Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1463 Killing and arson

C1463 Killing and arson

"It's too late, take advantage of the fire to rob!"    


Before Elder Cloud, who had just finished clearing away the negative energy from the 'black light, blind light', reacted, Ye Qinghan once again used a move, 'plundering through fire', and attacked the Elder Cloud.    


The power of the Sky Fire was ignited from the bottom of the enemy's feet, and then swept through his entire body, as if plundering the enemy's entire body. It was a powerful move that could break the enemy's defensive strength, defense, and even destroy the enemy's body.    


Facing the formless heavenly fire, the Elder Cloud could only use the Magic Realm Power s to resist.    


Moreover, the heavenly fire was extremely shameless. Every time the Elder Cloud melted a bit of the heavenly fire, the Magic Realm Power would be exhausted, but the heavenly fire would also create a passive burn effect, which meant that the Elder Cloud had to continue to use the Magic Realm Power to remove the passive burn.    


This meant that Ye Qinghan would have to use twice the strength of Sky Fire, and Elder Cloud had to use twice the strength of Magic Realm Power to resist it.    


After just a short while, the Magic Realm Power s that were originally much stronger than Ye Qinghan had already been consumed much more than Ye Qinghan. The remaining Magic Realm Power s were also much fewer than Ye Qinghan.    


"Great Desolate Mountain God's Claw — Suppression, Kill!"    


Elder Cloud got closer to Ye Qinghan, wanting to use the protective ability of the iron armor on him to engage in a close combat with Ye Qinghan. As soon as he got close to Ye Qinghan, he wanted to use the word "suppress" to imprison Ye Qinghan.    


"Watch the flames from the other side of the river!"    


Ye Qinghan's body erupted with an explosive burst of heavenly fire, which flew towards the Elder Cloud, while he himself followed the explosive force of the heavenly fire and retreated, as though he was taking a stroll across the river.    


They had no choice but to use twice as many Magic Realm Power s as before to eliminate the heavenly fire on the iron armor and to cut off the mountain peak with the word 'suppress' and 'kill'.    


Elder Cloud's breath was heavy, his body that was covered in iron armor had already been burnt red by the Heaven Flames, but on the surface, nothing could be seen. And most of Elder Cloud's Magic Realm Power had also been used. If they continued to fight, they would only be able to use Source Energy. And once the Source Energy was exhausted, only death awaited the Elder Cloud.    


Elder Cloud was also a cultivator as cunning as a snake. He immediately began to make his judgement carefully, hoping to find a weakness in Ye Qinghan and destroy him in one move.    


Right at this moment, the poison on Pan Xi's body, 'Qingfeng', had been mostly used up and she was able to walk freely. Just as she was about to walk to the edge of the lava layer, she was spotted by Ye Qinghan, but Ye Qinghan did not stop her and pretended not to see it.    


"Save me, Xiao Han!"    


On the contrary, when Pan Xi saw Ye Qinghan, she was momentarily stunned and shouted out.    


"Fire Dragon Subduing!"    


Ye Qinghan immediately attacked, using 'Fire Dragon Fusion', he transformed the sky fire into a dragon shape and swept towards Elder Cloud.    


This Fire Dragon Subjugation technique was actually just an empty move. This Fire Dragon was only an empty move, and the Heaven Flame contained within it was just an illusion.    


But this technique was a divine art like the 'Five Elements Brahma Divine Fire Arts'. Just from its outer appearance, a cultivator like the Elder Cloud would not be able to see through the profoundness of this technique.    


Elder Cloud had thought that this move, Fire Dragon Subjugation, would be just like his previous move, with a power of fire contained within it, he immediately gathered all of his Magic Realm Power to block it. When he saw that this move was actually just a feint, he couldn't help but get angry and pounce towards Pan Xi. He was prepared to use Pan Xi to threaten Ye Qinghan and take Ye Qinghan by surprise.    


"Fire Curse Dragon!"    


