Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1940 Height

C1940 Height



Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan extended both his hands, his hands were like white jade, containing the golden blood that represented his status as a Divine King, which appeared clearly in his blood vessels. The two hands he extended out were index and middle fingers, joined together to form swords, and continued to point at Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s.    


Every time the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan pointed his finger towards the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King, sword shaped divine power, that was condensed into substance, would attack the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King.    


The sword-shaped divine powers of the majority of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s who attacked the three Divine King s were actually all from the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s and the three Divine King s themselves. It was just that the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had used the power of the 'Five Elements of Hidden Treasures' to absorb it into his Divine King's body to temporarily store it, and then condensed it into sword-shaped god powers to counterattack his Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s.    


The most eye-catching thing was that Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's index finger was longer than his middle finger by a knuckle, which was very different from an ordinary person's middle finger by a knuckle.    


Many divine beings from the Cold Realm Ancestral Court speculated that it was precisely because the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's index finger was longer than the middle finger by a knuckle that allowed the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan to reach a height that the life of a Cold Realm villager could not reach in the past billions of years of history. He was the only one that was comparable to a Cold Realm Heavenly Dao and had almost overturned the entire Cold Realm Ancestral Court, nearly changing the heavens and earth.    


At this moment, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's hands, which were like white jade, grew larger and larger in front of Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s. It was as if Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's hands, which were like white jade, had suddenly turned into an insurmountable towering mountain in front of Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s.    


At this moment, the white jade like hands, which were originally golden colored blood vessels, seemed to have turned into golden colored blood cells that throbbed one after another in the eyes of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s.    


It was just that these throbbing golden blood cells were like man-eating cells in the eyes of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s, because every single one of the throbbing golden blood cells, at the same time, were abnormally active, contained powerful divine powers that could destroy any one of the material planes of the Cold Realm Universe.    


Furthermore, these powerful divine powers were capable of destroying any one of the material planes in the Cold Realm Universe at will. The strongest divine powers in the outermost layer all came from the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s and the three Divine King s.    


How could this not make them flustered and angry?    


"Sky Emperor, be careful!"    


A sword shaped divine power as thick as an arm formed a millstone-sized divine power circle, slashing towards Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's neck!    


This sword sword-like divine power could cut down a material plane's heaven and earth. With such a large Power's sword-shaped divine power, there was naturally the possibility of threatening the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam. Although they would not be able to kill Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam with a single move, they at least had the possibility of severely injuring him, so the three Divine King disciples immediately warned their half of the master.    


"Don't worry about me, just be careful of yourself!"    


At the same time, hundreds of sword-shaped divine power, each as thick as a steel needle, began to stand in the air, with the tips of the swords all aimed at different parts of the bodies of the three Godking Kings. In addition, the Five Elements King continued to condense sword-shaped divine power, each as thick as a steel needle, which was also the size of a steel needle, into a new sword-shaped divine power in the air.    


As a result, when the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam blocked the attacks of the God Power Sword Ring that was the size of a millstone, he observed all of this scene and made the three Divine King s to be more careful.    


When the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam saw that the three disciples of the Divine King were still concerned about their own safety, he couldn't help but feel moved. At this moment, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam was determined to completely block off Daofan, this traitor. He definitely could not let Daofan, this traitor take advantage of the opportunity, he and the three disciples definitely could not die in the hands of Daofan, this traitor.    


Only, what Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam did not expect was that the three disciples were worried about their own safety, but in reality, they were worried about the safety of master.    


After all, the main force that was being attacked by the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was the half of the master, and the Dvine Emperor of Creation who did not know about his own cultivation seemed to be planning to stand by and do nothing. If the half of the master were to die by the hands of this traitor, Daofan, then the possibility of the three of them surviving would not be much.    


This was the true reason why the three Divine King s were so concerned about the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam.    


When Ye Qinghan saw this, his pupils contracted as he carefully distinguished the composition of the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's divine power with his torch-like eyes.    


At this time, no matter how much of the sword shaped God Power that was as thick as a steel needle was gathered in Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, or how dense the sword shaped God Power that was as thick as an arm was, in reality, Ye Qinghan could see that the sword shaped God Force that was attacking the three Divine King s was not even counted as a move.    


In other words, from beginning to end, the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had not made a single move, and had only used the three Divine King's and the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's divine powers to absorb, receive, and modify. The divine powers turned into sword-shaped divine powers, counterattacking the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s.    


