Martial God Conqueror



"Human, go and die for this ancestor!"    


The Blood Progenitor roared. His gaze was sharp, as if a Blood Arrow had pierced through it!    


His figure quickly rushed out, flying towards Du Shaofu's direction!    




In the next instant, that old body transformed into the true form of the blood coloured phoenix, appearing in the air!    


As a Xiantian lifeform, the Blood Progenitor's true body was incomparably powerful. It was like a red cloud that covered half the sky!    


Boundless amounts of blood accompanied the hellblood phoenix as it crazily filled the air. It was like a sea of blood had swept through the skies, making anyone who looked at it feel their scalps go numb!    


The terrifying bloodthirsty and ruthless aura spread out. Wherever it passed, everything in the world turned into nothingness!    


"Old ghost, come!"    


In front of the Blood Ancestor, Du Shaofu was standing opposite to it.    


From the pair of Dragon Pupil, a terrifying and ominous glint was emitted!    


Seeing that the Blood Progenitor was about to attack, Du Shaofu did not hesitate and dragged his Infinity Dragon Body as he charged forward!    


A dragon and a phoenix collided for the second time!    


The entire eleventh level of hell was stirred up. All the remaining devil race members as well as the several million experts that came from the thirty-third day all retreated to the edge of the battlefield. No one dared to approach the battlefield lightly.    


"What a terrifying battle. This Blood Progenitor was seriously injured. Otherwise, it would be hard to imagine just how terrifying his true strength would be!"    


Du Xiaoyao's eyes were filled with shock. As he spied the battles that were going on far away, he was unable to calm the shock in his heart.    


Be it the Blood Progenitor's or Du Shaofu's, the power that they were unleashing was far beyond what he could comprehend!    


The two of them were extremely terrifying, Du Xiaoyao felt that if he recklessly went forward, even if he had ten thousand lives, he would be instantly killed!    


That kind of fight was not something that he could get involved in!    


"It's a good thing. Otherwise, if he was in his prime, we would have been killed by the Blood Progenitor long ago. How could we have had the chance to fight him?"    


Qu Dao Jue's tone was calm. Although he had a stern and stern expression on his face, he had seen more battles than others, so other than being worried about the battle between the Blood Ancestor and Du Shaofu, he was not surprised at all!    


He was only silently praying that Du Shaofu, Lu Jingyun, Long Que and the others could really defeat the Blood Progenitor!    


They had already entered the eleventh level of hell and were advancing towards the twelfth level. They definitely could not waste too much time on this level!    


Otherwise, when the demons finally reacted, they would be met with a terrible resistance!    


And at that point, if one wanted to forcefully push through, there would be a massive resistance. There would be even more powerhouses that would die here, in the 18 Hells!    


"I believe that my father, Brother Jing Yun, and the rest will definitely defeat the Blood Progenitor!"    


Little Star was standing beside Qu Dao Jue. His beautiful eyes were flashing with a bright light.    


Amongst all of them, she was the one who had the most confidence in this match.    


And this kind of confidence, was not only because of her group of extremely powerful brothers and sisters, but more importantly, was coming from his father, Du Shaofu.    


Over the years, Little Star had seen Du Shaofu creating too many miracles. In her mind, there was nothing that Du Shaofu could not accomplish, even if the Blood Ancestor's cultivation was extremely shocking, it would definitely be reversed by her father, or even be suppressed!    


"That's right!" Let's watch and see. I believe that the outcome of the battle will be decided very soon! "    


Du Xiaoyao also nodded and said the same.    


After that, everyone no longer said anything as they continued to gaze into the distance, watching the intense battle between Du Shaofu and the Blood Progenitor!    






Terrifying dragon cries and phoenix cries interweaved. The sound penetrated the soul, causing the primordial spirit to tremble!    


Every time the cry of a dragon and the cry of a phoenix sounded, one would see the body of the Infinite Azure Dragon collide with the body of the enormous blood coloured phoenix that covered the skies!    


"Chi la!"    


The green dragon claw was ferocious, and with every attack, it would shatter the sky!    


That dragon tail, which contained immense power, was even more terrifying as it collided with the Blood Progenitor's body time and time again!    


The power that the Blood Progenitor had displayed was much more powerful than before, and he had quickly overturned the balance of power that was originally evenly matched, pushing Du Shaofu down yet again!    


He flapped his wings and killed, his only remaining wing acting like a gigantic blade, slashing crazily on Du Shaofu's body, emitting the sound of metal hitting metal!    


