Martial God Conqueror



The moment the astonishing shout came out from Du Shaofu's mouth, it landed right in the hearts of all the Expert of Du Famly s, causing them to tremble with fear.    


"Activate the King's Seal, and kill that rebellious brat!"    


"Activate the formation to kill that kid, so as to avoid any future troubles!"    


"We can't let him escape, otherwise, he will become a huge threat to my Du Mansion in the future!"    


Outside the hall, the elderly man who had Du Mansion let out a loud shout in shock, and instantly, someone joined hands to activate the formation.    


"Rumble ~ ~ ~"    


Within the entire large hall, Talisman Secret Mark flashed and appeared on the ground, beams and stone pillars. Waves of aura suddenly surged out and the large array was activated. Waves after waves of aura immediately erupted out.    




The entire hall shook, the ground shook, and countless rays of light erupted. The space surrounding the hall was already twisted within, energy was converging, shaking people's souls, causing them to tremble in fear. A terrifying killing array immediately covered the entire hall, killing intent surged, annihilating everything, unstoppable!    


"This kid is dead for sure, he's going to die for sure!"    


All of the Du Mansion Elders and Rankers stepped back as they stared at the array which was about to be activated. All of them heaved a sigh of relief.    


It was a killing formation left behind by generations of strong experts in the past few thousand years. It was said that the King Level Expert could also be killed in the formation, and now that Du Shaofu was trapped by the formation, he was dead for sure.    


"Great Clan Elder, Second Clan Elder, there are still some people making trouble outside the door, and the people from Xie Mansion are also among them. How should we deal with them?"    


At this time, in the eyes of everyone, no matter how extraordinary Du Shaofu was, in the eyes of the Great Clan Elder and Second Elder, he would only die in the array.    


Du Shaofu is already dead, is Xie Mansion really able to contend against my Du Mansion? As for those other trash, it's fine if you kill them. " The Du Mansion Great Elder said coldly.    


"Haha, it's fine if you kill him, but what a good Old Thief!"    


Abruptly, in the hall that was enveloped by the King's Great Formation, Du Shaofu's loud roar came out. The sound wave spread out, and immediately after, a golden light spread out from within the distorted King's Great Formation.    


Golden light shrouded the area, and the dazzling golden light exploded like a blazing sun, causing the entire space to warp. The terrifying aura gave off an incomparably oppressive feeling, and soon after, two figures walked out of the killing array.    


Two figures, one big and one small, releasing a terrifying aura, just like a Lord of Terror that had appeared. It was actually a gigantic ape whose entire body was sparkling and translucent, its surrounding Talisman Secret Mark s surging, causing the surrounding Space Ripple s to surge and ripple.    




The ape roared. It's entire body was a golden Talisman Secret Mark, its crystal clear body was wrapped in multicolored light, and its eyes were intelligent like a born Spiritual Pupil. It looked down at everyone in the Du Mansion.    


The small figure was Du Shaofu, standing tall and straight as he walked out, his face firm and resolute, his gaze terrifying, his entire body wrapped in golden light, as though he wanted to drown the entire area in golden light.    


"How could this be? How did Du Shaofu come out?"    


"Impossible, this is definitely impossible, how can the killing array be ineffective against Du Shaofu!"    


Everyone outside the palace was shocked, all of them were terrified. That was the king level great formation with the strongest Du Family, even Martial King Stage experts could be killed inside, how could Du Shaofu walk out unscathed at this moment?    


That terrifying killing array was actually unable to have any effect on Du Shaofu. This was unbelievable, it was unbelievable, her gaze was trembling uncontrollably, as though she had seen a ghost!    


"Old Thief, you want to rely on formations to kill me? I won't allow that to happen!"    


Du Shaofu shouted loudly as he stepped across space. Suddenly, the ground cracked and the mountains trembled as a terrifying aura exploded forth. Step by step, he walked towards the group of people from Du Mansion.    


"This is bad, the formation can't trap this Demon!"    


All of the Du Mansion experts panicked. Seeing that the situation was bad, they trembled with fear and quickly retreated, not daring to approach at all.    


"Could it be that you Old Thief have so little guts? Don't you want to kill me? Why do you only know how to run?"    


Du Shaofu laughed coldly and walked forward step by step. His eyes shone with a golden light and a terrifying aura spread out like a peerless beast.    


"Impudent, today I represent the Du Family of our ancestors in capturing you. You dare to rebel now, if you dare to disobey, you will be punished by the heavens!"    


An old man around sixty years old who had been rushing to kill Du Shaofu the most walked out bravely. With lightning in his eyes, he waved his hand and formed a seal made from rune s, which was then immediately grabbed by Du Shaofu.    


