Martial God Conqueror



The young lady's body was curved at such a young age. Coupled with her delicate and pretty face, it was likely that she would appear slim and graceful in two years. However, her clear eyes were currently filled with worry.    


On the young girl's shoulder, a small cyan bird raised its head. Its black eyes were glued to the body of the beautiful woman.    


The tight-fitting clothing girl looked to be around twenty-one to twenty-two years old. Her devilish body had a tempting arc to it and her beautiful face was extremely beautiful. Her clear eyes were filled with coldness as she arrived in front of the black-clothed man and kicked him fiercely: "Do you know where that youth is now?"    


After being kicked by the tight-fitting clothing, the black-clothed man got up obediently and said with a trembling voice: "Sir, I really do not know where that purple-robed youth is. Our Sect Master has personally come out to search for him and all the great forces are also searching for him, but he just disappeared. Milords, please forgive me. I have already told you everything I know and have not hidden anything from you."    


"People from the Black Fiend School deserve to die. If the Brother Shaofu sees any danger, I will definitely not let them off." The girl's clear eyes turned cold and her voice became icy cold. She said in a deep voice, "Small circle, kill the Black Fiend School's people. The Black Fiend School's people all deserve to die!"    




A tiger's roar sounded out, and behind the girl, a fierce tiger pounced out. It opened its fierce tiger's mouth and instantly swallowed the black-clothed man.    


"You have to have the strength to do what you want. You're extremely talented, and although you're not as talented as the younger generation of those large clans, the most important of all is that you have a pure heart that is suitable to take over my mantle. In the future, you won't be weaker than those large clans' younger generation, so follow me."    


The young girl looked at the beautiful woman and said: "Senior, I have yet to meet Brother Shaofu. Can you help me find him?    


"I promised to help you, but now that the person you're looking for has escaped danger, it's time for you to leave with me. If you're truly unwilling, I won't force you. You decide for yourself." The plain-clothed woman looked at the young girl with a slightly fluctuating gaze. It was as if she was born with a noble aura.    


"Xingyu, follow Senior, in front of us is the area where the Heaven Martial Academy is located, at that time, I will get the help of the experts in the academy, if that guy is here, he will also let you follow Senior, and at that time, you can cultivate properly to become a ranker." The tight-fitting clothing girl saw that the beautiful woman in plain clothes was not ordinary and went forward to try to persuade the girl.    


"That's right, I want to become a powerful warrior. If I can become a powerful warrior, then Brother Shaofu will no longer be in danger."    


The young girl clenched her teeth and then nodded to the beautiful woman in plain clothes. She said, "Senior, I will follow you. I will cultivate well and become a strong person in the future."    


"That's right. Follow me back and cultivate properly." After which, her gaze landed on the Cyan Bird s. With a slight wave of her hand, a dazzling light from the rune immediately wrapped around the young girl's body. Accompanied by the cyan colored bird, her figure shot out into the sky.    


"Little Tiger, send me back to the Heaven Martial Academy. I want to find an expert from the academy to save that brat." As she watched the lady in plain clothes and the young girl disappear from her sight, the tight-fitting clothing girl's large eyes faintly emitted a hint of chilliness.    




The giant tiger flapped its wings and disappeared into the air.    


In the cave, a faint gold light shrouded the surroundings, Du Shaofu sat cross-legged in the middle of the gold light circle, traces of gold energy were flowing around his body.    




After a moment, the faint golden light aura slowly disappeared, Du Shaofu opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of impure Qi, the Spirit Qi around his body was accompanied by the faint golden light aura which converged and flowed through his pores.    


"It should be fine."    


Opening his eyes, felt the situation in his body. After cultivating for close to ten days, with the help of Medicine King's help, he could only recover to the point where he was unharmed.    


Du Shaofu's injuries were a little too severe this time, and even his internal organs were shaken. If it was anyone else, they would have most likely shattered their internal organs and died a long time ago.    


"Brother Qingchun." Du Shaofu took out the small pagoda that he held in his arms, but the small pagoda was quiet.    


After pondering for a while, Du Shaofu kept the small pagoda into his close proximity and then left the cave. His big brother, Zhen Qingchun had told him that he should not stay here for long.    


In the dark night, the sky was filled with shining stars, like a galaxy made of fine, quicksand lying diagonally in the sky.    


In the darkness of the night, the only sound in the mountain range was the swaying of the treetops in the night breeze.    




