, it would have collapsed.    


Four big words appeared on the Ascension Arena. Ye Qinghan, victory!    


Tu Teng and Hu Youde sucked in a breath of cold air at the same time.    


Tu Teng had thought of any possibility, the only possibility he hadn't thought of was that Ye Qinghan would be able to defeat the蚮狜. Even though this method of defeating the other party was extremely treacherous, he had still won. If it was him, Tu Teng, fighting with the蚮狜 on the Ascension Arena, no matter what methods he used, he would never be able to win against it.    


But Hu Youde was surprised at Master Tu Family's miscalculation.    


Thinking about what kind of person Uncle Tu Teng was, even though he was a powerful being in the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder, he never thought that he would be miscalculated by Ye Qinghan, a disciple of the Yan Sect. The first time was against Wu Zhiqi, and the second time was against the蚮狜!    


After coming back to his senses, Hu Youde immediately transmitted the situation at the scene to Master Tu Family. He knew that he was not the only one who would send this message to Master Tu Family, but what would happen next? Hu Youde had no choice but to report to Master Tu Family first before making his plans.    


"What did Uncle say?"    


Under Tu Teng's anticipating gaze, Hu Youde shook his head and sighed: "Uncle already said it, let's stop here, we can continue doing it, after all Great Competition is not a personal item, and cannot be given to others."    


Tu Teng had a face full of disappointment. How could his uncle, who had always been the type to kill and do everything, let Ye Qinghan go so easily?    


However, what he did not know was that in the heart of this great master Tu Family, first, he felt that Ye Qinghan was just a mere two star disciple. Even if he was able to cause a stir in the slightest, it would still be nothing in front of his extremely deep Tu Family.    


Second, because even the genius disciples who had a chance of entering the top ten in Great Competition this time, in the hidden rules of the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder s, would at most fight against two Alien Life Form Of The Obscure Realm s. Ye Qinghan had already fought with the two Alien Life Form Of The Obscure Realm s, Wu Zhiqi and the蚮狜. If they were to fight with Ye Qinghan, the rest of the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder s would not be able to watch it.    


At that time, even if your Tu Family were as big as a tree and as deep as its roots, you still wouldn't be able to act as if nothing had happened under the accusations of so many almighty elders.    


"Are we just going to let him go?"    


"Don't be angry Butchery. With the strength of this Yan Sect disciple, no matter how many rounds he ascends to, it is impossible for him to be in the top ten of Great Competition …"    


"Yeah, Butchery, with so many pairs of eyes watching us, if that disciple of the Yan Sect hadn't exhausted the蚮狜 with his Velocity Movement, making it impossible for the蚮狜 to catch him, it would be absolutely impossible for him to defeat the蚮狜."    


A few Tu Family Sect disciples hurriedly consoled the furious Tu Teng. After thinking carefully, it was indeed like this, which was why they were willing to calm down.    


"Forget it, let's just pretend that we can't see him. As long as Ye Qinghan isn't in the top ten, there's no harm in letting him be complacent for a few rounds."    


Looking at Ye Qinghan who had gotten down from the Ascension Arena, Tu Teng's eyelids jumped. Ye Qinghan had sensed that when someone was looking at him, the person who was initially looking for him with a deadpan expression was actually seen by Tu Teng to be proud and boasting.    


Wu Yingying looked at Tu Teng who was trying her best to hold back her anger and laughed at him as her face flushed red.    


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