Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1584 A great war between the two races

C1584 A great war between the two races

Every time a war broke out between the Dock Clan and the Cannibal, the Dock Clan would summon the Star Colossus Tyrant and drain the Cannibal. Only after that would the clan members be sent out of the formations and Cannibal for battle. Thus, in this war, the number of deaths due to Cannibal and Dock Clan had basically reached an exaggerated level of one in a thousand.    


This was not to say that Dock Clan was much stronger than Cannibal, it was mainly because the Star Colossus Tyrant s summoned by Dock Clan were already at the level of Profound Meaning Stage. Once summoned, it was basically looking down on them;    


In a battle, Cannibal and Dock Clan were only a ratio of ten to one. In other words, ten Cannibal would be enough to kill a single Dock Clan.    


And the war between the two races, from their initial excitement, bloodlust, hatred, and revenge, turned into numbness in the end.    


Every morning, Dock Clan would be fully armed and go out to fetch water, but in reality, they were already prepared to fight with their enemies to the death. Every ten days, a large-scale war would be waged. After letting the Star Colossus Tyrant destroy tens of thousands of Cannibal in one go, they would then go outside the formation to engage Dock Clan in close combat with them under their feet.    


Cannibal had never thought that there was actually such an existence like Yuanling Mountain, and there actually was actually such an existence like Dock Clan within the Yuanling Mountain. It was just a mere mountain range, yet after attacking for such a long time, they still could not defeat it, and instead caused the number of people in the Cannibal to increase as time passed. Even if the Cannibal had the entire plane as a shield, it still could not support it.    


He knew that if this battle continued, his clan would be annihilated along with the Cannibal. However, Cannibal did not believe that they would let go of the defeated Cannibal after admitting defeat, so they could only clench their teeth and continue to attack, believing that only by defeating Dock Clan in this way would they be able to obtain a sliver of survival.    


They did not know that the Star Colossus Tyrant that the Dock Clan was summoning was relying on the array energy of the Yuanling Mountain. If the Dock Clan was to escape from the array energy of the Yuanling Mountain, then the Dock Clan would not be able to summon the Star Colossus Tyrant that the Cannibal feared the most.    


So if Cannibal was willing to give up on this battle at this time, Dock Clan would not take advantage of victory to pursue and kill them. This was because the thing which Dock Clan feared the most was the prehistoric creature, and as long as the prehistoric creature didn't show itself, it was impossible for Dock Clan to migrate out of the Yuanling Mountain.    


Of course, if Dock Clan knew that that group of Mural Organism had already been killed by Ye Qinghan and Hegemon, it was possible that their attitudes towards Cannibal were different now.    


It was only until the young and robust Cannibal that all of the Cannibal around them perished in the race war. The Cannibal gathered all of the remaining young and strong people on the entire plane into the Yuanling Mountain, making it so that not even a drop of water could leak out from the Yuanling Mountain.    


There were so many people everywhere that even Ye Qinghan had no choice but to give way to the Cannibal s, moving the small hut to the air in front of the Nanpo's mirror.    


The great battle was about to start, and the two sides didn't say anything else. They only addressed each other as Evil Demons, while the Cannibal standing at the very front were already prepared to die, and would only wait for the Dock Clan to summon their Star Colossus Tyrant, then charge forward to use their lives to consume the Star Colossus Tyrant's energy.    


At the same time, Ye Qinghan had also come out of the Mirror Dimension. He stood in the air with Tyrant and watched the battle between the two races.    


Just as expected, the Dock Clan was completely guarded within the Yuanling Mountain. The leader and a group of elders summoned their Star Colossus Tyrant and charged into the uncountable crowd of Cannibal to kill.    


All of these Cannibal s were densely packed together as far as the eye could see. They were being killed one after the other by the Star Colossus Tyrant, but they could not even see the end of it. Even the Dock Clan that controlled the Star Colossus Tyrant was beginning to despair.    


The Star Colossus Tyrant's summoning process and the great protective formation of the Yuanling Mountain complemented each other. If the Star Colossus Tyrant summoned too many times within a short period of time, the great protective formation's energy of the Yuanling Mountain would be weakened. Only after resting for a period of time could he recover. This was also the reason why every time the Star Colossus Tyrant s were summoned, they would send their elite soldiers to encircle and annihilate the Cannibal.    


If Dock Clan continued summoning Star Colossus Tyrant, then perhaps before Cannibal managed to break through Yuanling Mountain's protective formation, the protective formation itself would collapse first.    


When the Yuanling Mountain's protective formation was already extremely weak, and the Cannibal's army was still in a state where they couldn't see the horizon, Dai Leader could only grit his teeth and allow the Dock Clan's elite soldiers to go out of the formation to fight the Cannibal head on.    


Although the Star Colossus Tyrant was strong, it was only an attack with the true meaning of 'Space Break' embedded in its front claws. Furthermore, this Star Colossus Tyrant was formed from the energy of the protective formation, so it did not have a sense of thinking, so every time it attacked the Cannibal, it could only use 'Space Break' to kill tens of thousands of the Cannibal army. Not only was it a waste of resources, it also wasted a lot of energy.    


