Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1459 Law major power

C1459 Law major power

A conical volcano.    


This was the residence of the Elder Cloud!    


Ye Qinghan thought of the most dangerous place, and also the safest place, so he went the other way. Since your Elder Cloud wants to kill me, then he definitely wouldn't have guessed that I would hide in your house.    


In the air that they travelled to this place, they did not encounter any more Magic Realm projections. Ye Qinghan looked at the volcano's crater that was emitting dense black smoke and immediately flew into it.    


Ye Qinghan had been here a thousand years ago, and was relatively familiar with the environment of the volcano. Once he entered the belly of the volcano, he immediately sank into the molten lava. However, Ye Qinghan did not notice a single crack in the wall. Shan Er, who was hiding from the heat of the magma, had already seen every single one of Ye Qinghan's movements clearly.    


Shan Er was not a member of the Flame Devil Clan, he did not like the heat of the lava. If not for the Elder Cloud controlling his soul, Shan Er would not have stayed in this damned place for too long! However, Shan Er was also a rock life form, and it was because he was within the volcano's wall that Ye Qinghan did not discover Shan Er, as he had merged with the mountain.    


"Shan Er, has anyone come to visit?"    


After a while, the Elder Cloud had been chasing after Ye Qinghan's aura all the way here. He did not believe that Ye Qinghan was so daring to hide in his own base camp. However, he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. He decided to enter and ask. If anything happened to Shan Er, this brat would definitely be hiding here.    


Ye Qinghan who was in the lava was shocked, he was really careless, he did not realise that there were servants of the Elder Cloud still guarding this place. The Magic Realm Power was secretly gathering, preparing to strike the Elder Cloud head first, then try to escape.    


Shan Er immediately came out and answered respectfully, "Reporting to Master, if anyone were to come in, I will definitely capture him and offer him to Master!"    


However, if the enemy is not his opponent, then I can't do anything about it! Shan Er silently said in his heart.    


"Hm!" "If anyone comes in, send word to me immediately." Elder Cloud nodded and flew out of the conical shaped volcano, continuing to search for traces of Ye Qinghan. He never thought that Shan Er would reply him in such a manner, and never thought that he would answer him directly.    


"Phew …"    


Ye Qinghan heaved a sigh of relief, just as he was rejoicing that Shan Er was lazy to hide, he did not realise, and saw Shan Er looking towards his current hiding spot. Just as Ye Qinghan's heart tensed up, Ye Qinghan noticed that Shan Er was giving him a look down, and he wondered if he was mistaken.    


Ye Qinghan began to swim towards the bottom of the lava. Not long after, they arrived at the bottom of the volcano. The temperature of the lava here was extremely high, and was at least ten thousand times hotter than normal volcanic magma. Ye Qinghan had no choice but to use his Magic Realm Power to resist.    


He searched the surroundings, but it didn't seem like there was anything out of the ordinary. Ye Qinghan thought that the look Shan Er gave him was just an illusion. In fact, Shan Er did not know what was at the bottom of the volcano, he only knew that the Elder Cloud was very tight with this place and that no one was allowed to enter. Shan Er thought that the Elder Cloud was hiding some kind of secret treasure and intentionally allowed Ye Qinghan to steal it. If he succeeded, it would be considered as taking some revenge for Mountain One.    


At this time, Ye Qinghan discovered that below his feet, there were thousands of ravines. The outer ring was a circle and inside it were countless geometric figures, formed inside, they were densely stacked together and were so complicated that it would make a normal person dizzy just by looking at them.    


Ye Qinghan realized that there was no lava within the circle, from the ground to the ten metres in the sky. Magma only flows in the trenches. Every time the magma flows near the overlapping angle of two geometric figures, it will retreat outwards. It was a magical sight to retreat to the outermost ring line for a week before reentering the geometry to continue flowing.    




Ye Qinghan stood in the middle of the circle, and seeing that the lava was about to reach his feet, he took two steps back and coincidentally stepped on the center point of a geometry which immediately stuck to the bottom of his feet, waiting for Ye Qinghan's foot to fall back down again.    


This was the Elder Cloud's opportunity. Elder Cloud knew what this array was used for, and where it led to. A thousand years ago, this array had only been activated once, but unfortunately, Elder Cloud was unable to solve the riddle of this array. Every hundred years after that, it would open once more, just like it did today. Elder Cloud had been unable to solve the mystery of the formation more than ten times in a row, and his interest in this opportunity was far less than before.    


Ye Qinghan was playful. He knew that this was not the Killing Array, and thought that it was the location of the Elder Cloud's treasure. He thought that he had undone the array and looted all the treasures in the Elder Cloud, causing the Elder Cloud to be so angry that he vomited blood. When Big Brother comes back, we can split the treasures equally, letting Elder Cloud know that we are not to be trifled with.    


Ye Qinghan retreated back to observe the array for a long time, and discovered that although the array was complex, there was still a pattern to it. This was because every time the magma left, it would return to the same spot. This meant that as long as he memorized the trajectory of the magma, deduced the end point of it, and adjusted the geometry of the magma along the way, he would be able to unlock the formation. This was like doing a physics question. Ye Qinghan was born with an advantage.    


