Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1347 Split up in two directions

C1347 Split up in two directions

"Quick!" "Faster!"    


There were not many people there, only a few thousand. However, all of them were Orc s of at least the Sovereign s level. All of the s had moved out. This time, the Snake-headed Orc was prepared to give his all to annihilate the God Realm in one go and seize the three Supreme Spiritual Treasure s from the God Realm.    


The Snake-headed Orc was incomparably furious. Originally, he had planned to bring all his elites and quietly move quickly. They had even taken a detour around the strongholds of other planes, precisely because they didn't want to alarm the experts of other planes.    


However, they did not expect that just as they were about to leave the stronghold, Pan Xing's words would cause them to encounter a plane legion that was preparing to rush towards the Gobi Desert.    


In the Planar Battlefield, there was no reason to see and no way to explain it. Furthermore, under the stimulation of Pan Xing's words, he was able to suppress the killing intent in his heart, but he could not suppress his subordinates.    


After battling for three days and three nights, they had finally killed all of the experts of the Planar Legion, and more than half of the army had perished as well. However, out of the six thousand Little Commander s he brought out, only three thousand remained, and more than a dozen Greater Ninth Grade commanders had died. Fortunately, Grand Commander did not fall, otherwise, Snake-headed Orc would be so angry that he would vomit blood.    


Although Pan Xing had named two Supreme Spiritual Treasure s, the Snake-headed Orc did not change his original intentions. Ye Qinghan had killed four of their supreme ninth grade and a few other commanders under the Greater Ninth Grade, causing the strength of their legion to be greatly damaged. Originally, he had the confidence that he could take first place, but now, his confidence was insufficient, and he did not want to participate in this free-for-all anymore. Most importantly... The three Supreme Spiritual Treasure s from the Plane Of The God Realm were waiting for him, he was not an idiot.    


Although Pan Xing's sudden order made them encounter a strong enemy as soon as they stepped out of the door, everything went smoothly afterwards. Those planes either had gone to the Gobi Desert long ago, or they were all very weak planes that could not be defended.    


Half a month, the Orc army had already traveled across more than half of the distance. They still had five to six Celestial Road s to reach the Plane Of The God Realm! Snake-headed Orc's heart was also feeling even more anxious, as he continuously urged him to hurry up. It was just a few thousand Orc s and there were restrictions everywhere on the road, so even if they wanted to speed up, they would not be able to.    


The terrain here was a gorge, and there were even more restrictions. Although they could easily detect it, the Little Commander s could not. The Grade Nine Expert could only spread out and stand beside the restrictions, letting the Little Commander pass first. After all, if they were trapped or teleported, these Little Commander s would definitely die.    


"Phew, they finally all left the Ghost Canyon. Let's go!" They had to reach the Plane Of The God Realm within three days! Hu Ji, look at that old man, that old man is very useful! "    


After waiting for all the Little Commander s to rush through the canyon, their spirits were greatly shaken. They shouted to Hu Ji who was in the distance and turned into a shadow, flying out of the canyon.    


"Don't worry, this old fellow is staying in my Spatial Artifact well!"    


Hu Ji charmingly laughed, and with a twist of her body, she rushed forward.    


Outside the valley, it was a flat land with fewer restrictions. The entire Orc Legion was overjoyed as they began to run at full speed. Red light flashed from the eyes of the countless commander of the Orc s. It was as if they could see the Martial Cultivator of Plane Of The God Realm rolling and howling under their butcher's blade!    


"Reporting, Your Majesty! In front of us is a marsh with countless restrictions. Dozens of citizens are trapped inside and don't even dare to move forward! "    


After running for half a day, a Bear-headed Man appeared in front of them. His face was filled with worry and anxiety.    




Snake-headed Orc was furious. Just as he was about to get close to the Plane Of The God Realm, there was a ghost swamp. If he stayed in the swamp for another ten days or half a month, the cooked duck would have flown away.    


Snake-headed Orc and Hu Ji were supposed to be in charge of the army, but now they immediately rushed towards the front of the camp, traveling for tens of thousands of miles. In the dim view in front of them, there was a vast and endless swamp, like a natural moat that stretched across the front of the army, it was impassable.    


"Have you checked left and right? Can you not go around it?"    


The Snake-headed Orc roared in anger. He was most afraid of encountering this kind of swamp region, where the white fog was thicker and the visibility was lower. There were definitely more restrictions and they could probably pass through easily. However, it was impossible to cross over these thousands of Little Commander in less than ten days or half a month!    


If he had waited half a month, his Legion Of The God Realm would have already left the battle and sent him to the Panshan.    


"Your Majesty, the three leopards and four leopards have already gone to investigate. However, they've already sent word. Clearly, the area of this swamp is extremely vast!" Then, Bear-headed Man, the vanguard general, shook his huge head and began to speak helplessly.    


Snake-headed Orc snorted in anger, his body turned into a shadow and rushed into the swamp, spreading out his divine sense at full power. After flying a few rounds around the swamp, he flew back angrily and cursed from afar: "Hu Ji, this damned place, it's impossible for our army to pass within ten days!"    


Bear-headed Man scratched his head and asked anxiously: "Your Majesty, what should we do? The three leopards and four leopards haven't come back in such a long time, it was obvious that this damned place was going to be hard to get around. Should we let the main group advance slowly? "    


"Don't be in such a hurry. Let's wait for the three leopards and four leopards to come back first!" Snake-headed Orc's blood-red eyes swept across his surroundings fiercely as he spoke in a low voice.    


Hu Ji turned her head and nodded, "Your majesty is right, let's wait first!"    


After half a day, the two Leopard Man s finally returned. Their faces were gloomy, obviously wanting to go around them was extremely difficult, or perhaps required more time.    


"It will be difficult for His Majesty to get around it!"    




The two Leopard Man s had the same answers. Over a hundred of the nine grade's commanders had their gazes set on the Snake-headed Orc, waiting for his decision.    


Snake-headed Orc turned his blood-red eyes and ordered, "Hu Ji, bring the fifty commanders with you to the stronghold of the God Realm at the fastest speed possible. Remember, if you are not confident, delay them first. As long as you can delay us until we get there, This Seat will remember to do you a great service! "    


Hu Ji seemed to have expected that the Snake-headed Orc would issue such an order, as she faintly smiled, and pointed to the forty-eight nine grade commanders, and two more supreme ninth grade experts who flew into the swamp first. These were all Peak-level Powerhouse, their speed was very fast, their mental senses were strong, they could easily detect restrictions, their flying speed was terrifying, in the blink of an eye they disappeared in the white mist ahead.    


The rest of the Little Commander will follow your leaders. Be careful of all of them, and don't blame anyone else if they die! "" Let's go then.    


The Snake-headed Orc sighed heavily and ordered. Looking at the thousands of Little Commander, he regretted bringing these people here. He could only ask them to stay in the safe area, but he was not at ease either. Those low level Orc would die after that, these were the hope of the Orc's future.    


He looked at the thousands of Orc, and under the guidance of the rest of the nine grade s, he slowly flew forward, sighing helplessly, her blood red eyes looking at the distant dense mist, and said bitterly: "Hu Ji, you must delay, when our army arrives, our Legion Of The God Realm will all be destroyed!"    


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