The 'Five Elements Brahma Divine Fire Arts' was indeed a rare technique in three thousand dimensions of space and time. Ye Qinghan used a technique, 'Incantation of Fire Dragon', and immediately caused the 'Fire Dragon' that was about to be annihilated to become corporeal, filling up the entire fire dragon.    


Elder Cloud thought that the Fire Curse Dragon was just a feint, and did not dodge at all as it rushed towards Pan Xi. Although he had Pan Xi in his grasp, she had actually been bitten by the fire dragon that the Fire Curse Dragon had transformed into.    


This attack had left Elder Cloud with only half of his life! After resisting the attack of the 'Fire Curse Dragon' and eliminating the passive effect of the Sky Fire, all the Magic Realm Power in Elder Cloud were used up, even a large amount of Source Energy had been consumed.    


"Qinghan, save me!"    


"Let her go!"    


"Don't come over here, kid. If you come over here again, I'll kill her!"    


Seeing that Ye Qinghan did not dare to attack anymore, he continued to clamor, "Brat, don't want her to die, give up resisting and surrender now, or I'll kill her."    


"Elder Cloud, don't get ahead of yourself. If you really want to surrender, I'm afraid the both of us will die. If you're trying to trick a child, there's no need to say it. " Ye Qinghan shouted.    


"Hehe, if you don't surrender now, she'll die right now!" Elder Cloud stuck out his tongue and licked Pan Xi's snow-white neck. He looked extremely disgusting, but the parts that Elder Cloud had licked before immediately broke and flowed with traces of scarlet blood.    


"Bastard, do you think you're a lion? Your tongue still has a barb."    


Ye Qinghan had feelings for Pan Xi as well, but they had never reached the point where he could sacrifice his life for her.    


"Help me take revenge!"    


However, Pan Xi was able to see through Ye Qinghan's thoughts in an instant. In order to prevent Ye Qinghan from getting into a dilemma, he summoned her divine sword and thrusted it towards Elder Cloud.    


"You're courting death!"    


The Elder Cloud was infuriated. The Source Energy activated the 'Great Desolate Vast Mountain God Claw' to petrify Pan Xi and stop her from moving. The spell that contained the 'Extermination' word of the mountain energy of the Elder Cloud Source Energy broke into Pan Xi's heart and killed her.    


"No!" "Pan Xi …" It was already too late for Ye Qinghan to rescue his. He could only watch as Pan Xi was killed by the Elder Cloud, and seeing that the Elder Cloud still wanted to kill Pan Xi's soul and Genuine Spirit, Ye Qinghan consecutively used three moves, "Burning Eyebrow", "Dark Light Blind Fire" and "Robbing", to attack the Elder Cloud.    


Elder Cloud was flustered and anxious. He was only concerned with resisting Ye Qinghan's attack and gave up on killing Pan Xi's soul and Genuine Spirit. He was successfully saved by Ye Qinghan.    


"Pan Xi, you can enter my spiritual altar to rest for a bit. I'll seat belt you to leave for a while."    


Seeing Pan Xi's relieved face, Ye Qinghan felt extremely guilty and sent his soul and Genuine Spirit into his spiritual altar. Fighting to the death with the Elder Cloud.    


Ye Qinghan had already seen that the Elder Cloud was spent. It was easy to kill him. Suddenly, he no longer held back. He used the strongest killing move of the Great Way of the Five Elements' Brahma Divine Fire Arts' that he cultivated in the Volcano Mirror Space — 'Arson with Fire'!    


This was a killing move that even in the law realm had tremendous power!    


Suddenly, a hundred beasts took form … Fire Snake, Fire Fox, Fire Lion, Fire Tiger, Fire Wolf, Fire Dragon, including the unknown life form of the Exotic Beast …    


Elder Cloud's eyes were filled with fear. His hands became faster and faster, his legs also became faster and faster, as if he was unable to withstand the corrosion, harassment, grab, and bite of the Flaming Cloud Hundred Beasts.    




