Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1841 Green forest

C1841 Green forest

When the sun had completely set, Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie had already walked a few rounds around the entire Lugang Town. Other than finding the wish coin made from emerald bamboo that carried Mai Hong's aura, there was nothing else about Mai Hong, let alone any traces of him.    


"Fellow Taoist Ye, where should we go next?"    


The sky gradually grew darker, but this kind of night was naturally harmless to the life of Profound Meaning Stage. Deng Jie asking like this, meant that since they had already decided to carefully investigate Mai Hong's whereabouts, they had already done so in the Lugang Town, so where should they go next?    


Within the 216 Magic Realm, Profound Meaning Sage like Deng Jie could already be considered the peak of capacity, so as long as they were within the Magic Realm, regardless of whether it was day or night, it would be no different from any kind of Profound Meaning Stage.    


Not to mention that Profound Meaning Stage life forms could clearly observe a fire in the night, and observe an autumn night without end; they were no different from the daytime.    


Moreover, within the Magic Realm, there weren't many profound life forms that cultivated in poison or devil arts that would cultivate in the three thousand dimensions of space and time. They would either cultivate in the dark of the night, or directly engage in slaughter to cultivate in the midst of their killing, or plotted something else.    


And within the Magic Realm, if he were to meet these cultivator who cultivated devil arts and poison arts … It was very simple. He could just squish him to death.    


"I don't know either."    


Ye Qinghan pondered for a long time before sighing, "One step, one step. I hope Maddox can persevere until we find him."    


Originally, after looking for Mai Hong for a long time, Ye Qinghan no longer had any hope of finding him, but when he found Mai Hong's Spirit Qi in the fountain, hope ignited in Ye Qinghan's heart once again, but after obtaining the wish coin made from emerald bamboo, Ye Qinghan immediately felt that the hope had been shattered.    


After all, besides being contaminated by Mai Hong's Qi, there were no other clues left behind, which was why Ye Qinghan sighed.    


"That's right, Fellow Taoist Ye, did you say that Maddox leaving his own aura on that wish coin made out of emerald bamboo had something to do with Green Forest?"    


Just as the two were at a loss, Ye Qinghan was about to follow his original route to continue searching for traces of Mai Hong, but hearing what Deng Jie said, Ye Qinghan couldn't help but think about it.    


"Very likely."    


Ye Qinghan nodded, "That is a clue!"    


Previously, when Ye Qinghan was trying to figure out whom Mai Hong would pray to after receiving the aura of the God Elephant ancestor, he only focused on thinking about it. If Mai Hong was praying to a God Elephant ancestor, then why would Mai Hong be praying to a God Elephant ancestor?    


When he heard Deng Jie's words, he instantly came to a realization. This Wishing Coin was made from the metal forged on the green bamboo, it did not necessarily mean that he was praying to someone, and from this person's body, he could find the clue that Mai Hong wanted to give him.    


or it could also be as Deng Jie had said, that Mai Hong had stained his own aura on top of a wishing coin, just to tell Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie that his location was related to Green Forest.    


"But there doesn't seem to be any Green Forest nearby?"    


Deng Jie frowned slightly. At the same time, he had also released his Upanishads to observe his surroundings. There were indeed no Green Forest nearby.    


Outside of the Lugang Town, there was an inland lake, which was connected to the Grand Canal Passage. Thus, the route along the Grand Canal was without Green Forest. After all, green bamboo loved to dry out. The more moist and watery a place was, the harder it was to grow.    


As a result, the air of this area, which was hundreds of kilometers along the Lugang Town, became moist because of the Grand Canal. The only thing there were some green bamboo growing on the mountains near the Dancheng City. However, they could not be considered to be in the forest with rustling sounds.    


"Could the clues be inside the Green Forest that we were in before?"    


Suddenly, Ye Qinghan thought of a possibility, he turned and looked at Deng Jie, seeing that Deng Jie had thought about it, he nodded his head, Ye Qinghan clapped his hands and said: "It must be so!"    


"The Wishing Coin that we found was tainted with the aura of the Maddox itself, so there were no clues left behind. And there are only two possibilities that we can think of, one is to start from the Divine Elephant Clan, but this is a knot in life and death that simply cannot be explained. "    


Ye Qinghan analyzed: "Before the competition for the position of Roving Star Envoy begins, Star Seizer Sect will definitely conduct an inspection and cleansing of the entire Divine Elephant Plane and the entire 216 Magic Realm. It is absolutely impossible to allow a Profound Meaning Stage life form that is not contending for the position of Roving Star Envoy, to enter into the Divine Elephant Plane."    


"Furthermore, after the competition for the position of Roving Star Envoy officially began, the entire 216 Magic Realm had already been sealed, and one could not enter nor exit. Even the Profound Meaning Stage life forms that were expelled from the Divine Elephant Plane have to wait until the dust of the competition for the position of Roving Star Envoy has settled before they can leave the 216 Magic Realm."    


