Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1783 Rumors

C1783 Rumors

"Fellow Daoist Chen, what do you mean?"    


Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong, Song Zude … the four Profound Meaning Sage s also did not understand, why did Chen Yousheng look at their shocked expressions, Ye Qinghan could not help but ask Chen Changsheng.    


"You still don't know?"    


"A few days ago, we met Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun. He said that the four of you had already been surrounded and killed by a group of Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian."    


In the end, he still said it out loud and said it in the end, "Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun even said that it was you, Fellow Taoist Ye, who had caused the death of Fellow Daoist Song, Fellow Taoist Deng and Maddox."    


Hearing Ye Qinghan's question, Chen Changsheng realized that Ye Qinghan was still alive and was not dead like he thought a few days ago. He immediately changed his address to Fellow Taoist and spoke with a much more courteous tone.    


"F * cking bullsh * t!"    


Hearing Chen Changsheng's words, Song Zude could not help but scold, "Those two bastards obviously did not care about justice, and thought that they had already escaped when we were being surrounded by the enemy, and had the nerve to frame Fellow Taoist Ye, they are truly shameless."    


"Are you saying that when Cheng Feng and his group were surrounded and attacked, they ignored you two and then ran away?"    


When the four Profound Meaning Sage s — Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong, and Song Zude — were being attacked from all sides, Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun ran away, even Chen Changsheng could understand why.    


However, after Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun fled, they did not confirm that the four Profound Meaning Sage s Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong, and Song Zude were truly dead, and instead spread the news that the four Profound Meaning Sage s Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong, Song Zude, and Song Zude were all dead.    


Furthermore, Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun wanted to say that the low levelled Ye Qinghan had implicated Deng Jie, Mai Hong and Song Zude in their deaths, and was also the main culprit who caused Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun to flee for their lives. In Chen Changsheng's opinion, Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun must have been struck in the head by the enemy while they were escaping, or else he would not have made such rumors.    


"If the four of us are together, how could we slander the two of them?"    


Song Zude's tone was a little agitated. Ye Qinghan stopped Song Zude and said faintly: "At that time, Fellow Taoist Cheng and Fellow Daoist Zhang thought that the three of us who were Stage One and Two Profound Meaning Sage s would not be a match for those Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s. Therefore, we did not blame them for choosing to flee."    


"How could they have expected those Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s to be so easily surrounded and killed by us? They are truly as cowardly as a mouse."    


Song Zude had long since come to an agreement with Ye Qinghan.    


On the way to Wanxiang City, Ye Qinghan had said that no one was to say that all of the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian were killed by him alone. That was why Song Zude had said those words so vaguely, as if he, the four Profound Meaning Sage s, had killed one or two of them.    


"Only the Fellow Taoist Deng had formed a small team with Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun at that time, but when Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun chose to flee, the Fellow Taoist Deng chose to stay and fight alongside us."    


Ye Qinghan once again used a calm tone to speak about everything that had happened.    


Chen Changsheng and the other two Profound Meaning Sage nodded in realization, the whole matter was already clear to them.    


Originally, Deng Jie, Ye Qinghan, and the three Profound Meaning Sage s should have been a Triplegia Team, but Song Zude, Cheng Feng, and Zhang Chun, the three Profound Meaning Sage s were a Triplegia Team.    


And in Ye Qinghan's words, Deng Jie, Cheng Feng, and Zhang Chun had once again formed a Triplegia Team, which ought to be the main force behind the encirclement of the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s. Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Cheng Feng, Mai Hong, and Song Zude had initially discovered the location of a group of Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s.    


As for the small team formed by Ye Qinghan, Mai Hong, and Song Zude, the three Profound Meaning Sage s, they should be dragging the cannon fodder of the other Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s.    


It was only after the cannon fodder Triplegia Team finished off the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian that they were facing, and went to support Deng Jie, Cheng Feng, and Zhang Chun's main force Triplegia Team, that Cheng Feng, Zhang Chun and Zhang Chun's main force Triplegia Team thought that Ye Qinghan, Mai Hong's, Mai Hong's, cannon fodder Triplegia Team had brought the enemy here, which was why Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun had chosen to flee the battlefield.    


When Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun fled the battlefield, they had also called for Deng Jie to leave together. However, Deng Jie chose to stay behind and fight alongside the cannon fodder Triplegia team formed by Ye Qinghan, Mai Hong, and Song Zude. This was the reason why Song Zude was so angry with Cheng Feng!    


Chen Changsheng nodded in realization, his impression of Deng Jie had increased greatly, and it was not only because he felt that when Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun had chosen to escape, Deng Jie would choose to stay and fight alongside the low leveled Profound Meaning Sage Ye Qinghan, Mai Hong and Song Zude.    


It was also because Chen Changsheng thought that was the one who should be the main force in dealing with the group of Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian, so Deng Jie's strength should not be as simple as it appeared to be, which was why Chen Changsheng showed good will towards Deng Jie.    


