Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1467 Snare

C1467 Snare

At the Pagoda Mountain.    


After Ye Qinghan returned, he had been cultivating in seclusion. However Licha Peiqi had sent a message to him once, saying that the number of people participating in the Roving Star Envoy competition had suddenly increased. When Ye Qinghan heard that they were using the rules of the Star Seizer Sect, he did not pay too much attention to it.    


The news of Ye Qinghan killing Elder Cloud also slowly spread through the entire New Moon City. Even the Arcanist knew of a Arcanist who had just been promoted to the Star Seizer Realm, so killing the veteran Roving Star Envoy gave Ye Qinghan quite a bit of fame within the New Moon City.    


Around a month after he returned to the Buddha Mountain, Licha Peiqi sent a message to inform the Roving Star Envoy s that the competition had officially begun.    


As per his agreement, Ye Qinghan came to the New Moon City Division. There were already about twenty or so people waiting inside. Ye Qinghan frowned, there were quite a few Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s with Lizard Clan among them.    


Cai Xin secretly looked at Ye Qinghan and sneered, his father Cai Xi had heard about Ye Qinghan killing Elder Cloud, so he decided to change the plan. Many Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s were invited to sign up for the competition in order to force the Star Seizer Sect to change the rules of the competition. s who had also mobilized a few Lizard Clan s from the clan came in to surround Ye Qinghan and capture him, to ensure that he was absolutely safe.    


"This time's Roving Star Envoy competition for the Mountain Dharma Kingdom will be conducted in accordance with the seventeenth election system because of the temporary increase in the number of candidates."    


Licha Peiqi walked out and all the contestants in the Star Seizer Sect quieted down. Reaching this point, Licha Peiqi took out an energy crystal and started to read it according to the rules of the competition.    


"The venue for the election this time is in the Central Plane of the Mountain Dharma Kingdom Mountain. All of the candidates rely on teleporting jade talisman to enter. I have already arranged for people to insert Star Seizer Magic Flag s with Star Seizer Sect into the mountain in advance. The rule of the election is that whoever obtains this Star Seizer Magic Flag first will be the one to be chosen as the new Mountain Dharma Kingdom Roving Star Envoy. "    


After Licha Peiqi finished speaking, he waved his hand, and just happened to drop a crystal clear teleportation jade talisman in front of all the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian.    


"As for how you guys are going to snatch it, our Star Seizer Sect will not interfere. If anyone feels that it's dangerous, they can immediately teleport back to dimension 3000 through the teleportation jade talisman."    


As he said that, Licha Peiqi coincidentally stood in front of Ye Qinghan, as if he had said those words specifically to him. Ye Qinghan looked around, only to see that all the Lizard Clan were staring at him. Ye Qinghan instantly understood what he meant.    


Ye Qinghan understood the principle of never putting himself in danger. After thinking for a while, he decided to enter the plane of the Mountain Dharma Kingdom first, so if it was really very dangerous, it wouldn't be too late for him to teleport back to dimension 3000 through the jade talisman.    


"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack …" Everyone had teleported through the teleportation jade talisman to the mountain plane of the Mountain Dharma Kingdom. Ye Qinghan had also crushed half of the teleporting jade talisman and the remaining half of the teleportation jade talisman was used when returning to the three thousand dimension of space and time.    


After teleporting for a day and a night, Ye Qinghan's eyes lit up. He had already arrived at the mountain surface of the Mountain Dharma Kingdom. This place looked like an ordinary Life Spirit Realm, the environment was not too different, but there were a lot of mountains, and the place where Ye Qinghan and the rest of the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s were at was also surrounded by mountains.    


And the race of this plane was governed by the Elder Cloud's stony skinned Human Clan. The rest of their bodies were made of stone, they were the slaves of the Elder Cloud, helping them to tame animals, guard their homes, and capture food.    


Furthermore, the races within the mountain were basically just enjoying themselves doing nothing everyday, reaping what they had sown. Ye Qinghan did not calculate the amount of luck that the Heavenly Dao s had with this plane, and the next lucky race within the mountain was the Rock Tribe, which was now their slave. And the child of destiny would be born within the Cliff Race.    


The mountain clan used to be a person who gained the upper hand in the Dao, but now that the Elder Cloud was dead, without the Elder Cloud suppressing their race's destiny, the situation of the Heavenly Dao had changed.    


Just at this moment, the nine Anopheles cultivators out of the twenty-seven took out a set of instruments from their spatial storage treasures. Aside from Ye Qinghan and the people from the Nine Anopheles, the remaining seventeen Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s also crushed the remaining half of the teleportation jade talisman. With a sudden flash, they were teleported back to the three thousand dimensions of space and time.    


"Lizard Clan is really putting in a lot of effort to deal with me. Making such a big move, you invited seventeen Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian to come travel to the mountain face, you must have paid quite a price, right!?" How could Ye Qinghan not understand that this time, Lizard Clan was determined to kill him.    


One person for one piece of equipment, nine people for nine cubes. All of them were handed over to Cai Xin. Cai Xin flipped his hand, and not long after, the nine cubes of equipment combined into a funnel-like, millstone like treasure. He then took out a crystal gem from his spatial storage magic treasure and placed it on top of the magic treasure. The magic treasure immediately began to emit a ray of light, covering the entirety of the mountain.    