Ye Qinghan said, "So at this time, no matter how capable the non-existent 'Divine Elephant ancestor' is, it's impossible to sneak into the 216 Magic Realm through the means of sealing them."    


"And the other possibility is the one you mentioned, Fellow Taoist Deng. The Wishing Coin is made from metal made from green bamboo, if the Maddox didn't leave a trace of himself on the Wishing Coin, it would either leave a clue related to the Wishing Coin, or it would be a clue related to green bamboo. "    


As he spoke to here, Ye Qinghan looked at Deng Jie and said, "Since the green bamboo itself is meaningless to us foreign Profound Meaning Stage beings, then the only thing that Maddox wants to tell us is probably what you, Fellow Taoist Deng, have said. The clue that the Maddox wants to give us is the Green Forest that grows the green bamboo."    


Of course, there was only one other possibility. Ye Qinghan did not say, and that was that it was related to the Wishing Coin or Emerald Bamboo, or even the history and legends of Divine Elephant Plane.    


It was not that Mai Hong's intelligence could not reach that level, but rather, Ye Qinghan thought that with his usually careless character, he would not be able to lay down such a brain-consuming clue. And if it really was related to the history of the Divine Elephant Plane, then setting up such a clue was just too detailed, and was too inconsistent with Mai Hong's current desperate situation, where he was in a hurry to be saved.    


It could be said that if Mai Hong had really set up such a complicated clue, then by the time Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie had deciphered it, he would already be reduced to ashes. After all, in Mai Hong's current situation, from the looks of the Concealment Realm, he was already at death's door.    


"Then let's return to the Green Forest that we spent a period of time on now?"    


Deng Jie frowned slightly.    


Earlier, he and Ye Qinghan had returned to the Green Forest from the direction of the Deer Rose City, and then discovered that Mai Hong had disappeared. He had then searched all the way from the Green Forest to near the Deer Rose City.    


Deng Jie thought that he and Ye Qinghan were basically circling around in circles. It wasn't that Deng Jie found it troublesome to walk around, it was just that in these few runs, Deng Jie had also carefully searched through the Green Forest before. Deng Jie himself was a very cautious person, and was very sure that he would not miss any clues.    


At the same time, he hoped that he had missed something. This way, he would be able to find the clue left behind by the Maddox, and from there, he could find the traces of the Maddox, in order to save the Maddox.    


"There's no time to lose, we'll return immediately."    


Ye Qinghan immediately flew into the air, flying straight for the Green Forest, Deng Jie following closely behind.    


Once the two of them left, many of the Upanishads that were alive with Profound Meaning Stage swept over Ye Qinghan and the other two as well.    


If it was an ordinary life form of the Profound Meaning Stage that was soaring in the sky, these Upanishads would definitely follow for a period of time.    


However, when the Profound Meaning Sage near the Deer Rose City saw that it was Ye Qinghan, the god of death, that had soared into the sky, she instantly retracted her Obscure.    


When the rest of the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian saw that the Profound Meaning Sage near the Deer Rose City were so secretive to Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie, they immediately knew that the two Profound Meaning Sage s were not to be trifled with, so they imitated the actions of the Profound Meaning Sage near the Deer Rose City and withdrew their Upanishads. They didn't want to cause any misunderstandings with Ye Qinghan.    


These Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s would naturally not know that Ye Qinghan was the only one who were taboo in the area around the Deer Rose City. As for Deng Jie, although he was a Profound Meaning Sage of the fifth grade cultivation, he was not taboo among the Profound Meaning Sage s around the Deer Rose City, and didn't really care too much about it.    




In the air above the Green Forest.    


In only a few breaths of time, Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie had already arrived above the Green Forest which they had just arrived at, and had waited a period of time.    


At this time, the sky had already completely darkened and the moon was slowly rising. Although the moonlight was bright, the moon was still not as bright as before.    


However, this naturally wouldn't affect the lives of Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie. Borrowing the moonlight, they glanced at the silhouette of the entire Green Forest, and then landed inside the Green Forest together with Deng Jie.    


"Fellow Taoist Deng, let's split up and search for clues left behind by the Maddox."    




As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie went their separate ways, searching for clues Mai Hong left behind in the Green Forest.    


Ye Qinghan admitted that he was more cautious than him, so the place that Mai Hong had been before was searched by Deng Jie, and Ye Qinghan searched through the places that he didn't remember Mai Hong going to. As for whether or not Mai Hong had gone to other places after Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie had left, Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie also had no way of knowing.    


After a while, Ye Qinghan and Deng Jie met again.    


"Fellow Taoist Deng, how are things on your side?"    


Ye Qinghan asked Deng Jie.    


If it was another person, Ye Qinghan would definitely not ask this kind of question. This was because if it was another person, they would have immediately notified Ye Qinghan when they discovered something.    


But Deng Jie was a lot more cautious, even if he found something inside the Green Forest, Deng Jie would remain calm, and wait until Ye Qinghan finishes his search, and when the two met, he would reveal his discovery, since the Green Forest only searched for clues left behind by Mai Hong.    


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