Martial God Conqueror





The Lightning Demon Leopard?s head split open and a red and white substance spurted out. Its body immediately dropped limp.    




The roar of a tiger came from the dense forest not far away. The roars rolled like thunder, chasing countless ferocious beasts in the surrounding mountains into hiding. Vicious birds flapped their wings, and countless waves rose from the forest.    


"Awoo, awoo."    


When the Lightning Demon Leopards saw that their leader had been killed, and when they heard the terrifying roars, one by one, the Lightning Demon Leopards, fled in fear, not daring to stop for even a second.    


As he killed the Lightning Demon Leopard, the youth didn't look back. He carried the heavy body of the Lightning Demon Leopard on his shoulders and left. He didn't pay any attention to the young girl and the other youths.    


"Who is this person? I think I have seen him somewhere before."    


Looking at the youth carrying the corpse of the Lightning Demon Leopard, a few pale miserable youths turned shocked and curious. The youth was about the same age as them, maybe even a little younger, but his strength was so terrifying. An Innate Stage level Lightning Demon Leopard was actually killed with two punches. How powerful was he?    


"It's him."    


The girl's eyes widened in surprise. It was indeed Du Shaofu, the rumored Young Master Fool, whom she had seen at Du Family back then. But with how Du Shaofu had acted, how could he possibly be Young Master Fool?    


"Zijin, that guy looks so familiar." A young man who was slightly older than the young girl walked up and looked at the departing figure with astonishment.    


"Du Shaofu, who we met at Du Family back then." The young girl who was called Zijin said to the youth.    


"Du Shaofu, wasn't he that Young Master Fool? Why is he alone in the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range?"    


The young man was surprised. Du Shaofu was extremely famous in the Stone City.    


The girl looked at the distant figure. Her eyes shifted as she said, "If he really is an idiot, then we are even lower than idiots."    


"Second Master, we've been out for so long. Although we gained some benefits, they were not very profitable. I heard that someone saw the Purple Flame Demon Phoenix come over and someone even picked up the feather that had fallen off its body. Did something happen to the Purple Flame Demon Phoenix?"    


In the endless forest, thirty or so figures were marching through the forest, all of them on high alert, looking around with a watchful eye. A twenty-five-year-old young man said to the sturdy middle-aged man leading the group.    


"For existences like the Purple Flame Demon Phoenix, if anything were to happen to them, we would not be able to join in on the action. We should be careful. The chance is precious, but life is more important. Our harvest this time is not small. It was a worthwhile trip."    


The sturdy man looked up around from time to time. Suddenly, his expression steeled. Both of his eyes stared intently ahead as he said, "Be careful. Someone is coming."    


Everyone's gazes immediately became vigilant as a figure appeared in front of them. A youth carrying a huge Demon Beast stood tall and proud. Behind him was a wild cat, walking ahead and sizing up everyone.    


"Little Tiger, without my instructions, don't expose your identity. Calm your aura." Du Shaofu carried the body of the Lightning Demon Leopard and turned to the front. His gaze shifted slightly as he spoke to the shrunken King Scale Demon Tiger behind him.    


"Second Master, that person looks so familiar."    


Many people's gazes twitched. The young man's figure looked extremely familiar from afar.    


"Shaofu! That's Shaofu!"    


The sturdy man looked ahead and his eyes suddenly quivered. Surprise filled his eyes and he ran to the figure.    


The sturdy man was the second son of Du Family, Du Zhixiong. Due to the recent disturbances in the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range, he had personally led a group in. This was to ensure that, should there be a profitable event, they could be the first to acquire the prizes. He never expected to find the Du Shaofu he had been searching for this entire time.    


"Shaofu, Du Shaofu, wasn't he missing? How could he be inside the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range?" When everyone heard this, they looked at each other and ran forward, following their leader.    


Du Zhixiong quickly ran to Du Shaofu. Looking at Du Shaofu, he had the brightest smile on his face, as though he had put down the boulder in his heart, and said, "Shaofu, is it really you? Everyone is looking for you, and your uncle worries about you every day. As long as you are unharmed, that is all I am asking for."    


"Second Uncle."    


Looking at the man in front of him, Du Shaofu felt warm. Smiling slightly, he did not know what to say. It has been ten years since he had the last proper conversation with his second uncle. However, he knew that his second uncle had always held him dear, and had never once despised him for being a fool. All he had was pity and heartache.    


"So fierce, this is an Innate Stage level Lightning Demon Leopard, right?"    


A group of Du Family practitioners surrounded the corpse of the Lightning Demon Leopard that Du Shaofu was carrying. And they were astonished.    


"Silly boy, why are you laughing like a fool? It's good that you're fine. Why don't you put down the Lightning Demon Leopard's corpse?" Du Zhixiong said to Du Shaofu, looking at the Lightning Demon Leopard's corpse with curiosity.    


"Here, give me a hand."    


Several people from the Du Family stepped forward and helped put down the Lightning Demon Leopard's corpse from Du Shaofu's shoulders.    