The two claws were like hooks, ripping the sky open as Chaotic Qi shot out!    




Du Shaofu roared, her eyes scarlet red!    


He controlled the Void Eight Trigrams, and continuously absorbed the power of over two hundred Sedentary Amnesia Expert s, circulating it into his body.    


Under the dual effects of the Cyan Spirit Armor and the Immortal Profound Body, Du Shaofu felt that his strength had reached its peak, and he could no longer withstand even the slightest amount of strength.    


However, the Blood Progenitor was truly terrifying. Its strength was terrifying beyond compare as it suppressed him!    


Every time that single wing and those two sharp claws descended, they would cause numerous wounds on his Azure Dragon body, causing it to be badly mutilated!    


Very quickly, Du Shaofu felt that he had suffered from heavy injuries!    


"This won't do. If this goes on, I still won't be able to defeat this old geezer!"    


Du Shaofu frowned, his heart heavy.    


He had practically unleashed his strongest strength. If he was still unable to defeat the Blood Progenitor, this trip would be somewhat dangerous!    


Du Shaofu pondered in his heart, whether he should continue fighting or retreat out of the eighteen levels of hell.    


After all, before entering this place, Senior Brother Lu Shaoyu had once said that these millions of people in the eighteen levels of hell must preserve their lives, not to engage in a life-and-death struggle with the devil race!    


Qin Lie frowned. As he continued to fight with the Blood Progenitor, he pondered over his final decision!    


"Uncle Du, if it really doesn't work, let's leave! The Blood Progenitor's strength is too great. I underestimated him! "    


In a certain location of the Void Eight Trigrams, Lu Jingyun spoke with a bit of a lamenting tone.    


However, the result before his eyes, was not out of Lu Jingyun's expectations. The Blood Progenitor's body was incomparably strong, and if he were to fight with his father Lu Shaoyou at his peak, the outcome would be hard to predict!    


And after going through so many heavy injuries, the fact that the Blood Progenitor still possessed such a terrifying Combat Power, was not something Lu Jingyun had never imagined!    


As such, he was a little worried, and did not want to continue fighting. Otherwise, he and the rest might be injured, and Du Shaofu would be the most dangerous one!    


"Are we really going to retreat just like that?"    


Hearing Lu Jingyun's words, Du Shaofu frowned, he did not answer immediately, and instead thought unwillingly.    


After a while, he said, "Why don't we just put it all on the line again? This old geezer is indeed strong, but I think we can still give it a try!"    


As Du Shaofu was speaking, the Dragon Pupil turned and swept its eyes over the many experts in all directions.    


"Uncle Du, if it's really not possible, let's leave, don't force yourself! That mottled old bird is not easy to deal with. At this time, we have yet to meet a truly powerful demon race person, so we definitely cannot lose too many powerhouses because of him! "    


Long Que also felt it was heavy, and advised Du Shaofu like this.    


His words caused many experts to nod their heads in agreement.    


They had only reached the eleventh level of hell, and the strongest devil they had encountered was only a small number of Sedentary Amnesia!    


As for the most terrifying devil race's Devil Ancestor, two great devil servants, and several demon generals, not a single one had appeared yet!    


If a decisive battle were to take place here, at this very moment, and the Blood Progenitor caused the death of a large number of experts from the 33 Heavens, then this would be a huge debt!    


"That's right!" Yu Qing Divine Emperor, we still have a chance, we don't have to sacrifice too much just for that old ghost! This old man thinks that with Divine Emperor's cultivation, it won't be long before he can fight against that old ghost and suppress him with haughtiness.    


A powerhouse of the third level of the Sedentary Amnesia said.    


"That's right, the Divine Emperor has extraordinary talent. It would not be difficult for them to surpass that old ghost!"    


When the other experts heard this, they all nodded in agreement.    


Everyone understood Du Shaofu a little, and knew of his many achievements. They believed that Du Shaofu would not be able to reach the true Dao Bearing Stage in a short amount of time, but he would definitely be able to surpass the Blood Ancestor's current strength!    


At that time, he would have too much of an advantage if he were to fight the Blood Progenitor again!    


"This old geezer …"    


Du Shaofu heard the words of the crowd, but he still subconsciously looked at the Blood Progenitor's body and frowned.    


Qin Lie still wasn't willing to give up. If he couldn't defeat the Blood Progenitor with the strength of so many experts, then it wouldn't be an easy task to kill him in the future!    


