Martial God Conqueror

C104 Spark of a Great War

C104 Spark of a Great War

"You're but a mere arrow at the end of its flight. I'll ask you one last time. Will you keep resisting or surrender?"    


Cao Tianmang laughed coldly. Though the walls of Stone City stood high, there were nevertheless quite a few experts who showed up today. Even so, they were not able to stop him in his steps, for flattening the entire Stone City was as easy as flipping his hand.    


"Cao Tianmang, I advise you to leave this place quickly, or else you'll definitely regret it!"    


Ye Guang warned him albeit his voice lacking any confidence. With Ancestor Lei cultivating in seclusion, even with the united forces of the three great families, they simply had no way of stopping the powerful warriors whom Cao Tianmang had brought with him this time. From the looks of things, Cao Tianmang seemed determined to deal with Stone City once and for all.    


"Shaofu, where is the King Scaled Demon Tiger?"    


Du Zhenwu frowned as he lowered his head and asked Du Shaofu standing next to him. The Bai Family still had Bai Wei of the Pulse Spirit Stage while the Ye Family still had Ye Guang of the Pulse Spirit Stage. The Du Family, on the other hand, did not have any such expert in the Pulse Spirit Stage.    


"The King Scaled Demon Tiger should have gone into cultivation."    


Hearing that, Du Shaofu wore a grave expression on his face. With the troops that Cao Tianmang had brought with him, it would be extremely difficult for him to fight with the people of Floating Cloud County.    


Moreover, the Du Family and the other two great families were still recuperating from their previous battle. While they may have indeed wiped out the Han Family and Qin Family, they nevertheless suffered quite significant losses on their end to attain victory.    


As such, they were at a disadvantage when it came to the number of their troops. Even with the combined forces of the three great families, their troops only numbered up to five or six thousand at best. The other minor forces within the city would also only number up to a few thousand. It was hard to tell if there were even ten thousand people in total on their side.    


On the other hand, their enemies numbered more than fifty thousand in troops, including the elite cultivators. How could the forces of Stone City possibly contend against them?    


Hearing about the absence of the King Scaled Demon Tiger, Du Zhenwu's face turned even more grave as he said, "Shaofu, try not to take any unnecessary risks later in the battle. Only act accordingly to any opportunities given to you."    


Du Shaofu nodded in response. It would have certainly been great to have Senior Thunder Demon Lion here, but it was a pity that he had already gone into secluded cultivation. At this moment, no one within Stone City was capable of stopping Cao Tianmang.    


"City Lord Ye, what should we do?" Bai Jiru asked Ye Baolin in a low voice.    


"In a battle of life and death, Stone City shall not fall without puting up a fight!"    


Ye Baolin shouted as a faint layer of Profound Qi surrounded his body. Envoloped in Profound Qi, a bolt of lightning jolted past his eyes.    


"All disciples of the Du Family, listen up! Anyone who dares to invade our Stone City, kill them!"    


Du Zhenwu said to the disciples of the Du Family with an ice-cold expression.    


"Hehe, it appears that you're now on your last straw. Slaughter the entire city!"    


Cao Tianmang roared aloud as he waved his arm.    




In that instant, the Profound Qi of the tens of thousands of troops soared into the sky as a terrifying aura rippled across the battlefield.    


"Kill them all!"    


A series of orderly, stern roars sounded from the army of troops as they advanced towards the city gate in unison.    




At that moment, Cao Tianmang finally made his move as terrifying Qi erupted from his body. Then, his tall and sturdy figure jolted towards the city gate with the intention to break it open with sheer force.    


"Cao Tianmang, you will regret this!"    


Ye Guang roared as he instantly jumped off the city walls and rushed down to intercept Cao Tianmang's attack. Wrapping his fist in a layer of electricity, he sent it flying towards Cao Tianmang.    


"What stubborn resistance! You still want to play the role of a hero even with your current strength? Ye Guang, your prime days have long since passed already. If you are wise, you better hand over the Thunder Demon Lion as quickly as possible."    