Following that, three out of the seventy-two Profound Meaning Sage s came in succession, and Fang Dehuai first explained the truth of the of each and every one of the seventy-two Profound Meaning Sage s. Only the Triplegia's squad led by Zhu Wangsheng, the person with the highest cultivation, and the Triplegia's team led by Tian Hainong had not arrived yet.    


Under Fang Dehuai's guidance, all the Profound Meaning Sage that had arrived hid their bodies within the Wanxiang City in an orderly manner, and did not touch the Spatial Array that was placed outside the Wanxiang City.    


"Ye Qinghan, it's all of you …"    


The same words, the same tone, and the same surprise came from the five Profound Meaning Sage s who had just arrived.    


The people who spoke were naturally Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun, while the person beside them was the Saint Tian Hainong, his junior nephew Chen Liang, and the Profound Meaning Sage Zhou Qiang.    


Originally, when Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun had abandoned Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong and Song Zude to escape, they had met Chen Changsheng and his group of Profound Meaning Sage, and later met Tian Hainong and his group of Profound Meaning Sage.    


And when they met Chen Changsheng and his group of Profound Meaning Sage, Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun had told Chen Changsheng that Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong and Song Zude were all dead before he left.    


When Tian Hainong found out that the four Profound Meaning Sage s, Ye Qinghan, Mai Hong, Mai Hong and Song Zude were all dead, he had a different idea. After communicating with Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun, he successfully took Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun as his subordinates.    


"Why, have you not thought about the fact that the four of us low leveled Profound Meaning Sage can leave this place alive under the siege of those profound mysteries?"    


Song Zude sarcastically mocked Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun. With the powerful Ye Qinghan as a shield, Song Zude was not the least bit polite to Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun.    


"That's not what we meant …"    


Seeing that Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun were troubled, Tian Hainong took over the conversation and smiled as he tried to mediate: "Fellow Daoist Song, don't be so agitated, is there any misunderstanding in this matter?"    


"There is no misunderstanding! Where did this misunderstanding come from? "    


Song Zude pointed to Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun with a face full of disdain: At that time, they thought that we, the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian, had chosen to abandon us teammates and escape on our own. I don't blame them, but when they met each other, they claimed that the four of us were already dead.    


"This …"    


Tian Hainong took over the conversation, originally wanting to let Song Zude know the difficulties and retreat, but unexpectedly, Song Zude still said the rest of his words.    


Although Tian Hainong knew that what he said was definitely not false, after all, Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong, Mai Hong, and Song Zude, the four Profound Meaning Sage s, were still standing here alive and breathing. Beside him, Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun had ugly expressions on their faces, so how could Tian Hainong still tell who was speaking the truth and who was lying?    


Tian Hainong could not help but scold Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun, "Fellow Taoist Cheng, Fellow Daoist Zhang, what exactly is going on?"    


Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun started to hesitate. Originally, they predicted that the four Profound Meaning Sage s Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong, and Song Zude would be dead for sure, which was why they unabashedly lied about the death of the four Profound Meaning Sage s Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong and Song Zude. They even lied as if Ye Qinghan had implicated the six of them.    


Now that they were in front of Ye Qinghan, Deng Jie, Mai Hong, and Song Zude, the four Profound Meaning Sage s, Cheng Feng and his wife couldn't even say a single word.    


Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun could also understand what Tian Hainong meant.    


Tian Hainong allowed Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun to separate themselves by telling them not to admit that it was the responsibility of the two of them, and even if they had to admit it, they had to clear the responsibility on the two of them.    


After thinking clearly, Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun looked at each other and made a decision.    


Cheng Feng stood out and berated Ye Qinghan: "At that time, this Fellow Taoist Ye, who is only at the first stage of Profound Meaning Sage's cultivation, insisted on challenging the three Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian's and I couldn't even stop him, which was why something happened later on. This matter can't be blamed on Fellow Daoist Zhang and me."    


Basically, all of the seventy-two Profound Meaning Sage present, whether they were the ones who showed up or the ones who did not, had clearly heard what Cheng Feng had said.    


Although the Profound Meaning Sage present could understand that Cheng Feng was trying to shirk his responsibilities, when they heard that this Profound Meaning Sage, who had overestimated himself, had actually taken the initiative to challenge three of the Profound Meaning Sage s, the Profound Meaning Sage present still whispered to each other secretly, thinking that Ye Qinghan was really too reckless.    


Cheng Feng's vague words apparently achieved the expected effect, causing the Profound Meaning Sage present to successfully believe that Cheng Feng and Zhang Chun's escape was not entirely Cheng Feng's fault.    


And if even Ye Qinghan, a Profound Meaning Sage with a certain level of cultivation, had to delay three Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s, then it would be even more difficult to count the number of Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s, Zhang Chun, Deng Jie, Mai Hong, Mai Hong and the others would have to face.    


Cheng Feng secretly looked at the Profound Meaning Sage and heard their whispers. He could not help but be happy, and inwardly praised his adaptability.    


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