Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1697 True meaning of starfire

C1697 True meaning of starfire

After entering the Stop Hole, Ye Qinghan discovered that the Stop Hole and the underground palace were once again in different spaces.    


Not only that, the space within the Stop Hole was still constantly flowing, and Spatial Plate s that came from unknown places would often replace the Spatial Plate s within the Stop Hole. Allowing the space of the Stop Hole to change ever-changing, some almighty elders who are well versed in the Space Law could not sneak into the Stop Hole either.    


It was just that this way, the space of the Stop Hole must always be controlled by someone, otherwise, the flowing state of the Stop Hole Spatial Plate would immediately stop.    


"Presumably, the Yellow-robed Elder under the maple tree is the person who controls the Stop Hole space."    


Ye Qinghan thought like this as he walked inside the Stop Hole for a long time. He did not see Zhang Dongde, Li Huishen, Hong Song, Feng Zhong, and the others, and guessed that the region they had entered was different from his.    




Ye Qinghan suddenly stopped in his tracks, only to see his left arm quickly aging, filled with wrinkles, causing Ye Qinghan to jump in fright. Just as he was about to move, he realized that his left arm had returned to normal.    


Then, Ye Qinghan walked forward a few more steps, and the facial features of his face also started to age, before returning to normal. Only now did Ye Qinghan know that within the Stop Hole, there were not only Spatial Plate s from different spaces, there were also different time zones that formed as well.    


"So that's how it is!"    


When Ye Qinghan arrived at the end of the passageway, he saw an open field that was around a hundred and fifty meters wide. The air here was obviously of a better quality than the air in the tunnel. Seven threads of starlight descended from the top of the stone wall, and within them were the True Meaning of Law s of the Star Flame Sect.    


After walking past this open field, they reached another passage on the other side of the passageway, but that passage was separated by a Stellar Force's membrane. Presumably, it was used to differentiate between the top three disciples and the top ten disciples, and the passage opposite of it should be the passage to view the true meaning of the rules.    


"The seven streaks of starlight represent seven True Meaning of Law s, which are the true intent of Starfall, the true intent of Starfall, the true intent of Nebula, the true intent of Starshock, True Meaning Of Stars, True Meaning Of Starfire, and the true intent of Starfall …"    


Before entering the Stop Hole, Ye Qinghan had already memorized it and knew who all the True Meaning of Law were in the Stop Hole, as well as which part of the true meaning of the rules were. Of course, there were seven different types of True Meaning of Law that Yi Hejun had informed him about. And the majority of the true meaning of the rules was told to Ye Qinghan by Wu Yingying. On the other hand, the True Meaning of the Rules that Ye Qinghan himself knew of, only had a little more than thirty of them.    


Ye Qinghan circled around the seven strands of starlight and carefully observed. Right now, it had only been an incense's time since he entered Stop Hole, so Ye Qinghan was definitely not in a hurry since he could stay in Stop Hole for ten years.    


"The True Meaning Of Starfire must definitely be comprehended."    


After Ye Qinghan came in contact with the seven True Meaning of Law, he immediately knew that the True Meaning Of Starfire was the last True Meaning of Law on the right side of the seven True Meaning of Law and also the first True Meaning of Law on the left side.    


Regarding the True Meaning Of Starfire, Ye Qinghan did not say that he was watching it, but said that he had comprehended it, which signified Ye Qinghan's determination that he was definitely going to win. Because this True Meaning Of Starfire was the only one in Ye Qinghan's knowledge that could link the law of stars and the law of fire together.    


This way, Ye Qinghan's true meaning of the 'Space Break' would be able to help Ye Qinghan create the laws of the stars, greatly raising the chances of Ye Qinghan creating the laws of the stars.    


As for the rest of the True Meaning of Law, Ye Qinghan did not necessarily say that he must comprehend them. Being able to comprehend the best, even if one was unable to comprehend Ye Qinghan, it wouldn't be forced, nor would one feel discouraged. It could only be seen whether or not Ye Qinghan and the other True Meaning of Law had the same fate.    


A single True Meaning of Law contained an extremely large amount of information, so it would take three whole years to view a single True Meaning of Law. Thus, after Ye Qinghan confirmed that the True Meaning Of Starfire was the first True Meaning of Law on the left side of his hand, he invaded his mind into the True Meaning Of Starfire and began to examine it.    


"Stars above the essence of all things …"    


"From the crystal voice, an elephant form …"    


"Stars, orb, moon, sun, moon..."    


The True Meaning Of Starfire had a historical overview of the origin and changes of the laws of the stars, but it was very brief. The central idea contained within was precisely the thought that Qi Mingshan was cultivating, the "Reflection of the Moon and Stars".    


True Meaning Of Starfire had a very fast evolution of the laws of the stars, so fast that they could only exist in the consciousness of normal two star disciples.    


"No wonder True Meaning of Law are so hard to understand. So that's the reason!"    


Ye Qinghan thought to himself, but he could see that Qi Mingshan had mastered the thought of 'star after star following sun and moon looking back', and that was only on the surface.    


"The founder of the Law of Stars had an extremely high opinion of the Laws of Stars. You can see it just by looking at the words' All Things Essence 'and' All Stars' on it. "    


As Ye Qinghan watched the evolution of the True Meaning Of Starfire, the laws of the stars weren't so much the sun, moon and stars of the three thousand Magic Realm s, but rather what was suspended in the air.    


