Martial God Conqueror



His aura grew stronger, and Shen Que was becoming full!    


Du Shaofu could clearly feel an unprecedented strength gushing out of his body. Even his own body, which was originally strong to such an extent, had become stronger.    


His bones, muscles, meridians, and acupoints were all strengthening!    


Du Shaofu's entire body was suffused with a light golden glow, his body continued to undergo a transformation under the effect of the Bone Cutting Bone Washing Marrow, and started to transform at a rapid pace.    


This kind of transformation made Du Shaofu feel that even if he were to fight purely with his own body, his Combat Power power would still grow exponentially.    




Abruptly, the critical point expanded to an uncontrollable extent within Du Shaofu's full body. A low and deep muffled sound echoed out.    


In that moment, an unprecedented powerful aura surged out from Du Shaofu's body that was sitting cross-legged, as though it was covering the sky!    


boom rumble rumble *    


This domineering and terrifying aura caused the space within the yellow lightning to rumble incessantly. The lightning surged up to the heavens as if it wanted to turn the sky and the earth upside down.    


The tyrannical energy fluctuations caused the lightning arcs within the sea of yellow lightning to undulate like a vast ocean, like a golden rainbow streaking across the sky. The dazzling rune surged in all four directions.    


At the same time, a tyrannical Qi also started to seep out from Du Shaofu's body. It shot out purple gold light in all directions like a sun that was about to rise from the sea of thunder.    




Resplendent rays of violet-gold lightning shot into the skies. It was as if countless bolts of violet-gold energy were pouring down from the heavens, filling this space of yellow lightning, blazing with a brilliant light.    


In the next moment, a gigantic purplish-gold golden-winged phantom flew out from Du Shaofu's body and soared into the sky.    


This Zi Jin had persevered with the Roc phantom, enveloping Du Shaofu's figure within it. It was as if he had merged with it, and wanted to climb even higher!    


At this moment, Du Shaofu's body rushed out of the sea of lightning as though he had transformed into a real Golden Winged Roc.    




Du Shaofu roared, just like the cries of a Golden Winged Roc, the sound waves piercing through the golden rift clouds in the sea of yellow lightning.    




The phantom on Du Shaofu's back spread out its huge wings, and his entire body was covered with purple gold electric arcs, causing the entire lightning space to tremble!    


"Golden-winged Great Peng, are you a human or a Demon Beast?"    


The sea of lightning surged, the yellow light was like boiling thunder, and the Spirit Lightning's surprised voice came out.    


At this moment, this berserk and destructive Spirit Lightning seemed to have felt something coming from Du Shaofu's body. Amidst the intense rumbling of thunder, it once again condensed into a thousand meters tall bright yellow Thunder Tortoise.    


The three thousand foot long Thunder Tortoise brought with it a berserk destructive pressure, as though it caused the entire space to tremble, causing people's souls to tremble, its eyes stared fixedly at the purple-gold peng that surrounded Du Shaofu!    


"Transcendent Martial Saint, Tempering Divine Body Realm, haha!"    


Facing the stare of the gigantic Thunder Tortoise, Du Shaofu actually laughed from within the enveloping Violet-Golden Lightning Roc. His eyes shot out purple-gold electric arcs, like two bright suns shining through the sky, looking down at the living beings in the world!    


At that moment, Du Shaofu felt that he had turned into a real Golden Winged Roc, comprehending and capturing everything about the Golden Winged Roc.    


Du Shaofu was currently like himself, the real Golden Winged Roc, soaring above the sky, able to control the Supreme Power!    


In the sea of lightning, the berserk and destructive yellow light Spirit Lightning was no longer able to make Du Shaofu feel uncomfortable.    


The Violet-Golden Lightning Roc bird behind Du Shaofu seemed to have perfectly fused with him, as if it was formed from nature itself, releasing a boundless overbearing pressure.    


It was as if he wanted to soar into the sky and soar into the sky!    


At this moment, Du Shaofu completely dared to change directions. He turned and stepped into the Transcendent Martial Saint in a desperate situation, and with the blood of many Heaven Beast Ranking s and nine dragon Truth Dragon in his body, he went all out to break bones and cleanse marrow.    


Along with the breakthrough, he passed the Bone Cutting Bone Washing Marrow in one go and stepped into the realm of the Tempering Divine Body's flesh!    


Powerful, there was an immense power surging within his body that had never been there before. It was as though with a single movement of his hand, he could subdue a dragon and subdue a tiger, shattering the void.    


This power caused Du Shaofu's heart to tremble, and he wanted to shout out loud!    


At this moment, the three thousand meter large Thunder Tortoise, under the aura of a true Golden Winged Roc sovereign like Du Shaofu, also had ominous glints in its eyes that were heavy and astonished.    


The Spirit Lightning really did not understand. The human brat in front of it had clearly reached the point where he could not even withstand a single blow. How could he rise again at this moment, and still be able to break through.    


And the human in front of it, was like a true great roc. It couldn't believe what it was seeing.    


"This is my territory. Even if you manage to break through, you will still be destroyed!"    


The yellow light Thunder Tortoise roared and roared as it stared at the Violet-Golden Roc in front of it. Its fierce eyes were like substance-like lightning as they shot out.    




