Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1975 Factors

C1975 Factors

In the heart of the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, it was he, the first Divine King to have the guts to subvert the entire Cold Realm Universe throughout the entire history of the Cold Realm Universe, who would be the most unsettled, and naturally would not believe there was someone more unsettled than himself.    


However, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan did not believe that Cold Realm Universe could consume more than half of Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's strength to suppress it. However, if there was something that Cold Realm Universe could restrain more than half of Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's strength, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan would believe it.    


In the heart of the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, he was actually unaware of the fact that Cold Realm Universe did not require any energy from the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam or the Cold Realm Heavenly Dao.    


The Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan only thought that in order to allow the Cold Realm Universe to function well, it would take a lot of energy, since the Cold Realm Universe was extremely vast. Forget about the countless of living creatures, even the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan did not know how many dimensions there were.    


Thus, in the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's heart, he only thought that in order to maintain the good functioning of the Cold Realm Universe, it would at least require a lot of power.    


However, if it was like this, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan felt that it would be very troublesome.    


After all, from the perspective of the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, the bit of daylight that the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam used was condensed from the power of the Space Law.    


However, after the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam had released that bit of sunlight, he was able to see clearly that that bit of daylight was completely different from what he had imagined!    


After that speck of sunlight from the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam collided with the power of the Bracelet of Civilization on the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's' sweeping room ', there was not the slightest bit of spatial energy that represented Cold Realm Universe. Instead, the' sweeping room 'from the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan strangely melted along with that speck of light.    


And no matter how Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan used his own consciousness to investigate that speck of light, he was unable to see just what kind of power that speck of light was formed of. He could only vaguely sense that the power contained within that speck of light was incomparably vast, just like the material planes of the Cold Realm Universe.    


And the little bit of daylight Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam used, already gave the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan the feeling of an uncountable amount of material planes which were as vast as Cold Realm Universe. The material planes were naturally formed by countless Spatial Plate, which was why the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan misunderstood that the little bit of light Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam used was formed from the power of the Space Law that was deep within the Cold Realm Universe.    


Of course, in reality, the bit of light the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam had did indeed contained quite a bit of power within her Cold Realm Universe. Among them, the most representative were the Law Power s and spatial powers that came from the depths of the Cold Realm Universe.    


That was why Cold Realm Universe could immediately tell that this was the most primitive, and also the most mysterious, power within Cold Realm Universe.    


It was also because of this reason that the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam felt that the Law Power and spatial energy that came from the depths of the Cold Realm Universe were of a very high level, and was even of a higher level than the power Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation's emperor had used.    


Therefore, it was also because of this reason that Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam had so many 'thoughts' after he had uttered the words of the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan.    


"Daofather, you're in the middle of a trap right now. You don't even know if that's true or false?"    


The Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam had once again recovered his calm appearance. What he meant was that Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was trapped inside the Heavenly Prison Space, and had to fight with the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam to determine the victor. If not, the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam would not be able to come out of the Heavenly Prison Space.    


Thus, as long as everyone continued to make their move, then Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan would immediately know whether what he said was true or not.    


"The great Cold Realm Universe Overlord of the Celestial Emperor has finally learnt how to speak your mind, hmph!"    


He was merely warning Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan whether what he said was true or false. Only by determining the outcome of the battle and the outcome of life and death, would the person be able to leave the Heavenly Prison Space alive. Only at that time, would it be clear whether the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's words were true or false.    


In other words, the words of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam was a metaphor for a legend.    


Because the history books were always written by the victors, only the victors could change history after coming out of Heavenly Prison Space. The people of the world would know whether what Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam said was true or false, and whether the words of his Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam or the two Hierarch s were the truth!    


However, in the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's heart, it was naturally not as optimistic as the one in his heart.    


At this time, besides the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam mistaking his identity as the genuine Dvine Emperor of Creation and obtaining even the incarnation of Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation from the depths of his Cold Realm Universe, he had also never acquired the Cosmic Power and Law Power. He had always thought that Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation from the Cold Realm Universe, was the incarnation of the Dvine Emperor of Creation.    


So, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam knew that even if he was really no match for Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, and even if he was killed by her, it would be very difficult for Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan to get out of her grasp.    


Of course, at this moment, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's self-confidence had already reached an unimaginable level. He naturally did not believe that Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan would be able to kill him, or even defeat him.    


And Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was naturally not that optimistic at the moment.    


After all, in the eyes of the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, the was unable to see his face clearly, and could even not discern his strength. Even until now, he had only seen his name, and did not see his true self, but the was still standing at the side glaring at him while he was fighting against the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam.    


"If you want to talk too much, you can just give it a try Daofan. However, this Heavenly Emperor has no interest in arguing with you. Hurry up and do it!"    


Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam waved his hand as if he did not want to say anything more. Or perhaps, he just wanted to say one more word to Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan.    


This Divine King will see just how powerful the Heavenly Emperor is after obtaining back all of his strength! "    


Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan stepped onto the 'River of Civilization', extended his left hand, and pointed at the direction of Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam. The entire 'River of Civilization' started to surge towards the location of Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam.    


"master, be careful!"    


After seeing this scene, the Divine King disciples of the Heavenly Divine King s, Earth Divine King s, and Mortal Divine King s couldn't help but once again raise their vigilance towards the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s.    


Although the disciples of the Celestial King of the Frost Realm, the Earth God King and the Human God King had already known that half of their master, the Heavenly Emperor of the Frost Realm, was hiding his true strength, the disciples of the Celestial King of the Frost Realm, the Earth God King and the Human God King, the Celestial King, were all rather fearful of the Five Elements God Kings of the Heaven King, the Heaven King, and the Heaven King.    


After all, no matter if it was the 'Broom of Civilization' that was formed with a small part of the power of the 'River of Civilization' earlier, allowing the 'collapse and fight' technique to look incomparably sharp, or the thousands of Heroic Spirits of the God Realm that were struggling to travel forward in the 'River of Civilization', all of them caused the Divine King disciples of the Heavenly Divine King, Earth Divine King and to feel a little fear.    


It was not only because of the thousands of Heroic Spirits from the God Realm who were trying their best to travel forward in the 'River of Civilization', but also because of their strong will that shocked the disciples of the Celestial Divine King, Earth Divine King and Mortal Divine King. It was also because of the ferocious expressions on the faces of the thousands of Heroic Spirits from the God Realm who were trying their best to travel forward in the 'River of Civilization'.    


It must be known that these thousands of Heroic Spirits from the God Realm had once contributed greatly to the entire Cold Realm Universe or the Cold Realm Ancestral Court. Therefore, whether it was their expression or their temperament, these thousands of Heroic Spirits from the God Realm should all be extremely peaceful existences.    


After all, after these thousands of Heroic Spirits from the God Realm had fallen while contributing tremendously to either the entire Cold Realm Universe or the Cold Realm Ancestral Court, countless millions of living creatures in the entire Cold Realm Universe paid their respects to the thousands of Heroic Spirits from the God Realm and offered their most loyal wishes and blessings to the thousands of Heroic Spirits from the God Realm.    


But these thousands of spirits from the God Realm, who should have had a peaceful expression and temperament, were easily stirred up by the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan once they fell into his hands. Not only did they want to pull down the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam who had acted unfairly, they even wanted to pull the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam down with a face full of resentment before hacking him to pieces.    


The Divine King disciples of the s of the Heavenly Divine King s, Earth Divine King s and Mortal Divine King s naturally saw this change with the Divine King disciples of the Heavenly Divine King s, Earth Divine King s and Mortal Divine King s.    


It was also the reason why the Divine King disciples of the Heavenly Divine King s, Earth Divine King s, and Human Divine King s were rather fearful of the 'Long River of Civilization' condensed by the thousands of Heroic Spirits from the God Realm.    


As a result, when the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan commanded the 'River of Civilization' under his feet to roll towards the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, the disciples of the Heavenly Divine King, Earth Divine King and Mortal Divine King, that was why they placed so much hope on the master, the master who had placed all of their hopes and hopes on them.    


"Don't worry. Let's see just how powerful this Celestial Emperor is."    


Although Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam said that, he remained as motionless as a mountain. He did not make any movements, but held his hands behind his back, with an upright attitude, pointing at the mountains, waiting for the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan to control the 'River of Civilization' and attack him.    


And the change in Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's address meant that Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam was already somewhat dissatisfied with the three disciples of Sky Divine King, Earth Divine King and Mortal Divine King.    


After all, in the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's mind, he had already given a reminder to the three disciples from Divine King, Heavenly Divine King, and Mortal Divine King!    


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