"It's a pity that the founder of the Law of Stars went astral. Not only do they manage all of the sun, moon, and stars, they also provide nutrients for the Law of Stars. They all come from the sun, moon, and stars of the three thousand Magic Realm s. Naturally, the Laws of the Star are just the laws of the middle reaches. "    


When Ye Qinghan saw this, he shook his head. However, he was filled with admiration for the creator of the Ancient Code of Stars.    


If the creators of this law of the stars hadn't perished, they would all be extremely powerful existences above the ninth heaven right now. However, they would be able to expose their own mistakes and weaknesses in the law of stars one by one, even a like Ye Qinghan was unreservedly displaying it in front of Ye Qinghan.    


Naturally, he hoped that there would be someone who would be able to make up for the origin of the laws of the stars. Even if he couldn't, he hoped that the person who came after him would be able to wake up and not go down the wrong path.    


Ye Qinghan naturally admired such a pure and noble Super Expert of Law.    




A secret space within the Star Flame Sect.    


Inside it were towering mountains that were situated hundreds of high and low mountain peaks. The Nebula Dwelling of all almighty beings normally rested on these mountains.    


Phoenix Cry Mountain.    


The Prudent's mount was a Phoenix Beast. It accompanied the Prudent all the way until he reached the Obscure Realm.    


After Prudent joined the Star Flame Sect, the Phoenix Beast followed him into the Star Flame Sect. It was only until Prudent became a Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder and was assigned to the mountain called Phoenix Cry Mountain, when the Phoenix Beast would start chirping in the morning, only then would the people on the mountain call it Phoenix Cry Mountain.    


Prudent had a very nostalgic feeling towards the Phoenix Beast, and adding the name of Phoenix Cry Mountain also had some elegance, Prudent had continued to use it until today.    


A row of green bamboo was planted around the walls of a small courtyard in the Prudent's Nebula Dwelling. The eastern gate of the courtyard was opened up a hundred meters wide and there were many tea trees planted in the wasteland. In the center, there was even a pavilion built with red tiles, which was wrapped in a group of tea trees.    


In the pavilion, two men were playing a game. The black and white color on the chessboard was distinct, just like the two men sitting opposite to each other. One of them wore black clothes, while the other wore white.    


The black clothed man looked to be quite young, it was precisely the Prudent's Phoenix Beast. In order to move about easily within the Nebula Dwelling, he had changed into a human form. The man in white was naturally Prudent. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were very deep, making his originally youthful face look even more ancient.    


"Why are you kneeling? We are already at the level of Profound Meaning Stage, there is no need for all these formalities. Hurry up and get up! "    


At this time, there was a person kneeling on the two flights of stairs at the entrance of the pavilion with his head lowered. However, if a female disciple with Star Flame Sect passed by, she would recognize the person kneeling with a single glance, it was Lu Qingya, who possessed a profound strength.    


The Prudent stared fixedly at the Go Board, and didn't even raise his head to look at Lu Qingya. After all, Profound Meaning Stage was an existence that could create Magic Realm, so even the master, who was a master, couldn't afford to kneel down. If he suffered too much, the cause and effect that was deeply implicated with Lu Qingya would undergo many changes.    


"master, Bluecliff knows his wrongs."    


Lu Qingya kneeled on the stairs, unwilling to get up. Only after his Great Competition had ended did he find out from the Phoenix Beast just how much it had cost to be able to send a sound transmission to his Ascension Arena.    


"If you know you're wrong, then you know you're wrong. Why are you kneeling there?"    


This time, he did not say anything about letting Lu Qingya get up, but rather threw the stop state badge at Lu Qingya, and coincidentally smashed it on Lu Qingya's forehead. Even Lu Qingya's body, which was equivalent to the strength of the Profound Meaning Sage, had a red and swollen bump on his forehead.    


"Thank you, master!"    


Receiving this attack, Lu Qingya was not angry, but instead happy. With a smile on his face, he stood up and touched the bump on his head, not caring at all. Lu Qingya understood Prudent very well, and knew that Prudent had forgiven him for this attack. Although it was not necessarily a loss of steam, it could only make up for Prudent's losses this time in the future.    


"What are you still waiting for, hurry up and go to the Stop Hole."    


Seeing Lu Qingya's mischievous smile, Prudent's face changed, as if he was angry.    


"Yes, master, I will go now."    


Lu Qingya nodded without a care, and allowed the stop token to teleport him to the stop level underground palace.    


"Remember, choose …"    


Just then, a voice appeared in Lu Qingya's mind. Lu Qingya immediately knew that it was the voice of a Phoenix Beast. Just as Lu Qingya was wondering why the Phoenix Beast did not finish its sentence, he raised his head and saw Prudent staring at the Phoenix Beast in displeasure. Only then did Lu Qingya understand why the Phoenix Beast did not continue.    


"What are you reminding him of? This is a test for him."    


Seeing the displeasure on Prudent's face, the Phoenix Beast explained awkwardly: "If he doesn't make the right choice for this stage and study the True Meaning of Law within the Stop Hole, then his future path will be difficult."    




Prudent's eyes widened, and was about to flare up, but when he thought about the Phoenix Beast in front of him, he realized that he was the only person able to accompany him, and that it was his old friend who had come from a mortal life form. His attitude softened, "He has to decide for himself in order to pass this trial, you can't help him."    


"That's true! "Ai …"    


The Phoenix Beast seemed to have thought of something and sighed, "Whether or not I can resist the enticement of the True Meaning of Law all depends on Qing Ya. Indeed, it is not something that I can help him choose just by reminding him a few words. "    


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