Martial God Conqueror



But Du Shaofu was able to resist it directly, and a golden light exploded from the Cyan Spirit Armor, with the faint sound of a Peng's cry.    




Devil Rakshasa spat out blood, his body was immediately blown away, the ancient armor on his chest had caved in, the area around it had cracks in it.    


But at the moment, Du Shaofu's body was swaying slightly, the Cyan Spirit Armor was dim, and after that, it was bright as always, completely unaffected.    


How powerful was Devil Rakshasa's fist? Back then, when he fought with Du Shaofu, Devil Rakshasa's fist had directly shattered Du Shaofu's chest, exposing a bloody hole that went down to the bone.    


But at that moment, Du Shaofu was unaffected.    


Although Du Shaofu's cultivation was already at the same level as the Devil Rakshasa, the Cyan Spirit Armor was the most crucial.    


"Heavens, is that armor a treasure or an armor made from Profound Qi? Its defensive power is explosive! "    


The eyes of a few Zhi Zun were extremely sharp, they immediately noticed the extraordinary armor on Du Shaofu's body, the defensive power was extremely terrifying.    


Devil Rakshasa staggered and stabilized, his eyes were filled with shock.    


Staring intently at the strange armor on Du Shaofu's body, Devil Rakshasa had never seen such defensive power before.    


Du Shaofu's eyes revealed a smile, he had just verified the defense of the Cyan Spirit Armor, and it really did not disappoint him.    


That level of defensive power was enough to withstand any attack within the same realm. It was extremely abnormal, and it was worthy of being left behind by the master of the three thousand boundless worlds.    




Du Shaofu activated the real Golden Wings of Great Roc, and combined with the Cyan Spirit Armor, his entire body seemed to have transformed into a real human Roc. With his wings spread wide, he soared into the sky, and in a flash, he arrived in front of Devil Rakshasa.    


The Devil Rakshasa's expression changed. It was difficult for him to dodge such a fast speed. Under the armor on his arms, a pair of black gold Shinning Spear gloves appeared on his hands once again. It was as if spirit armor was covering his hands.    




The Shinning Spear gloves released the sound of wind and thunder, lightning and demonic Qi intertwined, colliding against Du Shaofu.    


Du Shaofu was currently covered with Cyan Spirit Armor s. Other than his eyes, all of them were covered under his armor.    


Golden rays of light shot out from behind him as the Golden Winged Peng's wings were revealed. Its aura overflowed into the heavens as it truly connected itself to his flesh, blood, and bones. It wanted to ascend straight into the heavens!    


At this moment, the Golden Wings of Great Roc and the Cyan Spirit Armor were in perfect unison. The brilliant and magnificent armor, and the arrogant and disdainful Golden Wings of Great Roc, all added to his martial arts and Saint Might, making him even more tyrannical!    


"Bang bang!"    


In the time it took for a spark to fly off a piece of flint, the two of them once again exchanged several moves. Devil Rakshasa's Shinning Spear Gloves claws landed on Du Shaofu's body, and slid down his shoulders.    




At the same time, it landed on Devil Rakshasa's chest, causing the armor on his chest to completely explode, revealing a bloody hole, which was deep enough to see bone, and causing a pool of fresh blood.    


Devil Rakshasa was forced to retreat once again, spitting out blood. The purple electric arcs on his body released a crackling sound, and his injuries quickly healed. His flesh immediately recovered back to normal, but the ancient armor on his body could not immediately heal.    




Devil Rakshasa was furious. He shouted loudly, and devil energy surged, as though he had activated a special type of cultivation vein. The surrounding space was instantly filled with devil shadows, they wailed like ghosts and gods, as though they had rushed out of the Devil Domain, and continuously charged towards Du Shaofu.    




Du Shaofu's fighting spirit surged as he spread his wings and smashed the demonic phantoms into pieces. Like a human form of a great peng, he rushed towards the Devil Rakshasa.    


The two of them continued to kill each other in a frenzied battle.    






Roc cry resounded, Du Xiaoyao roared.    


The gigantic Black Gold Devil Roc covered the sky, blood flowing out of its mouth, which was suppressed by Du Xiaoyao.    