"Quickly, be careful with the Lightning Demon Leopard's blood. Collect it quickly, and then extract the Blood Essence. It will help the younger generations forge their original bodies."    


"Be careful of the claws of the Lightning Demon Leopard, they are not cheap."    


"Shaofu, did you kill this Lightning Demon Leopard?"    


The people in Du Family surrounded him and immediately started cleaning up the body of Lightning Demon Leopard. There were also people who looked at Du Shaofu with shocked expressions. If the Innate Stage level Lightning Demon Leopard was killed by Du Shaofu, then what realm has Du Shaofu's strength reached?    


For the people of Du Family currently present in this situation, naturally, no one would think that Du Shaofu was still that Young Master Fool from long ago. During the competition of the young generation in the original clan, Du Hao, Du Chong and Du Yan together couldn?t defeat him in a single blow. Who would still believe that Du Shaofu was really a Young Master Fool?    


Looking at the people in Du Family, Du Shaofu felt warm again. All these years at the Du Family, it was as if Du Shaofu was transparent. There were at least some people who had always regarded him as part of the Du Family, such as the hardworking group of people in front of him right now who sincerely served the Du Family.    


"I didn't kill it. I just passed by and I don't know who killed this Lightning Demon Leopard, but I thought this leopard's corpse is very valuable, so I planned to carry it back. Maybe I can earn some cultivation coins."    


Du Shaofu smiled as he replied. Actually, he had planned on roasting this Lightning Demon Leopard. The cultivation method of a Golden Winged Roc was able to extract energy from its flesh and blood for one's own use. Although the energy in bloody flesh was the densest and purest, Du Shaofu did not dare eat it raw. He could only eat roasted Demon Beast?s flesh and blood to absorb the refined energy for himself. However, he didn?t expect that he would meet his Second Uncle and other people of Du Family here.    


"Does such luck exist? The corpse of a Lightning Demon Leopard is worth a lot of money, at least thousands of gold. If we can capture one alive, then it would be even more valuable."    


After hearing Du Shaofu?s story of how he picked up the Lightning Demon Leopard's corpse, no one doubted him. To kill a Lightning Demon Leopard of the Innate Stage level needed very powerful strength. Amongst the people inside Du family, the only other person that could do such a feat on their own was the Second Master. The others would have to work together to do it.    


He smiled as he watched them process the corpse with practiced ease. Du Shaofu did not mention killing the Lightning Demon Leopard by himself, because he did not want to explain any further. He raised his head and asked Du Zhixiong, "Second Uncle, is my father alright?"    


"Your father is still the same." A bitter smile surfaced on Du Zhixiong's face as he patted Du Shaofu's shoulders and said: "Let's go back quickly. Your father must be worried about you."    


Several days later, at dusk, when the sunset glow had faded, the sky turned a silvery grey.    


Outside of the Stone City, a golden silence enveloped the interior of the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range. In the distance, the ranges were covered with sunset glow. The sky was surrounded by crimson clouds.    


Outside the gate of Du Family, dozens of people came back. The harvest this time was plenty. They have brought back many medicines and Blood Essence of Demon Beasts which were enough for the cultivation of the descendants of Du Family for a period of time.    


"Second Master is back."    


"Isn't that Du Shaofu? Why did he come back together with Second Master?"    


"Why did Du Shaofu bring back a wild cat?"    




Outside the gate of Du Family, many disciples of the Du Family had come out to welcome them. Seeing the harvest that Second Master brought back this time, they were brimmed over with joy. Seeing Du Shaofu within the crowd, they gazed at him complicatedly.    


Ignoring them, Du Shaofu directly returned to his own courtyard.    


When Du Shaofu stepped into the courtyard, his drunk dad was drinking.    


He was sitting in the yard and drank from a wine jug.    


There was no any food. Instead, he just quietly drank his wine alone.    


"Gu, gu!" This was his father?s unique sound of drinking. Other people would always take a big gulp when they drank, but Du Shaofu knew that his father swallowed down a big gulp when he drank.    


Seeing Du Shaofu come back, he only raised his head, put down the wine jug and said: "You?re back."    


"I'm back." Du Shaofu said, and then added, "Don't drink too much. I?ll get you some food, okay?"    


"Alright, accompany me for a few drinks later." He said calmly.    


Du Shaofu was a little surprised, but he immediately nodded and left the courtyard. He had usually accompanied his alcoholic dad to drink, but it was always on the fifteenth of August every year.    


When Du Shaofu was a child, he did not know what day August 15th was. Later, he knew that August fifteenth was the day for family reunion. It was called the Mid-Autumn Festival, and every year on this day, the alcoholic dad would ask him to drink a few mouthfuls of wine.    


After Du Shaofu left, Du Tingxuan's eyes that were reeking of alcohol turned towards the King Scale Demon Tiger that Du Shaofu had brought back.    


For some unknown reason, that gaze caused the King Scale Demon Tiger to tremble. Its small figure took a few steps backwards.    


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