Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1665 Fourth round

C1665 Fourth round

"Thank you Brother Hu for letting us win, hehe!"    


's words caused Hu Shikai's heart to tighten, he only saw the strange red cloud floating in front of him, and just as the red cloud was about to cross its arms in front of his chest to resist, the red cloud suddenly turned, and went around Hu Shikai's back, continuously striking at his claws, and completely shattering Hu Shikai's body.    


Defeating Hu Shikai is like playing a game, defeating him, causing him to have no way of fighting back, even causing a bunch of sect elders to misjudge him.    


Wu Yingying was disgusted by Hu Shikai's ambiguous words. She would rather see him emerge victorious than see Hu Shikai appearing on the Ascension Arena again.    


Ye Qinghan also knew that these so-called hot disciples who had the qualifications to enter the top ten of Great Competition, and the strengths and weaknesses of the thirteen Alien Life Form Of The Obscure Realm s, were all assessed by the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder in advance. Being played with and defeated by Hu Shikai like a child, it was true that the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder had misjudged him.    


There was no suspense in the following matches. Lu Qingya, Qi Mingshan and the remaining three genius disciples who were ranked in the top ten of Great Competition had all advanced to the fourth round.    


The three Alien Life Form Of The Obscure Realm s that had levelled up were, respectively,蚮狜, Han Long and Biao Xu. In the third round of battles, they did not even use Gifted Inheritance, and had already defeated their opponents easily. It was just that he wasn't like that, meeting a two star genius disciple who had comprehended the true meaning of the rules.    


After the third round of eliminations, of the Star Flame Sect s who advanced to the fourth round, there were only five thousand left. However, there were still more than ten thousand two star disciples left in the Ascension Arena.    


Most of the two star disciples who were able to advance to the third round weren't weak and after losing their qualifications to advance for the fourth round, they still stayed in the Ascension Arena space, unwilling to leave. The majority of their intention was to make a comeback in the next Great Competition.    


Amongst these eliminated two star disciples, some of them even had outstanding strength, and at least had the chance to enter the top hundred. It was just that they were unlucky, and met strong opponents like Lu Qingya, Qi Mingshan, Li Huicai and Li Huishen in the third round, which was why they were unable to advance to the fourth round.    


It was just like how some people thought that Ye Qinghan would stop at the first round and not advance. From the first round onwards, Ye Qinghan had defeated the illusions of many people. No matter whether it was Qi Lianyu or Wu Zhiqi, none of them were able to stop him from levelling up, so defeating Huang Ling was a piece of cake.    


"A group of trash staying here is really disrespectful."    


Dozens of spatial windows appeared, and the Star Flame Sect Supreme Elder transferred a large amount of mixed energy into the Ascension Arena space. Tu Teng did not absorb the mixed energy. Because in the third round of battles, the person fighting Tu Teng was also a disciple of the Tu Family faction.    


Tu Teng had lost the competition, but refused to leave. The Stellar Sect disciples at the side agreed, but in their hearts, they scolded Tu Teng, if not for the Tu Family arranging for the trash, Tu Teng, to level up, he would have been eliminated in the first round.    


Ye Qinghan against the蚮狜!    


After the Space Gate that teleported a large amount of Stellar Force disappeared, the fourth round of Great Competition advancement competition officially began. When the first round's two disciples went up on stage, Ye Qinghan's name appeared.    


Wu Yingying's eyes were wide open as she looked at Ye Qinghan in shock and said immediately: "It's over, it's all over!"    


A Flame Sect disciple who was not one of the top ten most popular disciples in Great Competition had consecutively met a talent and strength that far exceeded those from the same sect, so it was obvious that he was targeting Ye Qinghan.    


And who exactly was the person who had the ability to target and had enmity with Ye Qinghan? It couldn't be any clearer.    


Many Stellar Sect disciples who knew the grudge between Ye Qinghan and himself, turned and looked at Tu Teng with deep expressions.    




The conjectures of these Stellar Sect disciples, however, did not allow Tu Teng to refute him. Tu Teng caressed the sleeves of his disciple and raised his head to look at the sky, as if he was looking at the Nebula Dwelling in the sky. In reality, Tu Teng was extremely familiar with this Nebula Dwelling, before he had broken through, Tu Teng had always resided in Grandfather Tu Xing's Nebula Dwelling.    


"Ye Shidi..."    


The victor of the match was two two two star disciples on the Ascension Arena. As Ye Qinghan was about to step up, his face was filled with worry.    


"Believe in my luck, Senior Martial Sister Wu!"    


Ye Qinghan chuckled. When he finished speaking, he had already leaped into the Ascension Arena. The worry on Wu Yingying's face was still not relieved.    


The strength of this蚮狜 was far stronger than Wu Zhiqi, the disciple from a foreign race whom he had met in the second round. It was comparable to the fiery cloud on the surface, and they had all defeated their opponent in the first three rounds without using a Gifted Inheritance. This also included a genius disciple who was able to enter the top ten in Great Competition s.    


"You are the Yan Zong's sneak attack, Sacred Hand?"    


The蚮狜 bellowed as she ascended to the Ascension Arena. She raised her face and used her nostrils to arrogantly ask Ye Qinghan.    


"I am the disciple of the Yan Sect, and I'm not too sure who is the one that ambushed the Sacred Hand!"    


Ye Qinghan looked up and down. The蚮狜 was like a huge egg with a sharp foot and a head that was getting fatter and fatter.    


Ye Qinghan clicked his tongue in wonder. Alien Life Form Of The Obscure Realm was usually born from the heart, even their Human Clan and flesh were ugly to such an extent, it was likely that this蚮狜's body was unimaginably ugly.    


