Martial God Conqueror



Just the thought of such a transcendent appearance was enough to make one's blood boil!    


"We'll just wait quietly. He'll definitely do it!"    


At the side, Lu Shaoyou smiled and said.    


After which, the crowd did not speak any further, and immediately activated their Primordial Spirit Power s, paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.    


In front of their eyes, the demons had already fled. Many experts had been killed, and their overall strength had been greatly reduced.    


In this situation, the powerhouses of the 33 Heavens and 3000 boundless worlds were suppressing the demons, causing them to be utterly defeated.    


More and more demons were killed, and the situation began to turn one-sided.    


Lu Shaoyou, Xiao Long, Di Batian and the rest would attack again from time to time, blocking the demons' counterattacks, rendering them unable to retaliate at all!    


In addition, the nine great demon generals were sealed within the ball of light by Lu Shaoyou.    


The nine Fiendgods struck out time and time again, causing the clump of light to be unable to truly break apart.    


It was just as Xiao Long predicted. He didn't know how long it would take for them to break out of the seal.    


Countless experts advanced through the 18 Hells, incomparably ferocious, accompanied by terrifying battles.    


This was a relatively long process, and was even more time-consuming than the initial advancement that Du Shaofu and the others had made!    


By the time everyone entered the seventh level of hell, hundreds of years of time had already passed.    


"I wonder how much Jiang Chen has recovered in the span of several hundred years!"    


Amongst the crowd, Du Shaofu thought to himself as he stopped in the air after slashing open the body of a Demon Immortal Expert.    


He was a little worried that the time of every day was very precious, whether it was for Jiang Chen, or the 33 Heavens and the Three Thousand Worlds.    


The thing that Du Shaofu was most worried about was his own cultivation.    


It could be said that the last hope of the Senior Brother Lu Shaoyu rested on him, but after hundreds of years of terrifying battles, countless demons had died at his hands, but even now, Du Shaofu was still unable to find a way to break through.    


He had already achieved perfection on the second level of the Virtual Dao, but when he looked up, it was still blurry and he was unable to see the scenery above.    


"Dao Bearing, is to walk your own path! However, how can I truly take this step? "    


Du Shaofu's brows slightly knitted, as he continued to ponder in his heart.    


In these years of fighting, he constantly pondered over the answers, but he could not grasp the most crucial point.    


Everyone in the world knew the concept of Dao Bearing, but after careful calculation, Du Shaofu felt that it was simply too difficult to step into that realm.    


One must know that other than the Ancient Era's Gods and Demons, all other living beings were born in this world. It was also the world created by the Gods and Demons.    


In this way, countless living creatures would naturally be restricted and restricted by the laws of the world. Those who walked the path of cultivation would step by step follow the laws of the world and follow the true meaning of the Great Dao!    


In other words, Du Shaofu and countless of experts were able to reach the highest levels of the world, surpassing countless of living beings. But in the process, they were also able to integrate the power that the world itself possessed into their own bodies step by step. Everything they comprehended was built on the foundation of the world's power!    


And the world's power came from the ancient gods and devils, from Great God Pan Gu, Euphorbia Heaven Saint, Devil Ancestor Luo Hou and the others!    


"Since I want to walk my own path, I must first break free from the shackles of others and transcend the limits of Heaven and Earth!"    


Du Shaofu thought as he muttered to himself.    


Living beings were born in this world, and they grew up under the rules. They lived within the great Dao and the Laws at all times. If they wanted to survive, they had to obey the laws and principles laid down by the ancient gods and devils!    


It could even be said that everything a living being had was carved from the great Dao of heaven and earth!    


Under such circumstances, how could he truly break free from the shackles of the world and walk out of his own great Dao?    


"The advancement of each level will face endless challenges! And this Dao Bearing Stage, is even better than before! "    


It was no wonder that ever since ancient times, among the countless Acquired Life, only one had reached the Dao Bearing realm, and stood above all the other methods in the world!    


There was no other reason but that this step was too difficult. It was so difficult that even those old monsters that had lived for countless years were unable to take that step!    