In the dark night, a figure seemed to be carrying another figure as it shuttled through the forest like a ghost. Then, it leapt onto a towering tree.    


"Listen, if I ask you a question, you can answer it honestly. Or else, would I not mind taking your life?"    


The skinny man in the former's hand was placed on a tree branch that was the size of a praying mat, emitting a mottled moonlight. One could barely see that this person was a young man wearing a purple robe.    


The purple-robed young man was only about fifteen to sixteen years old. However, there was a rarely seen maturity on his resolute and determined face. In particular, his eyes were as sharp as a hawk's.    


"I will definitely tell you everything, as long as you don't kill me."    


The burly man nodded at the purple-robed youth, not underestimating him in the slightest because of his age. Could it be that a youth who could silently abduct him from the rest of the group was an ordinary youth?    


Although he knew the general direction of the moon light, he could not tell where he was. Thus, he could only find someone to ask, and looking at the attitude of the big size man in front of him, he asked in satisfaction: "Where is this place?"    


Doubt appeared in the big sized man's eyes, but he still replied honestly, "This is Inside The Dark Forest."    


"I know it's the Dark Forest. I'm asking about the specific location of this place." Du Shaofu asked.    


It turns out that we can still secretly dig for profound stones and elixirs from that direction. However, the Heaven Martial Academy is recently recruiting new students, and they are being tested on in the mountain range ahead. Therefore, the Law Enforcement Troop around us has also increased quite a bit.    


After saying that, the big sized man looked at Du Shaofu, and seeing Du Shaofu's age, he suddenly became shocked, and said: "You, you can't be someone from Heaven Martial Academy right? I actually didn't steal much spirit stones and medicine, last time we were captured by your Heaven Martial Academy, and all of our Universe Bag were taken away, we were taught a lesson."    


"Don't worry, I'm not someone from the Heaven Martial Academy." Du Shaofu looked at the big sized man and said.    




When the big sized man heard, he let out a sigh of relief and said to Du Shaofu in embarrassment: "I was scared to death, and I thought you were someone from the Heaven Martial Academy. Although those little bastards from the Law Enforcement Troop were young, each of them had impressive strength, and I thought it was because the Law Enforcement Troop was chasing them so fiercely this time, and had actually left the range of the Heaven Martial Academy."    


"Actually, I am also someone of Heaven Martial Academy." Du Shaofu looked up at the big sized man and said.    


Hearing Du Shaofu's words, the big sized man's face froze.    


Du Shaofu smiled and said: "Relax, I'm not here to chase after you guys. You just said, that Heaven Martial Academy has been recruiting new students recently?"    


Hearing this, the big sized man relaxed a bit, and said: "Not bad, Heaven Martial Academy has been recruiting recently, and we have already entered the mountain range ahead to carry out the test."    


"Tell me in detail about the freshmen assessment." Du Shaofu asked.    


"You don't know?"    


The big sized man looked at Du Shaofu with doubt in his eyes, and then said: "The recruitment of new disciples is extremely strict, and every new student has to go through a strict trial, and will only be able to recruit people from fifteen to eighteen years old. It is said that this time, there will be a total of over a hundred thousand people registering for the Heaven Martial Academy, but in the end, there will only be three thousand people who will be accepted, and all of them are Heaven's Pride children."    


"Are they testing in the mountains ahead?" Du Shaofu asked, he was also shocked in his heart, a hundred thousand people signing up, only recruiting three thousand people, this kind of selection was indeed strict, and those who could enter Heaven Martial Academy, were all definitely extraordinary.    


The big man nodded and said, "I've already tested him for a period of time. I'm afraid it's almost over. The next recruitment will be three years later."    


"How often does Heaven Martial Academy recruit students?" After Du Shaofu heard this, he asked the big sized man.    


"Heaven Martial Academy will only recruit students when they're recruiting. They won't be able to recruit students at any other time, even nobles or nobles are no exception." The big man said.    


"Is that so?"    


Du Shaofu's gaze wavered slightly, then said to the big sized man: "Alright, you can go back now. If you talk about my matter to anyone, be careful of your own life.    


"Young master, I swear that I won't tell anyone that I've seen you before. I didn't know you either." The big man trembled and quickly swore.    


swish *    


Before he could finish his sentence, the violet-robed youth had already jumped down from the tree and disappeared into the night like a ghost.    


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