Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1237 Injuries to both sides

C1237 Injuries to both sides

"Shentu Xiong, he actually managed to escape the spatial whirlpool of the River Styx, his strength is so strong!"    


Ye Qinghan was secretly shocked, his Soul Emperor Pavilion immediately turned, spinning frantically towards the weak spots in the air, floating out of the endless space!    


"Haha, laozi has finally come out! I'm finally out of that damn place! He had finally made it out alive! Haha … Eh? Soul Emperor Pavilion? Where should we escape to? "    


A devilish yet terrifyingly cold voice rang out from within the Secret Realm of Samsara, followed by a terrifying aura that instantly enveloped the entire area of the secret realm. The tens of billions of citizens within the Secret Realm of Samsara felt as though the sky would collapse, and did not even dare to exhale. There were even countless people crawling on the ground while trembling in fear.    


Then, a glittering figure shot out from the yellow river below Reincarnation Mountain that had been razed to the ground. A gigantic golden Big Sword tore through the air and flew towards the sky!    


"Heavens …"    


"What method is this!?"    


By the side of the Reincarnation Mountain, the Martial Cultivator that Li Shishi had arranged to protect were all tongue-tied. Looking at the gigantic sword that could slice through the sky, their bodies went soft, as they trembled all over, unable to believe what they had just heard.    




Ye Qinghan's consciousness was incomparably strong, and discovered it quickly. By the time Shentu Xiong sent out his attack, his Soul Emperor Pavilion had already broken through the Origin Power and disappeared from the plane of existence.    




The giant golden sword smashed onto the Origin Power, releasing a burst of dazzling light. The entire Secret Realm of Samsara actually trembled a little!    


Wuu ~ ~ ~    


Shentu Xiong roared out in fury. Under the strong amplification of divine power, all the nearby Martial Cultivator s bled from their eyes, noses, noses, and mouths, and were sent flying backwards. The nearby space started to faintly tremble from Shentu Xiong's explosive roar. It could be seen just how powerful Shentu Xiong's strength had reached!    


The Secret Realm of Samsara was in complete chaos, countless people were running wildly, wailing and hugging mice as they fled, as though their Secret Realm of Samsara would be destroyed in the next second!    


Shentu Xiong had no time to pay attention to these Low Level Fighter, he immediately flew towards the place where the Soul Emperor Pavilion disappeared, he was as fast as lightning, in a blink of an eye, he chased after them!    


"Where do you think you're going?!"    


Seeing that the Soul Emperor Pavilion was running towards two whirlpools, Shentu Xiong was elated, his speed immediately increasing to his maximum, at the same time the golden Big Sword above his head broke through the void. Lock onto the Soul Emperor Pavilion firmly, and be prepared to strike at any time!    


"This won't do, if this goes on, my Soul Emperor Pavilion will definitely be smashed to pieces by Shentu Xiong, Yao Ji, send me out! You guys wait for me outside! "    


Ye Qinghan was constantly on the lookout for Shentu Xiong, and upon realising that his speed was actually so fast, his face changed. His mind was spinning frantically, and he immediately decided and shouted at Yao Ji.    






"Xiao Hanzi!"    


Everyone's expression changed, and they all cried out in alarm. Originally, Yao Ji did not dare disobey her words, but now, she hesitated and anxiously looked at Ye Qinghan.    


"Teleport!" Yao Ji, if you see Shentu Xiong chasing out, immediately go to Flame Dragon Continent! Ji De, Yanran! Go to Beast God's secret realm and take care of everyone! "    


Ye Qinghan bellowed, his expression exceptionally resolute, not allowing the slightest bit of disobedience. Yao Ji was startled, he grinded his teeth and shot out a few sets of God Power. With a flash of his Soul Emperor Pavilion, Ye Qinghan's body was teleported out.    


"Shentu Xiong, your son died in my hands, and Qingshan is also in my hands. Today, it's your turn! Let me play with you! "    


Ye Qinghan stood at the same position as the Lord Devouring. The Origin Power surrounded, and the Fire God Armour glowed with red light, holding the God Slaying Blade in her hands, the ten The Spear Of The Armored God surrounded, her eyes shining with a strange light. Her voice carried the soul technique, the Heavenly Demon Sound, and at the same time, the Soul Extermination activated it immediately, using all its methods to stop Shentu Xiong!    