"I think it's better to look for senior brother and the others for guidance!"    


Du Shaofu thought about it, and in the end looked towards Lu Shaoyou, Xiao Long and the others who were far away.    


He only felt that, just by relying on his own thoughts, he didn't know when he would have an answer.    


Xiao Long, Di Batian, Profound Eastern Emperor, Yang Guo and the others could be considered to have taken a critical step forward. Their opinions would definitely be of some reference.    


Thinking to here, Du Shaofu did not delay any longer. He looked around at the battles occurring everywhere and realized that the 33 Heavens and the 3000 boundless worlds were at an absolute disadvantage. He did not have to worry about anything.    


Immediately after, with a flash, he appeared beside Lu Shaoyou.    


"Junior brother, do you have anything you want to ask?"    


Du Shaofu did not find it strange in the slightest when he saw Du Shaofu's arrival.    


Only when Du Shaofu had stabilized his footing did he ask with a smile. He seemed to have already expected Du Shaofu's goal.    


"Senior Brother, I would like to ask, what is your Dao?"    


Du Shaofu nodded, he did not beat around the bush and directly asked Lu Shaoyou this question.    


His own Dao was an extremely illusory concept, and was difficult to grasp.    


Du Shaofu was simply unable to comprehend the answer he wanted, so he could only ask Senior Brother Lu Shaoyu.    


"Kid, I'm afraid you've been troubled by this problem for a long time, right?"    


Lu Shaoyou had yet to speak, but Xiao Long, who was at the side, laughed, looked at Du Shaofu and said.    


"Yes, ever since I learned of this concept, I've thought about it! But up until today, the more I think about it, the more difficult it is to understand, as if I have fallen into a strange circle that I am unable to escape from! "    


Du Shaofu explained all of the problems that he thought of to the six Rankers present. The most important thing was that life was born in this world and was a product of the Great Way of the Buddha itself.    


Could it be that he had to give up everything in order to be able to undergo nirvanic Rebirth and obtain a new life?    


As his cultivation grew deeper and deeper, and he got closer to that realm, Du Shaofu, on the contrary, had become even more blurry, and could not differentiate between things.    


"You're right, but you're also wrong!"    


Lu Shaoyou looked at Du Shaofu, a smile on his face, and said to him patiently: "The truth is, the concept of my own Dao is indeed illusory, it is only a vague saying added by the people! As you said, life is born from the heavens and the earth, and is evolved from the Great Way. It cannot be entirely free from all that the Great Way has bestowed upon it!    


If one were to think about it carefully, one would be able to understand that the derived form of the Great Dao was one of the four Ancient Laws. Time, space, material, and soul. If these traces were completely erased, wouldn't it mean that they would disappear into thin air? Without life, how could he escape the shackles of heaven and earth and the shackles of the Great Dao?    


Therefore, taking that critical step, is not to completely separate you from the way of the heavens and the earth, and defy all the effects of the Power of World! If you think about it carefully, all these years you have been here, every single level of cultivation has laid a solid foundation for the next level. When it comes to the next level, you have to seek higher breakthroughs and attain stronger strength!    


Following this line of thinking, one could imagine that you were also laying the foundation for the Dao Bearing Stage! Whether the next step is to build a roof over one's head, or to break it and build it again, the root of the matter will remain unchanged! "    


Lu Shaoyou said a lot of things at once, and Du Shaofu heard every single word, as he tried to figure out the true meaning behind each sentence.    


Not only him, even Xiao Long, Di Batian, Profound Eastern Emperor, Yang Guo, and the others were all mesmerized by what they heard.    


This was not the first time they had heard of what Lu Shaoyou had said, but this time, listening to it once again, gave them a faint taste of another's charm.    


"Senior Brother, then what should I do?"    


Du Shaofu thought for a long time, after digesting all of Lu Shaoyou's words, he asked again.    


He understood the meaning behind his senior's words. The essence of it was to point out one's own mistakes. Breaking free from the shackles of heaven and earth did not mean breaking free from everything bestowed upon him by the Great Dao.    


