Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1451 Diamond plane

C1451 Diamond plane

Cold Realm Ancestral Court, Flame Dragon Star Flame Dragon Continent.    


"That boy has passed through the world of the Divine Seal Altar. He is qualified to enter into my plan. When that time comes, you must give him some pointers."    


Seeing that Zhu Gu Li had entered a new world to cultivate, Ye Qinghan made a few changes to Blacky's inheritance. All the worlds that Jugli had to travel through had been transformed into worlds of novels, cartoons, movies and television on Earth.    


"I know, don't worry, boss!" Blacky replied.    




Returning to the 3000 dimension space and time, Ye Qinghan discovered that the cause and effect of his injuries had been somewhat broken, and had become deeper. After opening the Constellation Divine Vision, he discovered that the clan of Pteridophyte had already been exterminated. Even the thirteen great trees and ancient trees that had once thrived were destroyed to the point that they no longer had any life left in them.    


After pondering for a while, Ye Qinghan cut off the cause and effect of the paragraph. He did not use the laws of cause and effect to find out who did it. After all, Ye Qinghan knew who did it from a glance and never thought to take revenge for the Pteridophyte tribe. Unless it was an almighty being that could control the Laws like a fish that could recreate the cause and effect, it would absolutely not be possible to drag Ye Qinghan out.    




The brown conical volcano, the home of the Elder Cloud.    


It had already been two years since Shan Qiyin had headed towards the Magic Realm. In addition to the two locations' different time flow rates, Elder Cloud had already sensed something today and with a wave of his hand, he opened the dimensional window that he had used to travel across the Magic Realm previously, allowing Shan Qiyin to instantly jump out.    


"Greetings, father!"    


At this moment, Shan Qiyin's body was flowing with a profound meaning similar to a talisman. It was a deep purple, rock-like, profound meaning which also represented that Shan Qiyin had condensed his own profound strength into a structure that was even closer to his own origin. With this kind of profound meaning, even if both sides suppressed their Magic Realm during their future battles with the Star Seizer, they would still be able to defeat the other party with a Source Energy stronger than the other party.    


This was the benefit of having a family background, and it was far superior to an unorthodox method like Ye Qinghan's!    


"Success?" Elder Cloud finally raised his head and no longer looked into the lava. He looked at Shan Qiyin with gratitude.    


"Your son has finally lived up to father's expectations and successfully advanced to Profound Meaning Pioneer!" Shan Qiyin thanked Elder Cloud, and unexpectedly, he looked much steadier and more stable than before.    


"That's right!" The Elder Cloud said: "But you can't be too arrogant, you can only be considered to be accumulating information. After all, you have been stuck at the bottleneck for a long time, so going to that place to break through Magic Realm can only be considered as an opportunity. Finding a chance to become a Roving Star Envoy of that Magic Realm is the best opportunity you have this time! "    


"Understood, Father!" Shan Qiyin said: "I must take back that piece of Arcana Blueprint. I will first use the biological brain to deduce the location of the Arcana Blueprint and then search for it! "    


"Go!" Elder Cloud once again followed the Monarch's tiny piece of land and sank into the lava. He had a premonition that the lucky chance in the lava was about to arrive.    




Time slowly passed by, and Ye Qinghan had already infiltrated into the Magic Realm of Subhuti for many years.    


According to Pan Huang's deductions, this piece of one star Arcana Blueprint was in the Diamond Plane of Subhuti.    


This Diamond Plane could be considered the central plane of the Bodhi Magic Realm, and the Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Vajra inside could be considered relatively strong amongst the cultivator that had yet to jump out of the Magic Realm.    


However, Ye Qinghan had already dug up three feet of the Diamond Plane, and had even attracted the attention of Buddha and Bodhisattva, but he still could not find the Arcana Blueprint.    


According to Pan Huang's guidance, only after finding the son of the Diamond Plane would Ye Qinghan have the chance to obtain this piece of Arcana Blueprint.    


The Bodhisattva Magic Realm had a pure land plane. The Bodhisattva plane, Diamond Plane, etc. were all considered relatively powerful dimensions. The Buddha and Bodhisattva within them all had the ability to travel through dimensions. Thus, it was not that easy to find the son of the plane in the Diamond Plane. This was because not only was there a struggle over the life of the Diamond Plane, there was also a battle for the life of the Ectopia Plane.    


The most famous one of them all was the matter of the West Ox Prefecture borrowing the scriptures to fight for the destiny of the son of the plane!    


The son of that generation of plane was originally a stone monkey raised by a mischievous stone of the West Ox Plane. In the end, he was replaced by a disciple of a supreme elder of the Pure Land, seizing the destiny of the West Ox Plane for tens of thousands of years. Even now, there was no one that could travel back to the plane.    


This incident had a huge impact, to the point that countless people in Magic Realm could sense that it had been written as a Journey to the West on Earth.    




In Diamond Plane, the Buddhist power was the greatest, and Buddhism was the ruler of the plane.    


Buddha is the perceptive and understands the meaning of the truth, so Buddha divides the people in the world into two types. One type is the believers, those who cannot understand themselves, those who cannot, are fools, and the other two are people with intelligence, who are interested in the common people of the universe, those who are willing to comprehend and comprehend with their heart and soul, are those who have the chance to become Buddha.    


The former, on the other hand, was often someone who was willing to sacrifice everything for the Buddha. Eating and drinking, even women, were all provided by these believers to the adults in the temple.    


The Buddhist powers here were also very complicated. Among them, the Vajra Gate, the Flower Plucking Sect, the Demondawn Temple and the Ascetic Practice Sect were the four most powerful Buddhist powers.    