Unfortunately, the current Dai Leader was not a Dai Leader that had lived for tens of thousands of years. He was not clear about the true might of the Star Colossus Tyrant, and would only listen to the teachings of the previous Dai Leader when they met with an enemy they could not defeat. They would directly summon their Star Colossus Tyrant to attack the enemy, which was why the Star Colossus Tyrant would waste so much effort when it came to fighting against the enemy's Cannibal.    


In Ye Qinghan's opinion, if this Star Colossus Tyrant's control over the energy wasn't so meticulous, even if it leaked out even the slightest bit, it wouldn't just use the true meaning of the 'Space Break', it would only be able to eliminate a mere few tens of thousands of Cannibal soldiers. It was laughable that Dock Clan did not know that this was the reason why Star Colossus Tyrant had such meticulous control over energy. I thought that Star Colossus Tyrant was only very strong against individual enemies, but facing an army with such a large number of people like Cannibal, I am unable to crush them.    


Seeing the elite Dock Clan soldiers leave the formation, Cannibal became even more excited. From the passive state of being beaten until now, he could finally face the elite Dock Clan soldiers head on.    


After all, the Cannibal who consumed the Star Colossus Tyrant before, after receiving the order from the Cannibal executives that they had to die, simply could not obstruct the Star Colossus Tyrant in the slightest, and were no longer willing to resist under the claws of the Star Colossus Tyrant. Wherever the Star Colossus Tyrant went, these Cannibal s would stand still and let the Star Colossus Tyrant kill them all to deplete the strength of the Star Colossus Tyrant.    


The actions of these Cannibal who were about to die naturally also carried out extremely negative thoughts within the Cannibal army. Although the higher ups of the Cannibal were also aware of the situation, whether the Cannibal s would resist or not, the result was the same. The process did not cause any waves and the higher ups of the Cannibal could only helplessly allow it to happen.    


Although the two races had battled for many years and had the advantage in numbers, the Cannibal, who had a weak fighting ability, had already invented many offensive and defensive formations against Dock Clan. However, when they fought with each other for short periods of time, it was still difficult to change the situation of the ten Cannibal s, which were able to replace the one elite Dock Clan soldier.    


It was just that eight Cannibal s would occasionally appear and replace one of the elite Dock Clan soldiers, but this kind of situation could only be described with luck, and was not a manifestation of the Cannibal army's strength. This was because the percentage of people who encountered such a situation was really too small. A lucky situation would only arise once in a hundred or so ten-man team. Therefore, the situation of the eight Cannibal s replacing one elite Dock Clan soldier could only be described as lucky.    


Compared to Dock Clan, although Cannibal had developed for more than ten thousand years, their civilization was already incomparably advanced, but they were still inferior by more than a few levels when compared to Dock Clan that had the care of Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert before, and even when compared to the prehistoric race that Cannibal was talking about, that group of Mural Organism was still far worse.    


So Cannibal and Dock Clan all cultivated on an individual level, leading Dock Clan that was more than tens of thousands of years older than Cannibal. Only then would the clansmen be able to massacre the Cannibal with a crushing aura.    


Outside the Yuanling Mountain, Cannibal's corpse had already piled up like a mountain, causing the Dock Clan within the Yuanling Mountain to be unable to see far even if they jumped into the air. Not only did they pile up a mountain, they even piled up several mountains, and even the flow of the river was covered with Cannibal's corpse.    


There were quite a lot of deaths among the Dock Clan soldiers too. If Cannibal's corpses could be said to have piled up quite a few mountains, then the corpses of the Dock Clan soldiers could be considered to have piled up a mountain. This war, had caused at least 80% of the Dock Clan s to die.    


However, this time, Ye Qinghan didn't need to stop him. Domineering himself, he endured it, and didn't rush out to slaughter Cannibal. He knew that there were more important people waiting for him, so he mustn't let his emotions get the better of him.    


Dai Leader clenched his teeth and waved his front paws, ordering the last twenty percent of elite soldiers to go out and fight. There were less than a thousand elderly, weak, women and children left to guard inside the Yuanling Mountain.    


"This little bastard is really stupid, extremely stupid! Once this war ends, I will definitely let him die with the death of the Dock Clan Warriors. "    


Although he clearly knew that at the very end, the Dock Clan population would only remain at about half of what it used to be, at the very least, now that he had seen it through to the end, there was not much left of the Dock Clan population left. Dai Leader was still sending to his death, but in the end, he couldn't help but angrily curse Dai Leader right in front of Ye Qinghan.    


"No matter what, Dock Clan has finally won, isn't it? It should at least be better than the Cannibal whose entire clan is exterminated, right? "    


This time, all of Cannibal's troops, even the women and children were being supplied by the Yuanling Mountain. If the entire Cannibal army were to be destroyed, none of the Cannibal women and children could escape, they would definitely be wiped out by the Dock Clan.    


At this point of the war, neither side would be merciful enough to spare the other party's women or children. The winning side would only want to eliminate the root of the war and would absolutely not give the other side the opportunity to make a comeback.    


The entire population of the Cannibal had died in the Yuanling Mountain. If the women and children from the Cannibal were to leave this place alive, the only way would be for them to escape the Nanpo, otherwise, they would never be at peace for all eternity, unless all the Dock Clan were to die that day.    


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