Martial God Conqueror





On Long San's body, the yellow rune surged. Faintly, the giant dragon and phantom filled the air with its coiling dragons and frightening dragons.    


Dongli Qingqing stepped into the air, his body filled with Cyan Light s, some of them started rippling, trying to devour life force.    


"The Supreme Tomb hasn't appeared yet. I didn't think this place would be so lively."    


Just as the great battle was about to begin, a faint voice was transmitted over. After which, a large group of figures rushed over from the distance at a low altitude.    


This group of people led a man who looked to be about twenty-eight or twenty-nine. He wore a set of confucian clothing and his temperament was also extremely refined.    


The leading man appeared, his gaze looking at the people on the stone stage, he was obviously looking at Lian Qingrong, the lively young man, the black clothed young man stayed for a bit, and then he looked at Long San, who was in mid air with his sword ready to fight, Du Shaofu and the rest, and laughed: "I just happened to be here, and did not plan to interfere, you guys continue."    


"Kong Sansi, there are so many of you in the Confucian clan. You want to take advantage of them while waiting for them to suffer a loss? That's a good idea."    


As the man who was called Confucius and Sansi laughed, another female voice was heard. This voice had a clean and clean feel to it.    


whoosh whoosh *    


Following the uproar from the crowd, a woman dressed in tight-fitting clothes walked out. Her figure was curvy and her legs were long.    


This woman didn't look that old, only twenty-eight or twenty-nine. She exuded a wild beauty.    


Behind him, there were also quite a few figures following him. There were nearly a thousand people, and their voices were loud and powerful.    


Beside this wild woman, there were also many familiar figures. Sima Muhan, Sima Taxing, Mo Li, they were from the Mo family.    


Du Shaofu looked down, and at this moment, he saw Sima Muhan and Sima Taxing, so it was not hard for him to guess that they were people from the Mo family.    


"It's Shaofu."    


When Sima Taxing and Sima Muhan saw Du Shaofu floating in the air, their eyes trembled.    


"Like a male cousin!"    


Sima Muhan immediately pulled the arm of the woman, his heart extremely nervous.    


"Let's wait and see first. There's no need to worry."    


The wild lady spoke softly to Sima Muhan, her gaze sweeping across the plaza.    


"Immeasurable Sage, I didn't expect everyone to arrive so early."    


As the voice faded away, rays of light flashed through the air, filling the air with a resplendent glow, causing one to be dazzled. Soon after, groups of figures descended from the skies and landed on the plaza.    


The leading man was dressed in a yellow daoist robe. He was young, had a handsome face, and a gentle temperament, but the aura he emitted was enough to make one shudder for no reason.    


A wave of powerful Qi descended, causing Du Shaofu to look over, and saw many familiar figures, including Guan Yin, Xu Lingzi and the others.    


Du Shaofu could feel the Qi from these people, and it was not difficult for him to guess who they were, they were people from the Dao.    


"Amitabha, Xu Yangzi, you came early too."    


Another voice resounded throughout the square as buddhist light descended from the skies. Over a thousand monks of Shamei and Baldy appeared, their voices powerful and mighty.    


The monks at the front all had nine ring scars shining on their heads.    


The one leading them was a monk. Although he was young, he was already wearing a golden monastic robe, proving his high status.    


He was the one who spoke. Although his voice wasn't loud, his voice was like a tsunami that shook one's soul for no reason.    




These people were undoubtedly the best at recognizing them, and only the Buddha family would dress up like that. Du Shaofu also saw Heng Luo, Heng Qi, Ninth Level and other familiar figures within.    


Just as Du Shaofu was sizing up the people from the Fu Clan, all of a sudden, he looked in another direction with trembling eyes. On the right side of the sky, there were quite a few figures.    


There were quite a few people, and after slicing through the air, they instantly appeared in the Square Void.    


"Big brother!" "Third Young Master!"    


An excited voice transmitted into Du Shaofu's ears. A man with dark and deep eyes and a majestic figure, and a face that could cause the downfall of nations, quickly appeared in front of Du Shaofu.    


Her devastatingly beautiful face had a smile in it, and her long, ink-black hair was as smooth as a waterfall.    


Other than Du Xiaoqing and Du Xiaohu, who else could this woman and this man be?    


Du Shaofu smiled at the two of them, seeing the Lifeguard Talisman between Du Xiaoqing's and Du Xiaoyao's brows, it was obvious that the two of them did not encounter any major danger, and indicated that the two of them should stand behind him.    


