Martial God Conqueror



"That kid is very strange!"    


Inside the Heavenly Lake Empire lineup, Jing Yue, Ming Hu and the rest were also shocked.    


Behind Jing Yue and Ming Hu, an old man wearing a black robe and wide hat raised his head, his eyes looking at the golden light that erupted from below, his eyes lit up.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


In the middle of the plaza, the Talisman Array that Du Shaofu had arranged finally began to distort, and a terrifying energy undulated within the Talisman Array. Immediately after, under many shocked gazes, the gigantic Psychedelic Array finally began to explode.    




The berserk energy engulfed the entire plaza, causing it to tremble. The rune s that filled the sky bloomed, and their energy spread to the point that it made people tremble. The Talisman Array s were directly destroyed.    


Lv Kun's figure appeared in the sky once again, the black veins on his pale and sinister looking face bulged, his eyes releasing a strange color of blood. His entire body was covered in a faint glow, the Talisman Secret Mark s intersected on the surface of his body like black blood scars, making him look like a demon or ghost, but his Qi made people's hearts tremble, as though they were trying to prostrate themselves.    


Lv Kun's gaze landed on the golden light that exploded below him. His eyes revealed a strange doubt, and from the golden light spread out an overbearing and terrifying aura, causing him to feel his heart tremble.    




A faint rumbling sound could be heard from within the golden light. A terrifying pressure swept out, it was extremely shocking.    




A dazzling golden Talisman Secret Mark soared into the sky from within the golden light. These golden Talisman Secret Mark were split into two.    


A dense wave of golden Talisman Secret Mark rushed out, and immediately condensed into a Golden Winged Roc above the golden light.    


In that instant, the overbearing and terrifying might also reached its peak. The Golden Winged Roc seemed to have been infused with life, and it spread its wings to soar into the sky, suppressing the experts of the heaven and earth!    




The other wave of golden Talisman Secret Mark formed into a mountain phantom and spread out, as though it was given life, the imposing pressure was overbearing and shook one's soul, releasing a dazzling golden light, an endless amount of imposing pressure overflowed the heavens, causing the earth to rumble, and the mountains in the distance to tremble endlessly!    


The golden halo started to disappear, and in the deep pit on the ground, Du Shaofu could be seen sitting cross-legged.    


On the surface of Du Shaofu's body, the golden Talisman Secret Mark began to spread out. A mountain phantom and the Golden Winged Roc floated in the air behind him at the same time. Under the spread of these two terrifying presences, the heaven and earth started to tremble and the earth started to rumble.    


"What a powerful aura."    


On the surrounding plaza, a terrifying might spread out, causing everyone who saw it to be unable to breath, their bodies involuntarily trembled, the Pulse Soul s and souls in their bodies were even more terrified.    


"What's going on? Could it be the Golden Winged Roc?"    


"Could it be that the Golden Winged Roc and the strange mountain phantom are both Du Shaofu's Pulse Soul? Why are there two of them?"    


"This is too strange, the pressure is too terrifying!"    


Above the city gate tower, at this moment, many elders who were seated upright suddenly stood up in shock. That kind of frightening pressure spread, even the Perfection Peak of Martial Duke Stage Cultivator s were unable to contend against it, and even the Martial King Stage experts were affected.    


"It's two Pulse Soul s huh. Unbelievable, the mountain peak phantom s, could it be ?"    


Suppress North King's eyes trembled, he was shocked. He was also confused by this scene, and seemed to have thought of a few legends, but he was not sure, or even dared to think too much about it.    


The Golden Winged Roc s lined up and evolved behind Du Shaofu, while the mountain phantom s condensed and communicated with the Energy of Heaven and Earth, filling the air with multicolored light.    




A terrifying might spread out, like an earthquake, the earth quaked and the mountains shook, the skies trembled, a terrifying aura also violently climbed from Du Shaofu's body.    


"The God Courage, Du Shaofu, is breaking through, he is breaking through."    


"The Martial Duke Stage's aura is about to reach, the brave god is breaking through his Martial Duke Stage!"    


On the city gate tower, an old man exclaimed in surprise and was shocked. The terrifying aura coming from Du Shaofu's body rose higher and higher, causing their hearts to tremble.    


"What a strange kid."    


Lv Kun's eyes trembled, the sinister expression on his sinister face had a sinister look, his heart sank, a terrifying and vast Evil Profound Spirit Qi burst out from his body in all directions, the surrounding air surged, the terrifying pressure in the sky caused everyone's bodies to stiffen, their souls to become dull.    


"No matter how strange you are, you are useless in front of my 'Human King'!"    


A gloomy and stern shout came out from Lv Kun's mouth, the seals on his hands congealed, and a series of light black Profound Qi s appeared from within his body, transforming into a black cloud that covered the sky.    


