Martial God Conqueror



The surroundings were filled with mist and an ancient aura.    


The entire plaza had originally been filled with genius, but the battle for supremacy had already disappeared. It was now completely silent, with only Du Shaofu present.    




The seal on Du Shaofu's hand was congealing, and there was an ancient rune congealing, flying towards the sky.    




A group of phantom began to appear. Like a mirage, they were filled with light and rained down light, bringing with them an ancient aura that spanned across time and space.    




Du Shaofu raised his head, and looked up at the illusory void above him. His figure wrapped in golden light, and transformed into a golden light, after that his figure disappeared into the illusory void.    




As the rain of light scattered down, the void also disappeared.    


In the ancient lands, numerous boulders floated in the air, boundless and ancient.    


The ancient palace's walls were broken, and demon qi surged up to the sky.    


Outside the broken wall, two figures sat cross-legged on top of a huge boulder, one on the left and one on the right.    


On the left, a black haired man lowered his head slightly. His body was enveloped in a faint black radiance, and no one could see his exact appearance.    


On the right, there was a man wearing a strange robe, making it difficult to see his face clearly.    


These two people were none other than Jialou Jueming and the man who had fought against Du Yunlong and called himself Mo Lingzi before, and also possessed the Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines.    


"Chi Chi!"    


Abruptly, at the same time, Jialou Jueming and Mo Lingzi opened their eyes. Their eyes flashed with lightning, and their two powerful Qi shook the air, as they looked at the space in front of them.    


In front of their eyes, a man in a purple robe quietly appeared and descended into the ancient space.    


The purple-robed man stood in the air with a resolute and handsome face. His black hair fluttered in the wind, causing the space around him to distort as a vast aura silently descended.    


When they saw the purple robed man, Jialou Jueming and Mo Lingzi stood up at the same time.    


"Why are you here?"    


Jialou Jueming was shocked, how could he not recognize the purple robed man? Back then, he had clearly seen Du Shaofu not entering the tombstone before, but now, why was he inside the tombstone?    


"There were some things I had to deal with, so I came."    


Du Shaofu said as his gaze swept across Jialou Jueming before landing on his body. He had noticed the mysterious purple-robed figure earlier, and there was a strange aura that was intertwined with the Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines on his body.    


"Who are you?"    


Du Shaofu asked Mo Lingzi, as he felt that the mysterious person in purple seemed to have met him before.    


"My name is Mo Lingzi."    


Mo Lingzi opened his mouth and slightly raised his head. Under the robe, his eyes shone with lightning, the aura of my Nirvana Peak only surging.    


"Mo Lingzi!"    


Du Shaofu said softly before turning to look at the broken ancient palace. There was devil energy shooting up to the sky and a terrifying aura surging within, it was the aura of the Devil Rakshasa.    


Coming to the Supreme Tomb, Du Shaofu had come for the Devil Rakshasa.    


His master Xiahou Fenglei was still in the hands of Devil Cult and Du Shaofu had never forgotten about him.    


With Devil Rakshasa's position in the Devil Cult, Du Shaofu believed that as long as he could capture Devil Rakshasa, it wouldn't be difficult to change him back to his master.    


"Let's get past me first!"    


Jialou Jueming felt Du Shaofu's intent. With a gentle voice, the black robe swayed slightly, and with his long black hair draped behind his neck, he had an enormous aura and for some reason, the space around him began to faintly distort.    


"I don't want to fight you. Grandmother is waiting for you to return to the clan."    


Du Shaofu turned his head and looked at Jialou Jueming, his eyes filled with shock.    


The old lady's wish and thoughts, Du Shaofu knew that the old lady always hoped that one day Jialou Jueming would return to the clan.    




Jialou Jueming's eyes flashed with complex emotions, he stared at Du Shaofu and said: "This is a matter of my Golden Winged Roc s, as a human, you don't have the right to interfere, right?"    


"In my heart, I actually hope for you to return to the clan. Go back, the clan wishes for you to go back." Du Shaofu continued to speak, and was not affected by Jialou Jueming's words.    


Unfortunately, he is still just a human after all. My father is really old, and letting Jialou Jueyu become a Young Patriarch is better than letting you, at least he is a true Golden-winged Great Peng! "    


Jialou Jueming slowly raised his head. His long eyebrows were like willow trees, and his eyes were like jet-black agates on his clear-cut face. His eyes were as black as the endless abyss of the universe.    


"I am a human, and also a Young Patriarch of the Golden Winged Roc race. This is not a contradiction."    


Du Shaofu was also very calm. Looking at Jialou Jueming, he said: "I'm looking for Devil Rakshasa, you were defeated by me back then, and won't be able to stop me today!"    


With that, Du Shaofu turned around, and with a flash of golden light, he rushed towards the broken palace.    


"Those who trespass will die!"    


The indifferent and calm voice didn't seem to have any fluctuations. In the next instant, an intimidating aura appeared out of nowhere.    


Mo Lingzi made his move. He stepped onto the floating boulder, crossed the empty space, and swept out a terrifying Purple Lightning from his body.    


boom rumble rumble *    


In the blink of an eye, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky. An aura of torture filled the four directions as the Grand Qi surged.    




