Martial God Conqueror



Old Sovereign's cultivation base was sky-high, and he had spied on everything. His expression immediately darkened, as he had never imagined that the little guy would have such a ruthless and cruel method to deal with him. He would rather die than let the Dharma Clan get everything.    


"Old Sovereign, why did you also want to harm my son, Shaofu, why?!"    


Suddenly, a charming voice came from midair. It was Han Aotong.    


Han Aotong thought for a bit, but in the end, she was still worried, so she came. Coincidentally saw the last scene, the color of the pretty face, its hair dancing in the wind.    


"Third sister, let's go back!"    


A warm voice rang out in the air, and a dazzling light appeared in the sky. A figure then appeared in the sky.    


He blocked in front of Han Aotong, his entire body shining like the stars.    


"When you treated me like this, and now you treat Third Sister like this, could it be that the Dharma Clan is truly without any feelings of kinship at all? It makes my heart go cold!"    


In the sky, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair once again appeared. His eyes seemed to be filled with undulations as his voice sounded rather hoarse.    


"This belongs to you guys, I'll fight you guys!"    


Han Aotong's hair buzzed, her voice was hoarse, her blood energy soared to the clouds, her anger billowed as the sound of wind and thunder resounded from her body. Her body was filled with rune s, her eyebrows were glowing, her eyes were bright, and her aura was shaking the clouds.    


This terrifying aura filled the entire sky in an instant, as if it could suppress the world, destroy everything, and shatter the void. This terrifying aura caused the expressions of all the Expert of Fa Family present to suddenly change.    


"I never thought that Ao Tong's Heaven Soul have actually reached such a stage!"    


Seeing the terrifying aura that Han Aotong was releasing, a group of Expert of Fa Family s cried out in shock.    


"Third Sister, you're too stubborn!"    


The figure within the light shouted, and attacked. Accompanied by the billowing rune, it finally turned into a palm.    


The moment the palm print landed, the surrounding space crumbled. On the palm of his hand, the rune flashed and turned into a resplendent lotus flower pattern, rippling outwards in all directions.    


Han Aotong did not say anything and immediately made his move. He condensed a sword in the air, slashed through space, and also directly struck the palm imprint.    


Within the light, the figure of the man became much clearer. He clenched his fist and wrapped himself around the sword, attempting to destroy it.    


"Chi la!"    


But in just an instant, the sword light instantly cut apart the palm print, causing the air to shatter. A large amount of sword light turned into Sword Qi that swept out in all directions, attacking the hundred over Expert of Fa Family s and elders around, and even bringing with it a terrifying Immortal Soul attack.    


"Han Aotong, what are you trying to do!"    


Immediately, some of the elderly and Expert of Fa Family s cried out in alarm and attacked together to defend themselves. Some of the weaker ones even vomited blood from the attack.    


"If you want to touch my son, I'll kill you!"    


Han Aotong was furious and crazed. This was her mother's nature, bright rune s rushed out from all directions, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, her figure swept across the sky. The Primordial Spirit Storm around her was magnificent and desolate, exuding a kind of pressure that could not be provoked.    


"This is bad!"    


Many Du Family experts who were weaker than the others immediately covered their heads and fled, not daring to take the blow head on.    


"Third sister, you're too presumptuous!"    


The figure within the light flew across the sky, trying to block again.    


"My good big brother, we were born from the same root, why rush?"    


The drunk middle-aged man opened his mouth and suddenly his hair danced. In that moment, he no longer looked like a drunken beggar, but instead, released a boundless aura that resonated with the surrounding sky and earth, causing the space to boil. Many Expert of Fa Family were once again shocked.    


"Second brother, you've also reached such a level!"    


The figure in the light was shocked, but it did not stop. It punched out, sweeping across the air and shattering the void.    


"Although I am dispirited, I do not dare to forget to cultivate!"    


The drunk middle-aged man blocked the attack with his palm, shattering the space.    


"What is proper and proper?"    


Old Sovereign's voice sighed softly, but when it reached the ears, it made people's hearts tremble. Their souls throbbed as light flashed in the air, distorting space and time, locking down time and space.    


Old Sovereign made his move again, waving his hand and locking Han Aotong and the drunk middle-aged man in place. In the end, he passed it to the figure in the light, and said: "Take them down, face the wall and think carefully."    