Stomping down on the ground, Cao Tianmang's figure darted into the sky above as he violently smashed his fist against Ye Guang's attack.    




The muffled sound of thunder shocked across the battlefield as Ye Guang was immediately forced back from the impact.    


Although Ye Guang had yet to fully recover from his previous injury, he had nevertheless recuperated some of his strength and even made progress in his cultivation. The two of them may be around the same level in terms of cultivation. However, with Ye Guang's fatigue from the previous battle, he could naturally not stop Cao Tianmang right now.    




At that moment, Bai Wei leaped off the city wall as a dense layer of Qi fluctuated around him.    


"To think there'd actually be two Pulse Spirit Stage cultivators in this tiny Stone City! What a surprise!"    


The instant Bai Wei made his move, a cold and sinister laugh sounded across the area as four figures suddenly soared into the air.    


At that moment, three elders and one middle-aged man showed themselves — all four of them fluctuating with powerful Qi. They appeared to be at the first level of the Pulse Spirit Stage, no weaker than Bai Wei.    


As the four of them floated in the air, powerful Profound Qi surged from their bodies and lingered through the air, causing the weather above the city walls to change.    


"Kill without mercy!"    


Cao Tianmang roared with a sneer. In his eyes, Stone City was already on the verge of collapse and would not be able to stand even a single blow from him. As his voice diminished, he once again pounced towards Ye Guang without hesitation.    


"Leave that person to us," the four experts of the Pulse Spirit Stage stared at Bai Wei and shouted before pouncing towards him.    


They were the four strongest city lords among the twelve cities in the Floating Cloud County — each having long since coveted the idea of invading Stone City.    


"Then, show what you got!"    


At that instant, the three elders' faces darkened in slight irritation as they jolted towards the city gate of Stone City. Condensing the seals in their hands and charging up their runes, all three of them attacked the city gate simultaneously with their Profound Qi.    




The entire city wall shook uncontrollably. Unable to withstand the attacks of the three Pulse Spirit Stage experts, the thick steel city gate was instantly destroyed along with some parts of the city wall around the gate. Debris flew all over the place as cracks formed along the city walls.    


*Tak! Tak!*    


Atop the city walls, the experts of various clans swayyed back and forth as their expression immediately turned grim and serious.    


"Massacre the entire Stone City, kill them all!"    


Seeing the destruction of the city gate, the experts leading their respective groups raised their hands in the air as their roars filled with killing intent reverberated across the sky.    


"Massacre the entire Stone City, kill them!"    


At that moment, ten of thousands of elites from different cities of the Floating Cloud County advanced forward at the same time. As their Profound Qi erupted across the battlefield and their shining weapons illuminating the grim atmosphere, their killing intent swept across and enveloped the entire Stone City!    


"We're going all out!"    


"Protect Stone City with your lives!"    


On the other end, the experts of the Ye Family, Du Family, and Bai Family shouted into the sky as killing intent surged in their eyes.    




The troops of Floating Cloud County flooded into Stone City like tidewaters and immediately collided against the people of the three great families who stood guard inside the city.    


For a moment, the roar of a Demonic Beast echoed through the city as the troops and cavalry from both sides collided against each other.    


"Kill them all!"    


"No mercy!"    


A dense layer of killing intent filled the atmosphere.    


"Shaofu, pay attention to your own safety!"    


Du Zhenwu said to Du Shaofu before he and the other experts of the Du Family jumped off the city walls and join the battle against the experts of the Floating Cloud County. Bai Jiru and the other experts of the Bai Family followed closely behind.    




Within Stone City, swords and spears stained in crimson clashed against one enother continuously, creating bursts of sparks.    


As the figures of multiple humans flashed by, the sound of sharp blades slicing through one's body resounded through the brutal battlefield. Accompanied by the muffled sounds of Qi colliding and converging against one another, one could not help but feel their hair stand on end within the streets of Stone City.    


A bloody war had erupted!    


"A catastrophe has befallen Stone City! Everyone, charge!"    


