Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1627 Raw bridge

C1627 Raw bridge

"This Tu Teng is not completely ignorant, at least he will speak words of consolation."    


Ye Qinghan previously thought that Tu Teng was born of a noble family, so he was normally flattered by others, and he didn't pay much attention to the thoughts of ordinary disciples. He didn't expect that he would slap a red dates and use some methods that combined kindness and power.    


"It's a pity that this Tu Teng is still too stupid, the methods he used to display his kindness, should have been learned from his grandfather, Elder Tu Xing, but he was so stupid that he did not learn from him."    


Ye Qinghan shook his head helplessly.    


One reason why Wen Wei was so far from being Tu Teng's subordinate, and was even able to command Wen Wei Wen Yuan was most likely because of the relationship with Tu Teng's grandfather. Using methods that combined kindness and power was not suitable for Wenwen Yuan. Secondly, previously, due to his anger, Tu Teng addressed Wen Wang Yuan by his full name. Now, with the next line to appease him, Tu Teng addressed him as Senior Brother.    


When they heard that they had entered the Bridge Of Illusion s, the Bridge Of Illusion began to slowly evolve. From a floating Stellar Force, it became a ten meter wide stone arch bridge. There were five holes on the wall. The curved hole in the middle was the biggest one, and there were two holes next to it. However, the holes were only the size of a basin, and beside the holes were two medium holes the size of millstones.    


As Ye Qinghan walked up the Bridge Of Illusion, he realized that the void which was supposed to be covered by white smoke had turned into a river flowing downwards at this moment.    


Once he got on the Bridge Of Illusion, Ye Qinghan was no longer able to see far. Presumably, this was deliberately done by the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder who refined the Bridge Of Illusion, so that the disciples who trained on the Bridge Of Illusion would not be affected.    


"Identify the people, animals, and animals on the boats passing by under the bridge and mark the creatures within. If the answer is more than 80% right, then we will be able to pass the Life Bridge. "    


A voice rang out in Ye Qinghan's mind. Although this voice was human, it was emotionless and should be the voice of the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder who refined the Bridge Of Illusion. In the early stages of refining a Bridge Of Illusion, he had refined the sentence that explained the rules into the Life Bridge.    


Although this rule sounded simple, Ye Qinghan was not the least bit careless. It was only when the boats that passed through the arch bridge that Ye Qinghan found out that the Life Bridge in the first stage of the Bridge Of Illusion's trial was indeed a gift for him.    


A boat carrying ten people, an ox, and a sheep slowly approached. Ye Qinghan immediately used the power of desire to differentiate between the two.    


Any living thing would have emotions, and any emotion would produce desire. But it was extremely easy for Ye Qinghan to differentiate between ten people, one cow, and one sheep with the power of desire. That was the reason why he was able to get the first pass of the Bridge Of Illusion, the Life Bridge of the first stage.    


Ye Qinghan marked the bull.    


When the second boat appeared, Ye Qinghan could see clearly that the water in the curved hole beneath the bridge had appeared out of thin air. This meant that these ships and the creatures on the boat were all moved here by Bridge Of Illusion s that were not known to them.    


It was just that for these creatures, the moment they passed the Life Bridge, they would see the exact same scene as the space they were in, and it would not cause any discomfort to their bodies, so they would not be able to sense that they had been moved to the Star Flame Sect.    


The second ship also carried ten people. They were old and young, men and women. However, the livestock on the ship had turned into four different breeds of dogs.    


Ye Qinghan took a glance and immediately marked out the infant in the hands of a woman on the boat. Because of an accidental loss of her son, the woman became hysterical. The baby in her arms was a figment of her imagination from the look of her son when he was young.    


"The man with the sorrowful expression should be this woman's husband."    


Ye Qinghan shook his head helplessly as he watched the second boat slowly sail past under the Life Bridge. This man had experienced the same pain as the woman, but he had to take care of a hysterical woman. 90% of the misfortune of his life was taken by this man. No one knew what sort of evils this man had caused in his previous life.    


The boats that carried different types of humans and livestock passed by, one by one. Without exception, Ye Qinghan marked each and every creature that came out as an illusion.    


"Light speed!?"    


Because Ye Qinghan was immersed in identifying these creatures, he did not care about the speed at which the boat was passing through the Life Bridge. It was only until a ship passed by the Life Bridge, and saw the same reaction as the light around him, that Ye Qinghan finally realised it. The speed of these ships searching the Life Bridge, had already reached the speed of Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian's void travel.    


"This is too exaggerated!"    


These boats flowed continuously, and Ye Qinghan did not dare to relax even a bit. It was unknown when they would reach their end.    


It was no wonder that no disciple in the history of Star Flame Sect had ever passed the seventh trial of Bridge Of Illusion. It was even difficult for the first stage of the Life Bridge to be able to increase the speed of the boats to the speed of light. Naturally, no disciples of the Chasing Moon Magic Realm would be able to pass the seventh stage of the Bridge Of Illusion.    


As for how difficult the seventh stage of the Bridge Of Illusion was, Ye Qinghan was truly unable to imagine it.    


Ye Qinghan did not know how many lifeforms he had identified on the Life Bridge, but it was only until Ye Qinghan himself felt a little dizzy that the ship did not continue to appear. Only then did he walk to the end of the Life Bridge, and automatically return to the head of the Bridge Of Illusion.    


"Senior Brother Ye, you're finally off the bridge."    


