Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1968 Civilization

C1968 Civilization

And most importantly, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan cultivates one of the more civilized arts. Although it has yet to reach the Divine King Realm, it is actually the supreme art of the three thousand dimensional space-time Moro that points straight at the Great Way of the Space Law.    


Although Ye Qinghan was the Dvine Emperor of Creation who had created the entire Cold Realm Universe, with his status in the three thousand dimensional space and time, he had only obtained a portion of the power which could not become the life of the Profound Meaning Stage.    


It was the so-called castrated version!    


It was just that this so called castrated version was not like some cultivation technique that was directly related to the way of life of the Profound Meaning Stage, which was a pioneer in the mystical realm. It was done by Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation who had created the entire Cold Realm Universe, in order to control the progress of the cultivation of the living beings in the Cold Realm Universe.    


This so called castrated version was something that Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation Emperor, who had created the entire Cold Realm Universe, had obtained from the 3000 Dimension Time and Space Moro.    


It is said that this Moro possesses the bloodline of an empty clan that can freely travel through Magic Realm s, so even though this Moro is also an intelligent race, the majority of the clan members' intelligence are also lower.    


As for the intelligence of a person with Moro, it was somewhat similar to the Primordial Asura Race.    


General Asura Race was a branch of the Asura Race, and their true Asura Race belonged to a race that was extremely fortunate and lucky. After their Asura Race and a race that was colonized but still flourished with handsome men and beautiful women, the true Asura Race was born from the fusion of bloodlines.    


Although his Asura Race's luck and luck were very good and his talent in cultivation was also very high, his Asura Race was nevertheless unable to control his easily angered emotions, even the powerful beings within the Asura Race were the same.    


No matter how strong the cultivation of the elders within the Asura Race were, they were still like ordinary clansmen who were unable to control their easily angered emotions.    


It could be said that although the Asura Race was a member of the Heaven Clan, and their own fortune and destiny were also extremely good, the flaws in their Asura Race were also quite obvious.    


After all, no matter where they were, in any space, within any Magic Realm Universe s, or within a clan of celestial beings within three thousand dimensions of space and time, their reproduction ability was extremely weak. Only Asura Race was not such a list.    


Otherwise, it was likely that the entire Asura Race would not take too long to break the ecological balance of the three thousand Magic Realm, which meant that more than half of the three thousand Magic Realm Universe would be in control in an extremely short period of time.    


Therefore, regardless of whether it was any race, or any cultivation civilization, even if the Super Expert of Law s above the ninth heaven did not bestow any imperfections such as Asura Race, then the races and cultivation civilizations of these large powers would not allow the unbridled and unrestrained development of the Asura Race to continue.    


As for the branch of the Asura Race, the Primordial Profound Ark, because it was a bloodline that possessed Asura Race, it also obtained the flaw in the bloodline of the Asura Race itself.    


It's just that the flaws of Asura Race and those of Asura Race are different!    


Asura Race's flaw was that it was easy to be angry, and when angry, Asura Race People basically could not control their own rationality. As for the flaw of the Asura Race s, it was that the intelligence of a large portion of the clan members of the Asura Race s was extremely low. In a ratio of around one to a hundred, there would be one to three people with normal intelligence.    


Moreover, the intelligence of the majority of the clan members in the Moro is extremely low, so it also means that the Moro is the same as the people in the Asura Race, that they are born with flaws.    


In the bloodlines and bloodlines of Moro and the people of the Primordial Profound Ark, only a small number of people are born with wisdom.    


However, relatively speaking, the thing that was much better about Moro was that out of a hundred people in the Asura Race, one could only produce one to three people in the who had relatively normal intellect. But out of a hundred people in the Moro, three to nine people with relatively normal intellect could be born.    


It could be said that on this point, Moro people were much stronger than average Asura Race people.    


Although the number of people who produced intelligent clan members was lesser than the number of people who produced intelligent clan members, for every person who produced intelligent group of people from the Asura Race, this intelligent group of people from the would produce a much higher number of intelligence than the intelligent group of people from the Moro.    


This was not only manifested in the comparison of cultivation speed between Moro and the intelligent clansmen of the two races. Usually, in terms of cultivation speed, the intelligent clansmen of the would be faster than the intelligent clansmen of the Moro by a large margin.    


It was also because above the Ninth Heaven, although the number of clansmen with Moro was three times greater than the number of clansmen with, above the Ninth Heaven, there was only one clansmen with Moro and intelligence who had become a Super Expert of Law.    


On the other hand, a few intelligent clansmen of the Asura Race had become Super Expert of Law.    


It was just that without exception, these Wisdom Clan members who were part of the Super Expert of Law s all fell in battle above the Ninth Heaven.    


