Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1889 Eighty-one

C1889 Eighty-one

This was not the ninety-nine black orbs of light that appeared on Zhu Wangsheng's body. They had the ability to confuse people's hearts when circulating.    


It was Ye Qinghan who truly believed that the ninety-nine orbs of black light on Zhu Wangsheng's body would be much more perfect than the ones he had created with his own Magic Realm Universe.    


Regarding the construction of the Magic Realm Universe, no matter how strong the life form of each Profound Meaning Stage was, be it slaughtering them, or being kind, or being greedy and lecherous, when it came to constructing the world from the body arts, every single life form would reveal their side of obsessive compulsive disorder.    


This was the reason why Ye Qinghan wanted to remove the Magic Realm Universe on his own body and fuse the nine hundred eighty-one balls of black light into his own Magic Realm Universe when he saw the nine hundred eighty-one balls of profound energy revolving around Zhu Wangsheng's body.    


Ye Qinghan knew that he was the one who created this thought of dismantling the body arts Realm and then fusing it with the ninety-nine balls of black light on Zhu Wangsheng's body, creating this kind of perfect trajectory for himself. Thus, Ye Qinghan only threw this thought to the back of his mind in that very moment.    


This was because Ye Qinghan was very clear in his heart that at this critical moment, it was definitely not the time for him to consider how to dismantle his own Magic Realm Universe.    


As for the ninety-nine, ninety-eight black ball of light on Zhu Wangsheng's body, although it did not have the ability to affect one's mind, it was still able to rely on the profound mysteries within its body to cause Ye Qinghan to have the thought of dismantling his own Magic Realm Universe to rebuild. This was already equivalent to affecting one's mind.    


Therefore, Ye Qinghan immediately suppressed his own thoughts and tossed this unbelievable thought to the back of his mind.    


At the same time, Ye Qinghan had also made some new discoveries regarding the ninety-nine eighty-one black ball of light on Zhu Wangsheng's body. He could roughly guess where the ninety-nine eighty-one black balls of light on Zhu Wangsheng's body had come from …    


Ye Qinghan guessed that the ninety-nine eighty-one black orbs of light on Zhu Wangsheng's body should have been formed by the black fog on his body. Therefore, these ninety-one black orbs of light should be the original Divinity Intent on Zhu Wangsheng's body.    


Just from the way it was acting, the Divinity Intent that was condensed into ninety-nine black balls of flowing light should be stronger than the Divinity Intent that was in the state of black fog before.    


As for how these ninety-eight black ball of light were stronger than the black fog in its previous state, Ye Qinghan was not too clear about it. Perhaps, after the battle, he would only be able to understand it.    


"Ye Qinghan, I see! Let's see how fast you can run this time!"    


The Divine Crow Zhu Wangsheng looked at Ye Qinghan and sneered in his heart, as though he had already treated Ye Qinghan as someone who was doomed to die.    


Ye Qinghan's guess was not wrong. The ninety-eight balls of black light that were condensed on Zhu Wangsheng's body were indeed much stronger than the Divinity Intent in its previous state.    


It was just that Ye Qinghan had guessed wrongly that the Divine Black God Zhu Wangsheng was not praying to the Land Of The Extreme South, but was summoning the light of the Crow Clan to the Land Of The Extreme South.    


Speaking of the Crow Clan Light, the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird died when they were young, but because of certain reasons, they maintained their state of undead, so the light of the Crow Clan Light was actually the young undead of the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird.    


In the present Ancient Age, if one wanted to make the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird die during its infancy and maintain the state of undead, most likely, they would have to set up a spirit locking array in an extremely dark place and then let the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's cub die here. Only then would the young undead of the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird succeed and remain in the three thousand dimensions of space and time or three thousand Magic Realm.    


Therefore, in order for a Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's cub to become an undead, one had to fulfill the requirements of setting up a spirit locking array in an extremely dark place, and then letting the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's cub die in that place. These conditions were actually extremely harsh conditions.    


Although it was easy to set up a Soul Locking Formation, it was not an easy task to set up a Soul Locking Formation that could become a Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's life after it matured. Even if it was just to lock down the baby beast of a Profound Meaning Exotic Bird, it was still not an easy task.    


Not to mention killing the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's cub, even if it was something normal living cultivator s could do, they would not dare to do it. After all, this cub represented the entire clan of Profound Meaning Exotic Bird.    


Maybe only some arrogant 'Divine King' or 'Immortal Emperor' in the plane would dare to kill these Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's young beasts when they came in contact with them.    


Therefore, just by relying on three extremely harsh prerequisites, to make the young beast of the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird turn into an undead body and become the so-called 'Black Tribe's Light' was a rather difficult thing to accomplish.    


However, all of these harsh conditions were extremely simple for a person with profound strength.    


Firstly, the condition of a place with extreme yin. For those who were capable of creating the Magic Realm of the universe, it could be said to be something that could be casually used to create a place with extreme yin.    