What he needed to do was to build on his current cultivation and find a way to break through. This way, it would be like how he used to build on the previous time, take his current cultivation as a mountain and topple it down, turning it into a new face!    


Thus, that was the true essence of Dao Bearing!    


"I'll give you a few examples, maybe you can understand some of it!"    


Hearing Du Shaofu's question, Lu Shaoyou didn't have any intention of hiding anything, and directly blurted out: "Your own dao, as the name implies, is something that you have comprehended by yourself, something unique and unparalleled in the world! I have made some conclusions, like Pangu, the great ancient god, his dao can be called the Path of All Living Things, and the Devil Ancestor is the Way of Slaughter!    


The path of all beings had opened up such a vast world. It was meant for all living beings to prosper, and their races to flourish! Just like the Pan Gu World from the ancient times, countless terrifying experts had emerged, and the entire world hadn't collapsed and crumbled like it was today, but it had become a whole entity that was extremely flourishing!    


The Pan Gu World there were layer after layer. If not because of the ancient devil war which greatly exhausted the Power of World, who knew how many creatures there would go there, ascending to the highest levels and step into the Dao Bearing Stage! Just thinking about it made one's blood boil!    


However, in order to protect the current thirty-three days, the Great God Pan Gu had condensed many shattered Power of World s, which then turned into a peerless seal. In addition to his own strength, he trapped the devil race within the eighteen levels of hell! He walked the path of all living things, and even if he himself was on the verge of death, he would still have to protect the 33 Heavens! "    


Du Shaofu was shocked upon hearing Lu Shaoyou's words.    


He already knew a lot of things about the Primordial Era. Back then, when he met the illusion of the Euphorbia Heaven Saint s, had told him that the Pan Gu World was a whole entity in the Ancient Era, and it did not have the concept of the 33 Heavens.    


Who would have thought that there were actually such reasons behind all this?    


It was not that Pangu would not be able to survive after sealing the Devil Ancestor, but in order to protect the remaining 33 Heavens and countless small worlds, he had no choice but to use his own strength to form many lifeless, shattered worlds and seal the world of the Devil Ancestor!    


The way of all living things was the way of the heart. Great God Pan Gu was like the creation god of benevolent love, carefully protecting everything he created with his own hands, preventing them from getting hurt.    


"That is to say, the killing path of the Devil Ancestor is for killing! He had established his Devil Clan World, and the life form within it was the tool for his slaughter! Therefore, their Devil Clan World are also very strong, and both of them are incomparably terrifying.    


Du Shaofu thought for a while and said.    


Following his senior brother's line of thought, he came to this conclusion.    




Lu Shaoyou smiled and nodded, then looked at Du Shaofu and said.    


The reason why demons liked to kill so much was because of Devil Ancestor's way of killing.    


He had used the path of slaughter to establish his own world. The life forms within it naturally relied on killing to survive. The entire world was filled with blood and gore.    


Only after the war of Pan Gu World began did the killing among the demons stop. Following that, countless demons were dispatched to attack the outside world and a terrifying ancient devil battle was brewed!    


"Since both the Great God Pan Gu and the Devil Ancestor have their own paths, does senior know what path the Euphorbia Heaven Saint is?"    


Du Shaofu looked up at Senior Brother Lu Shaoyu again, he was very concerned about this.    


It was as if the path of the creator of this world had a great influence on the life within.    


However, it seemed that there was not much difference between Divine Martial World users and practitioners of the 33 Heavens. Could it be that the path of Senior Euphorbia Heaven Saint was the same as the way of the Great God Pan Gu, that they walk the path of all beings?    


"The Euphorbia Heaven Saint has long since perished. Aside from the Divine Martial World, there was nothing else!"    