The black clouds covered everything, and even the sun in the sky had difficulty shining its way in, causing the sky and earth to turn dark. Only the Golden Winged Roc s around Du Shaofu and the mountain peak remained shining with a golden light.    


The roiling evil energy gathered around, and in the end, even Lv Kun's figure had also disappeared without a trace.    


In an instant, a golden light flashed and the sky that was covered by the dark clouds turned silent and envious.    


This kind of aura, made one's hair stand on end for no reason. They felt uneasy in their hearts, and the expressions of even the few Martial King Stage experts present changed.    


Without a doubt, when Lv Kun saw the change in Du Shaofu, he was already going all out.    


"Go to hell. It's time to end everything!"    


A dark, malicious cry resounded over the square, which was located in the middle of the rolling dark clouds. The frightening evil aura fluctuated, appearing as though it had caused the space around it to tremble.    


"Chi la!"    


Accompanied by a terrifying pressure, a Black Huge Snake rushed out and instantly dove towards Du Shaofu who was in the deep pit in the ground.    


Just at this moment, the Golden Winged Roc behind Du Shaofu was like a living creature, directly soaring into the sky. Its aura was overbearing and sharp, and the Golden Sunglow that filled the sky bloomed, spreading their wings wide and closing, sweeping straight towards the Black Huge Snake.    




The Golden-winged Great Peng collided with the Black Huge Snake, and the Rune Light shot out. Like fireworks, it blossomed with resplendent light, and energy engulfed the entire sky.    




The Black Huge Snake s, whose might was frightening and trembling, were currently being suppressed and destroyed like rotten weeds under the Golden Winged Roc. Energy ripples that appeared as if they were materialized from the rune suddenly spread out from all directions and the sky resounded with a low muffled sound, causing the hearts of the countless onlookers below to tremble.    


"Chi la!"    


The evil Qi that covered the sky was also scattered by the Golden Winged Roc. Lv Kun's figure appeared, and his body was forced to stagger backwards, his expression changed greatly.    




It was at this time that Du Shaofu, who was sitting cross-legged within the deep pit in the plaza, let out a deep shout. A muffled sound suddenly rang out from inside the Divine Fault, and at the same time, a new powerful aura surged out from his body with a loud rumble.    


The Qi surged, engulfing the entire sky, at the same time, the phantom at Du Shaofu's back spiraled, absorbing the limitless energy of the world, it released a dazzling golden light that shone brilliantly, the imposing Qi that filled the sky!    




At this moment, the ground of the plaza rumbled. The mountain phantom s were connected to the surrounding ground for no reason.    


"Beginning Martial Duke Stage, the God Marquis Du Shaofu has broken through, stepping into the Beginning Martial Duke Stage from the Pulse Spirit Stage Edge!"    


Countless gazes from all around were filled with shock and amazement. In such a short period of time, under the gazes of countless people, the Divine Might Marquis Du Shaofu had directly broke through two levels and stepped into the Beginning Martial Duke Stage. If this were any other person, no matter how talented he was, it would at least take a few years or two.    


This scene was even more shocking for people of the Du Family. Even when Du Qiang broke through from the Pulse Spirit Stage Edge to the Beginning Martial Duke Stage back then, with the cultivation of countless resources within the Du Family, he still took three years.    


But now, Du Shaofu had actually only lasted a short moment, and under the gazes of everyone present, he easily made a breakthrough under everyone's watchful eyes.    


"Is this really only an aura of Beginning Martial Duke Stage? I'm afraid that Du Qiang's previous Perfection Level of Martial Duke Stage is only this much."    


Amidst the countless shocked gazes around, it was not difficult for someone to feel that the aura being emitted from Du Shaofu was not any weaker than that of the previous.    


"What a powerful Qi, overbearing and sharp, just what kind of cultivation method did he cultivate, it's so terrifying!"    


On the city gate tower, countless eyes were staring in shock, as they felt the aura that had just broken through on Du Shaofu, especially the overbearing and sharp aura that caused people to tremble in fear, and the Pulse Soul s to be affected by the influence of a Sovereign.    


With a wave of his hand, he released another wave of Yin energy, causing a terrifying aura to spread out. The strange Talisman Secret Mark around him soared into the sky, connected with the Pulse Soul, and finally condensed into a gigantic, substance-like 'Black Underworld Demon Snake'.    




Lv Kun's sinister body merged with the Black Eerie Serpent phantom and swept out towards Du Shaofu.    


Above the plaza, Du Shaofu's eyes suddenly opened, and at the moment, the golden light in his eyes rushed out like lightning, his figure soared into the sky, with the Talisman Secret Mark surrounding him, he directly merged with the mountain peak phantom floating in the air.    


"Have you had enough? It's my turn now!"    


When the shout came out, Du Shaofu and the mountain phantom became one, as though they were real objects, an endless overbearing aura swept out!    


Third Rev.    


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