Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1642 Angry horse killing array

C1642 Angry horse killing array

Ye Qinghan nodded slightly.    


This sect had already fallen, but it was an extremely powerful sect in the Ancient Eternal Age. In the entire three thousand dimensions, space and time belonged to a position of absolute domination. When the sects had the broadest territory, they had once occupied more than half of the Central Polar Continent and even occupied less than half of the West Yanzhou.    


This was all because of the Imperial Sword Sect's cultivation technique, which allowed them to grasp extreme power. This was the life source of all the A Divine Beast Of Law. The Imperial Secret Sect grasped extreme power, which was also equivalent to controlling all the A Divine Beast Of Law that wanted to reproduce, and that was why the Imperial Secret Sect was able to prosper in the Ancient Eternal Age.    


It was also because of the excessively strict rules of the Imperial Bloodline Sect that caused the many Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s to attack the Imperial Bloodline Sect. When the Super Expert of Law rose in power later on, the entire Imperial Bloodline Sect was naturally destroyed.    


He only heard that quite a few of the survivors of the Imperial Secret Sect had fled away with the books and cultivation methods of the Imperial Secret Sect in order to conceal themselves. However, no one had heard of that supreme technique used to control extreme strength. It was likely that it was destroyed in that battle.    


"Disciples of the Imperial Secret Sect who have mastered extreme power, even A Divine Beast Of Law have to listen to their commands, not a single one of them are not incomparably arrogant, and their actions should be upright and honorable. And since Ma Chengliang said that the The Three Elders Of The Ma Family's methods were extremely strange, then he naturally did not grasp the absolute power. "    


As Ye Qinghan thought about this, he felt that even if it was the Profound Meaning Sage, there was nothing to be afraid of.    


"Old thing, your dog eyes have been blinded. You dare to dirty your grandpa's clothes? You've truly gotten tired of living."    


It was a busy street. A burly man with a broad waist was smacking a face full of wrinkles. His face was filled with worry. He slapped the disconsolate face of the vegetable farmer to the ground as the people on both sides started to criticize the man.    


The cause of the incident was that the vegetable farmer was cleaning up the soil on his own vegetable and accidentally shook it onto the man's silk cloth. The man immediately lost his temper and knocked the vegetable farmer to the ground.    


Originally, the dispute between the two common life forms definitely did not attract the attention of Ye Qinghan and the others.    


Because common life forms that had not become cultivator were all closely related to karma. Moreover, they were linked to each other, linked to each other, and reported back to each other. This vegetable farmer who was beaten up in his current life might be the bully who bullied this man in his previous life. It was only after one became a Profound Meaning Pioneer that this causal link would be severed.    


Thus, under normal circumstances, even if Ye Qinghan and the other two noticed the dispute between the man and the vegetable farmer, they would not ask about it.    


However, the man suddenly revealed his identity, causing Ye Qinghan and the other two to stop.    


"Do you bastards know who I am? My name is Ma Shangfeng, I'm the Young Master of the Ma family, you bastards dare to insult me, you don't want to stay in Lian Xing City right? "    


The streets instantly quietened down, and were completely silent. The people who had accused Ma Shangfeng earlier seemed to have quietened down, and the people who leaned against the back of the crowd all quietly slipped away, afraid that Ma Shangfeng would grab hold of them and kill them.    


"I'm sorry, Young Master Ma …" "I'm sorry, Young Master Ma …"    


The vegetable farmer was so scared that his mucus and tears flowed profusely. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly. It seemed like the name of the young master of the Ma family had frightened him.    


"The Ma family's name in Lian Xing City is even better than the City Lord. The Ma Clan's orders are as effective in Lian Xing City as the orders of the emperors of common dynasties. "    


Ma Chengliang said to Ye Qinghan and Zhu Chenzi.    


The mortals did not have the qualifications to hear Ma Chengliang's words, so they did not bother to cover it up with sound transmission. It was just one more sentence, but Ma Chengliang did not say it out loud. That was, the emperor of the Ma family was a tyrant within the city.    


As if they were responding to Ma Shangfeng's words, a group of people dressed in fine clothes and horses quickly rushed over. All of them were dressed in fine clothes, if it wasn't for the fact that the style was the same, then it meant that this group of people dressed in fine clothes and angry horses belonged to any young master.    


However, when the group of people arrived in front of Ma Shangfeng, they immediately dismounted, covered Ma Shangfeng's mouth and nose, and pushed him down to the ground, then tied him up and used a piece of cloth to gag Ma Shangfeng, making him unable to say anything.    


"Young master …"    


"This person is pretending to be the Young Master of the Ma family to slander the Ma family's reputation. This is truly a heinous crime. We will bring this person back to the Ma family for punishment." "Please do not spread rumors, or else you will all be punished by slandering my Ma family's reputation."    


After the group of servants restrained Ma Shangfeng, a young man slowly walked over. Moreover, the way this group of servants addressed this young man indicated that this young man was the real Young Master Ma without a doubt.    


This youth had a jade-like face. He was a rare beauty in the entire Star City. Just from his last sentence, he exuded a sinister aura.    


"Take him away!"    


"Yes, Young Master!"    


"Get up …"    


The young master of the Ma family led his servants and walked towards the Ma family. Two servants who were holding onto Ma Shangfeng, were able to fiercely push his head down to the ground, causing Ma Shangfeng's head to clang against the ground. Ma Shangfeng screamed miserably as he got up and dragged Ma Shangfeng all the way to the Ma family.    


