Martial God Conqueror



The eight ancient rune s would sometimes turn into 64, and occasionally return to the eight. They would change unpredictably, fusing together with Du Shaofu's flesh, causing Du Shaofu to be immersed in them.    


Be it his physical body or his primordial spirit, Du Shaofu was sublimating right now.    


But Du Shaofu was still not satisfied, he still had to continue on this path, and he wanted to advance further on this path.    


In the end, the space around the eight rune twisted.    


This Divine Domain Space contained a strange energy that flowed into Du Shaofu's body, causing his body to become even more purple gold and clear, as though a layer of dead skin was shed off his body, causing him to radiate with new life, and become even more lively.    


Above Du Shaofu, the ancient rune moved swiftly, like a divine flame, resplendent.    


At this moment, resplendent rune s were seeping out from the broken walls and surrounding the ancient ruins.    


This ancient ruin was once the residence of the Ancient Expert, and was once the location of the ancient Mountain Sect. In the countless years that it had been here, there had been a kind of intangible 'intelligence', and once it was pulled in, the cultivator would benefit greatly from it.    


This was also the reason why Du Shaofu chose to seclude himself here. He hoped to obtain the spirit left behind by the ancient cultivator, and strengthen his own body, allowing his primordial spirit to sublimate.    


In this Divine Domain Space, opportunities were everywhere, and only Du Shaofu would waste all his time on this kind of cultivation. He did not search for opportunities, but instead searched for the illusory spirit that existed within the ancient ruins.    


This was something that no one would even look at, and no one would care about it. There were no substantial benefits for the cultivator, and sometimes, they would even spend a lot of time on it, but they would never gain anything, and would never be able to change that kind of intelligence.    


However, Du Shaofu was different. While absorbing the spirit from the ancient ruins, he would forge himself and raise his primordial spirit. That feeling was like a fish swimming into the ocean, a baby in his mother's embrace.    




After an unknown amount of time, the eight types of rune surrounding Du Shaofu overlapped and fused, and all sorts of changes occurred. In the end, it gradually settled down, and in the end, the rune entered his body, disappearing without a trace.    




After a while, Du Shaofu released a breath, with clear and profound eyes, he became even more prominent, and unconsciously gave off a refined feeling.    


That kind of formless temperament was hard to describe, but if people were to see it, they would feel an extraordinary ethereal, as if there was no impurities within it.    


"It's been three months, and I've made some progress, but it's still not enough."    


Du Shaofu muttered. After tidying things up a little, he walked out of the ancient ruins and headed towards the center of the Divine Domain Space.    


did not find it strange that they did not meet many people along the way. After activating the Divine Domain Space Ruins for so long, the interior was extremely vast, but everyone was currently walking towards the center. It was rumored that the biggest opportunity was the center of the Divine Domain Space, and after going into closed door cultivation for so long, he would naturally not see many people, so he should have reached the center of the Divine Domain Space.    


Along the way, Du Shaofu had acquired quite a few spirit medicines from the primordial spirit with the body of a Red Ass Horse Monkey.    


With the Violet-Golden Heaven Place on him, Du Shaofu had also found quite a few Dao Artifact s, but in the end, they were all unceremoniously devoured by the Violet-Golden Heaven Place and turned into ordinary iron.    


However, the highest quality item could already be considered a half Holy Artifact, yet it was forcefully left behind by Du Shaofu. It was truly unwilling to be devoured by his Violet-Golden Heaven Place.    


This half Holy Artifact, Du Shaofu had to waste a lot of effort along with his Violet-Golden Heaven Place before being able to subdue and suppress it.    


In the end, Du Shaofu monopolized it, and directly suppressed it inside the Purple Thunder Profound Cauldron, which even caused dissatisfaction with the Violet-Golden Heaven Place.    


"You've swallowed quite a bit already, digest it well!"    


Du Shaofu said as he looked at the Violet-Golden Heaven Place in his hands. After the Divine Domain Space, there were more than enough Dao Artifact s that were devoured by the Violet-Golden Heaven Place, and the Artifact Soul s were also improving, their power becoming stronger and stronger.    


But strangely, it had always been unable to determine the specific level of Violet-Golden Heaven Place.    


However, Du Shaofu could feel that the might of the Violet-Golden Heaven Place was at least as strong as that of a half Holy Artifact. There were already a large number of high grade tools that had been devoured by the Artifact Soul, and the devouring made Du Shaofu's heart ache as well.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


The sound of wind and thunder was emitted from the Violet-Golden Heaven Place. It seemed to be protesting against Du Shaofu.    


"The protest was futile."    


Du Shaofu rejected the protest of the Violet-Golden Heaven Place and put the Violet-Golden Heaven Place inside.    


"Let's try again."    


Soon after, Du Shaofu's hand seals condensed, the ancient rune formed a Lifeguard Talisman from the change of hand seals, and then placed it between his eyebrows.    




The Lifeguard Talisman emitted a blinding light, carrying with it a reincarnated aura. Du Shaofu clearly felt that the Lifeguard Talisman was about to land on his forehead, but for some reason, he didn't know why, but it actually disappeared in the end.    


"Another failure, can you really not give yourself the Lifeguard Talisman?"    


Du Shaofu sighed, this was already the fifth time he had tried it, but every time he failed, he was unable to set up the Lifeguard Talisman for himself.    


He had originally thought that with the Lifeguard Talisman, he would also be able to act willfully once within the Divine Domain Space. He would dare to risk his life and go risk his life to snatch the opportunity away from the strong, but in the end, Du Shaofu could only hang his head in dejection.    