The glowing figure nodded before leaving.    


"My son, Shaofu!"    


Han Aotong was forced to leave, her expression was crazed and her posture crazed.    


"Drip drip!"    


She was locked up, unable to move. Only tears flowed from her eyes. Those tears were red, suffused with a dark red color. Those were the tears of blood.    


This scene was still fresh in Du Shaofu's mind. His expression was ferocious, and fury burned in his chest.    


Du Shaofu was imprisoned and was unable to move, but veins were popping up on his face.    


His lips turned white, and the light in his eyes darkened. Then, it flickered, and then turned pitch black again. His pupils were twitching with a terrifying ruthlessness that was a flicker of uncontrollable fury.    


At this time, Du Shaofu wanted to kill people, it wanted to fight with all its might, even at the cost of its life.    


However, he was restricted. He could only look on helplessly as his mother's blood flowed from her eyes. The only thing he could do was to make the blue vein on his face twitch.    




Du Shaofu opened his mouth and released an angry roar like a wounded lion. The suppressed anger in his heart shot out like a volcanic eruption.    


At this moment, his chest was filled with fury, like a volcano about to erupt.    


"Law, one day, I will definitely make your blood flow like rivers and your corpses covered the fields!"    


Du Shaofu shouted with an ear-piercing voice. His voice went from low to high, and gradually he roared. His face flushed red and his veins popped, making him look sinister.    


The fury and hatred in Du Shaofu's body at this moment, was like a volcano that had been accumulating for countless years, erupting at this moment. It made the surrounding Expert of Fa Family and seniors feel a chill in their hearts for no reason, and a creepy feeling surged from the depths of their primordial spirit.    


"Take him down, first lock him up in the most secure Sky Prison, and set up a seal to prevent any accidents."    


The Old Sovereign opened his mouth and said: "His primordial spirit has set up a method that cannot be touched, or else his soul and body will be destroyed. I need to think of a way to open the seal, and it will take some time to separate the Intertangling Dragon and imprison them."    


With that said, the Old Sovereign frowned and left.    


"This kid is really cruel and merciless!"    


Hearing Old Sovereign's words, one by one, the Elder of Fa Family looked at Du Shaofu and took a deep breath. No wonder the Old Sovereign was unable to see through his primordial spirit, it turned out to be so fierce, and did not let him off.    


"This kid has quite a few treasures on him!"    


"The Worldly Quake and the Void Holy Light Halberd are both still on that brat, don't let anything unexpected happen!"    


After that, the elders did not forget about the treasure on Du Shaofu's body. That day, Han Aotong appeared after they defeated him, and that brat also casually took away the void Holy Light halberd in the end.    


"There are also the Wilderness' spear, dragon shadow, phoenix whip, Yin-Yang Chain, Mystic Light Void Sword, and Taihang Mountains ? they are all great treasures that will remain in our clan!"    


An old man spoke up to remind the other party. Back then, when Du Shaofu had won the treasures of various families in Certify Martial Arena, the other Clans would be jealous of him as well.    


However, after searching the bodies of the elderly and experts from the Law Family, their faces turned unsightly to behold.    


"This kid doesn't have a single Universe Bag on him, and there aren't even any traces of treasures in his dantian. He only has a pair of Golden Wings of Great Roc."    


After a careful examination, there was an old man who frowned. This Du Shaofu actually did not have a single Universe Bag on him.    


There were also no traces of treasures in Divine Fault, only the pile of Golden Wings of Great Roc s.    


"This guy is crafty, the treasures could be placed on Han Aotong's body, go and search him, especially the Void Holy Light Halberd, nothing can happen to it!"    


Some of the elders thought that Du Shaofu was sly, and perhaps had been on guard for a long time, so they placed everything on Han Aotong.    


"Maybe this kid placed the treasure inside his Niwan Palace?"    


There were some old men who were suspicious, but it seemed as if this kid's Niwan Palace couldn't even detect it.    


"The Void Holy Light Halberd, Taihang Mountains and other treasures are not Immortal Soul stage Holy Artifact. Let alone the fact that this kid is unable to absorb and refine it within a short period of time, even if he were to, he wouldn't be able to place it inside the Niwan Palace."    


An old man said, thinking that Du Shaofu had placed the treasure on Han Aotong.    