One had to know that while it was true that one's strength would continue to grow, the Blood Progenitor's strength would also gradually recover!    


Once he recovered to his peak state, he would have another formidable enemy!    


The best outcome would be to kill the opponent here. Of course, Du Shaofu knew that it would be very difficult!    


While dealing with the constantly attacking Blood Progenitor's body, he struggled in his mind, unsure of what to do.    


"I still want to try again!"    


After a long while, Du Shaofu suddenly raised his eyes and said.    


When Lu Jingyun and the rest heard that, they were quiet for a moment.    


"Is there any other way for the Uncle Du? "If you continue to endure our attacks, you won't be able to withstand it!"    


Long Xu asked worriedly, looking at Du Shaofu with a serious face.    


"That's right!" "There's no need for us to risk our lives for a Blood Progenitor. We still have many true enemies!"    


In the 33 Heavens, there were experts who spoke out to stop him.    


Everyone spoke out, they did not wish for Du Shaofu to fight anymore, this was a huge challenge for him, if he were to try to force it, he would likely receive irreversible damage, and even shake his foundation!    


"NO!" I still have a way. If I don't give it a try, how could I be willing to leave? "    


Du Shaofu shook his head and said.    


Indeed, he still had a few methods that he had yet to use, but he wasn't too sure in his heart. He didn't know if it would work or not, because that was why he was hesitating.    


"Since the Uncle Du still has some ideas, then let's fight again!"    


Lu Jingyun frowned, and looked at the experts.    


"Hahaha! This old one truly respects the Yu Qing Divine Emperor's noble attitude, I will help you fight with the Blood Ancestor again! "    


An old man with a white beard suddenly laughed, his old laughter resonating through the air, his eyes looking at Du Shaofu with endless appreciation.    


"Alright!" Yu Qing Divine Emperor needs our cooperation, please state it directly! "    


Another expert spoke out.    


Many people looked at Du Shaofu, and their entire bodies were filled with an unquenchable fighting intent.    


How could they possibly want to retreat? They were only afraid of the Blood Progenitor's terrifying might and didn't want to make any unnecessary sacrifices. That was why they decided to retreat!    


And now that they saw Du Shaofu's high spirits, many of the experts were affected!    


Their goal in entering the eighteenth level of hell was to find out the truth about the demons, and at the same time, to take care of a large number of powerhouses on the other side, so as to reduce the losses of the 33 Heavens in the final battle!    


However, with the appearance of the Blood Progenitor's body, they stopped in their tracks and were no longer able to move forward. If they did not finish off the Blood Progenitor, they would no longer be able to move deeper into the eighteen hells!    


Even now, no one had met with a real powerhouse of the demon race. No one would be willing to withdraw just like that!    


"I have a way to absorb more power, but during this process, not only me, but everyone else will also take the risk! Therefore, everyone has to be careful. Victory or defeat, will all be decided in one go! "    


Du Shaofu moved the Dragon Body and shot a beam of light into the sky as he said solemnly.    


Following that, he turned his thoughts to everyone else and once again laid out a new round of plans!    


Following Du Shaofu's explanation, everyone finally understood Du Shaofu's plan!    


"This kid is trying to borrow the power of the Realm of Virtual Dao to fuse everyone's power together and fight the Blood Progenitor! "This idea is too bold. If it succeeds, we will definitely sweep the Blood Progenitor away. The result of our defeat will be unimaginable!"    


There was an expert who spoke with a serious look in his eyes. He felt that Du Shaofu was really crazy.    


That brat used the Four Great Primordial Power of Laws to reach the Virtual Dao Stage. The reason he was able to break through was because he had successfully merged the Four Great Primal Laws together!    


Therefore, Du Shaofu's plan was to once again condense the power of over two hundred Sedentary Amnesia Expert s into one with the fusion of the Four Great Primal Codes and fight the Blood Progenitor!    


Upon hearing his words, everyone instantly understood that this method was absolutely insane. As long as the Blood Progenitor couldn't unleash even more of his absolute power, he would definitely be able to suppress him!    


"No worries!" Since there was an opportunity to defeat the Blood Progenitor, why hesitate? If we can really suppress him, it would be worth it to take some risks! "    


An expert spoke in a low voice.    


The Blood Progenitor was the strongest enemy they had encountered since entering the eighteen hells.    


If it was difficult to even pass this stage, how could he face the powerful demons again?    


In that moment, everyone activated the fighting intent in their hearts, and released their tyrannical power at the same time, continuing to pour it into Du Shaofu's body!    


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