This was because the Buddhist Sangha was the ruling class, and its internal structure was also very complicated. Powerful demons, devils, and monsters were not suppressed, and those willing to submit all had their places in the Buddhist Sangha.    


The King Kong Sect and the Flower Plucking Sect could be considered as the rulers of the Diamond Plane, and they also cultivated the most orthodox of all the Diamond Plane, the Golden body arts Sect. However, the King Kong Sect was a male disciple while the Flower Plucking Sect was a female disciple.    


And the Evil Subduing Temple cultivated by exterminating and suppressing all kinds of devils. The demons here were acting in a very perverse manner, betraying the order of the human race and not specifically referring to monsters. Humans could also produce devils.    


Amongst them, the Ascetic Practice Sect was the most lax. Other than gathering at the Bodhisattva Buddha once a year to illustrate their own experiences in cultivation, the rest of the time, they would split up and cultivate. However, if they were in a difficult situation, they would help each other.    




On a small mountain, two thousand meters above sea level, there was a small temple.    


There were only two people in the temple, one was Fa Hai, and the other was Jie Se, his disciple. Fa Hai was Ye Qinghan's transformation.    


This small mountain was named Shaowang Mountain by Ye Qinghan, and the small temple was named Shaolin Temple by Ye Qinghan. The reason why little disciple Jie Se didn't understand Ye Qinghan's naughty ways was because Jie Se had picked up Jie Se and brought him back to the temple when his Diamond Plane was just born.    


This Shaolin Temple was only used for the former Lord of the Universal, Buddha Subhuti. The rest were the residences of the two monks, the kitchen, the woodstove, and the latrine.    


A small temple like this naturally didn't have any incense burning. If it weren't for some loyal believers who saw the temple and went to the Dazhi temple, which was flourishing with incense, and also this Shaolin temple to add some incense to it, the lazy monk would have already starved to death already.    


Sometimes, Jie Se thought that the reason that Master Fang picked him up was to let him take care of the old monk's daily life. From the age of three, his own body had inexplicably gained the flexibility, strength and control of an adult. From the age of three, he had to carry water, cook, clean the temple, and clean Buddha's body... Everything in the temple was done by himself, even the old monk's morning class was done by himself.    


If it were not for the fact that more than ten years had passed and the old monk was not even a little old, it would have been a long time before he stopped eating and drinking. Jie Se would have already left long ago if he wanted to learn some real abilities from the old monk.    


There were a few pine and cypress trees in the temple, but the abbot found it troublesome to clean the fallen leaves, so he transplanted the trees outside the temple.    


After Jie Se cleaned the temple, he sprinkled some water in the air. Then, he knocked on the door and invited Fang Shen to get up to do his morning lessons.    


"Greetings, Master Brother Fang!"    


"Get up, little disciple!"    


Ye Qinghan often thought of Universal, and would usually only return to the Diamond Plane after hearing Jie Se's shouts.    


Ye Qinghan offered a stick of incense to the previous Reverend Fang of the Shaolin Temple, who was also the creator of this small temple. Jie Se was not surprised. His Master, Master, had never offered Buddha Subhuti incense.    


"Duk Duk Duk!"    


Jie Se began to strike the wooden fish, reciting scriptures and sincerely doing morning lessons, hoping that his master would see through his hard work and teach him some of his true abilities.    


How could he have expected that, no matter how hard he tried, Ye Qinghan would never take him seriously. After all, he did not respect the Buddha, so no matter how much he did, Ye Qinghan would only treat him as a kind of 'stupidity'!    


Jie Se thought that it had always been his Master testing his sincerity!    


After the morning class, Jie Se entered the temple door and waited for the pilgrims to come knocking. The pilgrims of Shaolin Temple came to Shaowang Chao Mountain at noon after the Buddha ceremony at Dazhi Temple. If no one came after this period of time, then Jie Se would have to go down the mountain to resolve his fate. Otherwise, the two monks would starve.    




After waiting for a long time, Jie Se, who had yet to see the cicada, was about to go down the mountain and change his fate when he heard a buddhist chant coming from outside the mountain gate. Upon exiting the gatehouse, he saw that the abbot, Monk Hui Ming, had brought a few martial monks with him. "Jie Se greets Zen Master Hui Ming and a few other senior brothers!"    


"Junior brother Jie Se, please meet with your esteemed temple's abbot. Our abbot has something to discuss with him!" A monk stepped forward and acted as a messenger monk.    


Seeing Hui Ming's Zen Master's cassock and hand holding the Seven Treasures Buddhist Staff, Jie Se had wanted to kowtow a long time ago. Upon hearing that he was here to find Master Fang, he went in to report.    


"I wonder why Junior Brother Hui Ming is here?"    


When Ye Qinghan came out of the Buddha Temple, he had immediately defined Hui Ming as his junior brother, which made Hui Ming unhappy. After all, he was the abbot of the Great Perception Temple and was very popular.    


Hui Ming announced a buddhist name: "Although my Dazhi Temple is flourishing with incense, but seeing that Shaolin does not have any pilgrims, it is becoming increasingly difficult to support it all by himself, so I am here on behalf of the Dazhi Temple to propose a relationship between the Dazhi Temple and Shaolin Temple. In the future, when the two temples unite, we will also be building buddhist halls in Shaolin City.    


"To make your Great Enlightenment Temple become a branch of our Shaolin, and to make you pay and help." Ye Qinghan rubbed his hands together in joy: "How can I accept this?"    


Jie Se covered his eyes, and felt the world spinning around him. Abbot Hui Ming obviously wanted Shaolin to become a temple of the Great Perception Temple, but how could it be a temple of the Great Perception Temple instead?    


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