"That's right, you are the Yan Sect's enemy, my蚮狜 is least afraid of being ambushed, just come at me!"    


When Ye Qinghan saw that the蚮狜 had condensed its own body, it was truly terrifyingly ugly!    


This蚮狜's head was like a bat's, with a pair of transparent wings on its back. It looked like the wings of a bee, and its body was extremely uneven. The蚮狜's feet were as thin as chicken claws, supporting its huge stomach with circular gray threads, was actually somewhat shaky.    


The thing that Ye Qinghan found the most difficult to accept was that the蚮狜 had used its two sharp fangs, and with every breath, it would spew out a stench that made Ye Qinghan nauseous.    


Ye Qinghan remembered the situation of the three battles that the蚮狜 had fought. Only now did he understand why his three opponents had constipated expressions.    


"You shouldn't be afraid of me. I should be afraid of you instead!"    


Ye Qinghan flew back again and again, unable to dodge the蚮狜 in time, causing the蚮狜 to feel extremely proud, as if victory was already in its grasp. "If you know, then if you're going to be scared, then you should admit defeat as soon as possible and get off your Ascension Arena. Against such an opponent like you, I am too lazy to waste my time, and am also not willing to waste my energy."    


"Sure enough, this disciple of the Yan Sect was only able to advance due to luck. Now that he has met a蚮狜 who's serious about him, there's nothing he can do."    


"If you were to face the蚮狜 right now, you would probably be inferior to that Yan Sect disciple."    


A Stellar Sect disciple's face was filled with disdain as he discussed about Ye Qinghan, but was mercilessly interrupted by another Stellar Sect disciple.    


"You're lying …"    


"Did I lie? Don't you have any points in your heart?"    


The two Stellar Sect disciples ignored the persuasion of their fellow disciples and continued to argue.    


The蚮狜 on the Ascension Arena stopped and shouted: "Ambushing the Sacred Hand, you glide like a loach, do you only know how to run and sneak attack?"    


"If you sew up your mouth, I won't run!"    


Ye Qinghan stood at the edge of the Ascension Arena, facing the蚮狜 from afar, extremely far away.    


"What do you mean, sneak attack Sacred Hand?"    


The Stellar Sect disciple under the Ascension Arena sneered, "He is disgusted by the stink in your mouth, but he still doesn't understand, and is as stupid as a pig!"    


"Ambushing Sacred Hand, I will kill you!"    


The蚮狜 was furious, it stomped its feet, causing its Ascension Arena to shake continuously, and then leaped up, flying one foot off the ground, rushing at Ye Qinghan, its speed was much faster than before.    


Ye Qinghan steadied his footsteps. He knew that the蚮狜 was trembling in the space around Ascension Arena, not its body.    


"This蚮狜 may seem reckless and foolish, but in reality, even after being insulted like this, it still refused to shut its mouth and not release any stench. This is because it thinks that it is an opponent that only knows how to rely on sneak attacks to win, and yet it is like this … Therefore, this蚮狜 should be an extremely cunning opponent, which is why it disguised itself as such a reckless appearance. "    


Seeing the蚮狜 pouncing towards him, Ye Qinghan frowned, "Since that's the case, then we can only end the battle quickly!"    


"It's extremely urgent!"    


Ye Qinghan's body turned into a hundred thousand Heaven Flames and spread out in all directions, causing the蚮狜 to be unable to differentiate between Ye Qinghan's real body and the real one.    


"Damn, am I seeing things?" Or was I seeing things? This Yan Zong's sneak attack actually used the speed of body arts? "    


The Stellar Sect disciple under the Ascension Arena rubbed his eyes vigorously seven or eight times, still unable to believe that Ye Qinghan, who had won three rounds from a sneak attack, was actually able to fly at a speed equivalent to that of the Profound Meaning Sage s.    


Of course, if it was Lu Qingya or any of the other disciples who used sword techniques or body arts, they wouldn't be so shocked.    


Ye Qinghan saw that the蚮狜 body arts was bulky, although it had not truly fought with the蚮狜, he had already decided to win by speed, and exhaust the蚮狜 bit by bit, even if it consumed a little more Sky Fire.    


The winding battle with Hu Shikai had given Ye Qinghan quite a bit of inspiration. He never thought that even though they were both Profound Meaning Sovereign Pedestrian s, with one side's speed reaching the speed of the Profound Meaning Sage's, they would still be able to unleash such a great advantage. Furthermore, from Ye Qinghan's point of view, other than being strange and unpredictable, his snaking claw techniques were not powerful either.    


It's just that this kind of method of attrition, aside from Ascension Arena, still needs to be used cautiously in a real life or death battle. In a real life or death battle, there were too many unforeseen events. Not to mention whether or not he could meet an opponent whose speed of body arts was far inferior to his own, if he met an enemy's close friends or fellow sect members helping him, it would not be worth it.    


Therefore, in a real life or death battle, Ye Qinghan felt that it was best to resolve this issue as soon as possible. This inspiration could only be obtained during Ascension Arena battles.    


"Flow rate!"    


The蚮狜's voice was as cold as ice, she did not expect that this Holy Assault Hand would not use sneak attacks, but instead used the body arts's current speed to restrain herself. Like this, the situation where she had the ability to win, became instantly blurred for Peng Shuo.    


"Velocity Movement..."    


Wu Yingying muttered to herself: "I'm afraid that the sneak attack earlier was not because of Ye Shidi's good luck, but it was because Ye Shidi took care of his opponent too easily, which was why he was mistaken for having succeeded in his sneak attack. "This includes me, the senior sister …"    


Wu Yingying did not know that the speed of this body arts's flow was far from Ye Qinghan's limit.    


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