Beast Piercing The Heavens

C2233 Heavenly flame divine sand

C2233 Heavenly flame divine sand

It was very obvious that the surrounding ten-odd Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms all knew very well about the fame of the 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand'. Only he did not know.    


"That's right!" Just one of these Heavenly Flame Divine Sand s is enough to fill the city walls of the Burning God Clan. Even if this city was built by a god, it would be no exception. "    


Chen Dejun continued: "The difference between two 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' doesn't seem to be too great, but if it's three 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand', then it would cause a qualitative change. If the three Heavenly Flame Divine Sand were to be added together, it would be more than enough to burn down the mountain and fill up the sea … "    


"And what's burning is the Emperor's Zhou Mountain and the Emperor's Wei Hai!"    


An unknown Profound Meaning Stage life form added on the side.    


"Three 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' can flatten Emperor Zhou Mountain and Emperor Weihai?"    


When he heard this, he was even more shocked than before. He was already in a state of fear.    


Whether it was the Huang Zhou Mountain or Di Weihai, both had been boosted and boosted by the great power of the Imperial Family. Not to mention wanting to destroy the Huang Zhou Mountain and Di Weihai, even if countless Ancient Age were to go over, and the three thousand Magic Realm were to reopen countless times, it would still not have any effect on the Huang Zhou Mountain and Di Weihai.    


After all, disregarding the Imperial Family power that the great powers of the Imperial Family had boosted up on the mountain and sea of the Emperor Guards, just the role of the mountain and sea of Di Wei Hai being used on the Imperial Family — one was a divine mountain that offered sacrifices to the ancestors of the Imperial Family and the other was a forbidden sea that was baptized in the life of the newborn of the Imperial Family — was not simple at all.    


Because the Huang Zhou Mountain was a divine mountain that offered sacrifices to the Imperial Family ancestors, the Huang Zhou Mountain itself possessed the might of a Imperial Family ancestor.    


Even though they baptized the newborn with Imperial Family, the biggest difference between the newborn with Imperial Family and the average race was that the newborn with Imperial Family was not born from a mother, but from a unique type of Imperial Family.    


Thus, once a newborn was born, Imperial Family would be considered a mature body. After entering Di Weihai's baptism, these newborns with Imperial Family would directly become Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms.    


As for how strong exactly was it that could directly transform the newborn child of Imperial Family into a life form, there was no need to think too deeply about it. The fact that it could transform a newborn child of Imperial Family into a life form was already enough to explain everything.    


Yet Chen Dejun had said that three Heavenly Flame Divine Sand s were enough to flatten Mount Huang and Di Weihai. The dozen or so Profound Meaning Stage life forms around them also had such a natural expression, without even the slightest bit of surprise, which was enough to turn an especially great surprise into terror.    


"Is this Heavenly Flame Divine Sand really that powerful?"    


He couldn't help but think this in his heart.    


"The 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' must be quantified using three pellets in order to cause a qualitative change. It can be said that one, two, and three Power are completely different when it comes to using them. "However, in the entire three thousand dimensions of space and time, there are almost no people who possess three 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' …"    


Let alone helping Ye Qinghan, even Deng Jie was forced to retreat far from the battlefield, retreating to the side of Chen Dejun and the ten over Profound Meaning Stage beings.    


"After all, a piece of God's Sand from a 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' can only submerge the Gods' Ancient Earth Formations'. And when the three 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' are added together, it can even fill up the entire Emperor's Zhou Mountain and Di Weihai's Imperial Family. The gap between the two is not small at all."    


After hearing the conversation between Chen Dejun and the other Profound Meaning Stage beings, Deng Jie frowned and said in a serious tone, "Because any of the Profound Meaning Stage beings know that if an ancient land is the size of a continent, to three continents, then the mountains and seas of the Emperor's Mausoleum of Books and the Emperor's sea would be the size of a hundred continents."    


"Therefore, if the three 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' were to appear at the same time, then I believe that any Fellow Taoist, including those who had previously left the Fellow Taoist, would not be a match for those who control the three 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand'."    


Deng Jie did not say it explicitly, but the meaning behind his words was obvious. Any Fellow Taoist naturally included Ye Qinghan.    


"Fellow Taoist Deng, don't worry too much."    


Zhang Wuji, who had not spoken at the side, comforted Deng Jie: "After looking for a long time, I realized that Hong Sihai could only control two or more Heavenly Flame Divine Sand, and might only have one. I can't possibly have three. Therefore, Fellow Taoist Deng can relax, and do not need to be too worried about Fellow Taoist Ye, then Hong Sihai definitely will not be able to harm Fellow Taoist Ye. "    


In Zhang Wuji's opinion, the enemy of his enemy was his friend.    


Now that he and Hong Sihai were enemies and Ye Qinghan was also fighting, then as Ye Qinghan's ally, Deng Jie would naturally be Hong Sihai's enemy as well. Like this, he, Zhang Wuji, could absolutely become friends with Deng Jie.    


Of course, in Zhang Wuji's heart, he still placed more importance on Deng Jie as the Profound Meaning Sage of the fifth grade cultivation, and Ye Qinghan as his ally as well … If he could first become friends with Deng Jie, and then make use of Deng Jie and Ye Qinghan to become friends, then would not have wasted his painstaking effort to become friends with Deng Jie.    