"Fire God Armour?"    


Shentu Xiong's body trembled, his expression became unsettled, he had initially thought that the Lord Devouring was trying to trick him. Who would have thought that Ye Qinghan really had a Fire God Armour? Doesn't that mean he really had the ability to kill Qing Shan, Shentu Wuxie and the others?    


"I will tear you into ten thousand pieces to pay my respects to my children!"    


Shentu Xiong roared in anger, in the moment of shock, he realised that billions of Gold Soul-thread s were rushing towards his brain, and then looking at Ye Qinghan's Ten Thousand The Spear Of The Armored God s, they were all rushing towards him like a flash of light. In his rage, he actually ignored Ye Qinghan's attack, controlling the golden Big Sword and fiercely slashed at Ye Qinghan.    


"Malay Gobi!" Madman, Shentu Xiong is a madman! "    


Ye Qinghan's eyes turned blood-red, and his face flushed red from anxiety. Right now, he was inside the tunnel, surrounded by two vortexes. Although he had the Fire God Armour, he could teleport under Shentu Xiong's attacks. But at this moment, where could he teleport to?    


In front of him was Shentu Xiong. If he tried to teleport backwards, he would also be caught by the golden Big Sword. Furthermore … If Shentu Xiong caught up, the people in the Soul Emperor Pavilion would be in danger!    


"Screw it, let's go all out!"    


There was no other way!    


Ye Qinghan could only fight to the death. If he were to teleport, no one would be able to control the God Slaughtering Spear. Then it would be a waste of effort! Now, he could only risk being slashed by the golden Big Sword and see if he could heavily injure Shentu Xiong! If they could heavily injure Shentu Xiong, at least Yao Ji, Yan Hua and the others would be saved!    


"The Fire God Armour is up to you! The God Slaughtering Spear is going to transfer to me, kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! "    


Ye Qinghan made up his mind. He did not dodge or evade and decided to fight to the death. Since the Fire God Armour was rumored to be able to resist supreme ninth grade attacks without dying, then he could take a gamble! If he could kill Shentu Xiong this time, it would be perfect!    


The God Slaughtering Spear pierced towards Shentu Xiong crazily, at the same time the golden Big Sword above, brought with it spatial cracks, and a destructive might, as it cleaved down towards Ye Qinghan!    




Under Shentu Xiong's rage, he did not believe that Ye Qinghan could kill him either. At the moment, Ye Qinghan was not going to dodge, so how could he let go of such a good opportunity?    


"Boom!" "Boom!"    


The two of them attacked each other at almost the same time, Ye Qinghan was the first to attack, but Shentu Xiong was able to attack at the same time, which showed that his attack speed was much faster than Ye Qinghan's! Dazzling light burst out from their bodies, and they both flew out at the same time. Shentu Xiong spat out a mouthful of blood, his body had a few holes! Ye Qinghan also violently vomited blood, and was sent flying like a kite with its string cut.    


However —    


Behind Shentu Xiong was the Reincarnation Plane, but beside Ye Qinghan, there were two huge whirlpools. Shentu Xiong's body heavily smashed onto the Origin Power that was outside of the plane. As for Ye Qinghan... But, it was actually smashed into the space vortex, disappearing in the blink of an eye. Even the blood that it spat out was sucked into the space vortex!    


"Chilling!" "Xiao Hanzi!" "Brother …"    


Outside the whirlpool, everyone inside the Soul Emperor Pavilion had their eyes opened wide in fear, as they roared. They had just flown out of the tunnel, so of course they could clearly see him! When Ye Qinghan's figure was completely engulfed by the spatial whirlpool, Ye Qingyu and Ye Qingwu, the three of them, felt their bodies soften as their eyes turned black and they fell to the ground.    


Yanran and Yao Ji looked at each other, their faces pale white, and almost fell to the ground. But Ji De's expression was dark as she angrily shouted:    


"Yao Ji, go! Immediately! "    


Yao Ji clenched her teeth, her beautiful lower lip that was dripping with blood had been bit open, causing her to faintly bleed. She weakly closed her eyes, and two streams of tears fell down, a few sets of god powers shooting out from her hands as her Soul Emperor Pavilion transformed into meteors, flying towards the sky!    


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