Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1600 Extreme cold storm

C1600 Extreme cold storm

"Brat, you have a good eye! But Eighth Lord is not called Ji Hanfengbao, he was just trying to trick you. As for why they are eyeing you … Isn't it all because you're stupid! "    


Everything changed for Ji Hanfengbao, the aura around him suddenly turned cold and fierce, the expression on his face was also occasionally playful and occasionally cold with killing intent. The only thing that did not change was his face, which was written with the word "honest" written all over. When he made such fierce expressions, it was as if he was pretending to be fierce, causing Ye Qinghan to laugh involuntarily.    


"I'm stupid?"    


Ye Qinghan opened his mouth wide, pointing at himself with his finger in disbelief. Ye Qinghan had heard many people evaluating him, some said that he was smart and some said that he was cunning and some said that he was stupid.    


This was the first time Ye Qinghan heard someone calling him stupid!    


"Of course you're stupid, a paper Skypalace Starfield map was all bought by you into a Space-time Coin, are you not stupid enough? Do you know that adding another Space-time Coin, is already enough to buy that teleportation booth? Could it be that you want to claim that you are a smart person? "    


"I …"    


Hearing Ji Hanfengbao's questions, Ye Qinghan was speechless. It seemed like he was really stupid.    


"Since you are so stupid, you shouldn't have any treasures on you. However, you are still a Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian, so you should have more or less accumulated some knowledge. I won't say anything more. How about this, hand over everything you have on you, and my two brothers and I will let you go. Otherwise, we will have to rob you. At that time, don't blame us for not saving your life! "    


Just then, the two Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s beside Ji Hanfengbao took a step forward, revealing the aura of their Star Seizer Magic Realm, they rushed towards Ye Qinghan.    


"If that's the case, then alright, I'll give you my valuable items."    


Ye Qinghan laughed helplessly, extending his right hand out and clenching it into a fist, he arrived in front of the three Ji Hanfengbao brothers and slowly spread out his hands.    


"Kid, you dare to play with us?"    


"Kill him, big brother …"    


There was nothing in Ye Qinghan's opened palm, so the three brothers shouted in anger.    


"Don't be anxious, look!"    


The Heavenly Flame in Ye Qinghan's palm slowly rose, and in the end transformed into a crawling fire dragon that engulfed the Ji Hanfengbao and his brothers.    


"Tricks... Second Brother, third brother … "    


When Ji Hanfengbao saw the attack from the Heaven Flame on Ye Qinghan, he was just about to disperse it when he saw his two brothers with Star Seizer Magic Realm standing still in their original position, not moving at all. They were directly engulfed by the fire dragon without any chance of retaliation or defense, as if they had been deliberately killed by Ye Qinghan.    


"Too weak, forget it …"    


Ye Qinghan grabbed the struggling soul of the third brother of the Second Brother. After the two of their souls were destroyed, he let go of their Genuine Spirit s.    


"Hiding your strength, very good. Boy, I'll remember you!"    


When Ji Hanfengbao saw that his two brothers had been killed by Ye Qinghan in one move, he thought that the Star Seizer Magic Realm that Ye Qinghan had revealed earlier was hiding his own strength. And then, he said something fierce and disappeared from the void.    


In reality, the reason why Ye Qinghan was able to kill Ji Hanfengbao's Second Brother and Third Brother in one move was all because Ye Qinghan had used the power of five kinds of desire, which he coveted and coveted. With the help of the Aesthete, he magnified the power of the five desires several times greater, so that he could control the two of them and kill them in one move.    




Ye Qinghan used his Magic Realm Power to shatter the empty space, his entire being returned to the Treasure Furnace residence. Other than the two cabinets at the entrance for storing goods, there was only a large empty space in the middle of the room. There were also a few other miscellaneous objects inside, which clearly showed that this was a place Ji Hanfengbao and his brothers used to cheat.    


However, of the three Ji Hanfengbao brothers, the only one who was truly smart was Ji Hanfengbao alone. When he saw his two brothers killed by Ye Qinghan in one move, he immediately fled. If one of them was slightly careless and was prepared to probe Ye Qinghan first, they might not be able to escape.    


There were still eight hours before Star Flame Sect could be used to recruit disciples. Ye Qinghan was too lazy to bother looking for another place, so he directly sat in the Treasure Furnace area with his eyes closed to rest, and waited for the time to come, and then directly ascended from the Treasure Furnace to Star Flame Sect.    


Just as Ye Qinghan was meditating, a beetle slowly crawled in from the entrance. Seeing that Ye Qinghan was fine, it immediately flapped its wings and flew towards Ye Qinghan, baring its black fangs.    


Just as it was about to reach Ye Qinghan's neck, Ye Qinghan quickly extended two fingers and clamped onto the beetle. But the moment Ye Qinghan burned this black beetle, this beetle actually turned into a poisonous green smoke, rolling around in the treasure furnace area, filling up the entire treasure furnace area.    


"Shameless scumbag!"    


Ye Qinghan's expression instantly changed as he escaped from the treasure furnace. Coincidentally, he saw a figure disappearing into the air, and that figure was the Ji Hanfengbao who escaped without a fight.    


After inspecting his physical body's condition, Ye Qinghan discovered that there was nothing abnormal, causing his expression to turn ugly. After coming to Star Flame Sect, he had truly disgusted Ye Qinghan.    