"Sister Qingqing, you're busy as well."    


Du Xiaoqing then walked over to Dongli Qingqing's side with a face full of warmth and intimacy. Back then, on the Heaven Barren Continent, they had known each other for a long time and they had very deep feelings for each other.    


"Dragon Clan."    


His figure was thin and tall, and his gaze was fixated on Long San and Mirage Dragon King who were full of hostility. The unrestrained smile that was originally on the corner of his mouth quietly turned into a cold arc, and the resplendent golden Spiritual Pupil emitted a golden light, as if a golden divine flame was burning!    


"Just in time."    


Du Shaofu smiled with satisfaction, Du Xiaoyao's arrival today was undoubtedly an addition.    


Others might not know Du Xiaoyao's strength, but Du Shaofu himself was the clearest about it. Du Xiaoyao's true strength was definitely exceptionally terrifying.    


Even Du Shaofu himself was unable to ascertain what step Du Xiaoyao's true strength had reached. Even he had never seen Du Xiaoyao use his full strength.    


"None of them are weak. The Descendant of Ancient Demon Beast is stronger, but it doesn't matter!"    


Du Xiaoyao sized up Long San and Mirage Dragon King and stood there silently. His entire person seemed to reveal the aura of a king who could shake the world.    


swish swish *    


In the air, many figures arrived along with them. There were also quite a few younger generation members and Demon Beast s of Heaven Beast Hall. Their auras were vigorous and their auras were sharp.    


However, most of them were the members of a large force., Jiang Yunfeng and other familiar figures were among them, they were all members of the farmer family.    


"Many thanks for the farmhouse's care."    


She was Mo Junyu of the Mo Family, and along the way, she brought a few Mo Family disciples to be severely injured. In the end, she met with the people from the village and was rescued, so in order to reduce the danger, she and the farmer had always been walking together.    


Seeing that all of the Mo Family's disciples were there, Mo Junyu bid his farewells to the farmer's son, then walked back to the wild girl of the Mo Family.    


In the farmhouse, the leading girl had snow-white skin. She had a refined and elegant temperament, making people feel inferior to her.    


Her beautiful eyes looked around, and after looking around, she smiled at Du Shaofu, and then her figure quietly descended into the plaza.    


"Big brother, she's Little Luo's big sister." Du Xiaoqing said while standing beside Du Shaofu.    


After Du Shaofu heard this, he had frequently heard Du Xiaoqing mention the woman, and had long ago felt that the aura of the woman was not ordinary at all.    


She stood silently in the square, not uttering a word. Her demeanor was elegant, indescribably noble, and her aura quietly merged with the vast space. She was definitely an extremely tyrannical existence.    


One after another, powerful warriors descended from all directions, and the members of the Mo and Nong families appeared as well, causing Long San's expression to instantly darken.    


"Mo Runan, Zhou Xiaoluo!"    


He knew that the relationship between the Nong Clan and the Mo Clan was not that simple with Du Shaofu. He also knew that the Mo Runan of the Mo Clan and the Zhou Xiaoluo of the Nong Clan, although they were both women, they were both extremely difficult opponents to deal with.    


Long San's gaze twitched in his heart, he stared coldly at Du Shaofu, afraid that the farmer and the Mo family would help him, so he looked at him and said: "Little bastard, it's time to move, do you need more helpers? Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be my opponent!"    


Du Shaofu's eyes widened, and just as he was about to speak, a young, tender, yet overbearing voice suddenly sounded out from far away in the sky: "I seem to feel that there's a Untrue Dragon here, get the hell out!"    


As the tender voice faded, a little girl about seven or eight years old descended. On her chubby face, a faint golden light shone in the depths of her devilish eyes, exuding a domineering aura.    


"It's Little Star." Du Xiaoqing was ecstatic, he recognized Little Star.    


Long San also seemed to sense something when he sensed the aura from Little Star. Ripples rose in succession in his black eyes.    


Seeing that the little star had appeared, Du Shaofu temporarily ignored Long San, as a faint smile appeared on his face.    


swish swish *    


The sound of wind breaking could be heard. Just as the figure of the small star appeared, a large amount of wind breaking sounded out.    


Beams of bright rainbow light pierced through the air like a rainbow descending from the heavens.    


Soon after, numerous figures appeared in the crowd's surprised gazes.    




When these figures appeared in the sky, countless exclamations uncontrollably sounded out from the surroundings. It was as though they had seen the most unbelievable scene.    


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