"I hope so."    


Deng Jie slightly frowned, but was unwilling to discuss further with Zhang Wuji.    


On one hand, Deng Jie was not a talker, and on the other hand, Deng Jie saw all of Zhang Wuji's actions, he thought that Zhang Wuji was not a good person and could even be considered a despicable person, so Deng Jie was not willing to have a deep discussion with him and became friends with him. It was only because Zhang Wuji was trying to console him, that Deng Jie replied smoothly.    


"If Fellow Taoist Deng doesn't believe me, you can ask the dozen or so surrounding Fellow Taoist s what kind of person Hong Sihai is! This Hong Sihai is truly arrogant and conceited. If he had three 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand s' in his hands, he would have long been someone that could not be under the heavens in the Divine Elephant Plane, and could even start a massacre. "    


Unexpectedly, Zhang Wuji climbed up the stairs and said: "So what I have said before, no matter if it is the observation of Hong Sihai previously, or the deductions of Hong Sihai's personality, all of it proves that what I said is true. Fellow Taoist Deng can definitely trust my words and be at ease with Fellow Taoist Ye …"    


"Mm …"    




Zhang Wuji's blabbering did not move Deng Jie at all, after Deng Jie said those words to him, he took a few steps back to his left hand and distanced himself from Zhang Wuji, causing Zhang Wuji's blabbering to suddenly stop.    


"Haha, this Zhang Wuji is too ridiculous!"    




"The Fellow Taoist Deng completely ignored him. He's still talking nonsense …"    


"That's right!" Who amongst the Fellow Taoist could not see through his nonsense? "    


"Haha, it is truly laughable. Haha …"    


The dozen or so Profound Meaning Stage beings around started to ridicule Zhang Wuji!    


Aside from the fact that they did not point at Zhang Wuji and mock him, the dozen or so Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms around them did not conceal their laughter at Zhang Wuji at all. They did not care about Zhang Wuji's face in the slightest.    


Of course, this did not mean that the surrounding ten-odd Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms would truly hate evil, because Zhang Wuji had once thought that he was a despicable person, and looked down upon Zhang Wuji. The truth was not like that. To put it bluntly, out of the ten odd Profound Meaning Stage life forms around them, there was still a large number of people who were the same as Zhang Wuji, or perhaps even more shameless than him.    


As a result, the surrounding dozen or so Profound Meaning Stage beings did not conceal their mockery of Zhang Wuji in the slightest, and it was not because they felt that Zhang Wuji was a despicable person.    


In reality, the ten over Profound Meaning Stage beings around him were not only, even Hong Sihai, who was currently fighting with him, was laughing at him.    


This was entirely because the dozen or so Profound Meaning Stage life forms around them could already leave the Divine Elephant Plane at any time. Furthermore, they all thought that after exiting the Divine Elephant Plane, they wouldn't have any interactions with the Profound Meaning Stage life forms such as Zhang Wuji and Hong Sihai …    


Furthermore, when Zhang Wuji and Hong Sihai acted previously, they were indeed a little detestable, so at this moment when they saw Zhang Wuji and Hong Sihai making a fool of themselves, they naturally would not be stingy with their ridicule and ridicule.    


"This bastard …"    


Hearing the dozen or so Profound Meaning Stage life forms laughing at him without any concealment, Zhang Wuji's face immediately flushed red. Looking at Deng Jie with eyes filled with anger, it was obvious that he hated Deng Jie for rejecting his, causing his to be mocked by the dozen or so Profound Meaning Stage life forms.    


"I hope that Hong Sihai does not have more than two Heavenly Flame Divine Sand!"    


As for the hatred in Zhang Wuji's eyes, although Deng Jie did not see it, he felt it too, but Deng Jie would definitely not care, and he did not even have the intention to return the favor back to Zhang Wuji, he had already placed his focus on Ye Qinghan and Hong Sihai.    


"So there's only one 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand'!"    


At this moment, Ye Qinghan and Hong Sihai, who were running and chasing after each other, were already getting further and further away from each other and Ye Qinghan had already reached the edge of the Divine Elephant Graveyard. At this point, Ye Qinghan realized that the growth of the 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' behind him had started to slow down, and Ye Qinghan knew that the limit of the 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' had already been reached.    


Based on the limits of the Heavenly Flame Divine Sand behind him, Ye Qinghan deduced that there was only one of it.    


Like this, the 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' in Hong Sihai's hands was not worth for him to be afraid of.    


After all, Ye Qinghan naturally had some understanding of such famous divine objects like the 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand', and had also seen the introduction of this' Heavenly Flame Divine Sand 'in the Book Pavilion. Therefore, Ye Qinghan was also clear that this' Heavenly Flame Divine Sand 'required three of them to own the greatest Power, and could even easily annihilate any Profound Meaning Stage life form below the Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert.    


And the reason why Ye Qinghan was not as courageous at the side as Deng Jie was, was not because Ye Qinghan was trapped, so he had to be careful.    


This was because those who did not know of the existence of the Profound Meaning Stage, like Deng Jie, were fearless. It was simply unheard-of for them to have three 'Heavenly Flame Divine Sand' in their possession.    


But Ye Qinghan was different!    


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