Martial God Conqueror



"Qiankun Reincarnation Spear, go to hell!"    


Dongli Chihuang bellowed, the bright rune s around his body ignited like divine flames, he thrusted out his spear, causing the six rings of light to envelop the spear.    


That was the Supreme Nirvana Power, with the protection of the heaven and earth. It moved the Energy of Heaven and Earth, and then converged into a peerless spear, and pierced towards Du Shaofu.    


Under this spear, space shattered. Black spatial cracks spread out, swallowing all the light in the sky. It was so dark that it had nothing to do with the surroundings.    


In the darkness of this world, only the spear beam of light, which was as bright as jade green lightning, flickered exceptionally as it extended towards Du Shaofu.    


"This spear strike, even someone at the peak of Block Domain Stage would need to be drenched in blood!"    


Some experts exclaimed in admiration. At this moment, Dongli Chihuang's crazy attack that did not care about the consequences was something that even the ordinary Cultivator of the Conferred Region would not be able to match.    


Du Shaofu moved, instead of retreating, he advanced and leaped into the air, the great roc flapped its wings, and followed with a punch.    


There was nothing fancy about this punch. It was just the simplest of punches.    




But with Du Shaofu's attack, the dragon roared into the nine heavens, and the divine elephant's cry shook the entire universe.    


Before the punch, the space collapsed with a crashing sound.    


This was Du Shaofu's Domineering Fist Dao. His strength could no longer be compared to how it used to be, and his comprehension of the Domineering Fist Dao had once again improved by leaps and bounds.    


Du Shaofu's fist also directly exploded towards one of Dongli Chihuang's lances.    




As the fists collided with the spear light and flesh colliding magic tools, even the countless onlookers felt their hearts tremble in fear.    


But in the end, there were no scenes of flesh exploding, only the heaven overflowing with resplendent shattered Rune Light s and the surrounding space crumbled.    


"Crack crack."    


With a series of clanging sounds, the tip of Du Shaofu's spear broke into pieces and shot out in all directions like sparks in front of Du Shaofu's fist.    


After that, not only the spear tip, but even the body of the spear directly cracked and shattered into countless pieces. The brilliant light and astonishing aura emitted from them.    


The dark world around them also began to grow bright.    


Du Shaofu's fleshly body had been forged a thousand times by the Tempering Divine Body and it was even matured by him.    


In terms of the toughness of Du Shaofu's body, let alone a true Golden-winged Great Peng, even Jialou Jueyu was inferior to him.    


This kind of body, how terrifying and powerful was it? It dared to directly face the magical artifact.    


"Heavens! Is this even a human? How can there be such a perverted body!"    


Du Shaofu's punch had shocked all the strong warriors. How abnormal was it to use his flesh and blood fist to shatter a weapon at the peak of the Middle Grade?    




Dongli Chihuang spat out a mouthful of blood as his arm spasmed. He was in incomparable pain.    


That punch from Du Shaofu just now, contained an overbearing and peerless power that directly swept into Dongli Chihuang's body through the Qiankun Reincarnation Spear.    


If not for the Heaven and Earth Reincarnation Spear and the energy armor on his body, it was very likely that Dongli Chihuang's body would have shattered from the impact and died.    


Dongli Chihuang was startled, he looked at Du Shaofu in shock, he did not believe everything that was happening.    


"No, you can't win against me, you can't be stronger than me!"    


Dongli Chihuang bellowed, his hands moved, forming a hand seal. As the bright light exploded, the Six-Wheeled Holy Ring s on his forehead changed, causing his body to expand and emit light, then he merged with the six divine rings.    


In an instant, Dongli Chihuang's body also expanded to more than three hundred meters, as though he was a terrifying deity in human form.    


On top of Dongli Chihuang's huge body, rune s surged out, fusing with the heaven and earth, and frantically absorbing the Energy of Heaven and Earth s.    


"I am the Paragon Nirvana, blessed by Heaven and Earth. If you can't defeat me, no matter what you do, you will die today!"    


Dongli Chihuang laughed coldly, he was Zhi Zun Nirvana, with the protection of the heaven and earth, at that moment when he was using his Supreme Nirvana Power, it was his strongest trump card.    


Therefore, from the very beginning, even if he lost to the young man from the Golden Winged Roc s and Du Xiaoyao's hands, Dongli Chihuang still felt that only the young man from the Golden Winged Roc s was strong against Du Xiaoyao.    


