Martial God Conqueror





Birds were flying in the sky while hissing. An enormous red bird flew over from the sky. It was brilliant red like a flame.    


"Raging Flames Divine Bird, that's Lin Weiqi from the Dubhe Hall."    


Seeing the huge bird that was as red as fire, exclamations immediately sounded out from within the mountain range. The Inferno Divine Sparrow, that was's mount.    


Now that the Inferno Divine Bird had appeared, it was clear that it was Lin Weiqi from the Dubhe Hall.    


On top of the gigantic Fire God Bird, a beautiful red figure stood there, beautiful and moving. She directly followed the Fire God Bird to the main peak and disappeared into the clouds.    


Du Shaofu's gaze was fixated on the Fire God Bird that had disappeared, locking onto the beautiful image of the Fire God Bird from just now.    


The aura of that faintly moving woman made it difficult for Du Shaofu to see through her at first, as if she was unfathomably deep.    


"Young Hall Master, that was the just now, a leading figure in the Dubhe Hall younger generation. His talent is peerless, and he is known as the one with the most outstanding Dubhe Hall in a thousand years. Yu Mingyuan said softly beside Du Shaofu.    


"Why is it that people from the Dubhe Hall can go directly to the main peak, and people from my Heaven Throne Hall want to go up the main peak? Are you targeting my Heaven Throne Hall?"    


After that magnificent, fire-like, Raging Flames Divine Sparrow had rushed into the main peak of Mount Tianheng, Tao Yu's expression had also become much sharper as he stared fixedly at the extraordinary youth from the Jade Balance Hall in front of him and scolded him.    


That extraordinary young man's face turned green and red, then he said gloomily: "That's Dubhe Hall, you all are Heaven Throne Hall, if you want to go to the main peak, you have to go down the Demon Beast Mount!"    


"Young Hall Master, it seems like Jade Balance Hall is deliberately making things difficult for my Heaven Throne Hall." A hint of coldness surfaced in Elder Zhu Xiu's calm eyes.    


At this moment, it was not hard for anyone to know that the reason the Jade Balance Hall had intentionally sent out this young disciple to obstruct them was to make things difficult for the Heaven Throne Hall.    




As the voice of the extraordinary youth fell, Tao Yu was infuriated. The youth in front of him was clearly doing this on purpose.    


Originally, he wanted to go to the main peak of the Jade Balance Hall, so he naturally had to get off his mount.    


But for an identity like Heaven Throne Hall, they would never use it, not to mention that Lin Weiqi, who had just arrived in Dubhe Hall, was openly riding on a Demon Beast Mount.    


"Let me do it."    


Before Tao Yu could finish speaking, he was cut off by Du Shaofu. His figure quietly stood in front of Tao Yu, looking at the extraordinary youth on the Demon Beast, he said: "Find someone heavy enough to come out and talk, we will wait here."    


Staring at the mysterious youth in front of him, the extraordinary youth's eyes twitched as he asked: "What do you mean?"    


Du Shaofu said: "It means that you don't have enough weight, go and get those that have weight to come out."    


"How dare you! What is it?!"    


The youngster was taken aback. Then, he burst into rage and opened his mouth to curse.    




The space in front of the extraordinary youth fluctuated, and a purple figure appeared without a sound. A claw mark latched onto his neck, causing the aura of the Profound Qi on his body to stagnate, causing the space to freeze and not be able to move in the slightest.    


In terms of Jade Balance Hall, this youth could be considered one of the top figures among the younger generation.    


But at this moment, the youth did not expect that he would be slapped in a single exchange. He was even captured alive and had no way to resist.    


"Since your mouth is not clean, you should be taught a lesson. Being disrespectful to me means that your senior will first teach you a lesson or two."    


Beneath the mask, Du Shaofu's sharp gaze wavered as he used one hand to slap the face of the young man hard. The young man was hit so hard that blood came out of his mouth.    


The youth's eyes were filled with shock for a long time. Then, fear surged out of them. He was stunned for a long time, unable to recover from his shock.    


"Senior Martial Brother Ma, what do you want to do?"    


On top of the Demon Beast Lizards, many of the young men and women with strong auras behind the young man recovered from their shock. Then, all of the Profound Qi started to move, and pounced towards Du Shaofu.    




The Demon Beast was also roaring again and again, erupting with light as it tried to flip Du Shaofu over.    




Du Shaofu bellowed, and from within his body, a terrifying purple flame swept out, as though it had transformed into a gigantic Purple Flame Demon Phoenix.    


bang bang bang *    


A low and deep sound echoed out, and one young student after another was shaken and fell down. The gigantic Demon Beast Lizard directly descended from the sky and smashed ruthlessly onto the mountain top below.    


This shocking scene immediately attracted the attention of many people in the mountain range.    