"Old Geng, fortunately, Young Master Ma showed up this time. Otherwise, the fake Young Master Ma would have revealed his true appearance. Otherwise, you would have been in deep trouble." I'm afraid that no one will be able to help you even if you become an important person. "    


said one of the old farmers from the village to the old man with a frightened face.    


"A dog bites a dog, both of them are not good stuff."    


Another citizen of Lian Xing City heard the old Geng's words, and disdainfully scolded the real and fake Young Master Ma, before quietly retreating from the crowd.    


Seeing this, Ye Qinghan and the other two laughed at each other.    


Because when the real Young Master of the Ma family was bringing Ma Shangfeng to the corner of the street, his subordinates released Ma Shangfeng. Ma Shangfeng took credit and flattered the Ma family's young master: "Cousin Shang De, did I act well?"    


"Did you act? Why do I feel like that was you? "    


The young master of the Ma family, Ma Shangde, teased Ma Shangfeng as he smiled and put his arm around Ma Shangfeng's shoulders. However, after Ma Shangfeng was carried by Ma Shang De, he looked forward naturally, and could not see the ridicule in Ma Shang De's eyes.    


"Cousin Shang De, then did you say that I was able to deceive those three Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s?"    


"Shut up, idiot!"    


However, Ma Shangfeng's words made Ma Shang De stop in his tracks, and when he shouted at Ma Shangfeng, he realized that it was already too late. Because at some point in time, Ye Qinghan and the other two had already appeared in front of him.    


"All of you, step down!"    


There were very few people here, so Ma Shang De's servants did not hesitate to surround Ye Qinghan and the other two. Ma Shangde knew that the servants' actions of surrounding the three Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s were no different from courting death, so he immediately called out to stop them.    


"Greetings, seniors."    


When all the servants left, Ma Shangde took a deep breath and bowed to Ye Qinghan and the other two.    


"Tell me, what happened?"    


Ye Qinghan did not know why Ma Shang De and Ma Shangfeng deceived the three of them, but since Ma Shang De and Ma Shangfeng were only two mortal lifeforms, he did not want to make a fuss about it with the two of them, so he indicated for Ma Chengliang to question the two of them.    


No matter what, Ma Chengliang could be considered to be Ma Shang De's and Ma Shangfeng's Ma Family's ancestor. Even if Ma Chengliang had used a few tricks on the two of them, the name of "bullying the common people" did not exist.    


"Cousin brother, speak. In front of the three Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s, we cannot hide anything."    


Seeing Ma Shang De remain silent for a long time, Ma Shangfeng bitterly advised.    


"This time around, I've really suffered miserably for your stupidity …"    


Ma Shang De also laughed bitterly, he then turned and spoke to Ye Qinghan and the other two: "Three seniors, to be honest, we are not Young Masters Ma, sorry …"    


Hearing Ma Shang De's words, Ye Qinghan vaguely felt that something was wrong. Originally, this matter had been revealing something strange, he didn't know why Ma Shang De and Ma Shangfeng would humiliate a vegetable farmer and deceive the three of them. He did not expect Ma Shang De to self-destruct himself and Ma Shangfeng, and not the Ma family's young master.    


was even more unable to guess what these two normal lives were planning. Just as he was about to investigate the entire matter, he saw Ma Shang De and Ma Shangfeng suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and their souls flew towards the sky.    


"You want to run?!"    


Zhu Chenzi reached out his hand to keep the two of their souls, but a Spatial Plate shook open and released a light arrow. It shot out a light arrow and killed both of their souls, but it did not even leave any Genuine Spirit behind for the two of them.    


"Not good …"    


"Quick, retreat!"    


At the end of a deserted street corner, a screen of light suddenly rose up, surrounding Ye Qinghan and the other two. Ye Qinghan and the other two wanted to break through from the skies, but the servants dressed in fine clothes and angry horses suddenly jumped on them, blocking their way out.    


These servants were merely ordinary life forms, and were nothing in the eyes of Ye Qinghan and the other two. Ye Qinghan used one of his Heaven Flames to burn all of these servants into nothingness. However, these servants stopped Ye Qinghan and the other two for a moment. In that short moment, the entire light curtain closed, and Ye Qinghan and the other two could not escape from the world.    


"It's too late!"    


Ma Chengliang's face became gloomy, Zhu Chenzi took out his own life sword dao, and summoned out a three feet long sword, attaching his own life sword dao to it.    


"Everyone, be careful. This is the Ma family's Thousand Enraged Horses Killing Array." The spell formation did not have much destructive power, but its power to confuse people was truly formidable. Of course, the most important thing was that once the Angry Horses Killing Array was activated, it represented the The Three Elders Of The Ma Family. The The Three Elders Of The Ma Family's cultivation technique was extremely strange to begin with. If one added in the power of the Thousand Enraged Horses Killing Array to bewitch people's hearts, they would be able to appear and disappear in the array. At that time, if we are not careful, we might fall into the hands of this The Three Elders Of The Ma Family … "    


Until now, how could Ye Qinghan and the other two still not understand what had happened?    


This was a trap set up by the The Three Elders Of The Ma Family on purpose, to lure Ye Qinghan and the other two into the Thousand Enraged Horses killing array by accident. Ma Chengliang had met The Three Elders Of The Ma Family before, so he knew that Ma Chengliang was from the Ma Clan.    


With the The Three Elders Of The Ma Family locking Ma Chengliang, Ye Qinghan and Zhu Chenzi together in the Thousand Faces Angry Horse Killing Array, naturally, they had no intention to let Ma Chengliang go. Ma Chengliang naturally did not need to remember the Ma Family's friendship, and completely leaked all the secrets of the The Three Elders Of The Ma Family.    


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