Martial God Conqueror

C105 Breakthrough of the King Scaled Demon Tiger

C105 Breakthrough of the King Scaled Demon Tiger

The fist strike formed by the Strange Talisman Marks pierced through the sky and collided against the claw strike of the Pulse Spirit Stage elder in a flash.    




No one in the vicinity expected the collision to result in a muddled sound similar to that of a thunder as the impact created a ripple of qi the swept through the area like a raging waves.    


In the core of the storm, the claw strike of the elder in the Pulse Spirit Stage was clearly much stronger. However, it had also started to crack and shatter even before it came into contact with Du Shaofu's fist strike, as if some sort of natural restraining force had suppressed it beforehand.    


This one scene happened in a matter of seconds. Just as the storm of qi dissipated, the elder of the Pulse Spirit Stage was actually forced to stagger back a few steps.    


"How can that child be so strong?!"    


The old man immediately revealed an expression filled with shock. Was that kid really only at the peak level of the Innate Stage? For someone of such cultivation to actually contend against him, a cultivator of the Pulse Spirit Stage, just how powerful was he?!    


*Tak! Tak!*    


Just as Du Shaofu staggered back and retreated, the ground below started shaking as cracks spread out all over. Following that, a faint trace of golden blood flowed out of his mouth.    


"That Pulse Spirit Stage Cultivator is far too strong!"    


Wiping off the blood with his purple robe, Du Shaofu's expression turned serious as his face turned slightly pale.    


Having used up all his Qi in a single move, he could feel his internal organs shaking under the tremendous impact.    


Du Shaofu knew full well that if he had not cultivated his Bone Marrow Cleansing Technique to the second level, he definitely would have collapsed then and there.    


"That brat may indeed be quite formidable, but he can go to hell now!"    


The elder could tell that Du Shaofu had already used up all his Qi. Letting out a cold sneer, his killing intent surged and he prepared himself to pounce towards Du Shaofu.    




Right at this moment, the soul-shaking roar of a roar suddenly resounded through the sky and caused the Pulse Spirit Stage elder to pause for a moment.    


On the crimson-dyed streets, everyone in the city looked up and noticed a gigantic soaring tiger flying over from the sky.    


Over sixty meters in length, the flying tiger flapped its wings and swept across the sky like a hurricane. Its lightning fast speed made it seem especially vicious!    


"The King Scaled Demon Tiger!"    


Raising his head, Du Shaofu revealed a smile on his ghastly pale and solemn face.    


"My Du Family's King Scaled Demon Tiger is here!"    


Looking at the gigantic and terrifying Demon Tiger flapping its wings over to them, the disciples of all three great families, espeically the Du Family, received a huge instant boost in morale.    




As the tiger's roar shook the very heavens, it flapped its wings fiercely and pounced on its first prey, the elder who was just fighting with Du Shaofu. Its eyes were filled with killing intent as it glared staight at the elder.    


The old man's expression immediately turned ugly, for he did not know why the Demon Tiger would pounce towards him the moment it appeared. It seemed as if it had a deep grudge against him.    


Suppressed by the terrifying aura of the Demon Tiger, the elder fell into a state of panic. At that moment, he circulated Qi through his martial veins and activated his runes. The Profound Qi congealing behind him gradually took the form of a black Phantom Demon Wolf.    




At that instant, a paticular strange Qi congealed above the Phaton Demon Wolf and shot straight towards the King Scaled Demon Tiger like lightning.    


The terrifying Qi shook the entire battlefield and appeared as quite a shock to many.    




Roaring viciously, the King Scaled Demon Tiger completely disregarded the Phantom Demon Wolf as it stabilized itself by flapping its wings. Lifting up its claws, he swiped down fiercely towards the phantom wolf.    


Strange talisman marks could even be seen fluctuating on the claw of the tiger, revealing a faint golden glow.    


As the two beasts clashed against one another, a terrifying shockwave rippled across the battlefield, accompanied by faintly discernible fluctuations of a talisman. Violent gusts of wind swept across the sky and shook the surrounding buildings on the street that were already on the verge of collapse.    




Letting out a miserable howl, the body of the Phantom Demon Wolf could be seen torn apart by the claws of the King Scaled Demon Tiger. In that next instant, the body of the elder in the Pulse Spirit Stage shot across the sky.    


"Profound Level of the Pulse Spirit Stage!"    


The elder was completely taken aback. The King Scaled Demon Tiger had actually broken through to the Profound Level of the Pulse Spirit Stage, much stronger than him who was only at the First Level of the Pulse Spirit Stage. Especially since the King Scaled Demon Tiger possessed the physique of a Demonic Beast, the elder was sure that he could not compare with it.    


"Little Tiger actually broken through. It does indeed seem to be quite different now."    


Du Shaofu revealed a smile. Having disappeared for so many days, the King Scaled Demon Tiger had actually broken through by the time it had returned.    


Moreover, the wings and claws of the King Scaled Demon Tiger seemed to carry a hint of golden light of the strange talisman marks. This was something that had never happened before.    


The King Scaled Demon Tiger definitely seemed much more terrifying after it broke through.    


"I never thought that other than the Thunder Demon Lion, there would also be a King Scaled Demon Tiger that had just broken through to the Profound Level of the Pulse Spirit Realm. Everyone, we need to work together to defeat it! The spoils shall also be distributed equally."    


At that moment, two other elders suddenly appeared next to the pale-faced elder. They were the other two city lords who had just stepped into the Pulse Spirit Stage not long ago.    


The two elders stared at the King Scaled Demon Tiger with covetous gazes.    


