Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1825 Followed by

C1825 Followed by

"You definitely don't think that there's much of a difference between following or not following Fang Dehuai, right?"    


Ye Qinghan muttered to himself for a while, then asked Mai Hong. Seeing him nod his head, Ye Qinghan continued to speak: "Because you felt that Fang Dehuai's Chasing Moon Magic Realm level Spatial Array could stop the five Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian's younger generation, but it could not stop the combined Profound Meaning Stage life forms."    


"We do not need all of the Profound Meaning Stage to join hands!"    


Mai Hong said with a face full of certainty: "As long as dozens of Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms attacked at the same time, I'm afraid that in a few breaths of time, they would be able to destroy the Chasing Moon Magic Realm rank Machine Clan Spatial Array that Fang Dehuai set."    


"Theoretically, that's true, but have you ever thought about if the Chasing Moon Magic Realm level Machine Clan Spatial Array that Fang Dehuai had laid down could really stop the younger generation of the five Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s …"    


Ye Qinghan nodded his head: "Those five Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s are naturally not allowed to leave the Divine Elephant Plane. Then before we find these five Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s, no matter which Profound Meaning Stage life form it is, it would not be able to defeat the Chasing Moon Magic Realm Spatial Array."    


"You mean?"    


Mai Hong was deep in thought.    


"That's right!"    


Ye Qinghan confirmed Mai Hong's guess, "So if we don't defeat the Chasing Moon Magic Realm rank Machine Clan Spatial Array, we can always follow Fang Dehuai."    


Mai Hong finally understood.    


In this way, it could be understood that Ye Qinghan following Fang Dehuai was equivalent to following the Star Seizer Magic Flag. As long as the Chasing Moon Magic Realm of a Chasing Moon Magic Realm rank was not broken by anyone, it meant that the Star Seizer Magic Flag would always remain within the Divine Elephant Plane.    


Furthermore, by hiding within the Green Forest with Fang Dehuai, not only would it avoid the most frequent effects of the life and death battles within the Profound Meaning Stage, but it would also not exhaust itself.    


Actually, Ye Qinghan did not say anything, but in his heart, he had always felt that Fang Dehuai was not a simple person.    


Ye Qinghan did not believe that Fang Dehuai would really give up the fight over the Star Seizer Magic Flag. After all, Fang Dehuai controlled the Great Teleportation Array and it could be said that Fang Dehuai was the core of the competition for the position of 216 Magic Realm and Roving Star Envoy.    


Of course, it was also possible that Fang Dehuai had already given up on fighting over the position of 216 Magic Realm Roving Star Envoy.    


It was just that in Ye Qinghan's opinion, the probability of that happening was extremely small. After all, Fang Dehuai had always had other motives when he informed Ye Qinghan and the other Profound Meaning Sage to go to Wanxiang City. It was just that the riddle of Fang Dehuai's other motives had yet to be revealed.    


Otherwise, why would Fang Dehuai, a Profound Meaning Sage who wanted to experience the local customs and practices of Gansu Continent, hide herself inside it the moment she entered the Gansu Continent?    


Cultivating diligently was not only an image that Fang Dehuai created but also a way to make him lose his patience with him. After that, Ye Qinghan would no longer follow him.    




Divine Elephant Graveyard.    


After a day had passed, Profound Meaning Sage, who was wearing a black round hat, brought the three Profound Meaning Sage s in her team back into the Divine Elephant Graveyard.    


This time, Profound Meaning Sage who wore a black round hat brought the three Profound Meaning Sage s in her team over to break open the Machine Clan Spatial Array left behind by Fang Dehuai.    


After a group of Profound Meaning Sage s left to encircle and annihilate the five Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s, the news that the five Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s of Second Prince were still stuck in Divine Elephant Plane had somehow spread out. Then, one by one, they searched for the Profound Meaning Stage lives of the Star Seizer Magic Flag s.    


Immediately, the Divine Elephant Graveyard was emptied.    


In reality, the five Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s still brought the news of the Star Seizer Magic Flag hiding in the Divine Elephant Plane. It was the Profound Meaning Sage team wearing the black hat that had intentionally spread the news, and the five Second Prince s' Vital Imprint were also spread out by the black hat's team.    


After all, only Profound Meaning Sage had attacked the Machine Clan Spatial Array at the beginning. The rest of the Profound Meaning Stage life forms, in order to preserve their strength, hid outside the Wanxiang City and did not reveal themselves. Thus, only the Profound Meaning Sage that was attacking the Machine Clan Spatial Array at that time recorded down the s of the five Second Prince s.    


And the reason why the Profound Meaning Sage team with the black round hat did so many things was so that they could remove all of the Profound Meaning Stage life forms. The four of them could circle around and return to the Divine Elephant Graveyard to break Fang Dehuai's Chasing Moon Magic Realm rank Machine Clan Spatial Array and escape with them.    


The four Profound Meaning Sage s looked around, and after using their knowledge, they realized that there was no one around them, so they immediately used Magic Realm Power s to attack the Chasing Moon Magic Realm Spatial Array left behind by Fang Dehuai.    