"Burning eyebrows!"    


Right at this moment, Ye Qinghan used another move, 'Blind Light Blaze', and bewitching Elder Cloud's five senses and six senses. He then used another move, 'Blazing Eyebrow', to attack the spirit altar between Elder Cloud's eyebrows.    


Elder Cloud was immediately hit, as his entire spirit was engulfed by the heavenly fire, he was able to find his trembling soul and burn it to death.    


In the end, although the armor on Elder Cloud's body was not destroyed, the body inside had already been roasted to the point that only a jade-like skeleton was left. A ball of Genuine Spirit floated out from Elder Cloud's body and Ye Qinghan grabbed it.    


"Let me go, let me go …" The Elder Cloud begged for mercy: "All of my treasures can be given to you, you let go of my Genuine Spirit, allowing me the chance to reincarnate."    


"Bring me to your treasure, I'll let go of your Genuine Spirit." Ye Qinghan said.    


The Elder Cloud brought Ye Qinghan to the cave where they usually rested and guided him to pull out an ancient wooden chest that was three feet long and two feet wide from the bottom of the stone bed.    


"All of my treasures are in this Hundred Treasures Wooden Box …" Seeing Ye Qinghan's look of doubt, the Elder Cloud hurriedly said: "This is also a spatial artifact, it has a acre of space inside, allowing it to contain many things. Although it is not as convenient as a Dimensional Ring's or Space Belt's spatial storage, the space is many times bigger, and the price is also much cheaper than Dimensional Ring's of the same level."    


"I know, I believe in you." Ye Qinghan casually checked and found that Elder Cloud was indeed speaking the truth.    


"Then can you let me go?" The Elder Cloud pleaded.    


"Alright, I'll let you go …" Ye Qinghan laughed coldly, "Not only will I release you, I will also send you to your reincarnation!"    


Ye Qinghan opened up a path of reincarnation, it was the path to the Alien Life's Hui Clan. came into contact with this from the Law Fish. The Hui clan was a race that could be reincarnated without the use of souls. Therefore, it was a race that could never cultivate the profound meaning of a pioneer. Furthermore, where the Hui Clan grew up, there were many Stellar Space Beast s and the Hui Clan basically had food.    


This kind of Stellar Space Beast was specifically meant to devour other biological Genuine Spirit to grow up. Assigning the Elder Cloud to the Hui clan was tantamount to exterminating the Elder Cloud's Genuine Spirit, only that it was not personally exterminated. Many almighty beings of the law realms and Profound Meaning Stage do not wish to be entangled with the cause and effect. They often deal with their enemies' Genuine Spirit s in this way.    


This is also the reason why this evil Stellar Space Beast hasn't been exterminated!    


The Elder Cloud had been inserted into the reincarnation passage, so Ye Qinghan did not erase the Elder Cloud's memories. Only by doing this, the Elder Cloud would be even more afraid.    


Ye Qinghan rummaged through the Elder Cloud's Hundred Treasures Wooden Box, and found the divine fruit, spirit wine, and nearly five One Hundred Thousand Time Coins s. This was the common currency used in the dimension of spacetime. In terms of New Moon City, the nearly five One Hundred Thousand Time Coins were considered a huge sum of money.    


Pan Huang wasn't even willing to buy a communication device for six thousand Machine Clan s. Only Pan Xi had one, so it was obvious how rich this Elder Cloud was.    


It seemed to be specially collected by the Elder Cloud. However, Ye Qinghan did not understand why this was so, because the Elder Cloud did not seem to know how to forge artifacts either.    


Ye Qinghan inspected the entire conical volcano once again. Many of the servants who were marked with the slave imprint by the Elder Cloud had also been buried along with the others due to the death of the Elder Cloud. However, their fate was still alright, they were stronger than the Elder Cloud, at least the Soul Truesoul were preserved.    


After that, Ye Qinghan left the conical volcano and headed towards the Buddha Mountain.    


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