And Elder Cloud's biggest mistake was to move the geometric figures, not adjust them! Each time, he would remove the geometry to allow the magma to flow better. However, the further he went, the more flustered he became.    


It could be greatly adjusted, or slightly adjusted, or even fine-tuned, as long as the magma could avoid overlapping ravines. This was also the reason why Elder Cloud was unable to solve it.    


Four hours later, Ye Qinghan had deduced six hours and adjusted half an hour. After finally allowing the lava to flow through the entire formation, the formation immediately burst into flames, absorbing more than half of the volcanic magma. The entire layer of magma crumbled at a terrifying rate visible to the naked eye, and then, the entire formation disappeared along with Ye Qinghan.    


"This is bad!" "My lucky chance!"    


Elder Cloud who was looking for Ye Qinghan in the void immediately knew what was happening after sensing the huge movement from the conical volcano! He turned around and fled in the direction of the volcano.    


When the Elder Cloud returned to the conical volcano, he saw that more than half of the lava in the magma pool had collapsed. He thought about how he had unraveled the opportunity that he had not been able to unravel for a thousand years, even when he had used his Machine Clan's biological brain to help him.    


"You blind dog, what's the use of keeping you alive!"    


After a short while, the Elder Cloud floated back up again. Because at the bottom of the volcano, Ye Qinghan and the array formation were gone. Seeing Shan Er hiding within the walls of the mountain peak made him even older. With one claw, he caught Shan Er in his hand, and without giving Shan Er a chance to speak, he turned Shan Er into ashes. Then, they waited for Shan Er's Genuine Spirit to appear and kill him, so that he would never be reincarnated again.    




Ye Qinghan had no time to resist as he was teleported away by the array. When he opened his eyes again, he was still at the bottom of the volcano, but Ye Qinghan knew that this was the Mirror Dimension, a type of world within a world.    


The world within a world was one of the safest and most stable dimensions in time and space. Without a specific password, it was impossible to enter, unless the creator was a master of at least three realms.    


"Destined person …"    


Looking around, Ye Qinghan knew that his guess was wrong, this was not the Elder Cloud's secret treasure trove. Just as he was about to find a way to leave, a flame monster suddenly appeared in front of Ye Qinghan.    


"Who are you?" Ye Qinghan cautiously asked as he looked at the flame monster in front of him.    


"Since you are able to undo the formation I left behind, it means that you have a clever mind as well!" The blazing creature ignored Ye Qinghan's question and continued, "Ancient Age A 098 4, I was lucky enough to win by a bit when fighting with Zachite, but I am also not well, and my injuries are difficult to recover from. Returning to the cave to recover from his injuries, yet he was ambushed by the evil disciples of Darkya Sect. Only the Genuine Spirit was lucky enough to escape … If a fated person is willing to clean up my family, then after kowtowing to me three times and kowtowing to me as my master, you can obtain one of my Law Fish s and one of my divine arts … "    


"Law Fish!"    


Hearing this, Ye Qinghan's breathing became heavy, it turned out that the flaming creature in front of him was actually a Super Expert of Law. This was a Super Expert of Law whose laws hung above the nine heavens, whom countless living beings looked up to, a Super Expert of Law who millions and millions of Arcanist could chase after their footsteps!    


Ye Qinghan did not hesitate to kneel on the ground, and kowtow three times towards the blazing creature.    


Every time Ye Qinghan kowtowed, the flame creature would change its position. After Ye Qinghan kowtowed nine times, the flame creature would draw a fish-shaped pattern in the air, "I am called Yan, in the future when I reach beyond the ninth heaven, please do not ruin my reputation!" Before his voice fell, the Genuine Spirit began to slowly dissipate.    


"Send him to the Flame Master!"    


Ye Qinghan prostrated himself once again, respectfully sending one of the once greatest creatures in the world off. And forever.    


When Ye Qinghan stood up, the blazing Law Fish immediately flew into Ye Qinghan's mind. It continued to swim in Ye Qinghan's mind and transmit the message the flame left behind.    


Ye Qinghan received the message from the Law Fish. He knew that this Law Fish was equivalent to the primordial seed of the Laws above the Ninth Heaven, and could be reduced to three thousand of the most basic profound mysteries, helping the Obscure Realm cultivator to accelerate their comprehension.    


This kind of treasure was hard to find in the world. After all, any living Super Expert of Law would never take out the origin of law — — Law Fish s, for others to comprehend.    


"Five Elements Brahma Divine Fire Arts!"    


The Law Fish once again introduced the message of the sinner, Dare. After making a few detailed speculations, the last message that was sent to Ye Qinghan was the divine arts and techniques left behind by Yan — — "Great Way of the Five Elements Brahma Divine Fire Arts"!    


This was not an absolute art created by Yan Shi, but a rare divine art left behind by the creator of the first, most ancient, and most primitive Law of Fire!    


The Law of Fire was originally a law ranked in the lower ranks of the Nine Heavens. With this godly technique, one could cultivate the Fire Laws together with the Super Expert of Law.    


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