And then, there was the Soul Locking Formation, which could trap the soul of the young Profound Meaning Exotic Bird. If he wanted to set up a Soul Locking Formation, which could trap the soul of the young Profound Meaning Exotic Bird, it was naturally something that could be easily done for the life of the Profound Meaning Stage.    


Finally, he had to kill the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's cub in the place where the Soul Locking Formation was set up.    


This point seemed to be the easiest for an Obscure Realm creature. After all, a young beast of the Obscure Realm could not be considered a strange beast of the Profound Realm when it was still a baby. A young beast of the Obscure Realm could not even be considered a young beast of the Abyss Realm.    


However, this was not the case!    


This was because a Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's cub might be an individual, but behind this cub was a group of people, and it represented a group of people.    


A Profound Meaning Stage that had always lived alone, even if it was in the Land Of The Extreme South, facing a lone Profound Meaning Exotic Bird, even though it knew full well that this Profound Meaning Exotic Bird was a treasure, it still did not dare to make any moves against it.    


Of course, the most important part of it was the Land Of The Extreme South. The Land Of The Extreme South was the place with the largest amount of power amongst the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird s, so a life form with Profound Meaning Stage that only came and go naturally did not dare to provoke Profound Meaning Exotic Bird s in the Land Of The Extreme South.    


However, if a single magical beast like Wu Dazhi dares to appear in places like the Central and Eastern Divine Continent in the far south, even the mature Wu Dazhi would be torn to shreds.    


Therefore, to kill a Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's cub was the most difficult condition to fulfill.    


Because the difficulty in killing this young Profound Meaning Exotic Bird lay in the concerns raised by killing it, and not the difficulty in realizing the techniques and methods required to kill it!    


However, out of the ninety-nine eighty-one Divinity Intent balls on Zhu Wangsheng's body, each one of them could represent a Black Clan light.    


There were a total of ninety-eight balls of Divinity Intent on Zhu Wangsheng's body. This meant that Zhu Wangsheng had summoned a total of ninety-eight balls of Black Clan light, which meant that the young beasts with ninety-one Profound Meaning Exotic Bird had died in the extremely dark place where he had set up the Soul-Sealing Formation.    


And to be able to kill so many young Profound Meaning Exotic Bird and beasts, it was definitely not something that any of the other Profound Meaning Stage beings could do.    


As for the Black God Zhu Wangsheng, the purpose of summoning the ninety-nine of eighty-one Black Clan lights onto the Divinity Intent s, was to transform the Divinity Intent s in its black fog state into ninety-nine eighty-one black, spherical shaped Divinity Intent s.    


Because the only way for the Divine Black Zhu Wangsheng to impersonate a member of the Black Clan was to summon out the light of the Black Clan's Divine Elephant Plane and utilize the black ball-shaped Divinity Intent s that could only be used by Profound Meaning Exotic Bird s.    


The black fog that the Divine Black God Zhu Wangsheng used before was one that could be used by the Human Clan after borrowing the Divine Body Of The Dark God. And the black, ball-shaped Divinity Intent that was being formed by the Divine Demon Zhu Wangsheng was precisely the 'black-clothed disciple' that he had ordered!    


This move, "Black Cloaked Disciple", was created by the ancestor master of the Divine Crow Sect.    


The original intent of the Divine Crow Sect Ancestor who created one move for the 'black-clothed disciple' was to create a move that would have a better control of the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird. But unexpectedly, due to an accident, he created a move that allowed him to borrow the soul of the Profound Meaning Exotic Bird's infant beast to impersonate a Crow Clan black-clothed disciple.    


Then, the disciples of the Divine Crow Sect, generation after generation, would improve this technique, which was called the "Black Cloaked Disciple", to the extent where it could be used by the Divine Black Zhu Wangsheng. Only then could the Divinity Intent s, which were in the shape of 981 black balls of light, be formed on the surface of his body.    


And this kind of Divinity Intent, which was shaped like a ball of black flowing light, was not only able to absorb Magic Realm Power like the one that Zhu Wangsheng had previously used, but was also able to absorb Magic Realm Power like a ball of black flowing light faster than it could, and was also able to attack from a distance. To the Divine Black God Zhu Wangsheng, who was not as fast as Ye Qinghan, this would be of great help.    


"Ye Qinghan, you're dead for sure!"    


With the help of the ninety-nine black ball-shaped Divinity Intent, the Divine Crow Zhu Wangsheng felt that he was definitely able to beat Ye Qinghan. As for killing Ye Qinghan, it was definitely faster than before!    


After all, before this, Zhu Wangsheng had been certain that he would definitely be able to kill Ye Qinghan. However, Ye Qinghan's speed of eight times that of his Velocity Movement was far faster than Zhu Wangsheng's so Zhu Wangsheng felt that killing Ye Qinghan would be an extremely thorny task.    


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