The eight Profound Meaning Sage s had long calculated, that the Chasing Moon Magic Realm Spatial Array that Fang Dehuai had left behind could at most last for an hour under the combined attack of the eight Profound Meaning Sage s. If it was short, it would at most last take an incense stick of time to destroy the Chasing Moon Magic Realm Spatial Array that Fang Dehuai had left behind.    


"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"    


The four Profound Meaning Sage s attacked the Chasing Moon Magic Realm Spatial Array that Fang Dehuai had left behind together, and the Chasing Moon Magic Realm Spatial Array that Fang Dehuai had left behind let out a loud dull sound.    




The black hat on the Profound Meaning Sage's face suddenly changed, the Chasing Moon Magic Realm and Spatial Array attacking Fang Dehuai stopped in their tracks. At the same time, the other three Profound Meaning Sage s who were in the group wearing black hats also stopped what they were doing at the same time.    


The four Profound Meaning Sage s turned around at the same time and saw that there was someone staring at their four Profound Meaning Sage s behind them with a faint smile on her face.    


"So it's Fellow Zhu."    


Profound Meaning Sage who was wearing a black round hat was not anxious at all, she laughed loudly, and the person standing behind him was none other than Profound Meaning Sage, who had the cultivation of seventh level.    


"Why did the four Fellow Taoist s attack the Machine Clan Spatial Array? Weren't the five Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian juniors unable to find it? The four Fellow Taoist s are anxious to leave? "    


Zhu Wangsheng's expression was inexplicably terrified in the four Profound Meaning Sage s, as if the secret at the bottom of their hearts had been discovered by Zhu Wangsheng.    


"Yes, Fellow Zhu."    


The black hat Profound Meaning Sage forced a smile: "The four of us Fellow Taoist s are not your match, so we don't have the mood to argue with you, Fellow Zhu, so we decided to leave."    


"That's not right."    


Zhu Wangsheng's face suddenly became serious, and said righteously: "The reason you guys want to attack this Machine Clan Spatial Array is because it is in your hands, so you guys want to escape with it."    


The expression on the faces of the four Profound Meaning Sage s did not change, but in reality, they were panicking, and all of their eyelids twitched involuntarily.    


Profound Meaning Sage, who was wearing a black round hat, forcefully explained: "What are you talking about, since you know that the five juniors from the Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian have not found it yet, then how could the Star Seizer Magic Flag even land in our hands?"    


The Profound Meaning Sage wearing a black round hat did not know that with a single jump of her eyelids, the bottom of her Four Great Profound Meaning Sage s' chests had been exposed.    


Zhu Wangsheng had originally wanted to swindle these four Profound Meaning Sage s. Otherwise, why would these four Profound Meaning Sage s attack the Chasing Moon Magic Realm s that Fang Dehuai had arranged?    


After all, the reason why Fang Dehuai had left the Chasing Moon Magic Realm s here was to prevent the five younger generation of Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s from escaping.    


And now, these four Profound Meaning Sage s had suddenly come over to attack Fang Dehuai, preventing the five younger generation of Second Prince from escaping. Without saying, they must have their own plans, but it was definitely not what the four Profound Meaning Sage s said.    


This was because they had left behind the Chasing Moon Magic Realm s of the Chasing Moon Magic Realm levels here, in order to obstruct the will of thousands of Profound Meaning Stage lives of the five younger generation of Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s. Even if the four Profound Meaning Sage s really did not want to fight over the position of the Star Seizer Magic Flag, they had no intention to hold the position of the 216 Magic Realm anymore. There was no need to rush this moment!    


After all, the lifespan of a Profound Meaning Stage could be said to be innumerable. Even if the four Profound Meaning Sage s were to leave the Divine Elephant Plane, there was no need to rush this moment to offend several thousand profound energy beings. If he angered all of these thousands of Profound Meaning Stage lifeforms and surrounded and killed all four of them, it would not be worth it.    


Therefore, Zhu Wangsheng was 90% sure that these four Profound Meaning Sage s had Star Seizer Magic Flag s in their hands.    


"Do you really think that what you've done is invisible?"    


Zhu Wangsheng's eyes flashed like torches as he swept his gaze across the four Profound Meaning Sage. "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, but I personally witnessed the Star Seizer Magic Flag in your hands. Even if you want to hide it, you can't hide it from me.    




"Kill him!"    


"Right, kill him. Laozi has disliked him for a long time."    


The three Profound Meaning Sage s thought that the truth of the Star Seizer Magic Flag being with their four Profound Meaning Sage s was already exposed.    


As for the Profound Meaning Sage wearing a black round hat, he knew that the Star Seizer Magic Flag was in his hands and had not been taken out ever since he had left the Divine Elephant Graveyard. If Zhu Wangsheng had seen it, it must have been when the four Profound Meaning Sage s had just arrived at the Divine Elephant Graveyard.    


But if it was a day ago, when Zhu Wangsheng had seen the Star Seizer Magic Flag fall into the hands of the four Profound Meaning Sage s, how could he possibly allow them, the four Profound Meaning Sage s, to do so many things in such a short period of time?    


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