There were only a lot of speculations made by those who had done their research on the profound and black arts. This should be because the Asura Race main vein was doing something, and it was to prevent the Asura Race, which was once a subsidiary body of the Asura Race, from growing stronger after going out on its own.    


To this kind of premeditated scheme, the Elementary Asura Race s did not give a direct answer. As for whether the guesses of the lives of these well-studied profound tomes were real or fake, whether they were correct or wrong, no one knew.    


The cultivation method of Moro was passed down from an intelligent clan member who had become a Super Expert of Law. Firstly, it was an incomparably compatible cultivation technique that had the innate talent of spatial travel, and secondly, it allowed people of Moro to cultivate it even more simply and easily.    


Thus, the cultivation method for the entire set of Moro was not only easy to understand, it also contained the blood, sweat, and research that the intelligent clansmen of Moro had to spend their entire lives cultivating. It could be said that, even for a Profound Meaning Stage life form like Ye Qinghan, which was equivalent to the strength of a seven star Star Flame Sect disciple, she was extremely envious of this cultivation method of Moro.    


Coincidentally, by chance, the Dvine Emperor of Creation who created the entire Cold Realm Universe, His Majesty Ye Qinghan, heard that the Moro, a supreme technique written by a Super Expert of Law from above the ninth heaven, was being auctioned to the outside world. As the Dvine Emperor of Creation who created the entire Cold Realm Universe, he immediately rushed to the auction venue and bought the supreme technique written by a Super Expert of Law that was above the ninth heaven.    


He did not know whether this supreme cultivation technique, written by the Super Expert of Law, could only be cultivated by people from the Moro.    


In any case, after Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation that had created the entire Cold Realm Universe, had cultivated for a while, he had gained nothing from the supreme cultivation technique that was created by the Super Expert of Law s of the Moro.    


At that time, Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation who had created the entire Cold Realm Universe, was a little disappointed in his heart. It was only then did he understand why there would be people occasionally selling the supreme techniques written by in the three thousand dimensions.    


Presumably, the reason that the people from the Moro would sell such a supreme cultivation technique written by their only Super Expert of Law was also because it was something that the people from another clan or the Alien Life would never be able to learn without their own Moro and bloodline.    


After all, the entire Moro had multiplied for many years, and the clan did not know how many people were able to control the profound mysteries. However, other than the Super Expert of Law, the only other intelligent clan member who had created the supreme technique, there was no one else in the Moro who was able to become a Super Expert of Law.    


Some of the Profound Meaning Stage life forms guessed that this was the luck that had yet to arrive due to the Moro. The luck and fortune of the entire Moro could only support one Wisdom Clan member from Moro to become a Super Expert of Law.    


If the other clansmen of Moro wanted to become a Super Expert of Law, they would have to depend on whether or not their entire Moro had the luck to do so in the future. Only then, would they be able to increase their Moro's luck and luck by hundreds of millions of times, and only then would it be possible for another clansman of to become a Super Expert of Law.    


This explanation was instinctively confirmed by the Profound Meaning Stage beings from three thousand dimensions, but after a few Ancient Age s, the Patriarch of the Moro personally came out to spread the rumours, saying that this statement was wrong. Furthermore, the Moro Patriarch had faintly revealed that these words came from the mouth of the almighty being from the nine heavens above, causing those who did not believe that the Moro Patriarch had come out to fend off rumors to immediately shut their mouths.    


After all, a Super Expert of Law's words could never be doubted.    


Even if these words were really made up by the Moro Patriarch, and he just borrowed the power of the Super Expert of Law's forces to keep these Profound Meaning Stage beings from talking about it. These Profound Meaning Stage beings also absolutely did not dare to continue talking about it.    


Only the higher one stood, the further one could see.    


Only after reaching the level of life force in the Profound Meaning Stage would one know how terrifying the Super Expert of Law was. And if an ordinary life form without any cultivation were to understand what kind of existence the Super Expert of Law was, this ordinary life form without any cultivation would definitely not be able to understand.    


Maybe after trying to understand it, this mortal life form without any cultivation would still think that this so called Super Expert of Law, was not as powerful as the material gods.    


After all, in these material planes, the degree to which these deific spirits could be said to have reached shameless levels. Any one of them could be said to have created the entire Magic Realm Universe.    


These Super Expert of Law who were able to establish the law of the billions of Magic Realm Universe were probably just like those who were able to create the law of the billions of Magic Realm Universe in the hearts of ordinary lives without any cultivation at all. Compared to these gods who were able to create the entire world of Magic Realm Universe, they were naturally, far inferior.    


However, these Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms would not be as superficial as these common lifeforms with no cultivation at all. At the level of Profound Meaning Stage, one would naturally have a profound understanding of the terrifying Super Expert of Law s.    


After all, when any Profound Meaning Stage life form creates their own Magic Realm Universe, they have to perfect their own Magic Realm Universe.    


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