He was a Zhi Zun Nirvana, and also a Reincarnation Holy Son. This was Dongli Chihuang's greatest reliance, so from the beginning till the end, he had always felt that Du Shaofu was dead for sure.    


"Du Shaofu, you have to die in the end!"    


Dongli Chihuang made his move again, and in the blink of an eye, his enormous body swooped down. As his hand pressed on the air, a gigantic palm print fell from the sky.    


The sounds were like a thunderclap, the terrifying might caused the surrounding space to explode. The ancient aura, accompanied by the might of the heavens, was able to destroy everything.    


Everyone was shocked, they never thought that Dongli Chihuang's astonishing methods would actually be so many. This palm imprint, was too powerful and intimidating.    




Du Shaofu also retaliated, waving his hand and summoning an item. It was accompanied by a resplendent golden light and immediately soared into the sky.    




At this moment, the sky and the earth trembled, and a great pressure erupted like a volcano. Golden light overflowed into the heavens, covering the heavens.    


That momentum was like ten thousand simultaneous claps of thunder, sonorous and clanging, shaking the heavens!    


In that instant, the faintly discernible Golden Dragon Phantom swirled around Du Shaofu like a sacred mark. The might of the heavens filled the air, as if a ruler descending down to the world!    


That kind of power was too terrifying, making everyone's expressions tremble. The heavenly might made them unable to not tremble and prostrate themselves.    


"That seems to be the Imperial Palace's dragon Qi!"    


Someone exclaimed. That terrifying golden light was the aura of a dragon from the imperial palace.    


Du Shaofu was in the air, holding a long sword in his hand. That was the Domineering Shadow, the great tool used to control the nation's Barren Kingdom, the life seal refined by the Domineering Shadow, was also Du Shaofu's life tool in the first place.    




Du Shaofu immediately slashed with his sword, in the surrounding world, in the vast space of the surroundings, a mysterious might seeped out from the world, and finally gathered in front of the sword beam.    


This sword stroke contained the Domineering Sword Dao, supported by the Imperial Palace's dragon aura, the skies were filled with a golden light, and in the end, the sword beam directly transformed into a golden dragon phantom.    


The Golden Dragon Mighty One was nearly three thousand meters large, and it was awe-inspiring and malevolent. Accompanied by a wave of great momentum, it directly swept towards Dongli Chihuang's terrifying handprint.    


The moment this sword beam appeared, it was reinforced by the Imperial Palace's dragon aura. It was the culmination of the luck of a nation, formed by the faith of countless people. It caused the entire world to tremble, and the surrounding creatures to tremble!    


"How can the Dragon Qi of this palace be so strong!"    


Countless experts were moved. This was because the Imperial Palace's dragon aura was too terrifying. It was not an ordinary Imperial Palace's dragon aura. Accompanying it was the might of the great forces of the world, making it difficult for mortals to defeat it!    


Golden Dragon Phantom galloped, the Imperial Palace's dragon aura surged, the vast sky shook.    


A terrifying aura erupted forth, blotting out the skies. The wind and clouds in all directions directly slammed into that terrifying palm imprint.    


Dongli Chihuang's palm print did not last long before breaking, unable to block the enormous golden dragon.    




The golden dragon swept across the sky, the dragon cry shook one's soul, and directly smashed into Dongli Chihuang's enormous body.    


bang bang bang bang *    


In that moment, Dongli Chihuang's huge body exploded, the light divine ring on his body also shattered.    


A terrifying aura swept out, causing the entire sky to flash with lightning and thunder, causing one's soul to palpitate.    


The surrounding space was also exploding, and the abyss below appeared. The rivers flowed backwards, this terrifying scene was almost like the end of the world!    


Dongli Chihuang's huge body exploded, and in the end, returned to his original appearance. The energy armour on his body was also becoming dimmer, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, his entire body becoming dimmer.    


"You ? You are actually ?"    


In this final moment, Dongli Chihuang's eyes widened as he stared at Du Shaofu, as if he had finally discovered something.    


The Imperial Palace's dragon Qi could not injure him so heavily. Instead, the Imperial Palace's dragon Qi also contained an aura that made him feel familiar, but made him want to kneel down.    


That power caused his Supreme Nirvana Qi to be unable to withstand a single blow.    


"Kill him!"    


However, before Dongli Chihuang could finish his sentence, the Domineering Shadow in Du Shaofu's hand had already rushed out and transformed into a series of Sword Whip s. With a sound, a layer of resplendent silver-gold lightning passed through the space between Dongli Chihuang's eyebrows.    