"What should I say to you?" Cai Xin laughed disdainfully at Ye Qinghan: "You don't even know the Machine Clan's treasure Sky-covering Millstone, why are you not running when you see it? Should I say that you are an expert with great courage, or should I say that you are as stupid as a deer boar?"    


Ye Qinghan's face changed and immediately communicated with the Message Jade Token, but the Message Jade Token had no reaction. The Sky-covering Millstone s at the top could block the teleportation message from the Magic Realm, and hide the information of the Magic Realm of the other teleportation array s.    


The teleportation jade talisman did not have the ability to teleport by itself, it relied instead on communicating with the three thousand dimensions of space-time and the teleportation passage constructed by the Mountain Dharma Kingdom to complete the teleportation. Now, under the help of the Sky-covering Millstone, it was naturally no longer usable.    


Unfortunately … Ye Qinghan had heard it from Pan Huang, but had never seen the Sky-covering Millstone in person. Only now did he realize the true meaning of Lizard Clan!    


Of course, even if it was someone who had seen the Sky-covering Millstone before, they might not be able to recognize it when they saw the Sky-covering Millstone that was disassembled into a square piece of equipment.    


"But don't worry, even bringing the Sky-covering Millstone in would cripple our boss' strength. As for the other Machine Clan treasures that can instantly kill you, we did not bring any of them. " Cai Xin laughed coldly: "We will only fight you in a fair duel."    


"Fair?" Ye Qinghan asked with a smile, "How can it be fair? It's fair for me to fight you nine, or for the nine of you to fight me one, right? "    


"You'll know after we beat you!"    




Hearing this word, the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian of the Eight Anopheles transformed into a Animal Form. Just the power of the bulging muscles in her body was enough to shatter one Spatial Plate after another on the surface of the weak mountain.    


Seeing that the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian of the eight Anopheles were rushing towards him in an encirclement, Ye Qinghan did not fight and fled, using the body of 'Ten Thousand Fire Urgent' to transform into a pillar of heavenly fire to escape. After mastering this technique, 'Ten Thousand Fire Urge', one would be able to traverse a hundred thousand light years in the span of a breath. This was why it was called 'Ten Thousand Fire Urge'.    


But Cai Xin calmly laid down a defensive array around the Sky-covering Millstone, and did not chase after Ye Qinghan. This was a mechanical formation of the Machine Clan, different from the formations of cultivation civilizations. Machine Clan formations did not have a spirit or an eye type formation. To break through a mechanical array, one would need to use energy. Once the energy of the mechanical array was exhausted, the array formation would naturally be broken.    


Therefore, once Cai Xin laid down the mechanism array, he would be able to kill Ye Qinghan without worry. As long as Ye Qinghan dared to come back and destroy the array, Cai Xin would definitely be able to rush back before Ye Qinghan can break through the array. This was because with just the power of the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s, the mechanism array could not be broken until the end of a hundred to two hundred years of continuous attacks.    


"Cai Chu, where did you guys go?"    


Cai Xin sent a message to one of the Anopheles people, the Machine Clan treasure Transmitter, and the Lizard Clan person, Cai Chu returned to his position, instantly causing Cai Xin to rush over.    




In the air, Ye Qinghan travelled back and forth non-stop.    


Amongst the Lizard Clan Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s chasing Ye Qinghan behind them, after the transformation of the Animal Form, the lowest ranking Lizard Clan Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s were all six, and the highest ranking one was eight. Among them, two of the Anopheles Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s were sixth, four of the Anopheles Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s were seventh, and the remaining two were eighth.    


Fighting one on one, Ye Qinghan believed that none of the Eight Anopheles Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian were his match. However, if they attacked together, Ye Qinghan would not dare to take the risk. After all, before he cultivates the 'Five Elements Brahma Divine Fire Arts', even Shan Qiyin would be able to petrify Ye Qinghan. How could he guarantee that no one in the eight Anopheles would have such a method?    


If Ye Qinghan was controlled by any Anopheles Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian, even if it was just for a second, it would probably be exterminated by the remaining Lizard Clan Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian.    


Out of the eight Anopheles Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s, only two of them were actually able to catch up to Ye Qinghan. The rest of the six Anopheles Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s could only be able to do so with the help of the Transmitter.    


However, because Ye Qinghan was constantly changing his route to prevent himself from being surrounded by the Lizard Clan Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian, he did not leave everyone far behind. Even Cai Xin had caught up to a few people from the Anopheles. Then, after passing through the two scale seven Lizard Clan people, they hung far away behind Ye Qinghan.    


"Ye Qinghan, you can't escape anymore, just surrender!" Cai Xin sent a sound transmission to Ye Qinghan: "I can swear on the laws of this world to spare your Genuine Spirit and give you a chance for rebirth."    


"Without a corporeal body, there will be no memories. Without a soul, there will be no memories of the world. The only thing left behind would be the Genuine Spirit s, who can be considered to have broken all grudges between them." Ye Qinghan continued to travel through the sky, and did not stop, "However, I will not believe your words. Even if you let go of me, your people of the eight Anopheles will not let go of my Genuine Spirit. I've already played your little trick a long time ago! "    


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