Lu Shaoyou suddenly sighed, as though he was feeling endless regret, and said: "His dao, can be said to be a stronger dao that would rather be broken into pieces than be perfect! When the ancient times were facing a demon attack, Senior Euphorbia Heaven Saint did not hesitate at all. Even if it was Great Luo Tian, who has just taken shape, and his own life, he would not let the scheming Devil Ancestor benefit from even the slightest bit from him! "    


Following Lu Shaoyou's narration, Du Shaofu couldn't help but nod his head in agreement.    


It was just as senior had said, in the ancient times, the Devil Ancestor had made a move against the Great Luo Tian. He thought that the Euphorbia Heaven Saint would give in in in order to protect his life, but he did not expect the Euphorbia Heaven Saint to turn the tables on him, join hands with the Great God Pan Gu, and help him with Pan Gu World, and even suppress the Devil Ancestor's body!    


This kind of action could indeed be called strong!    


"However, after the fall of the Euphorbia Heaven Saint, the newly matured Great Luo Tian started to shrink, just because he had barely managed to maintain the power left behind by the Euphorbia Heaven Saint! and in the end, this sky that had turned into a small world, had its trajectory change and became one with the 33 Heavens and the countless worlds. It was influenced by the rules of the Pan Gu World and thus no longer possessed such distinctive features! Otherwise, any living being who comes out of the Divine Martial World is likely to be a fierce person, a fierce person who would rather die than submit! "    


Lu Shaoyou opened his mouth once again, and added on.    


It was only now that Du Shaofu truly understood the characteristics of Divine Martial World. It turned out that one had yet to completely mature, and then, one was affected by the Pan Gu World, which resulted in there being no especially obvious difference between the two.    


"In other words, every dao will carry along the characteristics or will of the cultivator."    


Du Shaofu frowned slightly as he came to this conclusion.    


Whether it was the Great God Pan Gu s, the Euphorbia Heaven Saint s, or even the Devil Ancestor s, the worlds these three opened up, all had their own distinct differences.    


These characteristics were influenced by the creators of the world, and were related to their own personalities.    


Thinking of this, Du Shaofu couldn't help but think of himself.    


He had lived for thousands of years, and he had his own unique characteristics. However, it was not easy to draw a conclusion from this.    


"This kid, he seems to understand everything at once!"    


Seeing Du Shaofu deep in thought, Xiao Long, Di Batian, Yang Guo and the rest all revealed smiles on their faces.    


They all knew that it wouldn't be difficult for Du Shaofu to break through Dao Bearing, but he wanted to reach that step quickly. It was good that he would be able to play a critical role when the Devil Ancestor was fully recovered.    


However, everyone also understood that the fact that Du Shaofu was able to comprehend these things did not mean that he could quickly breakthrough and walk his own path. Just by thinking about it, one could imagine how difficult it was!    


They did not expect Du Shaofu to reach the peak overnight, but if he was able to make use of these comprehensions to create a path, then he would have already succeeded by more than half!    


The rest could only be left to Heaven's will!    


"Senior Brother, I would like to know what kind of Dao you walked on?"    


After thinking about it for a while, Du Shaofu once again looked at Lu Shaoyou and voiced his doubts.    


He looked at the azure clothed man before him with bright eyes and even blinked twice, extremely curious.    


There was a reason why Du Shaofu asked that. As the only expert who had used the body of a Acquired Life to break through to the Dao Bearing, the way of the Senior Brother Lu Shaoyu was probably more instructive to him than the way of the Great God Pan Gu, Euphorbia Heaven Saint and the others.    


It was because of this that Du Shaofu was so concerned about this question. He stared straight at Lu Shaoyou, wanting to hear his answer.    


Hearing this question, Xiao Long, Di Batian, Profound Eastern Emperor, Yang Guo and the others, including Lu Shaoyou, all started to laugh.    


As the person closest to Lu Shaoyou, and their strengths were not far apart, the five of them naturally knew of the path Lu Shaoyou was taking.    


"The 'Dao of the Boss' is the 'Way of the Hegemon'!"    


Then, before Lu Shaoyou could even reply, Xiao Long, who was at the side, looked at his big brother, and immediately opened his mouth, saying these words to Du Shaofu.    


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