Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1578 Mural organism

C1578 Mural organism

"Yes, this is my mother."    


He placed his front paws on the mural and caressed the portrait of his mother. Too much time had passed, but he couldn't even recall his mother's appearance.    


"The matter of my Dock Clan being trapped in the Yuanling Mountain is very easy to explain. It's just that I still have a few things I don't understand."    


Ye Qinghan saw that Ba Chi had nodded and looked at the murals on the few stone pillars beside him. They were all murals that recorded the species of life, and were no longer of any help to Ye Qinghan and Ba Er.    


"What time do you have that you don't understand?"    


"According to the history of this mural, it is very clear that the first natives of the Nanpo are taking their revenge on the Dock Clan. However, these creatures with a certain level of cultivation have all been killed by your mother. What was the power that brought them back to life? Secondly, this palace was brought here by the Demophilia, what is its purpose? Was it just to tell us that they were the right side? If they have powerful backing, they should know that in the Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert, there is no justice and no evil. This is also something I don't understand. Thirdly, the aboriginals of these Nanpo are currently clearly the victors, yet they have always been hiding at the bottom of the sea, hiding their heads and showing their tails.    


Ba Xia asked Ye Qinghan, who answered his questions one by one.    


"Who cares what their intentions are, I think it's better if we just smash this palace at the bottom of the sea. If we get it over with, it'll save us a lot of trouble."    


After careful consideration, he discovered that now that he had destroyed the palace at the bottom of the sea, it was the best way to resolve this matter.    


"Listen to what we said. If you don't show yourself, we'll smash this palace to pieces."    


"Who are you talking to? Why didn't I notice anyone? Could it be that your cultivation is truly that much higher than mine? "    


Ye Qinghan said to the empty great hall in a clear voice, and after a long while, no one replied. Instead, it was the question that Domineering had asked with admiration, which caused Ye Qinghan to feel extremely awkward.    


"Smash this place!"    


Ye Qinghan and Tyrant rose above the group of palaces and gave a long howl that contained the might of the passing time of the Magic Realm, turning the palaces into powder. After waiting for a while, and seeing that no one else still appeared, Ye Qinghan and Tyrant were just about to leave when they saw a burst of energy in the deep ocean space, and then, the palaces that had been turned into dust by Tyrant returned to their original appearances.    


Ye Qinghan raised his eyebrows and used the Heaven Flames, burning the entire palace into nothingness. But after a period of time, the palace returned to its original ruined state.    


The group of palaces had been destroyed two times in a row, and there were a few strange creatures that belonged to Profound Meaning Stage that had been painted on the stone pillars. They suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Ye Qinghan and Ba'e, and then fell into a deep sleep on the stone pillars.    


"The rule of revival?"    


"No, it's the Law of Rebirth. To be able to revive the Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert, this is not something that can be done by the rule of revival. It must be the rule of rebirth to be able to do so. "    


Ye Qinghan pointed at the few Profound Meaning Stage oddly-shaped beasts on the stone pillar wall. Now that things had developed to this point, it became more and more strange, even with the Kusatar's Plane that was hundreds of times stronger than one's own, after one Ancient Age died, only Ku Luer and Ka Luozi, the two Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian were born. And in this tiny little Nanpo plane, there were actually several Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s. This was too illogical.    


"Ye Qinghan, do you think that the Demophilia that lured us here has the intention to warn us using the law of rebirth?"    


"It's possible, but I'm not sure."    


Ye Qinghan and Tyrant descended into the murals once again, and started scrutinizing the strange creatures with their Profound Meaning Stage. Super Expert of Law who had mastered the Law of Rebirth naturally couldn't descend into the three thousand Magic Realm, but to be able to borrow the Law of Rebirth to the extent of reviving the Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert, this person who borrowed the Law of Rebirth definitely had a deep relationship with the Super Expert of Law as well.    


According to the limitations of the three thousand Magic Realm, the Profound Meaning Sage s of the Chasing Moon Magic Realm had already reached the maximum capacity of three thousand. However, to be able to enter the Super Expert of Law s, one had to at least be someone who controlled the profound meaning. For ordinary cultivator s, other than direct descendants of the Super Expert of Law s, it was simply impossible to borrow a law to the extent of resurrecting their Profound Meaning Stage Supreme Expert s.    


Furthermore, if the natives of the Nanpo plane could be related to the Super Expert of Law, then it would be impossible for Sheng Nvla to choose the Nanpo as the resting place of the Dock Clan back then. Although Sheng Nvla had the support of the Star Colossus Tyrant, Ye Qinghan believed that Sheng Nvla would not be so blind to provoke the Super Expert of Law.    


Ye Qinghan and Tyrant looked at each other. The more they discovered, the more strange and suspicious things would be revealed in this matter, which gave Ye Qinghan and Ba a feeling that they couldn't quite make sense of what was going on.    


This time, Ye Qinghan and Hegemon had toured all of the murals in the murals in the murals' palace, and Ye Qinghan had discovered another murals that looked suspicious.    