Send some cats and dogs to block the way, and that's only bringing shame upon yourself. You don't want my Heaven Throne Hall to come and participate in the Seven Halls Assembly, so why must you be so shameless? "    


Du Shaofu held onto the extraordinary youth, as his eyes looked at the main peak of the Jade Balance Hall, his voice resounded through the mountain range.    


"So it's someone from the Heaven Throne Hall. Could it be that the young man is the disciple of the Equipment Sovereign from the rumors?"    


"It seems that Jade Balance Hall and Heaven Throne Hall have met. Looks like the rumors are correct, the conflicts between Jade Balance Hall and Heaven Throne Hall are not shallow."    


Within the mountain range, many voices could be heard, attracting countless gazes.    


"So it's the people from Heaven Throne Hall that have come. Please forgive us for being late."    


The melodious voice echoed throughout the valley. After which, quite a few figures flew over, their auras extremely powerful.    


The leading old man looked to be about the same age as Clan Elder Zhu Xiu, and many of the gazes behind him twitched.    


"Elder Zhu Xiu, I think there must be some kind of misunderstanding. Since the disciples in the hall do not know about etiquette, they will certainly be severely punished when they turn around."    


The old man who came first cupped his fists at Clan Elder Zhu Xiu, with a smile on his face, concealing the gloominess of not leaving a trace.    


"Alright, I hope Jade Balance Hall can give me an explanation."    


Du Shaofu spoke, he waved his hand and ruthlessly threw the restriction on the young man, who was an extraordinary person, to the top of the mountain, which smashed to the point that the ground shook and the rocks shattered.    


The faces of everyone from the Jade Balance Hall twitched, they all looked towards Du Shaofu, unable to see where he had gone to.    


In front of them, Du Shaofu had unceremoniously thrown the Jade Balance Hall disciples down onto the mountain. This evidently showed that he did not place them in his eyes either.    


"May I know who you are?"    


The old man looked at Du Shaofu, his Qi fluctuating as though he was trying to probe Du Shaofu's Qi.    


However, he was slightly disappointed. The aura of the mysterious youth was unfathomable. Even he was unable to detect it.    


"Elder Zhang, this is my Heaven Throne Hall Young Hall Master, hall master's direct disciple." Elder Zhu Xiu said to the old man.    


"Artifact Sovereign."    


Elder Zhang's gaze trembled. The word Artifact Sovereign was enough to make his heart tremble.    


He had long since known about the appearance of the Weapon Sovereign's successor, and now that he had personally witnessed it, he could not help but feel unsettled.    


"I think, can we go up the mountain now? It's still the same as before, Jade Balance Hall is only a meeting of the six halls and not a Seven Halls Assembly."    


Du Shaofu looked at the Zhang Clan Elder and said, just now, someone had purposely made things difficult for him, Du Shaofu would never believe that the Zhang Clan Elder was unaware.    


"Everyone, please come in, we have already arranged a place for everyone to rest. The people from the other halls have all arrived, tomorrow is the date of Seven Halls Assembly." Elder Zhang's eyes swept across Du Shaofu and spoke to Elder Zhu Xiu and the rest.    




The group of people then rode on their Demon Beast Mount and left, flying up the main peak of the Jade Balance Hall.    


"That was the Heaven Throne Hall Young Hall Master just now, he really isn't simple."    


Within the mountain range, the crowd whispered, and the figures continued to head towards the Jade Balance Hall to visit the Seven Halls Assembly tomorrow.    


Seven Halls Assembly was the most grand event in the entire Spirit Realm, representing the true pinnacle of the Spirit Realm's young generation.    


At dusk, the sun had set. Silver-gray dewdrops covered the mountain range.    


In a side courtyard on the mountain peak, Du Shaofu looked at the mountain range with a slightly congealed face.    


The moment he had entered the Jade Balance Hall, Du Shaofu had clearly felt the Violet-Golden Heaven Place behind him stir for an instant.    


However, at this moment, the Violet-Golden Heaven Place had quieted down once again, and all its movements had disappeared without a trace.    


"Where is Master's physical body hidden?"    


Du Shaofu muttered. At this moment, he had finally gotten his Jade Balance Hall, but he still did not have any clue regarding his master's physical body.    


"Could it be that we really have to go to Tianxuan Hall Palace Chief to help us out?"    


Du Shaofu muttered to himself. When Master left a message back then, and really had nothing she could do, she could find Hall Master Tianxuan Hall for help. That was the only person her master mentioned that she could trust.    


It was just that after one thousand and three hundred years, the Hall Master of Tianxuan Hall was probably somewhere. Wanting to find him is easier said than done.    


The night was silent. The night shrouded the land, and everything was silent.    


His face had a solid appearance, and his nose was like an eagle's sharp beak as it formed a sharp curve in the air. However, his face still emitted an extremely clear and gentle brilliance, as if he was sparring with others, as if he was grinding a piece of wood, and as if he was extremely moving.    


The young man was dressed in a cloud white battle robe and had a cloud white cloak embroidered with a moving design.    


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