"Seems like Devil Rakshasa is no match for him."    


"I never thought that the Devil King Du Shaofu would be stronger."    


"That Golden Winged Roc seems to be called Jialou Jueming, I never thought it would also be so strong!"    


"Just what kind of Nirvana stage is Du Xiaoyao, how terrifying is he!"    


That terrifying showdown caused all the Genius Sovereign in the area to discuss about it in shock.    


At that moment, the four people who were fighting were all people of the same generation or even the peak of the same cultivation. They were able to look down on all outstanding people and overpower those of the same cultivation.    


That group of four made the group of Genius Sovereign sigh. If these four were in the ancient times, they would definitely be able to compete with the legendary ancient Zhi Zun!    




In the chaotic space, the back of the Devil Rakshasa was cut open by Du Shaofu's Golden Wings of Great Roc.    




Du Shaofu did not stop, but suddenly a loud roar came out from his mouth, it was like a Peng's cry that broke through the clouds, or like a dragon's cry that pierced the nine heavens, the divine elephant's cry was loud, the light in his eyes was like two Violet-Golden Thunder s rushing out, slashing through the sky, attacking towards the sky, taking advantage of the momentum and punching out.    


Devil Rakshasa's shoulder was once again swept up by a fist, as boundless bright and resplendent electric arcs and Talisman Secret Mark s erupted. The terrifying fluctuations of the Profound Qi s were like a vast ocean and were incomparably violent, accompanied by a large amount of Blood Fog s falling down.    


"Devil King Du Shaofu is too strong!"    


Devil Rakshasa was suppressed by Du Shaofu time and time again. That incomparable showdown made people a little dumbfounded.    


"There's one more."    


Suddenly, a little girl stepped out from a corner of the crowd. The golden eyes merely locked onto a strange purple-robed figure.    


Mo Lingzi, who was still in shock from the battle, suddenly felt someone staring at him. He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the person.    


"The people from the Devil Cult, get the hell up here to die!"    


Little Star stepped out and looked at Mo Lingzi. His little hand beckoned towards Mo Lingzi, not putting him in his eyes.    


When Mo Lingzi saw Little Star take action, lightning arcs of electricity surfaced in the eyes that only revealed on his face.    


"Can't you hear me? Come up and die!"    


Little Star was unrelenting. His little body stood proudly.    




Mo Lingzi let out a low snort, like muffled thunder, and in that instant, the light of a blazing Purple Lightning enveloped his entire body, like a soaring Purple Sun.    


At this moment, countless dazzling Thunder Rune surged forth like they covered the heavens and earth. The terrifying thunder might filled the horizon as countless rays of lightning penetrated the space.    


An aura that caused a person's heart to palpitate suddenly rippled and spread far into the distance.    


At the same time, a monstrous demonic aura surged out, accompanied by the wails of ghosts and gods.    


"This Martial Veins seems to be extremely similar to the Devil King Du Shaofu, Du Yunlong and the others!" When Mo Lingzi activated the Wu Mai, it immediately caused many to be shocked.    


Amongst the crowd, a handsome middle-aged man looked at Mo Lingzi and purple arcs of electricity also appeared in his eyes, revealing his astonishment.    




Mo Lingzi rushed out, his entire body rippling with electric arcs, tough and imposing, the Six-Wheeled Holy Ring above his head was in the air, the Supreme Nirvana Power was surging.    


Although Mo Lingzi was not as good as Jialou Jueming and Devil Rakshasa, he was definitely an existence at the peak of the same generation, strong enough to push others of the same realm away.    




A lightning glow devil seal gathered. The seal contained surging demonic energy, as if there was a devil shadow in the sky, accompanied by the rolling of Purple Lightning, like a sun shining down from the vast sky.    


Countless thunderbolts shot up into the sky, covering the entire sky with Purple Lightning s. This Thunder Demon Seal collapsed under the pressure of the small stars.    


A terrifying aura of slaughter instantly rumbled in the sky. The wails of ghosts resounded throughout the sky and filled the air with an overbearing aura of destruction.    


This terrifying power also made the Genius Sovereign in every direction tremble all over. This sudden tremble also made many of the people present take in a breath of cold air.    


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