Du Shaofu flapped his wings, and the gigantic Violet-Golden Roc at his back flapped its wings, blocking the dazzling yellow light that shot out from the two pairs of eyes.    


In the next moment, a tall and straight figure that was completely naked but wrapped in dazzling purple gold electric arcs walked out from the phantom.    


A purplish golden light shone, as if it was a miracle. From within the tall figure's body, a supreme aura filled the air, pressuring the heavens and the earth!    


At that moment, a dazzling purple golden lightning bolt shot out from Zhou Weiqing's body. The purple-golden Talisman Secret Mark flashed as an unprecedented powerful aura spread out from the tall and straight figure of the purple golden lightning bolt ?    


His aura was incomparably powerful, sweeping through the skies. Even though he couldn't be provoked, he still carried the intent to kill!    


His eyes shot out purplish golden lightning that shone like two golden suns. The domineering and terrifying aura caused space to rumble!    


Slowly raising his head, he looked at the gigantic Thunder Tortoise in front of him, revealing a sinister smile, Du Shaofu's mouth formed a curve, and said: "You have dealt with me for so long, are you satisfied?"    


"Humph, you will die too!"    


Sensing the dense look in Du Shaofu's eyes, the Thunder Tortoise erupted in fury. It incited a large amount of bright yellow light and lightning in the surroundings, and directly swept towards Du Shaofu.    


"Is it still the same trick? Unfortunately, it's not useful anymore!"    


Seeing the incoming yellow light and lightning, Du Shaofu smiled, the Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines wrapped around his body, he opened his mouth and inhaled, instantly absorbing the yellow light and lightning into his mouth, and then greedily licked his tongue, as though he was not satisfied yet.    


After the body had been refined, it had even reached the realm of Tempering Divine Body.    


Du Shaofu was originally in the Purple Thunder Profound Cauldron but he still had the Purple Gold Profound Bomb to forge his body, so he carried the Immortal Profound Body.    


With the protection of the Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines, he had long gotten used to this yellow light Spirit Lightning in this desperate situation.    


Therefore, Du Shaofu had already gotten used to this yellow light Spirit Lightning!    


Furthermore, after such a long time, even though this Spirit Lightning seemed to possess an endless amount of energy, Du Shaofu could still feel that it had consumed a lot of energy when it was in a stalemate with him.    


The reason why the Spirit Lightning s consumed so much energy was because of the Spirit Lightning s in Du Shaofu's Niwan Palace. This caused the yellow light Spirit Lightning to become even weaker.    


"Now, it's my turn."    


Devouring that stretch of Yellow Light Electric Arc and lightning in one gulp, Du Shaofu still had that sinister smile on his face, and the resplendent purple gold electric arcs around him started to surge.    


"It's not your turn to be arrogant. You're courting death!"    


The Thunder Tortoise was enraged, and with an angry roar, its huge body, along with the boiling lightning in the surroundings, directly pounced towards Du Shaofu.    


"Evil creature!"    


Du Shaofu laughed coldly, at the same time, the gigantic Violet-Golden Thunder Roc Wing behind him swept out, a mighty terrifying pressure swept out, the huge body covered most of the space.    




The Violet-Golden Roc cried out, its sound seemingly piercing through the lightning space, the sound wave was able to distort the lightning in space, its entire body was covered with dense purple gold electric arcs, which quickly twisted, and finally congregated into a gigantic Violet-Golden Thunder.    


Numerous gigantic Violet-Golden Thunder s destroyed the surrounding Yellow Light Electric Arc, and landed heavily on the Thunder Tortoise's body.    


When this terrifying Violet-Golden Thunder that covered the sky and the earth descended, even the Thunder Tortoise's body trembled.    




The Thunder Tortoise roared, and the sound of thunder resonated. The sinister head was like a flying dragon of Giant Python, shooting towards the Violet-Golden Thunder Roc like lightning and devouring it.    


"Chi la!"    


Under the Violet-Golden Roc's stomach, a pair of sharp claws, also erupted with purple gold electric arcs, the electric arcs rampaged across the sky, like a purple gold sun in the sky, a claw imprint tore through space and directly tore apart the Thunder Tortoise's sinister looking head.    


The other claw of the Violet-Golden Roc heavily dove onto the back of the Thunder Tortoise.    


"Chi la!"    


When the terrifying paw print landed, the Thunder Tortoise that brought along the berserk Destructive Energy also started to crack and leave a mark after a short stalemate.    


In the next moment, violent Yellow Light Electric Arc ripples also appeared on the surface of the thousand feet Thunder Tortoise.    




In that moment, Du Shaofu's figure swooped down, and the fist that was covered with Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines, as if he had brought along a purple gold Thunder Ball, heavily smashed onto the back of the Thunder Tortoise.    


The Violet-Golden Thunder emitted killing intent, its aura was like a sovereign of thunder and lightning!    




Under the punch from Thunder Tortoise Du Shaofu, it finally cracked.    




The destructive berserk energy spread out, turning into a resplendent Thunder Rune that swept across the area like a tidal wave.    


And in this terrifying sea of Spirit Lightning, at this moment, Du Shaogang was no longer afraid.    




Inside Du Shaofu's Niwan Palace, the mini version of the Thunder Tortoise that was transformed by the yellow light Spirit Lightning roared and shouted angrily, "Brat, I won't let you go so easily.    


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