"That pair of Golden Wings of Great Roc s are not bad, we can keep them!" An old man who had just inspected Du Shaofu spoke.    


"They are indeed extraordinary. They can stay behind for now and not touch the primordial spirit. This doesn't mean they can't touch the body. This level of treasure should stay behind." Immediately, someone else joined in, their eyes shining brightly.    


"You guys are going too far!"    


elder Han said, his face darkened, his expression did not look too good.    


The Old Sovereign has already spoken. This is a decision made by the clan, and we are all doing it for the good of the clan. As you have heard, this boy has already forgotten about his family.    


His position did not seem to be much lower than elder Han's.    




In the end, an old man personally made his move and used a method to expel Du Shaofu's Golden Wings of Great Roc from his body, causing a golden light to erupt.    


"Good treasure, cut it off by force!"    


The Elder of Fa Family who made a move had blazing eyes, with a supreme technique, he directly pulled out Du Shaofu's Golden Wings of Great Roc.    




Du Shaofu cried out in pain, the Golden Wings of Great Roc had long been connected to his body, and now that it was forcefully pulled out, it was as if his hands and feet were broken, blood gushed out from his back and dyed his purple battle clothes red.    


When the Golden Wings of Great Roc was broken, a golden light immediately shone out, as Golden Winged Roc s covered the entire sky, erupting with endless power, but they were immediately sealed tightly by the Expert of Fa Family.    


"Eh, this Golden Wings of Great Roc seems to be fused with this kid!"    


It was at this time that someone realized that the Golden Wings of Great Roc had fused with Du Shaofu, which was really strange.    


"This blood seems to be the blood of the Golden Wings of Great Roc Bird, it's a treasure!"    


"His Great Supreme Nirvana, his blood contains endless power, a great treasure!"    


Many of the elders revealed happy expressions. Some of them immediately began to collect the precious blood.    




Du Shaofu was in pain, the golden blood on his back dripped out, his expression was sinister, and he laughed unendingly. He was like an angry and injured ferocious beast, sinister to the point that it made people shiver.    


"Stop, you guys have enough!"    


elder Han loudly shouted. In the end, he could not bear it anymore as anger filled his eyes and a cold light shot out from his eyes.    


Only then did the surrounding Elder of Fa Family stop, somewhat fearful.    


"Brat, go stay in the Sky Prison!"    


Finally, the Second Guard carried a cold smile in his eyes and took the initiative to bring Du Shaofu to the strictest prison in the clan. After going through layers of restrictions and protection, they finally entered a prison filled with rune.    


"So what if you have Great Supreme Nirvana? There's still a use in keeping you alive. I'll take your life in a few days, or at that time, I'll let you become a walking corpse of my Law Family."    


The second protector threw the bloodied Du Shaofu into the Sky Prison as a cold smile appeared on his aged face.    


"Old Bastard, do you believe that you will definitely die before me!?"    


Du Shaofu opened his mouth, his gaze becoming like a wild beast as he tightly guarded his Second Protector, his pupils twitching.    


Seeing the look in Du Shaofu's eyes, the Second Guard dared not look straight at him. His heart trembled, this brat was clearly imprisoned, but he still shivered on the inside.    


"Bang bang!"    


In fear, the second protector fiercely smashed a few punches onto Du Shaofu's body.    


"Are you afraid? Haha, if you have the ability, kill me! Old Bastard, old dog, do you dare!"    


Du Shaofu laughed out loud, with blood flowing out of his mouth, he became even more sinister.    


"When Old Sovereign opens the seal in your Niwan Palace, it will be your doomsday!"    


The Second Guard really did not dare, as that was related to the huge secret that the Guardian wanted. If anything were to happen to him, even if there were a hundred of him, he would not be able to take responsibility for it.    


"Drip, drip."    


Within the Sky Prison, golden blood dripped down from Du Shaofu's body and mouth.    


The Sky Plain was a blue sky without a single cloud, as far as the eye could see.    


"Geezer, can you be faster? If something happens to him, we won't be finished."    


A melodious voice echoed out, causing space to rip open in mid-air. Two figures descended, one old man, one young, one man, one woman.    


However, the action that was too excessive 'my father is Li Gang' would not appear. It was another extremely big chapter, and the next chapter would be even later. Xiao Yu has to go to eat first, and continue to beg for flowers and flowers to spend their meal. Heh.    


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