The Sword Whip rushed in, and then, the Domineering Shadow returned to its original position as the sword directly pierced into the center of Dongli Chihuang's brows.    


The Domineering Shadow was resplendent, golden rays of light shooting in all directions, and there were also resplendent silver-gold electric arcs glowing.    


There was a sound wave like a dragon's roar, and a Golden Dragon Phantom vaguely appeared in the air around him.    


The Domineering Shadow rushed into the center of Dongli Chihuang's brows. The might of the Imperial Palace's Dragon Qi accompanied with Du Shaofu's Primordial Spirit Power destroyed everything inside Dongli Chihuang's mind, directly destroying Dongli Chihuang's primordial spirit as well.    


The energy armour on Dongli Chihuang's body dimmed and finally disappeared. His eyes were lifeless as he stared at Du Shaofu in fear.    


However, before the words from Dongli Chihuang's mouth could be finished off, they were filled with fear, unwillingness, and finally, resentment. In the end, he closed his eyes and the life force within his body and the primordial spirit within his mind dissipated.    


"Tap! Tap!"    


The wheel of light enveloped them. The bodies of the Patriarch Mingxu, the Patriarch of the Dao Void and other Big Wheel Religion experts trembled as they staggered backwards. They could not accept the scene in front of their eyes.    


"Dead, Sovereign Nirvana stage's Dongli Chihuang has been killed by the Devil King Du Shaofu!"    


The experts from all four directions cried out in alarm. It was as if a ten thousand jin boulder was pressing down on their hearts.    


Dongli Chihuang, the mighty Supreme Nirvana Person, was actually so easily killed by the Devil King Du Shaofu, it was truly unbelievable!    


"I shall use the Barren Kingdom Seal to kill you, pay respects to the Imperial Jade Seal, and seek justice for the disciples who have fallen in the Barren Kingdom!"    


Du Shaofu opened his mouth and waved his hand. The Domineering Shadow returned to his hands and his voice spread out.    


Dongli Chihuang's body, an abyss that cracked from the ground high up in the sky, no longer had any life force left. His primordial spirit was shattered and could no longer be reincarnated, dying cleanly and thoroughly.    


The Domineering Shadow in her hands, at this moment, the high altitude was glowing with a golden light, the Golden Wings of Great Roc at Du Shaofu's back expanded, the surrounding Golden Dragon Phantom were entrenched, it looked like a holy sign that had descended, the pressure was extremely shocking.    


"Violators of my Barren Kingdom, kill!"    


Du Shaofu held onto the Domineering Shadow, causing it to tremble around him, and his voice was like the roar of a dragon or the roar of thunder, causing the surrounding world to tremble, and the nine heavens to tremble!    


At this moment, countless glazed eyes looked at each other. The violet-robed young man was shrouded in a golden light, like a sacred miracle, dominating the world!    


"Great Roc Emperor rules the world, we will show our might!"    


Within the Descendants of the Barren Kingdom, Absolute Sword King, Golden Eagle King, Profound Flood Dragon King and many other people that were bestowed the title of Marquis roared loudly. Countless Descendants of the Barren Kingdom followed closely behind to speak, their voices shaking the skies.    


After reading the comments left by some of his friends in the past two days, he felt somewhat complicated. All in all, it was just about making fun of him.    


I've told you so many times about water. Why would I want it? Recently, everyone felt that the plot is slow and simple, because it's an exciting plot, waiting everyday. Everyone would feel that the water, if they were to read all the chapters together, would not feel this way, of course, the precondition is that everyone is paying attention to the Martial God. This is a good thing, and to be honest, I have to thank everyone, but some people do not need to spray anything, I do not need water, it does not benefit me at all.    


Those who think that Xiao Yu is a little not good, but those who see their heart, can always keep their eyes shut. Xiao Yu truly does not wish to add fuel to the fire for you. With Xiao Yu's calligraphy, he could only write noobs, and really couldn't write any famous books. He wasn't some god-level writer, and was purely interested in books, not jobs, but just interested in them.    


As for finding the update slow, in these dozen or so days, even if one was completely confused and disoriented, Xiao Yu did not owe them any chapter. The previous few days had silently added an update, to the point where it had not even been mentioned.    


was very grateful that Xiao Yu was able to improve it. There were some areas that were unsatisfactory, so if there were no conflicts of views, Xiao Yu would definitely accept them and felt the same way.    


In the future, Xiao Yu would also work hard to improve.    


Finally, I wish everyone a pleasant weekend. Today is the fifth fragment of the night, and it will be updated tomorrow afternoon.]    


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