"Looking at it this way, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s are not as simple as saying that they are not Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's opponents. It is just that it seems that Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the three Divine King s do not even have the qualifications to be Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan s."    


Seeing this, the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan could not help but feel somewhat suspicious.    


As a Dvine Emperor of Creation of the Cold Realm Universe, Ye Qinghan's perspective on things was naturally different from others. He could also easily see through the essence of life and anything else. However, this Five Elements Divine King, Ye Qinghan, was unable to see through Daofan.    


In Ye Qinghan's opinion, Daofan's cultivation was only slightly above Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam. When Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan fought with the three Divine King, he could easily suppress Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam without even using any moves, which was not considered strange at all.    


This made Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation, very surprised!    


"Recall of Time!"    


Ye Qinghan thought for a moment and a piece of Spatial Plate in front of him suddenly appeared from within the group of Spatial Plate. It separated into an individual and floated in front of Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation. Immediately after, the Spatial Plate began to reproduce itself, just like how it was when the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was still trying to be fierce in the Cold Realm Ancestral Court.    


At that time, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan led the disciples of his Yu Yu Pavilion and defeated the Divine General s of the Ancestral Court with their divine weapons. The Divine King s that came to besiege Daofan were not even worthy opponents for Daofan, and were easily defeated by Daofan. It could be said that this was the moment Daofan was in high spirits.    


In the end, when the Cold Realm transformed into the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, it was obvious that the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was only slightly stronger than the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam. But when the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam added the power of the Cold Realm Universe to his own body, it was obvious that he was already stronger than the Five Elements Divine King Daofan by a little.    


After that, Blacky's Genuine Spirit was found by the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, and Blacky's Genuine Spirit was captured, used to threaten the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, and took the chance to catch his breath. Then, the consciousness of the Dvine Emperor of Creation Ye Qinghan suddenly descended, and directly threw him into the Heavenly Prison Space …    


From the time the Five Elements Divine King Daofan was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison Space, it had only been a short span of less than five hundred years, yet this Five Elements Divine King, Daofan, was able to suppress the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam and the other three Divine King s who were only slightly injured until they had no way of fighting back. This caused the Dvine Emperor of Creation to be somewhat confused.    


It must be known that currently, Daofan's cultivation was only slightly stronger than the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, but his strength was probably much stronger than the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam. This confused the Dvine Emperor of Creation very much.    


"Don't tell me that when multiple cultivators reach the pinnacle of their cultivation, the higher their cultivation, the greater their strength would be?" If that was the case, if he were to cultivate the true meaning of the rules of various cultivation civilizations, True Meaning of Law … Even rules, rules? Could it be that his strength is one of the best amongst his generation? "    


Suddenly, Ye Qinghan seemed to have caught onto some inspiration, it was just that this inspiration came from some difficulty, and to achieve it was even more difficult.    


After all, it was already extremely difficult to comprehend the true meaning of the rules, let alone comprehend a higher level True Meaning of Law. It was even possible to grasp and create such a small rule and law, it was definitely not something that a so-called genius like the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan could do.    


Ye Qinghan believed that if he could change this dimension to any of the Profound Meaning Stage lives, when he was at a similar level to Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, if Ye Wen and Dao Fan were to practice the same multiple cultivation techniques, then if they were to train the multiple cultivation techniques to the same realm as Divine King, then any Profound Meaning Stage life form within the three thousand dimensions would likely be able to do so easily during the time of Divine King.    


However, if Daofan wanted to reach the level of Profound Meaning Stage, would definitely not believe that this Five Elements Divine King could easily comprehend the true meaning of the rules of different civilizations, or even the True Meaning of Law.    


To be able to comprehend the true meaning of the rules of multiple cultivation civilizations or True Meaning of Law, Ye Qinghan only believed that three types of Profound Meaning Stage could achieve such success.    


The first was the life of a genius Profound Meaning Stage who had already surpassed the level of a genius. After all, any living being with Profound Meaning Stage deserved to be called a genius. If one wanted to comprehend the true meaning of the rules of multiple cultivation civilizations or True Meaning of Law, it was natural that not just any profound energy life form could comprehend it so easily.    


The second type had the ability to comprehend the true meaning of the rules for multiple cultivation civilizations, or was the Profound Meaning Stage life form of True Meaning of Law s. Ye Qinghan believed that the disciples of a large clan like the one he had conquered could directly accept the inheritance of the True Meaning of Law.    


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