Martial God Conqueror



As the fierce voice faded, the entire arena froze.    


In the elders' seats, the aged faces were stiff at the moment.    


In ninety-three years, on the day that Jialou Jueming returned to the clan, with twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc s, one Devil Bone, and one Nine Nether Demon Thunder, he shook the entire clan and defeated a Cultivator of the same level, which was practically impossible to defeat.    


In the hearts of every single clan member of the Golden Winged Roc s, under the effects of the Martial Domain Stage and Beast Domain Stage, there was simply no one in this world who could possibly defeat Jialou Jueyu.    


But now, the Devil Bone youth who was initially angry and unwilling to part with his clan had returned and defeated Jialou Jueyu in front of them with such a shocking feat.    


"I don't think anyone would object that I am the first place winner of this year's Large Competition."    


Jialou Jueming looked around, then looked at his father, Jialou Changtian, who was seated in the middle position of the Clan Elders' seats, with an indifferent expression, he said: "My father, Clan Elders, this time, the benefits of the seal, do you still want to give it to Jialou Jueyu?"    


Great Clan Elder, Second Clan Elder and the rest all looked at Jialou Changtian.    


"I don't care how you obtained the twenty-seven Feather of the True Roc, or the Nine Nether Demon Thunder, but the moment the fusion Devil Bone turns into a devil, it will be a calamity for the entire world as well as for my Golden Winged Roc's race. You still haven't completely integrated with the Devil Bone, you still have a chance to turn back!"    


Jialou Changtian stood up, he looked up at Jialou Jueming with slight anger, and with a gold glint in his eyes, he said: "Otherwise, today, you and I will break away from our relationship as father and son, dig out the Devil Bone s, and expel our clan!"    


The sound echoed in the ears of the crowd like a thunderclap, causing their eardrums to vibrate painfully.    


The clan leader was furious and shocked in all four directions. The blood of all the Golden Winged Roc s boiled in their bodies as they trembled in fear.    




Jialou Jueming raised his head and laughed loudly. His loud laughter was like a blade and sword, but also like thunder. His voice seemed to contain unwillingness, hatred, and anger mixed within.    


That voice made people who heard it feel a sense of grief and anger.    


When others heard this voice, they would involuntarily weaken in comparison to the black-clothed, black-haired youth.    


"All of you just cannot tolerate me, cannot tolerate me, and what have I done wrong?! You all must not tolerate me, Jialou Jueming!"    


Jialou Jueming's voice was loud and shook the heavens, shaking the heavens and shaking the heavens.    


Du Shaofu looked at Jialou Jueming, and under that sorrowful cry, he felt a silent sense of helplessness and anger. He could feel the anger in Jialou Jueming's heart, and his heart was moved.    


"Father, don't!"    


Jialou Cailing's beautiful face lost all color, and her eyes lost all color. She said to Jialou Jueming who was in the air: "Jueming, listen to me, big sister beg you to turn around and give up the Devil Bone, you can still remain arrogant in this world."    


"Elder sister, you don't understand me anymore?"    


Jialou Jueming looked at Jialou Cailing and smiled. There was blood at the corner of his mouth, looking somewhat helpless and sinister.    


"Your sister is doing it for your own good. Jueming, turn around."    


The elderly voice sounded from afar, and as the voice faded, a figure appeared in the air.    




Seeing the figure that appeared from far away, Jialou Jueming's pitch black pupils also fluctuated, the sinister and fierce expression slowly began to drop.    


In just an instant, an old and staggering figure appeared in the sky.    


It was an old lady with a crane hair, dressed in plain, light-gold clothes.    


Looking at Jialou Jueming, the old lady's old face that had been through so many years, was full of wrinkles and she forced a smile.    


"Greetings to the Holy Elder."    


As the hunchbacked old lady appeared in the sky, the Great Elder and the Second Elder also stood up and saluted respectfully.    


The disciples of the Golden Winged Roc Clan around looked at the Great Clan Elder, Second Elder and the others who were bowing respectfully. All of them trembled in shock, and immediately knelt on one knee on the ground.    


Jialou Changtian stood up, in front of the old lady, he too seemed respectful.    




Du Shaofu raised his head, and looked at the old woman who had bent her back. It was precisely the grandmother he had recognized from the Golden Winged Roc s.    


"Grandmother, why have you come?"    


The tender voice of the little star in the sky affectionately called out, and the little figure happily flew to the old lady's side.    


The old lady held Little Star's hand with her withered hand and gently patted the back of Little Star's head, showing her love.    


This scene caused Jialou Changtian, the Great Clan Elder, the Second Clan Elder and the others to be filled with suspicion.    


"Grandma, are you okay?"    


Jialou Jueming opened his mouth and looked at the old lady, his pitch black eyes fluctuated and his emotions became complicated.    


"It's alright, I'm just a bit worried about you." The Old Granny looked at Jialou Jueming and smiled.    


"Jueming is unfilial."    


Jialou Jueming lowered his head. In front of the old lady, he no longer looked fierce, like a child admitting his mistakes.    


"You're not unfilial," he said. "You must have suffered a lot outside all these years. Don't ever leave in the future. Why don't you spend more time with your grandmother in the clan?" the old lady asked.    


"Grandma, the clan can't tolerate me."    


After Jialou Jueming heard this, he looked up at the old lady.    


"The clan has its own worry. You are a descendant of the Golden Winged Roc clan, you should understand."    


The old lady said: "Give up on the Devil Bone, since grandmother is already this old, in a short while, maybe she will reach the end of her life. How about I pass all of my inheritance to you, adding your Feather of the True Roc, your future achievements will also be limitless."    


Jialou Jueming looked at the old lady, and after a moment, he suddenly knelt in mid air and kowtowed three times respectfully to the old lady, and said: "Grandmother, please forgive Jueming for being unfilial."    


"You're still as stubborn as usual."    


After a long time, the old lady sighed. On her wrinkled face, there was a faint smile. Only Little Xing could feel that the old lady's limping body was trembling as she held onto her little hand.    


"It's not stubbornness! I wasn't wrong!"    


Jialou Jueming said to the old lady. He had never thought that he was in the wrong, so what if he had a Devil Bone?    


"The Nine Nether Demon Thunder shouldn't be able to make you completely fuse with the Devil Bone, right? Your goal in returning to the clan should be to completely fuse with the Devil Bone, but Granny can't make you completely fuse with her. Don't blame Grandma." The old lady's voice trembled slightly.    


Jialou Jueming did not refute, he was silent for a moment, then looked at the old lady and said: "If Grandmother wants to make a move, Jueming does not dare to retaliate, leave Jueming's life to Grandmother."    


"Are you not willing? Are you not willing?" The old lady said.    


"Of course Jueming isn't willing, of course not."    


"Ninety-three years ago, I wasn't convinced. Today, Jialou Jueyu has lost, but the clan still can't tolerate me. How can I accept this?"    


The old lady looked at Jialou Jueming, her old face had a lonely expression, and said: "Then how do you submit to me?"    


Jialou Jueming looked at the old lady and gritted his teeth as he said, "If my clan is of the same generation as me, with anyone who can defeat me, I will have nothing to say. Otherwise, even if I die, I will not give up!"    




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