He did not believe that Du Shaofu would dare to go against him. Against an elder, if he went against the law, he would be punished by the heavens!    


"You are heartless, you are old and you do not die. You are despicable and shameless. Today, you shall be punished!"    


Du Shaofu shouted, causing the space to tremble, he immediately waved his hand, and a fist immediately flew out, directly striking the old man's claw imprint.    




A muffled sound rang out as the old man was struck by the fist. His body flew backwards and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were overwhelmed with shock as he smashed against a hard stone wall not too far away.    


"Bang bang!"    


The old man's body smashed against a stone wall, causing a large amount of dust to scatter in the air. After that, his eyes were powerless to close and he did not even let out a scream.    


"Dead. The Third Guard is dead."    


The experts with Du Mansion immediately stepped forward to support the old man who was sent flying. However, they discovered that the old man's fist had shattered his life force, and all his internal organs and Divine Que's had exploded as well.    


"Brat, how dare you!"    


The Great Clan Elder could no longer hold it in, anger could be seen in his old face, as he formed a seal with his hand, his Qi fluctuated, and was about to arrange a Talisman Array to suppress Du Shaofu.    


"Am I being bold, or are you bullying my cowardice!"    


Du Shaofu sneered, and pounced towards the Great Clan Elder.    


"Quick, join hands to suppress this demon and have the Great Clan Elder set up the Talisman Array!"    


After that, quite a few elders and experts started to move together. Their auras surged and a terrifying aura exploded, causing the entire space to tremble and dark clouds to faintly gather in the sky. Thunder flashed in mid-air as their aura suppressed the sky and shook the mountains and rivers!    


"Old Bastard is bullying us!"    


Du Shaofu bellowed, the Rune Wings behind him immediately extended out like a great roc, bringing forth a terrifying overbearing aura that overflowed into the sky, with a flap of its wings, it suppressed everything in its path, extremely overbearing and sharp, its aura engulfing the entire sky, as though it was destroying everything in its path.    




With such a collision, the air was like a clap of thunder, erupting with a series of Rune Light s. The rune's energy shot out violently, causing the surrounding area to tremble.    


He no longer dared to be polite anymore. The grief in his heart and the fury in his heart needed to be washed away with the fresh blood and soul of his Du Mansion.    


"Puchi, puchi!"    


Suddenly, in the Du Family crowd, one figure after another was sent flying. All of them spat out blood, and none of them had the ability to resist as they were directly sent flying. A large number of their figures were killed on the spot, and their bodies were shattered.    




Du Shaofu's figure appeared to be floating like a god, it was unfathomable, immediately appearing in front of the Great Clan Elder who had just formed the array flag and was about to set up the Talisman Array. Her speed was as fast as lightning, her aura was silent and overbearing and sharp, causing the Great Clan Elder to reveal a look of fear, and his old face was filled with disbelief and shock!    


"Brat, you're courting death!"    


With a short pause in shock, the Great Elder, who was at the level of five Star Spirit Tailsman Master, shouted coldly and waved his hand. A mighty palm imprint was immediately thrown towards Du Shaofu.    




The palm print moved like lightning and instantly smashed onto Du Shaofu's body, causing the Great Clan Elder to feel pleased with himself.    


"How could it be so strong? How could it be like this?"    


But then, the look in the Great Clan Elder's eyes changed drastically. His palm strike had only managed to shake Du Shaofu's body.    


"Old Bastard, I had originally wanted to wait for you to set up the Talisman Array but who knew that you would be so slow? I can't wait for you!"    


Du Shaofu sneered, and at the same time, a fist that was wrapped in a golden rune ruthlessly smashed onto the body of the Du Mansion Great Elder.    


"Chi la!"    


Following which, the old body of the Du Family Elder flew out and smashed into the outer wall of a courtyard.    




The instant his old body landed on the ground, blood spurted out from his mouth. The tyrannical and terrifying force caused his old body to feel like a bomb, blasting a deep pit and ravine into the ground. Cracks spread out in all directions, extending into the distance.    


"Damn it! Quickly ask the patriarch to come out! Please come out! Quickly!"    


The Second Elder's eyes were filled with shock, his eyes trembling as his hands formed a seal. The silver serpent flickered, and a lightning palm condensed in between his hands. An old figure suddenly appeared and launched a sneak attack on Du Shaofu.    


"This Old Bastard of yours is too shameless!"    


Du Xiaoyao's golden ape figure appeared right in front of the Second Elder. Suddenly, he punched out with his fist, and a misty radiance exploded outwards, as if the heaven and earth had just opened up. There was a kind of inexplicable pressure, as if his soul was about to explode.    


"The update is complete today."    


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