Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1556 Ancestral stone

C1556 Ancestral stone

After burning this Amorous Flower Valley, Gu Santong still had half a chance of replanting all of the Amorous Flower before the Qingxin Valley disciples arrive to harvest them. But if they still could not find Ye Qinghan and Lei Huayin, when the poison in Ye Qinghan's body was dispelled, the four of them would probably die on the spot in the Amorous Flower Valley.    


Gu Santong even knew that Lei Huayin, whom he had chased for thousands of years, was already dead.    




Thinking about that, Gu Santong summoned a flame and burned all of the Amorous Flower in the entire Amorous Flower Valley. Seeing the entire Amorous Flower Valley lit up in flames, Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe feared that it was too late, and could only watch from the side in a panic. They hoped to force Ye Qinghan and Lei Huayin out of the valley sooner so that they could suffer less losses.    


Although Gu San Tong was from the Desire Realm and specialized in the power of desire, he had already reached the Obscure Realm. It wasn't a problem for him to summon some flames. In a few moments, the amorous flowers were all burnt to rootstock. If one were to look from a high altitude, one would only think that it was a valley planted with flames and not a valley planted with love flowers.    


The Amorous Flower Valley was also filled with wails and howls. The Wannabe s guarding the valley were no longer restricted by the formations as they escaped out of the blazing valley. As for the Amorous Flower monsters that were restricted by the formation, they were not so lucky. The Amorous Flower monsters with high cultivations were all hiding underground to fight against the flames. As for the Amorous Flower monsters with low cultivations, they could only silently endure the burning flames.    


There were even many negative Amorous Flower and monsters who had given up resisting and allowed Gu Santong's flames to burn them. Their cultivation levels were too low, so much so that their main bodies had not been refined, and were even planted in the Amorous Flower Valley. Once the flames started, they could run away, but they could not run away from the monks, hence they could not be bothered to resist.    


Three channels, if we continue to burn, there won't even be any roots left. We won't be able to save the Amorous Flower in Amorous Flower Valley. "    


"That's right, let's stop. Three Paths!"    


Once Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe thought about the methods Qingxin Valley disciples use to punish people, their hearts suddenly became afraid. They wanted to urge Gu Santong to continue burning Amorous Flower Valley.    


"Shut up, do you two think I don't know how powerful Qingxin Valley is? However, since it has come to this, what can we do? If we don't find the two of them, when Ye Qinghan dispels the poison from his body, the ones who will die will be us brothers. "    


Gu Santong bellowed, and summoned two more flames to burn the roots of the Amorous Flower. Gu Santong only summoned the most ordinary Spiritual Fire in three thousand dimensions, who was merely stronger than normal fire. Towards these mystical Amorous Flower that had transformed into monsters, he was not strong enough.    


"San Tong, do it. We support you."    


Gu Santong and Gu Sanhe also knew what Gu Santong was going to say next. One option was to wait for Ye Qinghan to cure the poison and then the four of them would die. At least the four of them could still struggle with all their might to revive the Amorous Flower in the Amorous Flower Valley, and it would not be so easy for the four of them to escape this realm and fly far away from it.    


Although they had already made their decisions, Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe still looked solemn and worried, making Lei Fayin, who was at the side, look down on them. In his heart, he deeply felt that Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe were cowardly and cowardly, and were not the same type of people as him and Gu Santong.    


"Come out, Fellow Taoist Ye, wasn't my Gu Family awe-inspiring before? Why are you acting like a coward now? "    


"You don't dare to come out? Do you know how powerful this old man is? "    


"To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the fact that I was worried about my family members, I would have cut you down by myself from the Gu Family. Come out and try if you don't believe me."    


Gu Santong seemed to be provoking Ye Qinghan in the blazing Amorous Flower Valley, but his eyes were cautiously scanning his surroundings, it did not look as arrogant as he looked on the surface.    


No one replied to Gu Santong's words. Suddenly, all the flames in the Amorous Flower Valley converged towards one place, and it seemed like a crack in the wall. All the Spiritual Fire were suppressed in the valley for a long time, as they all wanted to rush out from the crack.    


"Over there!"    


After all, Lei Fayin's origin was a Amorous Flower. He had already sensed that all the Spiritual Fire were being absorbed by one, and immediately shrunk to a small dot before flying towards the Amorous Flower.    


A pleased smile appeared on Gu Santong's face. He thought that his provocation had worked and ignited Ye Qinghan. It seemed that this Ye Qinghan was still too young. As for Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe, who were at the side, they heaved a sigh of relief, but their faces still had an expression of lingering fear.    


"Haha, Gu Santong, you knew that I was injured, so you specially pulled such a large piece of Spiritual Fire for me to treat.    


At this time, the flames in the entire Amorous Flower Valley disappeared, and black smoke billowed above the valley. Ye Qinghan appeared in front of Gu Santong and the other two, and smiled as he looked at them, as if he had met with something happy.    


"Ye Qinghan, where is my brother Lei Fayin?"    


Knowing that Ye Qinghan belittling him by talking about Gu San Xian and comparing him to Gu San Xian, Gu Santong pretended not to hear anything as he asked Ye Qinghan a question.    


