Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1386 Terror array

C1386 Terror array

"Six, seven, eight are already eight Devil Sovereign s, it looks like we can still produce three or four more! Wahaha, why hasn't the boss come out yet? I can't wait, what a tremendous amount of life energy this is! I wonder, after absorbing this energy, can I evolve again? Wakaka, if I evolve again, will my strength reach the level of Supreme Divine Emperor? "    


Inside the Demon Plane, Blacky's face was full of excitement, but of course, there was also a hint of urgency. With so many Devil Sovereign, without Ye Qinghan blocking the array, he was still a little nervous. With Ye Qinghan by her side, even if she did not make a move, he felt that the enemy in front of him could not even withstand a single blow.    




Time passed bit by bit, and the Devil Sovereign in the distance had already reached the top ten, but Ye Qinghan still had not appeared. Since Ye Qinghan did not appear, Blacky did not have any independent opinions, so she did not dare to make any moves.    


One day later!    


With the birth of the last Devil Sovereign, all the millions of Asura King s had disappeared! In the entire Demon World, other than the twelve Devil Sovereign, there was not a single Demon Organism. The Demon World gathered the power of billions of Demon Organism and forcefully created twelve Devil Sovereign to fight the two invaders from the God Realm.    


"Hiss hiss!"    


"Kill, kill, kill!"    


"Fight for the holy realm, fight for the spirit of the devil! Tear the humans apart and turn the God Realm into our other holy realm! Kill! "    


Twelve sonic booms resonated through the sky of the Demon World. Twelve ugly looking Devil Sovereign s whose bodies were still reeking of dark red blood turned into twelve black dragons that were tens of thousands of meters long. With a destructive aura, they rushed towards the north, straight at Blacky!    


"The boss isn't out yet!" Forget it, let's just kill him first! Come, let us show you Demon Organism s! "    


Blacky raised her eyebrows, although Ye Qinghan was not by her side and was a little uneasy, she was not afraid. Instead, she did not retreat and turned into a series of afterimages as she flew towards the south. While she was in mid air, she suddenly disappeared, and then, a 100,000-meter-long green dragon suddenly appeared out of thin air, shooting out towards the twelve black dragons.    


The black fog rolled, twelve black dragons roared, and a green dragon quietly crept over. Twelve pairs of blood-red, ice-cold eyes met with a pair of mocking, ice-cold eyes. The demonic blood below had turned into little rivers that flowed like tendons. The presence in the air was so oppressive that even the wind and clouds had stopped dancing.    


"Hiss hiss!"    


Twelve pairs of scales covered their bodies, sharp claws suffused with cold light, and twelve huge iron whips. With the sound of wind and thunder, they grabbed towards the Azure Dragon heavily and smashed it.    


"How can the light of the firefly compete with the light of the sun and the moon?"    


Blacky gave a cold laugh, and did not let out a single roar. She abruptly released her aura, and instantly, a mighty pressuring smashed down from above, as the twelve black dragons instantly felt as if their Panshan was pressing down on them. The twelve black dragons immediately fell to the ground, unable to move.    


With Blacky's super supreme ninth grade strength, how big was the pressuring?    


That year, on the Planar Battlefield, those five Monocular Monster s had all cultivated their strengths, which was many times stronger than these Devil Sovereign s who had forcefully increased their cultivation. However, under Blacky's pressuring, they couldn't even move, much less them!    




Blacky grinned and heaved a sigh of relief. If these Devil Sovereign were suppressed, then what threat was there? She could only wait to be devoured! Because Ye Qinghan was not here, Blacky's slightly perturbed heart calmed down. She flew towards a black dragon and started to devour it.    


"Hiss hiss …"    


The twelve black dragons roared furiously. It was unknown if it was out of despair or anger, but one roar after another shook the heavens. The tremendous sound waves caused the flowing rivers of demonic blood on the eighteen continents to become even more urgent.    


"Go on, go on!" Even if you scream your lungs out, it will still be useless! "    


Blacky grinned as she continued to devour one black dragon. His thought process was very simple. Seeing that these twelve Devil Sovereign could not resist, he did not think too much into it. In any case, it would not be long before these Devil Sovereign would all die.    




In a situation that Blacky did not know of, under the unceasing roars of the twelve Devil Sovereign s, the countless devil blood on the ground of the eighteen continents had actually turned into streams, and began to spread across all of the continents.    


Blacky was busy devouring it and did not spread out her consciousness. If he was still in the air at the moment, and Ye Qinghan was still here, she would have easily detected him.    


On the 18 continents, countless rivers of blood-red light suddenly appeared. These rivers ran in all directions, crisscrossing each other and forming strange patterns. If one were to look down from the sky, it was very easy to see that these rivers were forming a great array, a super terrifying array!    


"Hiss hiss!"    


The Devil Sovereign was still roaring and Blacky was still continuing her devouring. Two hours had passed and Blacky had already easily devoured three black dragons and three Devil Sovereign s. The remaining Devil Sovereign s roared even louder, Blacky also became more at ease!    


"He has already devoured five Devil Sovereign s, how can he not feel that he is going to reach the limit of his evolution! Furthermore, he felt that the energy in his body was far from being saturated … Am I unable to evolve? or perhaps it could even devour several tens of hundreds of supreme ninth grade? Down! How could there be so many supreme ninth grade for me to devour! If you mess around on Planar Battlefield, boss will definitely not allow you to … "    


Blacky happily devoured them while muttering to herself in dissatisfaction.    




In a situation he did not know, a demonic blood river in the southernmost area suddenly lit up. This light then followed the river that flowed in and out of eight directions, crazily spreading out.    


If there was someone willing to look closely, then the locations of the eighteen continents of Demon Plane were very strange. There was a narrow connection between the two continents. Right now, there were many Demon Blood Rivers in these narrow regions. In the south, the Demon Blood Rivers shone brightly and spread out in all directions with lightning speed. Not long after, the entire southern continent lit up.    


At this moment, the scene was as if someone had used saltpeter to form a line. A fire was lit in one corner, and in an instant, the flames followed the saltpeter and spread in all directions.    


The Demon Plane s covered eighteen planes, and there were nine continents on the outermost continent. Within the nine continents, there were then five more continents surrounded, and inside, there were then three more continents surrounded by another continent. As for the location of the battle between Blacky and the eleven Devil Sovereign s, it just so happened to be there … On the central continent!    




Having devoured six black dragons, Blacky, who was about to devour the sixth black dragon, finally felt that something was wrong! He felt her heart palpitate, as if a great danger was approaching him. Her cold eyes scanned her surroundings, and then her enormous body immediately flew into the air. She spread out her spiritual sense and saw an incomparably strange scene.    


Countless red lines lit up on the outermost nine continents and the five continents on the second floor. These lines emitted streaks of red light, trapping him in the center like an inescapable net. Those red lights were still spreading towards them at a frightening speed …    


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