A large amount of purple colored lightning flashed out, and directly swept towards Du Shaofu.    


"Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines!"    


Du Shaofu suddenly turned around, his eyes revealing a shocked expression.    


At this moment, Du Shaofu clearly felt Mo Lingzi activating the martial veins in his body. It was actually the Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines of the Du Family, which was exactly the same as the Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines in his own body.    


"Chi la!"    


The purple electric arc fluctuated, Du Shaofu's body was immediately covered with Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines, and directly swallowed the incoming purple lightning into his body.    




Mo Lingzi's figure soared into the sky, the space beneath his feet shook, and in the midst of the sound of thunder and lightning, a fist directly struck towards Du Shaofu.    


Du Shaofu raised his arm and the same punch was directed towards his opponent.    




Purple arcs of lightning were unstoppable, thunder and lightning tens of thousands of times.    




The Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines on Du Shaofu's body was far above his, it was able to suppress the martial veins on his body and that terrifying strength was also able to directly crush him. Compared to before the Supreme Tomb was opened, his cultivation had already advanced by leaps and bounds.    


"I want to see who you are!"    


Du Shaofu's figure pounced out, transforming into a bolt of purple lightning, he extended his hand out, his five fingers curled slightly, and with a claw mark in the air, he directly grabbed at Mo Lingzi's robe cap.    




The black energy surged and Jialou Jueming appeared. He horizontally jumped out, and immediately displayed the Supreme Beast Energy s of the Golden Winged Roc s. His fist collided with Du Shaofu's claw, and directly smashed towards Du Shaofu's palm.    


Du Shaofu's palm print changed as golden light surged. His five fingers extended outwards and turned into a palm print that collided with Jialou Jueming's fist.    


The two of them struck each other, causing the surrounding space to boil. Some floating boulders even exploded on the spot.    


"Tap! Tap!"    


As the overflowing energy was released, Du Shaofu's figure was like a boulder, while Jialou Jueming's figure was directly sent flying.    




Just as Jialou Jueming was retreating due to the shock, a burst of black gold light suddenly swept out from his body, and his body suddenly expanded in size to stabilize itself.    


At the same time, a resplendent dark golden light shot up into the sky, covering the entire sky.    


In an instant, Jialou Jueming transformed into the dark golden colored Golden Winged Roc body, spreading its wings for more than three kilometers, and spreading its wings to cover the sky and the sun.    


A terrifying pressure that covered the skies descended, causing the ancient space to tremble!    


A pair of pitch black eyes that was like a black hole, caused one's heart to jump in fear. They were able to devour a person's soul, and its entire body emitted black lightning. Its aura was intimidating, as if a million giant mountains had pressed down.    


The most terrifying thing was that the black lightning on Jialou Jueming's body rushed out like black light, transforming into black bolts of lightning, causing the sky around the enormous body to be covered with electric arcs, and in a short moment, the entire sky was filled with black lightning waves, creating an extremely terrifying scene.    


"Chi la!"    


Without any hesitation, Jialou Jueyu flapped his wings and directly swept towards Du Shaofu. Dark lightning covered the sky and rippled, shining brilliantly.    


boom rumble rumble *    


At this moment, lightning clouds billowed in the sky and exploded in the sky.    


Dozens of dark lightning bolts that were dozens of feet long overflowed in all directions. These dense dark lightning arcs covered the entire sky, drowning the entire world. It was as if they could destroy everything!    


"Emancipation Nirvana level!"    


Du Shaofu was slightly astonished. At this moment, Jialou Jueming was actually already at the Emancipation Nirvana level, he probably also obtained enormous benefits from the Zhi Zun Tomb, and the Nine Nether Demon Thunder on his body was also not the same as before.    


"Chi la!"    


However, Du Shaofu was not afraid. His body directly passed through the black light lightning, and the Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines on his body seemed to be fearless of all the Spirit Lightning, as if it was devouring the power of the Nine Nether Demon Thunder.    




Jialou Jueming flapped his wings and appeared in the air. A dark lightning spat out from his mouth with unparalleled power, as if a Devil Domain had descended from the skies, leaving nothing behind before shattering into pieces.    


Bolts of black lightning that were as thick as an arm flashed in the air, causing people's hearts to palpitate and their hair to stand on end.    


"Nine Nether Demon Thunder alone is not enough!"    


Du Shaofu opened his mouth and formed a seal with his hand. The Thunderbolt Martial Bloodlines surged and filled the sky with purple lightning bolts that went killing without end, directly destroying the large amount of dark lightning. He punched out explosively with a simple and direct punch, but it was incomparably overbearing.    




Jialou Jueming hurriedly flapped his wings in retaliation, but's fist instead forced the original body that was three thousand meters above the ground to retreat, causing the black light arcing to dissipate.    




In that moment, from behind, a heavenly sound came out, the Six-Wheeled Holy Ring in the sky, Mo Lingzi's figure appeared, with six rings of divine fire in the sky, it was the symbol of the Supreme Nirvana Person, bringing with it a grand aura.    




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