Looking at each other, the three elders figured that they would have a chance of taking down the King Scaled Demon Tiger if they were to work together.    


"Little Tiger, kill them!"    


Looking at the people of Stone City falling one after another, Du Shaofu shouted with great killing intent as a cold glint flashed past his eyes.    


Only by dealing with those strong elders would he be able to protect his Stone City.    




With an ear-piercing roar, the King Scaled Demon Tiger pounced towards to the three elders without hesitation, seemingly unfazed by their alliance.    




At that moment, the King Scaled Demon Tiger flapped its wings violently and stirred up a fierce storm. Moreover, its fearsome roar was capable of shaking one's soul and causing one's heart to palpitate uncontrollably!    


"We need to join forces and attack the King Scaled Demon Tiger together!"    


Seeing the King Scaled Demon Tiger pouncing towards them, one of the elders shouted aloud. Gathering his Profound Qi and runes behind him, he circulated Qi through his martial veins and activate his spirit veins.    




In the next instant, the Qi transformed into a strange yellow beast covered it yellow scales, appearing extremely glorious. Emitting a sort of rumbling noise, it pounced towards the King Scaled Demon Tiger.    




The other elder followed up with an attack on his own. As Profound Qi circulated through his body, he too activated his martial veins. As a ripple of Qi jolted through the battlefield, it transformed into a wolf-like Demonic Beast that seemed to be quite fierce.    




With that, the King Scaled Demon Tiger commenced its fight with the three elders of the Pulse Spirit Stage. Naturally, the surrounding area fell into a state of chaos, making their extremely difficult to spectate.    


Violent shockwaves caused by the collisions of their attacks rippled through the air one after another.    




"Massacre the entire Stone City!"    


Within Stone City, the eyes of the people on both sides had turned red from all the killing, seeming to be on verge of roaring aloud. Fighting with their lives on the live, the people of Stone City rushed out like a flood in an attempt to obstruct the path of the army of the Floating Cloud County.    


*Bang! Bang! Bang!*    


Violent clashes of Qi reverberated throughout Stone City as all kinds of weapons collided against one another. In the midst of the chaos, all kinds of Profound Qi varying in color erupted, seemingly like that of a firework festival.    


However, under the guise of this magnificent sight was a real bloody battle.    


In spite of their greatest effort, the cultivators of the three great families and the people of Stone City were slowly being pushed by the great army of the Floating Cloud County. After all, they simply could compare to them, neither in terms of their cultivation nor number.    


At this point, multiple streets had already been dyed crimson!    


"Brother Qingchun, is there any way for you to help me?"    


Du Shaofu asked as he took out the small pagoda in his arms. His once pale white eyes now dyed in scarlet.    


With his fellow clansmen of the Du Family getting slaughtered one by one, Du Shaofu could not help but feel great pain through the connection of his bloodline.    


He had lived and grown up in Stone City ever since his childhood days. Seeing the streets of Stone City flowing with rivers of blood... filled with corpses of its people... how could Du Shaofu not be affected by such a horrid sight? Thus, he started blaming himself for not being strong enough to protect his homeland from such a nightmare.    


"I'm but a mere Primal Body who's still quite weak. What can I even do to help you? If it was back in the day, I could have killed them with a single sneeze," Zhen Qingchun's voice sounded out from the small pagoda. He was indeed able to sense everything happening outside.    


"Let's not talk about the past. Instead, focus on the present! Is there any solution?" Du Shaofu asked desperately, for another person of Stone City would die with each passing second.    




At this time, Du Zhenwu was surrounded by three cultivators at the peak of the Pulse Spirit Stage and was no longer able to resist anymore. Forced backward, blood started leaking out from the corner of his mouth.    


"There was originally no way around this problem. However, since you have already become a Three-Star Spirit Talisman Master, there is indeed one method. However, it will cause side effects that will inevitably bring harm to both of us in the end."    


"Your body had undergone tremendous changes, so the side effects won't be that severe. However, if I were to help you this time, I'm afraid that the things you've put in so much effort in order to achieve will revert back to their original state. There might even be a chance that you won't be able to wake up until three to five years later," Zhen Qingchen warned.    


*Bam! Bam!*    


At that moment, Du Shaofu noticed his eldest uncle, Du Zhenweu, being sent flying from an attack not far away.    


"Brother Qingchun, please help me just this once. After this matter is over, I will do my best to help you recover. In fact, I will repay you two-folds."    


Worried, Du Shaofu's eyes had turned red as he looked at the small pagoda with pleading eyes.    


"If I refuse to do so, I'm afraid you'll despise me for the rest of your life. Well... who asked me to be your sworn brother? Once I get on the ship, you better remember to treat me, your brother, with more respect."    


Zhen Qingchun's voice sounded from the small pagoda, "Relax your mind. I will use my Primordial Spirit Power to enter your mind and control your body. Since I haven't used my skills in a long time, who knews if I'm still accustomed to them."    


"Tsk, just go to hell!"    


Amongst the individuals surrounding and attacking Du Zhenwu, a middle aged burly man moved quickly like a demon. Moving his hands irregularly, his talisman surged with Profound Qi, condensing into the form of a pike that pointed towards Du Zhenwu.    


Having already been heavily injured from the continuous attacks, Du Zhenwu did not have much strength left to resist another powerufl attack at this moment. Without any other options, he could only look at the pike in despair.    


"I won't let him die!"    


[Author's Note: Fellow brothers and sisters, here's another mass release~ Xiao Yu will to upload more chapters, so please continue supporting the novel!]    


[The next update will be in about four hours!]    


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