"It's time to meet up with everyone."    


Du Shaofu muttered, after accepting that he was unable to set up the Lifeguard Talisman, he continued to leave.    


After travelling for so long, he was also worried about everyone's safety. He wondered about the situation outside.    


This was an ancient mountain cave, and it was surrounded by faint flashes of lightning.    


A tall and straight back figure sat cross-legged, a faint lightning glow suffused his body. Everywhere he covered his body, he emitted a kind of powerful Destructive Power.    


Within that lightning glow, there was a purple colored Talisman Secret Mark under his clothes. Purple colored lightning arcs fluctuated about, carrying with it a kind of killing intent.    


This was a handsome middle-aged man, and his body still emitted an invisible pressure from the heaven and earth. His hair fluttered about, and his face was vigorous and handsome, giving others a feeling of unparalleled strength.    


Suddenly, the middle-aged man's eyes snapped open. Purple lightning surged in his eyes. It was fierce and overbearing, and a terrifying and powerful aura emanated from his body.    


"Just caught up? It's been a while. Let's settle it first!"    


As soon as he spoke, he stood up straight and viciously executed everyone around him.    


Inside the cliff, dozens of figures appeared. There were quite a few elderly and middle-aged people, and they were all true Martial Domain Stage Cultivator s.    


There were also quite a few young men and women, all of whom were extraordinary. Even in the outside world, they would be incredibly powerful.    


"After searching for so long, Du Tingxuan is definitely hiding here."    


A middle-aged man said to a leading old man beside him. He looked at the cliff in front of him, and his eyes flickered with blazing flames.    


"Conceal his aura, surround this place, and don't let him escape!" The old man's eyes were filled with killing intent as he spoke to the people around him.    




Suddenly, just as the old man finished speaking, countless Thunderbolt Pilian descended from the cliff in front of them.    




"Save me!"    


Bolts of lightning pierced through the void, bringing with them a vast amount of power as they descended. Immediately, quite a number of figures were killed as they screamed miserably. The remaining people were also as if their chickens and dogs were flying.    


"Du Tingxuan, come out if you have the ability, what's the point of sneaking an attack!"    


Seeing the descending thunder, the ten or so people were all killed. The leading old man burst out with divine light, turning into a sea of fire and blocking the lightning. His eyes were filled with a cold light as he spoke with a sinister voice.    


"Old Bastard, how dare you lead your men to attack us?!"    


A figure stepped on a lightning bolt and slowly rushed out from the mountain cliff after his voice sounded. He immediately appeared in the sky.    




Just as his figure appeared in the air, a terrifying aura swept out like a storm from his body.    


"What a strong aura! Didn't he cripple his own cultivation? How did he come back so quickly?"    


Looking at the middle aged man in the sky, the old man's face immediately changed. He received news that Du Tingxuan had crippled his cultivation and entered the Divine Domain Space, but he did not expect him to become so strong so quickly, even though he was inside the Divine Domain Space, he could feel how powerful the Du Tingxuan in front of him was.    


"I've been waiting for you all the time, and I haven't broken through yet. Since you all are here, don't go any further!"    


When he said that, the lightning around Du Tingxuan surged, from the surrounding space, thunderclouds started to churn, and gales started to rise in the sky.    


"Hmph, even if you recuperate, you are still far from being able to do it. If you don't recuperate within a day, you will become a laughingstock and a stain on my Zongheng Family. You, father and son, should have long disappeared from this world!"    


The old man was gloomy, his gaze dense. He had come here to guarantee that he would definitely kill Du Tingxuan.    


"I originally had no intention of fighting with your Zongheng Family, but you kept provoking me time and time again. Back then, at Stone City, you also let go of that black spear towards me, and now you dare to even touch my son. So, go and die!"    


Du Tingxuan's handsome face was filled with coldness, his killing intent was not concealed at all. Waving his hand, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body.    




Lightning crackled and thunder boomed around him. Countless bolts of lightning descended from the sky, carrying with them a vast destructive aura. It was a brutal massacre in all directions!    


"Kill Du Tingxuan with all your strength!"    


The old man shouted, and dozens of figures attacked at the same time. Pulse Soul, Martial Vein, all sorts of weapons were used, their radiance was overwhelming, it was dazzling, and the sky was rolling with raging flames, as though the sky was going to crack and the earth would shatter.    


"You guys are far from enough. Even if I had to cultivate again, and this is Divine Domain Space, I am also a Martial Domain cultivator. I am strong enough to kill you useless soldiers and crab generals!"    


Du Tingxuan calmly clenched his fist, the thunderous sound of breaking through the air intensified, and everything was destroyed along with it, along with the ear-piercing sound of thunder.    




"Impossible! How can he be so strong! This is impossible!"    


"Save me!"    


The entire area was filled with miserable wails as that terrifying lightning destroyed all the Martial Veins and magical equipment. Many of the Zongheng Family disciples who had lost their Lifeguard Talisman were destroyed in an instant, and those with Lifeguard Talisman were taken away by the Lifeguard Talisman.    


"Old Bastard, die!"    


Du Tingxuan's figure strangely appeared beside the old man. With a shake of his arm, lightning covered the fist, dispersing the sea of flames around him, the fist directly landed on the chest of the leading old man, destroying his defense.    


The old man had already lost his Lifeguard Talisman once, and now that he was dead, he did not even have time to run for his life. In his despair, his primordial spirit that accompanied his body turned into a Blood Fog and scattered down.    


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