First, he was extorted and ridiculed by the common lifeforms in the two teleportation booths, then, he was deceived by Ji Hanfengbao. Now, he even sent a poisonous beetle to ambush Ye Qinghan. Because it was almost time for the Star Flame Sect to recruit disciples. If Ye Qinghan were to go and tangle with this Ji Hanfengbao right now, delaying the examination for him to enter the sect through the Star Flame Sect, then it would not be worth it.    




The Star Flame Mountain that is one hundred thousand feet high is not made of human resources, but a mountain that is born to be magnificent and extraordinary. If a supreme expert were to take action, then even a supreme elder of the Obscure Realm would be able to create a mountain range that is even higher and more dangerous than this Star Flame Mountain.    


Therefore, this Stellar Flame Mountain was unique within the three thousand dimensions of space and time. It was also known as the place closest to the law of the stars, and was even the best place to absorb Stellar Force. Any Profound Meaning Stage cultivator who had ambitions to establish the laws of the stars would yearn for this Stellar Flame Mountain.    


However, on the outside of the Stellar Flame Mountain mountain and the Coiled Dragon Mountain, the extremely similar sharp astral winds were enough to stop any cultivator who had yet to reach the level of Profound Meaning Stage. Adding to that the formless sharp blade which pierced into one's soul, even many cultivator with ordinary cultivations were obstructed at the foot of the mountain.    


It was only until eight hours later when Ye Qinghan arrived at the foot of the Stellar Flame Mountain Mountain that he found out about the number of Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s participating in the examination. It was also the first time that he had seen so many of them in three thousand dimensions.    


Amongst them, many of the Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s could already be said to be the same as Ye Qinghan, existences of supreme elders!    


To differentiate a Profound Meaning Stage cultivator, could be considered the best line of demarcation for a Supreme Elder. That was, after this Profound Meaning Stage cultivator had entered the small success stage of the Star Seizer Magic Realm, was the complete integration of the profound meanings comprehended.    


If the profound meaning that he had comprehended was completely integrated, then the aura of this Profound Meaning Stage cultivator would give people a feeling that it was natural. If the profound meaning that he had comprehended did not integrate, then the feeling this Profound Meaning Stage cultivator gave others would make people feel that it was a mess.    


Roughly counting, the number of Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s that have come to participate in the Star Flame Sect examination this time around, should be at least twenty thousand. But from Pan Huang's message, Ye Qinghan found out that there were only ten disciples that were recruited this time around.    


twenty thousand to ten, the difficulty of entering the Star Flame Sect was so great, it had already reached a world shocking level!    


"Use your feet to step onto the Star Flame Sect within four hours."    


A consciousness without any sound entered the minds of the twenty thousand Profound Meaning Stage cultivator at the foot of the mountain. All of the Profound Meaning Stage s present looked up. Standing in the clouds, they could not see the peak of the Stellar Flame Mountain. They immediately knew that the first test of the Star Flame Sect had already begun.    




"His Star Flame Sect is only this much …"    


Amongst them, however, there were more than two thousand Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s whose faces were cold as they flicked their sleeves and left.    


It turned out that the mental voice that could not make out the voice a moment ago had said: "Use both of your feet to step onto the Star Flame Sect, which is to say, narrow down the scope of this round's admissions. However, the foreign Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s were not included in this round of admissions assessment.    


Star Flame Sect originally only recruited s, but when they met descendants of foreign Super Expert of Law s who wished to enter their Star Flame Sect to cultivate, Star Flame Sect also did not want to recruit some of the weaker Super Expert of Law s, so they entered Star Flame Sect. would open the back door when they were recruiting disciples, allowing all cultivator s of other races to participate in the sect entrance examination.    


This had already become a hidden rule in the past when Star Flame Sect was recruiting disciples!    


However, this time, it was clear that there were no descendants of foreign Super Expert of Law s participating in the sect entrance examination, so this time, Star Flame Sect would only recruit s. As for the Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s of the foreign races who did not have backgrounds at the foot of the mountain, they did not know the secrets within. They only felt that Star Flame Sect discriminated against foreign races like themselves and could not be taught without discrimination.    


"Four hours …"    


Ye Qinghan silently calculated the speed and time of his journey up the mountain. Just as he was about to take a step up the mountain, he saw two Profound Meaning Pioneer s who were not confident that they could make it up the mountain in four hours, and wanted to fly up the mountain. After flying for less than ten meters, they were smashed into pieces by the astral winds and frost outside the mountain.    


The crowd of Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s were in an uproar. They did not expect that the two Profound Meaning Pioneer s who had not followed the rules at all became the best explanation for the word "death".    


After all, that was a cultivator of the Profound Meaning Stage!    


Any level existence within the three thousand Magic Realm was an existence that could not be underestimated, even if it was any part of the three thousand dimensional realm. He died just like that, without even his soul remaining. Even though the Genuine Spirit was still alive, after the Genuine Spirit gathered its soul again after ten million years, it was no longer the death Profound Meaning Stage cultivator.    


Many of the Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s secretly thought that this was not good. There were even some Profound Meaning Stage cultivator who had already started to retreat, but did not leave immediately. They felt that no matter what, they had to pretend to be able to climb the mountain, and then pretend to not have the strength to climb the mountain peak before quitting this assessment.    


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