As soon as Ye Qinghan got off the Life Bridge, he heard Wen Guang's voice. Ye Qinghan could not help but wonder, why did the Bridge Of Illusion that seemed to be a step ahead of him seem to have been waiting for him for a very long time? Could it be that she had been down the Life Bridge for a long time?    


"Senior Brother Wen, after all, Ye Qinghan is a disciple of the 'Flame Sect with boundless prospects'. As for whether or not we can pass the first trial of the Bridge Of Illusion, the Life Bridge is actually not important. "    


Ye Qinghan didn't even need to look to know that this annoying voice came from Tu Teng.    


Amongst them, there were also quite a few two star disciples, which made up about thirty-four people. There were nearly twenty three star disciples, and it was Ye Qinghan's first time seeing so many three star disciples gathered here.    


"Thinking about it, this Bridge Of Illusion should be the place where these three star disciples cultivate more than just comprehending the profound mysteries."    


Ye Qinghan guessed that since there were not many three star disciples gathered at the Bridge Of Illusion, the Bridge Of Illusion should not be the main place for the three star disciples to cultivate. The dozen or so three star disciples on the Bridge Of Illusion should be the more talented three star disciples on the The Law Of Illusions.    


When these Stellar Sect disciples heard Tu Teng's praise of his "boundless future", many of them sneered. What they were laughing about was not Ye Qinghan, but Yan Zong. However, after he finished laughing, he subconsciously moved a few steps away from Tu Teng.    


After all, mocking people was one thing, and being rude and mocking others was another.    


"Senior Brother Wen, have you been waiting for a long time?"    


Ye Qinghan automatically filtered Tu Teng's ridicule and asked when he heard it.    


"It has been a long time. Seeing that Senior Brother Ye has been standing in the middle of the Life Bridge without moving, I thought that Senior Brother Ye had encountered some difficulties. I wonder if Senior Brother Ye has passed the first trial of the Bridge Of Illusion, the Life Bridge? "    


"He should have passed …"    


Although it was really illusory to identify the beasts on the ship, it was a very simple task for Ye Qinghan. But after his identification, there was another marking process. Furthermore, the speed of the boats after that was extremely fast, reaching the speed of light. Ye Qinghan did not dare guarantee that he would not make any mistakes in the marking process.    


"Should be …" Tu Teng sneered yet again: "Whether or not you can pass this Bridge Of Illusion's first trial, there should be a single word for it. If you, Ye Qinghan, want to pass the Life Bridge, I'm afraid that you're not going to pass!"    


Tu Teng laughed without restraint, but it caused many Stellar Sect disciples to move further away from Tu Teng. When Tu Teng finished speaking, he realized that he was alone, and closed his mouth with an ugly expression on his face.    


"Since that's the case, then we'll wait for the Bridge Of Illusion's score to be calculated before we enter the second stage, the Dead Bridge."    


"Do you still have another score?"    


Ye Qinghan raised his eyebrows, the voice of the Bridge Of Illusion did not mention anything. There was still the matter of the evaluation, but he did not know what the rating of the Bridge Of Illusion was.    


However, when Ye Qinghan thought about how he and Tu Teng would compare, seeing who could pass the Bridge Of Illusion trials more, he could not be bothered to care about the Bridge Of Illusion evaluation anymore. After all, it did not affect Ye Qinghan's and Tu Teng's wager at all.    


But in reality, Ye Qinghan's understanding of Bridge Of Illusion came from Wu Yingying, who was also a bit knowledgeable about Bridge Of Illusion s, so he naturally did not know of the score points required to pass every trial. It was rather important for, the person who passed the trial, to whom he had a bet on this.    


If Ye Qinghan and Wen Ye had not passed the second stage of the Bridge Of Illusion and had stopped at the first stage's Life Bridge, then the first stage's rating would be the key to victory for Ye Qinghan and Wen Ming.    


The Tengkongdao Umbrella had also experienced a lot of battles with the Bridge Of Illusion, hence they all agreed with the rating of the Bridge Of Illusion. When one side wins, the Tengkongdao Umbrella will automatically transfer the prize to the other side.    


"Haha, Ye Qinghan, you sure are audacious. Without even knowing the rules for the Bridge Of Illusion s to score, he dared to participate in a arranged battle. It was truly a joke. If all of you stop at the same level, then the person with the highest score will win! "    


Tu Teng had originally decided to keep his mouth shut. Seeing that Ye Qinghan didn't even understand the rules of the Bridge Of Illusion and dared to come and gamble with him, he couldn't help but laugh at Ye Qinghan yet again. However, the Stellar Sect disciples beside him quietly moved a few steps further away from Tu Teng, causing Tu Teng's laughter to abruptly stop.    


"Even though I haven't passed the Bridge Of Illusion, just based on your speed of descent from the Bridge Of Illusion, you can determine that the first stage's Life Bridge evaluation is definitely much lower than Senior Brother Wen's."    


Like this, Tu Teng's hatred towards Ye Qinghan grew even more, and he started to mock him.    


"You …"    


Ye Qinghan originally wanted to retort back, but when he saw Tu Teng's current expression, he knew that Tu Teng had already started acting like an idiot. If he were to retort back, Tu Teng would become even more pleased, and he would no longer bother to respond to Tu Teng.    


At this time, Bridge Of Illusion gave Wen Yuan a rating and the word "good" appeared on the screen as well.    


This' Liang 'character was about the size of a basin, and there was a name written on the lower right corner. At the same time, on the bridge's boundary monument appeared the words' Insight Into the distance, Life Bridge, Good '. These words flashed by, as if they had already been recorded on the stone boundary monument.    


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