A humanoid creature with disheveled hair and only half of its body left. There were countless aboriginals of the Nanpo crawling beneath its feet, holding up something that looked like a stone board with its hands. However, the stone board only had half of the image on it.    


Although this mural couldn't possibly be the key to resurrecting the life forms of the palace, cultivator, who had some common sense, couldn't possibly use a stone tablet to represent the law of revival. However, this mural must also have a great relationship with the resurrection of the life forms of the palace.    


Ye Qinghan had a feeling in his heart and remembered this mural firmly.    


"Since the person behind this attack is unwilling to reveal himself, then there must be a hidden reason. Even though we cannot find him right now, as long as we stop our methods of hiding our heads and exposing our tails, we can still temporarily solve the crisis in our Dock Clan.    


"But, just now you and I have both tried. It is simply impossible to destroy this mural palace that has been reinforced by the Law of Rebirth!"    


"It's impossible for us to destroy this mural palace that has been reinforced by the laws of rebirth, but we can still do it if the creatures inside this mural palace are sealed deep within the sea with a formation."    


The moment Ye Qinghan's voice fell, the entire stone pillars in the murals palace started to shake, all the creatures in the murals started to fall off the stone pillars like fleas, becoming bigger and bigger, changing their form at a cost as they rushed towards Ye Qinghan and Ba'e like a tide. All sorts of bizarre creatures, covered in a black mass, and the sound of footsteps shook the entire palace.    


"I finally know what it means to be scared. What kind of hero is hiding his head and showing his tail?" Do you think reviving these would let us know the difficulties and let us retreat? "    


Just as Ye Qinghan was about to use his Heaven Flame, Tyrant had already leapt in front of Ye Qinghan and roared at the Heteromorphism that was resurrected on the wall. It roared at the Magic Realm Power and crushed the numerous Heteromorphism creatures into powder, and under its roar, even the murals and tens of thousands of palaces crumbled to dust.    


Moreover, the entire ocean did not shake from the roar, it only destroyed the entire group of Mural Organism and the palace. It was obvious that the current Hegemon had quite a meticulous control over the Magic Realm Power.    


It was just that before he could be proud of himself for long, the entire palace once again returned to its ruined state, and the Heteromorphism s on the frescoes once again fell off from the stone walls. Some roared, some let out weird laughter, and pounced towards Ye Qinghan and Ba Er.    


Everything seemed to have entered a dead end!    


"Continue to kill. I'll go set up the formation."    


Ye Qinghan's eyes were solemn and carried a bit of anger. He ordered Tyrant and took out a lot of Dimensional Ring s, which he obtained from He Youli, Mo Tianyuan, and the other Profound Meaning Stage cultivator s. Although they did not possess the items that Ye Qinghan needed the most, they were all rare treasures.    


Now, Ye Qinghan had fallen into a rage. Even if he had to pick out a few rare treasures, he had to set up a formation to trap these Mural Organism that could be revived indefinitely.    


and Ba'e, who had been immersed in anger, had not noticed that the several Profound Meaning Stage beings in the fresco palace had not revived at all.    


A resplendent light shone from the depths of the ocean. Ye Qinghan had finally finished setting up the formation, but he was already slightly out of strength when he had descended. This was also because Ye Qinghan wasn't very familiar with the art of formations, and the amount of land occupied by this palace was too huge, so setting up the formation to trap the Mural Organism took too long to subjugate and destroy the Mural Organism more than three thousand times. Only then would one look weak.    


All the Mural Organism were revived once again. After falling off the pillar, they were trapped by Ye Qinghan's Trap Array in the palace, causing these Mural Organism to rampage inside the Trap Array, as if they wanted to break through the seal of the Trap Array.    


"A Profound Meaning Stage creature is coming!"    


"Could it be the mysterious person who controlled these Mural Organism?"    


Ye Qinghan and Tyrant felt an undisguised aura of Profound Meaning Stage, and at the same time, looked towards the depths of the ocean within the fresco palace. Tyrant's face lit up, and the mysterious person who thought that he was controlling the Mural Organism finally could not hold back and wanted to reveal himself.    


Not long after, two large lanterns that were faintly discernible appeared in Ye Qinghan and Tyrant's field of vision. Ye Qinghan's consciousness had already discerned that these two lanterns were the tentacles of a large fish, only that there were two balls of soft golden light emitting from the tip of the tentacles.    


The fish's body was blue, its abdomen was white, and its skin was smooth. Its tail alone was more than two thousand feet long. Coupled with its huge body, the length of the fish was more than three thousand feet. If the fresco palace still had bricks and tiles, it would just be enough to cover the head and tail of this large fish.    


"I thought you had finally mustered up the courage to show your face in front of us after seeing us sealing this group of palaces. I didn't expect you to be such a coward."    


Both it and Ye Qinghan could tell that the owner of that Profound Meaning Stage aura was not the large fish in front of them. Instead, he only attached his consciousness to the large fish, so the real body should be hiding in an unknown space.    


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