Within Stone City, the citizens who knew a thing or two about cultivation started joining the fray and assisting their soldiers. Even then, it was still difficult to stop the rampage of the Floating Cloud County.    


In a short period of time, the city walls were dyed crimson as streams of blood flowed everywhere!    


Compared to the internal strife amongst the five great families, this great battle was countless times bloodier.    


This was simply pure slaughter, a brutal massacre!    


Amidst the clash of steel, the cold glints of light emanated in all directions.    


With the collision of the fists and palms, killing intent soared into the heavens.    


As miserable screams resounded endlessly across the battlefield, fresh blood splattered in all directions, dyeing the the towering city walls in crimson.    


"You bastards!"    


Sweeping his gaze across the bloody streets, Du Shaofu was overwhelmed by the thick smell of blood permeating through the air. As rage ignited in his eyes, his killing intent shot up into the sky.    


*Bam! Bam! Bam!*    


Shrouding his entire body in a layer of golden light, Du Shaofu repeatedly lunged from one enemy to the next, sending his opponents flying far into the distance with each strike. Whether it was the Demonic Beast Mounts or human cultivators, none of them were able to stop his rampage.    


"Don't leave a single on of them alive!"    


One of the cultivators of the First Level of the Pulsating Stage was instantly smashed into meat paste under Du Shaofu's fist strike.    


*Bam! Bam! Bam!*    


In the next instant, one of the Demonic Beast Mounts was immediately thrown into the air by Du Shaofu as he proceeded to collided two armored soldiers against each other in the face with his bare hands.    


Their skulls instantly shattered as blood spurted out of their mouths.    


Du Shaofu was enraged by the cruelty of the invaders from the Floating Cloud County. They really weren't kidding when they said how they intended to massacre the entire city.    


Within Stone City were countless ordinary citizens with no power to resist at all.    


If the various great families end up getting defeated, the citizens would be forced to experience living hell.    




In spite of the courageous resistance of the citizens of Stone City, they were unable to put up much of a fight against full-fledged cultivators. Even so, having been backed into a corner with no other options, they kept mustering up the courage to keep withstanding the constant attacks of the enemies.    


Countless individuals kept collapsing on the ground as miserable wails resounded across the air.    


At this moment, Du Shaofu was enraged as he noticed the familiar figures of the Du Family falling one after another to the enemies from the corner of his eyes. Preoccupied with his own fight from the side, he felt powerless for being unable to help them.    


For the first time in his life, Du Shaofu truly understood the importance of strength in such a world. This was the first time he had ever felt so anxious to become stronger.    


"That kid is quite formidable!"    


An old man who had just opened the gates of the city was standing in front of Du Shaofu, blocking his attacks one after another. His eyes seemed to be showering Du Shaofu with praises as he rushed towards him without any delay. In the blink of an eye, his palm shot towards Du Shaofu like a bullet.    


With all the experts of Stone City occupied with the rest of the invaders and the two Pulse Spirit Stage Cultivators fighting against the other experts, no one was there to help Du Shaofu in this battle. In fact, no one could spare the strength to help him.    


Du Shaofu's gaze turned serious as his new opponents were cultivators of the Pulse Spirit Stage. As such, he would have no way of resisting their attacks.    


"I'll just have to go all out!"    


As an Innate Stage Cultivator, Du Shaofu knew that he had to go all out if he wanted to fight on an even field with someone of the Pulse Spirit Stage. Thus, he had no choice but to use the mysterious techniques he learned from the stone tablet.    


At that moment, Du Shaofu congealed the seals in his hands, which gradually enveloped his entire body with strange talisman marks. As his purple robe fluttered in the air, cracks began appearing and spreading across the ground with his body as the core. Surging with tyrannical Qi, Du Shaofu could indeed not be looked down upon.    


Just as his enemy's attack was about to land on his body, Du Shaofu roared aloud and let out the cry of a dragon into the Nine Heavens.    




At that moment, the strange talisman marks suddenly shone radiantly and surged into the sky. Forming countless palms in the air, each of them started converging and eventually transformed into a gigantic fist pointing downwards.    


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