"Lei Fayin? "Here …"    


Ye Qinghan reached out behind him, and a pile of black grass ash appeared in his palm. Gu Santong could tell from the Qi that the black grass ash was Lei Fayin.    


"You killed him? How is this possible? I don't believe it? "    


Gu Santong was in disbelief. From the moment Lei Fayin rushed over to the moment Ye Qinghan appeared, it had only been two or three breaths' time, and Ye Qinghan had already killed him?    


It was not that Gu Santong didn't believe that Ye Qinghan could kill him, but it was just that he didn't believe that Ye Qinghan could kill him in such a short period of time. Although Lei Fayin had only comprehended three profound mysteries, he was still a Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian of Star Seizer Magic Realm. Even if he had encountered Ye Qinghan, who had comprehended ten profound mysteries, it was impossible for him to be killed by Ye Qinghan in such a silent manner.    




Gu Santong thought of a possibility, a terrifying possibility … Unless that bitch Lei Huayin handed the Ancestral Stone over to Ye Qinghan.    


Gu Santong still didn't know that not only had Ye Qinghan comprehended ten profound meanings, he had also stepped into the initial stage of Star Seizer Magic Realm, and had even integrated all ten profound meanings. The profound meaning of the Magic Realm Power was equivalent to twenty different profound meanings. Even without the help of the Ancestral Stone, as long as Ye Qinghan expelled the 'independence' inside his body, killing Lei Fayin and the other three would be a piece of cake.    


"I didn't mean to make you believe it!"    


Ye Qinghan's body transformed into Sky Fire, he used the 'Ten Thousand Fire Urge', and when he finished speaking, he had already rushed in front of Gu Santong.    


Gu Santong, Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe all opened their Heaven Eyes, shooting out the power of desire, Gu Santong even summoned out a blade shaped Star Seizer Magic Treasures. This blade was called the 'Spring Slaying Blade'. The biggest feature of it was when slicing through the flesh of creatures with bloodlines. It could instantly disconnect a person's blood vessels like water.    


It was naturally born with the ability to restrain creatures with bloodlines, so of course its Human Clan were among them.    


Three sets of power of desire landed on Ye Qinghan's body, but Ye Qinghan seemed to not be affected at all, and continued to rush towards Gu Santong and the other two, and even released a ball of fire from his main body, flying towards Gu Santong, Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe.    


"Severing Spring!"    


Gu Santong raised the Spring Slaying Blade in his hand, and slashed at the incoming Heaven Flames, instantly splitting them into two. Unexpectedly, the two balls of Heaven Flames managed to bypass Gu Santong, and merged together to attack Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe.    


"This is bad!"    


"Three towns, three cities, quickly flee."    


How could Gu Santong not understand at this moment, that Ye Qinghan's goal was Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe. He immediately went over to save his, only to see that Ye Qinghan had already revealed his true form. He had endured the combined power of seven or eight desires from Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe, but none of them were able to stop him in his tracks.    


"Three, save me!"    


"Save us …"    


Immediately after, Ye Qinghan disappeared, and the bodies of Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe started to burn. Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe only had time to say a few words before they were burnt to nothingness by the Heaven Flames. Gu Santong immediately kept away Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe's Soul Truesoul, just in case they were harmed by Ye Qinghan.    


However, from the words Gu Sanzhen and Gu Sanhe said before they died, it could be seen that Gu Sanzhen was a little selfish, but Gu Sanhe was a little more emotional.    


"Gu Family Master, you are now the only one left."    


When Ye Qinghan appeared again, the black smoke from the Amorous Flower Valley had almost dispersed completely. There were already a lot of people at the entrance, and of them, the only ones Ye Qinghan knew were Gu Zhong and Gu Gang. And the ones with the highest cultivation were only the four Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s who had just entered the Star Seizer Magic Realm.    


It was likely that by cultivating this Lust Qi to the Completion Stage, one would only be able to enter the peak of the Star Seizer Magic Realm. Thus, on the way, Ye Qinghan had not seen any Arcanist above the Star Seizer Magic Realm.    


"So what? This old man has dominated Lustful Valley for so many years and has long since become fearless. What's there to be afraid of if I merely die?"    


Gu Santong knew that it was impossible for him to escape this calamity. So he was prepared to die.    


"Didn't the Gu Family Master say before that as long as I come out, he would cut me down? Now that it's here, Gu Family Master, you can begin … "    


Ye Qinghan waved his left hand, creating a spatial gate. After opening it, a horned Pegasus with wings on its back sprang out of the void and snuggled close to him, snorting loudly.    


"It won't be that easy to kill me!"    


knew that Ye Qinghan had deliberately summoned a Heavenly Horse just to play with him, so he did not fall for the trap. Holding the Sword of the Spring with one hand, he dug out the Heaven's Eyes from his forehead.    


"Sizzle …"    


In merely half a breath of time, he was burnt into nothingness, and the souls of Gu Santong, Gu Sanzhen, and Gu Sanhe floated in the air. grabbed onto their souls and crushed them together with the Genuine Spirit into nothingness.    


It was because Ye Qinghan had the help of the Ancestral Stone. It was unknown if Gu Santong had fainted, or if he had deliberately given up on resisting, thus choosing to die in such a way.    


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