Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1979 Perception

C1979 Perception

As Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam felt the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and heroic souls become so huge, he couldn't help but think that it was probably because the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, this traitor, had used such an evil technique to catalyze these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and heroic spirits. Otherwise, how could these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and heroic souls increase their power by several folds in such a short amount of time?    


And Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's mutterings about 'I can't help it anymore' meant that Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had finally revealed that he had cultivated an evil technique.    


In the eyes of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, these thousands of Power Of Will s with Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits suddenly became enormous, and the expressions of these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits also became so ferocious, their killing intent also rose.    


And the reason why the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam thought of the temptations of these evil thoughts was naturally because the traitor Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had used some evil arts to perform some enticing arts, which caused the expressions and aura of the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits to undergo such a drastic change.    


"Daofan, you dare to blaspheme an outstanding Heroic Spirit for my Cold Realm. You are truly audacious, sinful to the extreme!"    


Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's face was filled with anger, he waved his hand, as though he wanted to help the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits. He wanted to help the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits, but the 'Stone Prophecy' of the Stone Universe and the Law Power did not stop, suddenly speeding up and enveloping the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits.    


"Humph!" The sin that you wish to add to your crimes, there is no excuse for it! "    


Although Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's current cultivation was several times stronger than those who did not receive the power of the universe and Power Of Law from the depths of the Cold Realm Universe, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had after all, still fallen within the Heavenly Prison Space, and in the end, was still a prisoner.    


Thus, when Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan heard Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam attribute the several thousand Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits to him, making it his own fault, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan did not have any other explanations. He only ridiculed Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam one sentence, and then, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan did not continue speaking.    


Because Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had once held a high position, he was very clear about what tricks Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam was playing.    


After all, these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits were once gods, and every single one of them had once contributed extraordinary things to the entire Cold Realm Universe. Even those who had contributed slightly less, had given up their lives for the entire Cold Realm Ancestral Court.    


Therefore, even if these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits truly had the ability to kill the ruler of the Cold Realm Universe, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, today, no one would be able to hold these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits accountable for this matter and cause these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits to be humiliated.    


After all, if one were to really talk about it, the reputation of Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam in the eyes of all the living beings in the Cold Realm Universe might not even compare to the reputation of these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits.    


After all, the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam only wanted to control the thoughts of the divine beings in the Cold Realm Ancestral Court and the Cold Realm Divine Realm.    


And before today, these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits did not directly clash with the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, so the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam had tacitly agreed to the actions of the leader of these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits, turning these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits into an example of the entire Cold Realm Universe.    


After countless years of accumulation, the contributions that thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits had made towards their entire Cold Realm Universe had already spread throughout the entire Cold Realm Universe. The living beings of the countless planes were all praying for the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits throughout the day and night, and they were also incomparably respectful towards the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits.    


Especially those who had already reached a known plane of existence, or were able to jump out of their own plane, they had even deeply branded the name of these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and heroic souls in their minds.    


As for those primordial life forms who did not know of the existence of a plane, the Divine King of the Cold Realm Universe had also revealed the fame of these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits to these primordial life forms through the means of myths. As for the method of prayer, it was directly transmitted to the minds of these primordial life forms through a dream-like spell.    


This primordial being, who didn't even know of the existence of a plane, was actually the most pious of all the beings in the Cold Realm Universe while praying to the thousands of souls in the Cold Realm Divine Realm. In the eyes of all the living beings within the Cold Realm Universe, these thousands of spirits should be the existences they revered the most.    


Even if these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits managed to kill the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, no one would be able to convict these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits.    


Therefore, if there really was someone who was responsible for these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits assaulting Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam today, then it would be the most appropriate person to have this person turned into a Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan.    


After all, the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was now a rebel well-known throughout the entire Cold Realm Universe and had become a prisoner within the Heavenly Prison Space.    


Even if these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits did not receive Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's instructions, letting Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan take the blame was the most suitable decision.    


Furthermore, in the heart of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, since he had contributed so much to the entire Cold Realm Universe, he naturally should not be treated like this by the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits.    


Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam didn't know that at this moment, in his heart, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was also feeling extremely helpless, and even had a wave of helpless resentment mixed within.    


It was because Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan "knew" that he was being wrongly accused of it, but there was no need for him to give any excessive explanations. It was because Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was extremely clear in his heart that even if he were to explain, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam would definitely not believe him.    


Moreover, he was still trapped in the Heavenly Prison Space and could not get out. Even if he explained everything to the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, he would be the one taking the blame, and he would be the one taking the blame.    


Therefore, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan knew that there was no need to explain anything to him.    


And Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's grievance was because Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan felt that Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam had truly wrongly accused him!    


When the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits were first gathered in this' river of civilizations', Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had indeed stirred up the desires and evil thoughts of the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits.    


But when the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan removed the binding power of the 'Long River of Civilizations' from the bodies of the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits, allowing the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits to struggle free from the 'River of Civilization', the ferocious expressions on the faces of the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits, as well as their murderous auras, had nothing to do with the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan at all.    


This was the hatred and resentment of the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits that had been accumulating in his heart for millions of years and tens of millions of years. When he felt that his thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits had already been forced into desperate straits by the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, this hatred and resentment that had been accumulating in his heart for millions of years and tens of millions of years naturally erupted.    


That was why Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan felt helpless and resentful.    


No matter what Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam thought of Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, in reality, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had not made any kind of influence on the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits, nor did he use any kind of evil arts to control the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits.    


"Ah …"    


"I'm going to die!" Someone save me! "    


These thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits started to wail at the same time, because at this moment, all of the power of the 'Stone Prophecy' had been infused into the bodies of the thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits, and not a single one of them were able to escape. And this time, under the command of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, the 'Stone Prophecy' was also going all out, with no mercy at all.    


As a result, the 'Stone Prophecy' was originally formed from the power of the Stone Universe and the Power Of Law of Cold Realm Universe. These two types of energy could be said to be the highest level of Cold Realm Universe, and while the several thousand souls of Cold Realm Divine Realm were still alive, the divine power of one's own body would be several levels lower than the power of the Stone Prophecy's Stone Universe and the Power Of Law.    


Right now, these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits had already fallen, without even a divine body, just relying on the Power Of Will's ability to resist the 'Stone Prophecy' and the Power Of Law's attacks was absolutely impossible.    


After all, these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm and Heroic Spirits were a great threat to the six Divine King disciples from the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, as well as to the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan s who had condensed the 'Long Rivers of Civilization'. However, they were of no threat to the Stone Prophecy's Stone Universe powers and Power Of Law s.    


This was because even though the Stone Prophecy's Stone Universe Power and Power Of Law s were powerful, they were only of a higher level. They did not have a consciousness of their own.    


Therefore, no matter how powerful the Power Of Will of several thousand Cold Realm Divine Realm and heroic spirits were, they would not be able to pose the slightest threat to the 'Stone Prophecy', the power of the Stone Universe and the Power Of Law.    


As for the Stone Prophecy's stone universe power and Power Of Law, they were born with a power that was many times stronger than the divine powers of the few thousand Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits when they were still alive. Naturally, at this time, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam would use the 'Stone Prophecy' to attack the several thousand Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits, and naturally, these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits would not have the slightest ability to resist.    


"Kill them together with the Celestial Emperor!"    


"Brothers, kill!"    


At this time, these thousands of Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits had already been attacked by the Stone Prophecy's Stone Element of Cosmic Energy and Power Of Law, causing half of their willpower to begin to melt. Moreover, the Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits that were at the back were also attacked by the Stone Prophecy of Stone Element of Cosmic Energy and Power Of Law, causing a large half of their bodies to completely melt away.    


Judging from its description and appearance, it was extremely terrifying!    


It was simply impossible for anyone to imagine that this was the Cold Realm Divine Realm Heroic Spirits that millions of Cold Realm Universe beings worshipped and prayed for day and night!    


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